16 research outputs found

    Early Detection of Mental Health of Doctoral Students UAD due to the Covid-19 Pandemic through the Questionnaire Method

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    Stress and a decrease in student learning achievement can be triggered by the mal-adaptive coping experienced, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic which requires students to adjust physically and psychologically in the learning process on campus which is now done online and is more independent in learning. So, psychological support for students, especially UAD doctoral students, needs to be done, one of which is mental health screening. The purpose of this study was to determine the mental health condition and social support of students. In the end, this will be the basis for providing psychological support and improving educational and learning activities for UAD Doctoral program students. The research method used was the adjustment and validation of the Self-Report Questionnaire (SRQ) 29, covering aspects of mental health, namely anxiety, depression, stress, use of psychostimulants/substances, symptoms of psychosis (reality rating disorder) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); Customize and validate social support questionnaires; Submission of ethical review; and Conducting an online survey of mental health, anxiety, depression and social support for Doctoral students. The results obtained from SRQ29 showed that as many as 30% of students experienced PTSD and 10% experienced depression. However, the results of the high religiosity test and quality of life were not compromised. The conclusion of this study is that the existence of religiosity and spirituality can provide positive coping to reduce mental disorders and improve the quality of life for students during the COVID-19 pandemic

    The Effect Of Betel Leaf Extract Spray On Histopathology Of Wound Healing

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    Luka disebut sebagai 'Silent Epidemic’ karena memiliki dampak yang substansial apabila tidak ditangani dengan tepat. Daun sirih diketahui mengandung senyawa yang berpotensi sebagai penyembuh luka. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji aktivitas sprayekstrak daun sirih (Piper betle L) dalam menyembuhkan luka akut pada mencit Balb/C jantan. Formula spraydibuat dengan variasi konsentrasi ekstrak daun sirih sebesar 3% (S1), 5% (S2) dan 7% (S3). Uji aktivitas penyembuhan luka akutyaitu 15 ekor mencit dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok S1, S2, S3, P (kontrol positif), dan C (kontrol negatif). Intervensi dan observasi dilakukan selama 14 hari. Hasil observasi dianalisis dengan menghitung rasio luas luka dan ketebalan epitel. Analisis data kemudian dilakukan dengan One Way ANOVAdan uji Post Hoc Tukey Cramer. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa sprayekstrak daun sirih semua konsentrasi mempunyai aktivitas penyembuh luka dan konsentrasi 7% berbeda tidak signifikan terhadap kontrol positif (p>0,05). Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini yaitu sprayekstrak daun sirih 3%, 5%, dan 7% berpotensi sebagai penyembuh luka akut, aktivitas penyembuhan yang terbaik ditunjukkan pada konsentrasi 7%. Kata kunci:Spray; Piper betle l; Luka aku

    Ringkasan Bukti Korespondensi Jurnal

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    Ringkasan Bukti Korespondensi Jurnal Ahmad Dahlan Medical Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): November 2022 Lampiran 1: Penulis melakukan submission artikel pada 30 oktober 2022 pada Ahmad Dahlan Medical Journal Lampiran 2: Pada tanggal 15 november 2022, penulis mendapatkan pemberitahuan bahwa penulis diminta untuk merevisi artikel (revisions required) Lampiran 3: Pada tanggal 22 november 2022, penulis mengirimkan hasil revisi yang diminta oleh reviewer Lampiran 4: Pada tanggal 28 november 2022, penulis mendapatkan notifikasi bahwa artikel diterima (accept submission) Lampiran 5: Pada tanggal 30 november 2022 artikel dinyatakan terbit (published

    Wound healing activity of aloe vera extract spray on acute wound in male balb/c mice

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    Acute wounds are tissue injuries that are at risk of infection so they require good treatment and care. Aloe vera (Aloe vera L) contains glukomanan compound that are thought to be beneficial in the wound healing process. Spray preparations in the treatment of wounds can provide concentrared content, dry quickly, and easy to use. The purpose of this study was to examine the spray activity of Aloe extract as an acute wound healer in male balb/c mice. This research method is experimental research. The steps that have been carried out include maceration extraction from Aloe vera simplicia powder with 70% ethanol which is then thick extracted in freeze drying to powder extract. Aloe vera spray preparations are made with concentrations of 1%, 3% and 5%. Balb / C mice that had made full thickness acute wounds were divided into 5 treatment groups namely positive control (PC), negative control (NC), F1, F2, and F3. Mice were treated for 14 days then the wound ratio was calculated and analyzed with one way anova test followed by post hoc tukey cramer test. The results showed that the higher of the percentage of Aloe vera extract is the higher of the wound healing activity.

    Hasil cek similarity" Early Detection of Mental Health of Doctoral Students UAD due to the Covid-19 Pandemic through the Questionnaire Method"

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    Stress and a decrease in student learning achievement can be triggered by the mal-adaptive coping experienced, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic which requires students to adjust physically and psychologically in the learning process on campus which is now done online and is more independent in learning. So, psychological support for students, especially UAD doctoral students, needs to be done, one of which is mental health screening. The purpose of this study was to determine the mental health condition and social support of students. In the end, this will be the basis for providing psychological support and improving educational and learning activities for UAD Doctoral program students. The research method used was the adjustment and validation of the Self-Report Questionnaire (SRQ) 29, covering aspects of mental health, namely anxiety, depression, stress, use of psychostimulants/substances, symptoms of psychosis (reality rating disorder) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); Customize and validate social support questionnaires; Submission of ethical review; and conducting an online survey of mental health, anxiety, depression and social support for Doctoral students. The results obtained from SRQ29 showed that as many as 30% of students experienced PTSD and 10% experienced depression. However, the results of the high religiosity test and quality of life were not compromised. The conclusion of this study is that the existence of religiosity and spirituality can provide positive coping to reduce mental disorders and improve the quality of life for students during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Hasil cek similarity"Efektivitas Kombinasi Plasma Jet Non -Thermal Dan Spray Aloe vera (L). Burm. f . Pada Penyembuhan Luka Diabetes"

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    Plasma jet non thermal has benefit in wound healing, but less control can to accumulation of reactive oxygen species. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the combination of plasma jet and A. vera spray 1% for wound healing in diabetic wounds mice model with parameters of malondialdehyde levels, the skin wound ratio, and blood profile. This study used male Balb/C were induced by a streptozotocin (STZ) and divided into 4 groups, namely groups of untreated diabetic mice wounds (N), groups of diabetic mice wound with A. vera spray 1% (Av), groups of diabetic mice wound with plasma jet non thermal at distance of 20 mm for 3 minutes (P), and groups of diabetic mice wound with plasma jet non thermal at distance of 20 mm for 3 minutes and A. vera spray 1% (PAv). The solution of A. vera spray 1% preparation consists of A. vera, DMSO, and aquabidest extracts. The wounds of all groups treated for 14 days then the malondialdehyde, skin wound ratio and blood profile were calculated by SPSS Statistic. The results of blood glucose before treatment were 241.74 dL ± 51.99. The combination of plasma jet and A. vera spray 1% groups were significant (p 0.05), and not effect on blood profile data (p> 0.05). In conclusion, A. vera spray 1% can reduce the side effects of plasma jet in diabetic wounds by reducing malondialdehyde levels

    Hasil cek similarity" Efektivitas Perlakuan Kombinatif Plasma Medis dan Ekstrak Daun Sirih untuk Mempercepat Penyembuhan Luka Fase Proliferasi pada Model Mencit Diabetik"

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    The continued increase in the number of people with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in Indonesia is a serious problem. One of the big problems for people with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is the emergence of complications of diabetic wounds. To date the strategy for treatment of diabetic wounds has been limited to the use of wound dressing, cell therapy and oxygen therapy. The problem is that the strategy is not fully successful. Thus, it is very important to look for new strategies to improve the quality of diabetic wound healing, such as by applying a combination of plasma medicine and local natural product, like the extraction of Daun sirih (Piper betle) leaves. Plasma medicine is a relatively new and multidisciplinary study involving plasma science, biomedical, pharmaceutical and other health sciences aimed at applying plasma to therapeutic health. Plasma is the fourth phase of matter, after the solid, liquid and gas phase. The medical aspects of plasma are related to the ability of plasma to produce biological molecules Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species (RONS). If RONS is controlled in the right dosage it can be efficacious for health therapy. This study intends to examine the effects of combinative treatment of plasma medicine and Piper betel leaf extract for proliferation phase of wound healing in diabetic small animal model. This study used male Balb c mice with acute wounds which were divided into 5 groups, namely groups of untreated normal mice (ND-TP), groups of untreated diabetic mice (D-TP), groups of diabetic mice wounds with Piper betel leaf extract (DS ), the wound group of diabetic mice with plasma medicine (DP) and the wound group of diabetic mice with plasma medicine and Piper betel leaf (DPS). The plasma medicine was treated on wound with condition non-contact style (the plasma jet did not touch the wound) with a distance of plasma jet reactor nozzle to the surface of wound about 20 mm, for 2 minutes, every day. Macroscopic observation of wounds is carried out every day from day 0 to 7. On day 7 it was seen that the size of the wound area for D-P-S was smaller than the other groups. The results of this study indicated that Piper betel leaf extract can potentially be used to optimize the performance of plasma medicine in accelerating diabetic wound healing during the proliferation phase. Further investigation, however, is important to be conducted to study the effect for all phases of wound healing and its mechanism histo-pathologically

    Hasil Cek Similarity" When plasma jet is effective for chronic wound bacteria inactivation, is it also effective for wound healing?"

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    Purpose: This investigation aimed to compare the effectiveness of two styles of plasma jet treatment (i.e., contact and non-contact styles) for two biological materials, namely, wound related bacteria and acute wounds. Method: An atmospheric plasma jet operated at a frequency of 18.32 kHz and high AC voltage with a peak-topeak voltage of 9.58 kV and a current of 55.2 mA was applied. Argon gas was used as the carries gas of plasma jet generation and was fixed at a flow rate of 1 standard liters per minute (slm).Two biological materials (i.e., wound related bacteria and acute wound) were applied as experimental objects. The sample groups were based on the two styles of plasma jet treatment: contact and non-contact styles. Microbial inhibition zone calculation and macroscopic and histological observations were also performed. Results: This investigation emphasized that the contact and non-contact styles of plasma jet treatment had significantly different effects for wounds and wound-related chronic bacteria. On the one hand, the contact style was visually attractive and more effective for inactivate bacteria. On the other hand, it caused negative effects, such as damaging normal tissue, significantly impeding wound healing and impeding the growing of new epithelial tissue. The non-contact style, however, was less effective at inactivating bacteria; however, it could accelerate wound healing. Conclusion: In the context of wound healing, the non-contact style of plasma jet treatment may be better than the contact style of plasma jet treatment

    Hasil cek similarity" Ethanolic extract of the natural product of Daun sirih (Piper betle) leaves may impede the effectiveness of the plasma jet contact style for acute wounds"

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    Purpose: An investigation was carried out to determine the effect of an ethanolic extract of the natural product of Daun sirih or Piper betle leaves on the effectiveness of plasma jet treatment for cutaneous acute wound healing in a small animal model mimicking a clinical setting. Method: An atmospheric plasma jet using medical grade argon gas as a carrier gas was developed. The ethanolic extract of Piper betle leaf (EPB) was formulated. Optical emission spectroscopy and chemical methods were applied to evaluate the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) in the gas phase and in aqueous and ethanolic media. Small animals were classified into 5 groups, namely, Control (C), Plasma jet (P), Ethanolic extract of Piper betle leaf (EPB), Plasma jet followed by EPB (P-EPB) and EPB followed by plasma jet (EPB-P). The contact and meander styles of plasma jet treatment for wounds were applied daily on acute wounds for 1 min, either alone or before or after EPB treatments. Visual evaluation of wounds was conducted for 14 days. Microscopic evaluation was conducted on days 7, 11 and 14. General staining, namely, haematoxylin-eosin and Azan staining, was conducted to evaluate neoepithelialisation and new collagen formation. Results: This research showed that wound healing in the P group was faster than that in the other groups, while that in groups containing EPB was the same as that in C. In the P group, the number of days to reach peak inflammation was the fewest. On day 7, neoepithelialisation and new collagen formation in P were significantly higher than those in other groups. Conclusion: Plasma jet treatment alone is able to promote inflammation, neoepithelialisation and new collagen formation to accelerate acute wound healing; however, its admixture with EPB may impede such effectiveness. Based on the characterization of the ROS and RNS results, the ethanol solvent may play a primary role in impeding its effectivenes

    Ethanolic extract of the natural product of Daun sirih (Piper betle) leaves may impede the effectiveness of the plasma jet contact style for acute wounds

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    Purpose: An investigation was carried out to determine the effect of an ethanolic extract of the natural product of Daun sirih or Piper betle leaves on the effectiveness of plasma jet treatment for cutaneous acute wound healing in a small animal model mimicking a clinical setting. Method: An atmospheric plasma jet using medical grade argon gas as a carrier gas was developed. The ethanolic extract of Piper betle leaf (EPB) was formulated. Optical emission spectroscopy and chemical methods were applied to evaluate the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) in the gas phase and in aqueous and ethanolic media. Small animals were classified into 5 groups, namely, Control (C), Plasma jet (P), Ethanolic extract of Piper betle leaf (EPB), Plasma jet followed by EPB (P-EPB) and EPB followed by plasma jet (EPB-P). The contact and meander styles of plasma jet treatment for wounds were applied daily on acute wounds for 1 min, either alone or before or after EPB treatments. Visual evaluation of wounds was conducted for 14 days. Microscopic evaluation was conducted on days 7, 11 and 14. General staining, namely, haematoxylin-eosin and Azan staining, was conducted to evaluate neoepithelialisation and new collagen formation. Results: This research showed that wound healing in the P group was faster than that in the other groups, while that in groups containing EPB was the same as that in C. In the P group, the number of days to reach peak inflammation was the fewest. On day 7, neoepithelialisation and new collagen formation in P were significantly higher than those in other groups. Conclusion: Plasma jet treatment alone is able to promote inflammation, neoepithelialisation and new collagen formation to accelerate acute wound healing; however, its admixture with EPB may impede such effectiveness. Based on the characterization of the ROS and RNS results, the ethanol solvent may play a primary role in impeding its effectiveness