194 research outputs found

    Biomolecular resource utilization in elementary cell-free gene circuits

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    We present a detailed dynamical model of the behavior of transcription-translation circuits in vitro that makes explicit the roles played by essential molecular resources. A set of simple two-gene test circuits operating in a cell-free biochemical 'breadboard' validate this model and highlight the consequences of limited resource availability. In particular, we are able to confirm the existence of biomolecular 'crosstalk' and isolate its individual sources. The implications of crosstalk for biomolecular circuit design and function are discussed

    An analytical approach to bistable biological circuit discrimination using real algebraic geometry

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    Biomolecular circuits with two distinct and stable steady states have been identified as essential components in a wide range of biological networks, with a variety of mechanisms and topologies giving rise to their important bistable property. Understanding the differences between circuit implementations is an important question, particularly for the synthetic biologist faced with determining which bistable circuit design out of many is best for their specific application. In this work we explore the applicability of Sturm's theorem—a tool from nineteenth-century real algebraic geometry—to comparing ‘functionally equivalent’ bistable circuits without the need for numerical simulation. We first consider two genetic toggle variants and two different positive feedback circuits, and show how specific topological properties present in each type of circuit can serve to increase the size of the regions of parameter space in which they function as switches. We then demonstrate that a single competitive monomeric activator added to a purely monomeric (and otherwise monostable) mutual repressor circuit is sufficient for bistability. Finally, we compare our approach with the Routh–Hurwitz method and derive consistent, yet more powerful, parametric conditions. The predictive power and ease of use of Sturm's theorem demonstrated in this work suggest that algebraic geometric techniques may be underused in biomolecular circuit analysis

    Gene Circuit Performance Characterization and Resource Usage in a Cell-Free “Breadboard”

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    The many successes of synthetic biology have come in a manner largely different from those in other engineering disciplines; in particular, without well-characterized and simplified prototyping environments to play a role analogous to wind-tunnels in aerodynamics and breadboards in electrical engineering. However, as the complexity of synthetic circuits increases, the benefits—in cost savings and design cycle time—of a more traditional engineering approach can be significant. We have recently developed an in vitro “breadboard” prototyping platform based on E. coli cell extract that allows biocircuits to operate in an environment considerably simpler than, but functionally similar to, in vivo. The simplicity of this system makes it a promising tool for rapid biocircuit design and testing, as well as for probing fundamental aspects of gene circuit operation normally masked by cellular complexity. In this work, we characterize the cell-free breadboard using real-time and simultaneous measurements of transcriptional and translational activities of a small set of reporter genes and a transcriptional activation cascade. We determine the effects of promoter strength, gene concentration, and nucleoside triphosphate concentration on biocircuit properties, and we isolate the specific contributions of essential biomolecular resources—core RNA polymerase and ribosomes—to overall performance. Importantly, we show how limits on resources, particularly those involved in translation, are manifested as reduced expression in the presence of orthogonal genes that serve as additional loads on the system

    In vitro inhibition of human sarcoma cells' invasive ability by bis(5-amidino-2-benzimidazolyl)methane--a novel esteroprotease inhibitor.

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    Bis(5-amidino-2-benzimidazolyl)methane (BABIM) is a synthetic aromatic amidine compound which has a number of important biochemical effects, including inhibition of a family of esteroproteases (trypsin, urokinase, plasmin) previously linked to the complex process of tumor invasion. Previous work has suggested that exogenous natural protease inhibitors can block invasion of tumor cells across basement membranes (BM) in vitro. The authors studied the effect of BABIM on the human cell line HT-1080 with the use of a quantitative in vitro amnion invasion assay system. They have verified the ability of these cells to grow in nude mice and metastasize via the lymphatics or blood vessels on the basis of the route of administration of the inoculum. Cells which were able to actively cross the entire BM were trapped on filters and counted by both brightfield microscopy and by beta scintillation counting of cells whose DNA was labeled with tritiated thymidine. In agreement with either counting technique, BABIM, at a concentration of 10(-4) M, significantly inhibited invasion (P less than 0.005) over the 7-day course of the experiments. Under these conditions, the inhibitor was nontoxic and did not alter the attachment of the cells to the amniotic membrane. Furthermore, a highly significant inhibition of invasion (P less than 0.001) was also demonstrated across a variation in molar concentration of BABIM of more than 2 orders of magnitude. Most remarkably, cells were initially inhibited in their ability to invade in the presence of between 10(-9) and 10(-3) M BABIM. Measurement of Type IV specific collagenase in media from these cells shows a significant inhibition of activity in the presence of BABIM. These results suggest two, not necessarily exclusive, alternative interpretations: first, that inhibition of the proteolytic steps along the pathway of activation of basement membrane degrading enzymes results in inhibition of invasion; second, that arginine directed esteroproteases may work in concert with cellular collagenolytic metalloproteinases in the process of invasion by human tumor cells through native matrix barriers

    Lifetime occupational exposure to metals and welding fumes, and risk of glioma: a 7-country population-based case–control study

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    Background: Brain tumor etiology is poorly understood. Based on their ability to pass through the blood–brain barrier, it has been hypothesized that exposure to metals may increase the risk of brain cancer. Results from the few epidemiological studies on this issue are limited and inconsistent. Methods: We investigated the relationship between glioma risk and occupational exposure to five metals - lead, cadmium, nickel, chromium and iron- as well as to welding fumes, using data from the seven-country INTEROCC study. A total of 1800 incident glioma cases and 5160 controls aged 30–69 years were included in the analysis. Lifetime occupational exposure to the agents was assessed using the INTEROCC JEM, a modified version of the Finnish job exposure matrix FINJEM. Results: In general, cases had a slightly higher prevalence of exposure to the various metals and welding fumes than did controls, with the prevalence among ever exposed ranging between 1.7 and 2.2% for cadmium to 10.2 and 13.6% for iron among controls and cases, respectively. However, in multivariable logistic regression analyses, there was no association between ever exposure to any of the agents and risk of glioma with odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) ranging from 0.8 (0.7–1.0) for lead to 1.1 (0.7–1.6) for cadmium. Results were consistent across models considering cumulative exposure or duration, as well as in all sensitivity analyses conducted. Conclusions: Findings from this large-scale international study provide no evidence for an association between occupational exposure to any of the metals under scrutiny or welding fumes, and risk of glioma

    Targeted Sequencing in Chromosome 17q Linkage Region Identifies Familial Glioma Candidates in the Gliogene Consortium

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    Glioma is a rare, but highly fatal, cancer that accounts for the majority of malignant primary brain tumors. Inherited predisposition to glioma has been consistently observed within non-syndromic families. Our previous studies, which involved non-parametric and parametric linkage analyses, both yielded significant linkage peaks on chromosome 17q. Here, we use data from next generation and Sanger sequencing to identify familial glioma candidate genes and variants on chromosome 17q for further investigation. We applied a filtering schema to narrow the original list of 4830 annotated variants down to 21 very rare (,0.1% frequency), non-synonymous variants. Our findings implicate the MYO19 and KIF18B genes and rare variants in SPAG9 and RUNDC1 as candidates worthy of further investigation. Burden testing and functional studies are planned

    The promotion of interest in the role of the physician associate as a potential career opportunity for nurses: An alternative strategy

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    Several frameworks are presented for understanding the development of interest in the role of the Physician Associate as a potential career opportunity for nurses. The contribution of professional role identification with nursing, medicine, and amalgamation of the two professions are explored as a basis for career choice. The usefulness of the current mobility model in health careers emphasizing differential vertical and horizontal mobility is contrasted with a classical sociological mobility model. Deficiencies are noted in both professional role identification and mobility models employing horizontal and vertical mobility as a basis for the development of interest in the role of the Physician Associate as a potential career opportunity for nurses.An examination of the factors implicit in the development of the Physician Associate in the emerging nations leads to significant understandings with regard to the development of interest in assuming some roles in those settings. Such cross cultural considerations make possible an integrated approach for understanding interest development of the Physician Associate. Attention is focused upon interest development as a function of: 1. 1. Individual competencies.2. 2. Aspirational patterns.3. 3. The structure of opportunities which are made available, as well as upon specific career strategies.Examination of these factors indicates that a major deterrent to career development by nurses in the role of Physician Associate is the pervasive psycho-sexual deference associated with current nursing practice. Attention to this factor in both training and practice setting is imperative in order to facilitate role alteration by nurses.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/33853/1/0000112.pd
