44 research outputs found
Reentrance phenomenon in superconductor/ferromagnet nanostructures and their application in superconducting spin valves for superconducting electronics
In superconductor/ferromagnet layered structures, a Fulde–Ferrell–Larkin–Ovchinnikov-like inhomogeneous superconducting pairing give rise. The singlet and zero-projection triplet components of the pairing oscillate in space, and the presence of interfaces causes interference phenomena. As the result of the interference, the super-conducting critical temperature Tc oscillates as a function of the ferromagnetic layer thicknesses or, even more spectacular, reentrant superconductivity appears. Two ferromagnetic layers can be combined with a superconducting layer into a superconducting spin valve. Proper design and choice of the material parameters give possibility to control superconducting Tc manipulating with magnetic configurations in the system. The conditions to get large spin-valve effect, i.e., a large shift in the critical temperature, are reviewed in the article
Mallet fracture: перелом И.Ф. Буша, перелом W. Busch или перелом P. Segond?
Background. For several centuries, eponyms have been a convenient means of communication between clinicians. For some eponyms among modern surgeons, controversy over authors priority continues. There is still no consensus on the so-called mallet fracture. In domestic and foreign literature, there are several authors names for this fracture I.F. Bush fracture, W. Busch fracture, P. Segond fracture. The aim of the study is to collect the most reliable information about the history of the eponym of avulsion of the distal phalanx of the fingers at the site of attachment of the extensor tendon, the so-called mallet fracture, to determine and prove the priority of the true author of the eponym. Materials and Methods. A search for information was carried out in domestic and foreign publications, manuals on traumatology and orthopedics, periodicals, Internet resources (eLIBRARY, PubMed, Scholar Google). Results. The list of likely authors of mallet fracture includes three surgeons: Ivan F. Busch (17711843, Russia), Paul Ferdinand Segond (18511912, France), Karl David Wilhelm Busch (18261881, Germany). When analyzing primary sources, it was found that for the first time mallet fracture was described by the French surgeon Paul Ferdinand Segond in 1880. This fact was also recognized by the German surgeon W. Busch, who a year later published an article on this damage. In the well-known Guide to the Teaching of Surgery by Ivan F. Bush, published in the early 19th century, information about a fracture of the distal phalanx of the finger at the site of attachment of the extensor tendon was not found. Conclusion. Taking into account the publications known to date, mallet fracture should be called the Segond fracture.Актуальность. В течение нескольких столетий эпонимы являются удобным средством для общения врачей-клиницистов. По поводу некоторых эпонимов среди современных хирургов не утихают споры в отношении авторского приоритета. До сих пор нет консенсуса по так называемому mallet fracture (молоткообразный перелом). В отечественной и иностранной литературе встречаются несколько авторских названий этого перелома перелом И.Ф. Буша, перелом W. Busch, перелом P. Segond. Цель исследования собрать максимально достоверную информацию об истории возникновения эпонима отрывного перелома дистальной фаланги пальцев кисти в месте прикрепления сухожилия разгибателя, так называемого mallet fracture, определить и доказать приоритет истинного автора эпонима. Материал и методы. Проведен поиск информации в отечественных и иностранных базах данных (eLIBRARY, PubMed, Scholar Google), руководствах по травматологии и ортопедии, интернет-ресурсах. Результаты. В списке вероятных авторов mallet fracture оказались три хирурга: Иван Федорович Буш (17711843, Россия), Paul Ferdinand Segond (18511912, Франция), Karl David Wilhelm Busch (18261881, Германия). При анализе первоисточников установлено, что впервые mallet fracture был описан французским хирургом Paul Ferdinand Segond в 1880 г. Этот факт признавал и немецкий хирург W. Busch, который годом позже опубликовал статью, посвященную данному повреждению. В известном Руководстве к преподаванию хирургии Ивана Федоровича Буша, изданном в начале XIX века, сведений о переломе дистальной фаланги пальца кисти в месте прикрепления сухожилия разгибателя не обнаружено. Заключение. С учетом известных на сегодняшний день публикаций mallet fracture следует называть переломом Segond
Josephson effect in superconductor/ferromagnet-normal/superconductor structures
The critical current IC of superconductor/ferromagnet-normal/superconductor (S/FN/S) Josephson junctions is calculated in the framework of linearized Usadel equations. The dependence of IC on the distance L between superconductors and thicknesses dF,N of ferromagnetic and normal layers is analyzed. It is shown that IC(L,dF) may exhibit damping oscillations as a function of both arguments. The conditions have been determined under which the decay length and period of oscillation of IC(L) at fixed dF are on the order of decay length of superconducting correlations in the N metal, ξN, that is much larger than in F film. We demonstrate also that the positions of the points L=Ln, at which IC=0 exhibit damping oscillations as a function of dF. The number of transitions from 0 to π states in IC(L,dF) increases under L→Ln. Outside these narrow intervals of L around Ln sign and value of IC are independent on dF for dF≳ξF. This fact is important for possible applications of S/FN/S Josephson junctions and S/FNF/S spin valve Josephson devices
Optimization of physico-chemical properties of carbon enterosorbents and evaluation of their sorption activity for use in the treatment of paraneoplastic syndrome and other endogenous intoxications in cancer patients
Aim - development of carbon enterosorbents with optimal physical-chemical properties and high adsorptive capacity for their usage in the treatment of paraneoplastic syndrome and other endogenous intoxication in cancer patients. Methods: physical-chemical and biochemical methods of investigation. In the work it has been shown that performance of additional steam activation on pilot plant developed in R. E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology NAS of Ukraine, allows produce highly active granulated and fibrous carbon enterosorbents which possess well developed porous surface providing potent sorption potential toward compounds of hydrophilic and hydrophobic nature. Being placed in gastro-intestinal tract lumen these sorbents may cause certain effect on functional activity of detoxifying body systems and regeneration potential of many organs and tissues. Key Words: activated carbon, enterosorbents, porous surface, adsorptive capacity
The influence of enterosorption on some haematological and biochemical indices of the normal rats after single injection of melphalan
Aim: One of the most prominent side effects of intensive cancer chemotherapy is bone marrow suppression which is an independent negative prognostic factor for the time to tumor progression. The aim of the study was to evaluate the myeloprotective possibilities of carbon enterosorbents in the case of usage of alkilating drug melphalan (L-PAM). Materials and Methods: L-PAM was injected intravenously to healthy inbred rats to cause the myelosuppression. 3 days before and 7 days after this, suspension of two types of carbon granulated enterosorbents were administered per os one time per day. On 8th day after L-PAM injection, the rats were weighted and blood and liver tissue were taken under Ketamine general anesthesia for biochemical examination. Peripheral blood smears were made also. Results: Melphalan at a dose of 3 mg/kg causes expressed myelotoxic reaction: leucopenia, decreasing of erythrocytes, hemoglobin and platelets counts. Even on 8th day after single injection of this cytostatic we can detect expressed signs of oxidative stress like increasing of hydroperoxides, TBA-reactive substances, and decreasing of activity and level of main endogenic antioxidants — superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and reduced glutathione. L-PAM causes also the violation of kidney function such as increase of urea and creatinine level; and rising of endogenic intoxication with elevation of middle mass molecules level. In a dose of 3 mg/kg melphalan has no negative influence on liver function on 8th day of experiment. Enterosorption with carbon enterosorbents C1 (bulk density γ = 0.28 g/cm³, granules diameter 0.15–0.25 mm, BET pore surface 1719 m²/g, therapeutic dosage 1400 mg/kg) and C2 (bulk density γ = 0.18 g/cm³, granules diameter 0.15–0.25 mm, BET pore surface 2162 m²/g, therapeutic dosage 900 mg/kg) diminishes and mitigates negative side effects caused by single intravenous injection of melphalan. Carbon enterosorbent C2 have rather more expressed positive effect than C1 for practically all indices. The most important curative effect due to C2 administration is prominent myeloprotection of bone marrow of experimental animals. Conclusion: Carbon enterosorbent C2 is promising and perspective sorbent for prophylaxis and treatment of side effects of cytostatic chemotherapy including myelotoxicity, mucositis, kidney injuries, gonadotoxicity, etc. Key Words: L-PAM, myelosuppression, oxidative stress, carbon enterosorbents
On a découvert des lois d'échelle pour les transitions résistives de couches supraconductrices, dues à une variation de température, de courant et de champ magnétique extérieur. On peut expliquer les résultats obtenus à l'aide de la théorie générale des fluctuations de transformations de phase de second ordre.Scaling laws for resistive transitions in superconducting films caused by temperature, transport current and applied magnetic field changes have been found. The results obtained may be explained in terms of the general fluctuational theory of second order phase transitions
Since the time antibacterial agents were introduced into a wider medical practice, they have dramatically changed illness patterns and significantly reduced the metrics such as attributive mortality from infectious diseases. At the same time, in recent decades, against the backdrop of a substantial increase in acquired bacterial resistance, an extremely limited number of new antibacterial agents has been put into the actual clinical practice worldwide. This is due to a decrease in the number of trials and developments undertaken by pharmaceutical companies. Authors provide reasons for these trends. It demonstrates key ways of solving these problems through the example of Western European countries and USA. The article illustrates key promising areas in the national pharmaceutical industry from the standpoint of clinical pharmacology. Key words: antibacterial agents, bacterial resistance, R&D. (Pediatric Pharmacology. – 2010; 7(5):12-16
Since the time antibacterial agents were introduced into a wider medical practice, they have dramatically changed illness patterns and significantly reduced the metrics such as attributive mortality from infectious diseases. At the same time, in recent decades, against the backdrop of a substantial increase in acquired bacterial resistance, an extremely limited number of new antibacterial agents has been put into the actual clinical practice worldwide. This is due to a decrease in the number of trials and developments undertaken by pharmaceutical companies. Authors provide reasons for these trends. It demonstrates key ways of solving these problems through the example of Western European countries and USA. The article illustrates key promising areas in the national pharmaceutical industry from the standpoint of clinical pharmacology. Key words: antibacterial agents, bacterial resistance, R&D. (Pediatric Pharmacology. – 2010; 7(5):12-16
Особенности скоростно-силовой подготовки барьеристов в полугодичном цикле
The article presents a technique for speed-strength training of skilled hurdlers using additional means of force action in the form of belts and cuffs weighting agents of different weights. The results of the research showed that such training gives a higher increase in the speed and strength qualities of athletes and improves their athletic performance in the main competitive exercise.В статье представлена методика скоростно-силовой подготовки квалифицированных барьеристов с использованием дополнительных средств силового воздействия в виде поясов и манжет утяжелителей разного веса. Результаты исследования показали, что такая тренировка дает более высокий прирост скоростно-силовых качеств спортсменов и улучшает их спортивный результат в основном соревновательном упражнении