278 research outputs found

    SUTMS - Unified Threat Management Framework for Home Networks

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    Home networks were initially designed for web browsing and non-business critical applications. As infrastructure improved, internet broadband costs decreased, and home internet usage transferred to e-commerce and business-critical applications. Today’s home computers host personnel identifiable information and financial data and act as a bridge to corporate networks via remote access technologies like VPN. The expansion of remote work and the transition to cloud computing have broadened the attack surface for potential threats. Home networks have become the extension of critical networks and services, hackers can get access to corporate data by compromising devices attacked to broad- band routers. All these challenges depict the importance of home-based Unified Threat Management (UTM) systems. There is a need of unified threat management framework that is developed specifically for home and small networks to address emerging security challenges. In this research, the proposed Smart Unified Threat Management (SUTMS) framework serves as a comprehensive solution for implementing home network security, incorporating firewall, anti-bot, intrusion detection, and anomaly detection engines into a unified system. SUTMS is able to provide 99.99% accuracy with 56.83% memory improvements. IPS stands out as the most resource-intensive UTM service, SUTMS successfully reduces the performance overhead of IDS by integrating it with the flow detection mod- ule. The artifact employs flow analysis to identify network anomalies and categorizes encrypted traffic according to its abnormalities. SUTMS can be scaled by introducing optional functions, i.e., routing and smart logging (utilizing Apriori algorithms). The research also tackles one of the limitations identified by SUTMS through the introduction of a second artifact called Secure Centralized Management System (SCMS). SCMS is a lightweight asset management platform with built-in security intelligence that can seamlessly integrate with a cloud for real-time updates

    Global Availability of Cancer Registry Data.

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    The availability of cancer registries has significantly enhanced cancer research, especially that related to cancer epidemiology, survival, interventions, and outcomes.1 However, by using publicly available sources, we aimed to map the availability and extent of cancer registry data in each country. We also aimed to test the association of registry data with metadata such as country income and national cancer-related policies. Data from 190 countries were collected from the WHO country cancer profiles.2 We sought data on the presence of an operational national cancer control policy, strategy, or action plan and the presence of a cancer registry. If those data were present, we looked for additional details on the cancer registry, including whether the registry was population based or hospital based and, if it was population based, whether there was national or subnational coverage. Complete data from Réunion (French), South Sudan, Guadeloupe (French), Martinique (French), Guyana, Puerto Rico, West Bank, Gaza Strip, and New Caledonia (French) were not available and thus were not included in our analyses. The availability of cancer registry data worldwide was depicted as a choropleth map using eSpatial mapping software

    Clogging test of landfill leachate drainage using different fillers

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    Municipal waste landfill leachate formed at different stages of the operation of the landfill, has a negative impact on the natural environment. According to the newly implemented waste management policy on modern solid waste deposit sites, landfill leachate has to be monitored. Five experimental columns were constructed in size of 500 mm long and 200 mm in diameter. They were filled with different fillers. The flow of leachate allowed for calculation of the leachate volume per year in a landfill, where it was taken. The experiment was carried out for 365 days. Significant change of the porosity was determined in all columns. Although the landfill for this period represents only 1/50 or less of the operation time, the laboratory tests found that the drainage layer bandwidth of reduction in one year can have a negative impact in the long run of time, which will only increase congestion. For higher porosity value of the test substance, allowing for more impairment, a 2% points decrease in the value is less dangerous when the porosity value is of 57 or 45 percent, than of 29 or 47%. The main elements that influence the conductivity decrease are calcium, silicon and iron compounds. The change of these compounds was observed during lysimetric study, where the concentration of each month in all the columns was decreasing. The results showed, that the rubber used for creating fillers in columns provided for bigger porosity of the layer. It is the beneficial reason to use rubble and rubber waste mix for forming drainage layer in landfills. Article in English. Skirtingų užpildų tinkamumo, siekiant išvengti filtrato drenažo užsikimšimo, tyrimas Santrauka. Komunalinių atliekų sąvartynų filtratas, susiformuojantis skirtingais sąvartyno eksploatacijos etapais, daro neigiamą įtaką gamtinei aplinkai. Naujai įgyvendinama atliekų tvarkymo strategija. Šiuolaikinėse kietųjų atliekų deponavimo aikštelėse atliekama sąvartynų filtrato stebėsena. Eksperimentui atlikti sumontuotos 500 mm ilgio ir 200 mm skersmens kolonėlės buvo pripildytos skirtingų užpildų. Filtratas leistas apskaičiavus metinį sąvartyno filtro kiekį. Eksperimentas buvo atliekamas 365 dienas. Reikšmingi poringumo pokyčiai nustatyti visuose tirti naudotuose mišiniuose. Sąvartyno eksploatavimo atžvilgiu toks laikotarpis tėra 1/50 dalis ar dar mažiau eksploatavimo trukmės. Laboratoriniais tyrimais nustačius, kad drenažo sluoksnio pralaidumo sumažėjimas per vienerius metus gali turėti neigiamos įtakos, yra akivaizdu – per ilgą eksploatavimo laiką užsikimšimas tik didės. Kai tiriamos medžiagos poringumo vertė didesnė, leistinas didesnis jos sumažėjimas, t. y. poringumo vertei esant 57 ir 45%, jos sumažėjimas 2% punktais yra mažiau pavojingas nei esant 29 ar 47%. Pagrindiniai elementai, darantys įtaką laidumo sumažėjimui, yra kalcio, silicio bei geležies junginiai. Šių junginių koncentracijų pokytis buvo stebimas lizimetrinio tyrimo metu. Koncentracijos kiekvieną mėnesį visose kolonėlėse mažėjo. Rezultatai rodė, kad sąvartynų filtrato drenažiniam sluoksniui tinkamiausia naudoti drenažo skaldos ir gumos atliekų mišinį. Jo poringumas mažiausiai pakito. Reikšminiai žodžiai: drenažo sluoksnis, filtratas, poringumas, sąvartyna

    Assessment of childhood domestic injuries among joint and nuclear families of Karachi

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    To assess the frequencies and factors of domestic injuries among children aged less than 5 years. This is a cross sectional study, in which parents who have child less than 5 years of age were targeted. A total of 246 participants had provided satisfactory information and they were approached by non-probability purposive sampling technique from January 2016 to June 2016. The data was entered in Excel and then imported to SPSS 19.0 for inferential analysis. In this study, 89.8% (n = 221) mothers and 10.2% (n = 25) father who had participated. 52.08% (n = 123) parents were from joint family. The different types of domestic injuries faced by children were fall (52%), sharp cut (36%), and burn (31%) and Temporary fever, rashes and scratches were the most common consequence of domestic injury as experienced by 57% children. No any significant difference (p \u3e 0.05) in the storage practices of different household hazardous item was observed among the parents living in joint and nuclear family system. Protecting children from domestic injury is a multi-dimensional approach. It needs parent’s education, manufacturer guidance, Government regulation and joint community efforts for proper and safe storage of household items. These measures will aid in reducing the burden of childhood domestic injuries

    Malignant pheochromocytoma with widespread bony and pulmonary metastases

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    Pheochromocytoma is a rare benign tumor of the adrenal gland. A select few cases may be malignant, and metastatic cases are exceedingly rare. It often presents with symptoms of catecholamine excess, such as sweating, palpitations, headaches, and characteristic paroxysmal hypertension. Due to its diffuse symptoms, it is difficult to diagnose and is often diagnosed late. We describe the unique case of a 44-year-old female patient who presented with uncontrolled hypertension and vomiting, accompanied by lower back pain. She was diagnosed with malignant pheochromocytoma with multiple metastases to the lungs, vertebrae, scapulae, and skull. Because of the advanced state of her disease, the patient was started on treatment with the chemotherapeutic combination of cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and dacarbazine. However, she had a complicated hospital course and died because of aspiration pneumonia and sepsis

    Minimally invasive technique of placing a dual chamber permanent pacemaker in children

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    Objective: To share the experience of a minimally invasive technique in the implantation of a dual chamber permanent pacemaker in paediatric population. Methods: The retrospective study was conducted at Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, and comprised data of patients aged up to1 6 years who underwent epicardial dual chamber permanent pacemaker insertion via xiphisternal incision between April 2011 and August 2016. Demographic data included age, weight and gender of the patient. Indications for pacemaker insertion, electrocardiography findings, concomitant cardiac procedures and procedural complications were reviewed. Pacemaker thresholds and impedance at the time of implantation and throughout the course of follow-up were extracted from the clinical data. Results: Of the 10 patients, 5(50% were males and 5(50%) were females. The overall mean age was 3.43.8 years range:1 month - 13 years. The mean weight at the time of operation was 11.4 6.8 kg range: 4.3 27 kg. Indications for permanent pacemaker insertion included postoperative advanced or complete atrioventricular block in 7(70% and complete congenital heart block in 3(30% There was no reported morbidity. Conclusion: Dual chamber permanent pacemaker insertion via xiphisternal incision was found to be of benefit to the patients and the surgeons alike

    Chemical constituents of Desmodium sequax

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    Technical varieties of ross procedure: A case series.

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    Replacement of aortic valve with the pulmonary autograft is carried out through the Ross procedure due to its potential for growth, durability in pediatric population, and absence of anticoagulation. This case series reports the postoperative outcome of two technical variations of Ross procedure in eight patients who underwent surgery from January 2007 to December 2016. The dominant valvular hemodynamic indication was aortic regurgitation. The techniques employed for Ross procedure included free standing root replacement in six patients and modified root replacement with autograft stabilisation using Dacron interposition graft in two patients. Right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) conduit reconstruction was achieved by utilisation of Contegra bio prosthesis in four patients; and use of manually constructed valved conduit comprising of PTFE (polytetrafluoroethelene) membrane and bovine pericardial tube in remaining four patients. There was no mortality and no re-intervention. The technical varieties of Ross procedure offer freedom from need of anti-coagulation, mortality, and RVOT conduit failure in younger adults