115 research outputs found

    Methodical providing of estimation of industrial specialization efficiency of regional economic complex

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    Precedent phenomena with the sourse-sphere «literature» in the Russian language political discourse in Kazakhstan

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    Precedent phenomena (names, quotations, allusions and others), characteristic of the Russian language political discourse of Kazakhstan are in the focus of the article. It is stated that the favorite sources of precedent phenomena are works of Russian classical literature and West-European literature, especially satirical.Рассматриваются прецедентные феномены (имена, цитаты, аллюзии и т. д.), характерные для русскоязычного политического дискурса Казахстана. Устанавливается, что излюбленные источники прецедентности – произведения классической русской и западноевропейской литературы, в особенности сатирические

    Projects and project management in the modern world

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    Summary: In this article definitions of the concepts "project" and "project management" are considered. During work ideas of the basic principles of strategic project management were created and also the main advantages of professional project management are marked out

    Administrative methods of reducing the debt load with the purpose of increasing the stability of the economic system

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    The problem of increased debt burden in the economy in a recession. Types of lending, their impact on the growth of leverage. Methods of deleveraging in the economy

    Eportfolio in the system of contemporary education and selfeducation

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    Lifelong learning is turning into a strategic problem for the successful development in the spheres of national economy and education. The article presents some variants of electronic portfolio implementation for qualitative changes in the field of lifelong learning

    Projects and project management in the modern world

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    Summary: In this article definitions of the concepts "project" and "project management" are considered. During work ideas of the basic principles of strategic project management were created and also the main advantages of professional project management are marked out

    Administrative methods of reducing the debt load with the purpose of increasing the stability of the economic system

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    The problem of increased debt burden in the economy in a recession. Types of lending, their impact on the growth of leverage. Methods of deleveraging in the economy

    The world market of services: features and trends of development

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    The global market of services is one of the fundamental aspects of modern international financial relations, despite the fact that it is still in a period of intense development, which is occurring at a rapid pace

    Роль бронхологических исследований в диагностике экзогенных аллергических альвеолито

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    Eighty patients with exogenous allergic alveolitis (EAA) were examined. EAA was diagnosed using liquid (BALF) and histological (transbronchial) biopsies performed during bronchological examination. Acute phase of alveolitis is accompanied by a high total cytosis (900 000-1 500 000 per 1 ml), lymphocytosis (up to 79%, in average 41.8%), eosinophylia up to 3.7% and morphological surprises, such as lung stroma edema, lymphoid and macrophageal infiltration, fibrin penetration in alveoli. Chronic course of exogenous alveolitis characterized by normal cytosis value, moderate BALF lymphocytosis (up to 22%) and morphological signs, such as interstitial fibrosis, vasculitis, fibroatelectases and patchy emphysema.Обследовано 80 больных с экзогенным аллергическим альвеолитом (ЭАА). Диагностика ЭАА осуществлена с помощью жидкостной (БАЛ) и тканевой (ТББЛ) биопсии при выполнении бронхологического обследования. Острая фаза альвеолита характеризуется высоким цитозом (900 тыс. — 1,5 млн. в 1 мл), лимфоцитозом в цитограмме БАС (до 79%, в среднем — 41,8%), эозинофилией до 3,7% и морфологическими находками в виде отека стромы легких, лимфоидной и макрофагальной инфильтрации, пропотевания фибрина в альвеолы. При хроническом течении ЭАА цитоз нормальный, лимфоцитоз умеренный (до 22%), морфологически — интерстициальный фиброз, васкулит, фиброателектазы, участки эмфиземы