9 research outputs found

    Determination of Quality Indicators of Marmalade with Addition of Multi-component Fruit and Berry Paste During Storage

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    The object of research is the technology of jelly-fruit marmalade with the addition of multicomponent fruit and berry paste from apples, quince and black currant. Marmalade products are in demand due to their attractive appearance, excellent taste, aroma and good absorption by the body. This delicacy is characterized by the absence of fat, high sugar content and the presence of functionally physiological ingredients. Due to the growing interest of consumers in products of increased nutritional value, the technology of jelly-fruit marmalade with the addition of multicomponent fruit and berry paste from apples, quince and black currant has been improved. New confectionery products must first of all be safe for human health, therefore, organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological indicators of the quality of marmalade were determined during storage. In terms of organoleptic quality indicators, both control and experimental marmalade samples have high quality indicators during the shelf life. The storage duration affects the consistency of the marmalade, which becomes protracted after 3 months of storage and contributes to a decrease in the color saturation of all samples. The loss of the mass fraction of moisture in the control sample of marmalade up to 6.1 % and the sample with fruit and berry paste – up to 5.0 %, an increase in acid accumulation by 4.0–20.6 % for the control and by 4.0–20 % for the sample marmalade with pasta. It is noted that the content of reducing substances increases in the control sample by 18.0–50.0 %, which is 11.8–15.0 %, and in the sample with the addition of paste – by 10.8–36.9 %, which is 12.3–15.2 %. The data obtained is admissible and meets the established quality requirements in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. Microbiological quality indicators have been determined and it has been established that new samples of marmalade with multicomponent paste, both freshly prepared and after a guaranteed shelf life, comply with the standards of all current requirements for the quality of food products. The safety of jellied fruit marmalade on agar with the addition of multicomponent fruit and berry paste from apples, quince and black currant has been proven during the guaranteed shelf life of 3 months

    Determination of the Comprehensive Indicator of Pastille with the Use of Multi-component Fruit-berry Paste

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    The object of research in this work is the technology of pastille with the addition of multicomponent fruit and berry paste. Pastille are becoming more and more popular in the world for all segments of the population. Usually, the main ingredients for their manufacture are fruit raw materials, a structurant and egg white, therefore, the products contain practically no fat and have a low calorie content. It is proposed to replace 75 % of traditional applesauce in the recipe with a multicomponent fruit and berry paste made from apples, cranberries, hawthorn. It was found that such a composition makes it possible to obtain products with an increased content of pectin substances, ascorbic acid, polyphenols, including anthocyanins, catechins and flavonols. The work is aimed at studying the application of the principles of qualimetry to determine a complex indicator of the quality of pastille For this, the organoleptic and physicochemical indicators of the quality of the developed pastille were taken from previous studies and the chemical composition was determined and the content of biologically active substances was calculated relative to the average daily human need. The content of pectin substances in new products increases 1.7 times and satisfies the average daily human need by 18.2 %. The content of ascorbic acid is 4.2 times higher, which is 20.5 % of the average daily human need, and polyphenols 3.2 times higher – 579.0 %. The data obtained make it possible to consider the developed product functional. The next step was to determine the complex indicator of products by the qualimetric method. For a more complete disclosure of product properties, a structure of pastille quality indicators has been developed – a «tree of properties». Thus, the comprehensive assessment of the quality of the control sample corresponds to the indicator «good» (0.66), while the integrated assessment of pastille with multicomponent paste corresponds to the indicator «very good» (0.98). On the basis of organoleptic, physicochemical indicators and chemical composition of products, it was established that the indicator of a comprehensive assessment of the quality of a pastille with a multicomponent paste, taking into account all group indicators, is 48 % higher compared to the control

    Determination of Total Antioxidant Capacity in Marmalade and Marshmallow

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    Creation of functional foods with various plant additives as a preventive means of population antioxidant protection programs is an important task, the solution of which is impossible without a preliminary assessment of antioxidant properties of food components – plant material. For this purpose, the antioxidant capacity of plant additives of apples, quince, grapes, pumpkins, carrots, rose hips, sea buckthorn, Sudanese rose, black chokeberry, obtained by cryogenic technologies and products with them – fruit jelly and marshmallow was investigated by galvanostatic coulometry. It was found that the TAC of cryopastes increases in the row: pumpkins<carrots<quince<apples<grapes from 25 to 550 C/100 g. The TAC of cryopowders increases in the row: grapes<black chokeberry<Sudanese rose<sea buckthorn<rose hips from 663 to 4400 C/100 g. The values correlate with the content of the main classes of antioxidants in these cryoadditives. It was determined that marmalade with the addition of carrot and pumpkin cryopastes has the lowest bromine TAC. Additional introduction of cryopowders in marmalade samples with cryopastes in an amount 1.5 % increases the TAC of marmalade by 3.5–10 times. It is shown that the use of water­alcohol extracts as additives with the addition of 1 % citric acid provides the samples of marshmallow with more pronounced antioxidant properties.The calculations, based on the additive scheme show that the functional properties of the products are due to the antioxidant properties of the additives

    Improvement of Zefir Production by Addition of the Developed Blended Fruit and Vegetable Pasteinto Its Recipe

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    A method has been developed for the production of a fruit and vegetable paste-like semi-finished product based on an Antonovka apple, Muscat pearl pumpkin and Bona beet. The method is characterized by concentration in gentle temperature conditions (50...55 °C) in a rotary film apparatus to content of 45 % dry matters lasting 1.25...2.0 min. The structural and mechanical characteristics of the mashed potatoes of the components of raw materials and blended concentrated pastes by the developed method are determined. The structure of the developed fruit and vegetable paste was confirmed to be strengthened, since its maximum dynamic viscosity is 283 Pa∙s, which is 1.9 times more compared to the control (apple paste). Thus, a rational composition is selected for further research with the following components in the paste: apple – 60 %; pumpkin – 20 %, beets – 20 % (composition 1). This paste in comparison with the control has a high content of functional physiological ingredients and has good organoleptic properties.The feasibility of using the developed fruit and vegetable paste in composition of zefirs (composition 1) in the amount of 75 % replacement of apple puree is confirmed. The selected zefir sample differs in its original organoleptic properties. This ensures an increase in the effective viscosity (ηef, Pa∙s) of zefirs with the replacement of 75 % of apple puree with blended paste, compared to control (zefirs without additives) from 391 to 782. The plastic strength (Pk) also increases depending on the duration: 75 % – 54.2 kPa (control sample – 47 kPa), which is generally a positive phenomenon from a technological point of view. Such a solution will provide consumers with food products with physiologically functional ingredients of natural origin, subject to the partial or complete replacement of individual raw materials with blended fruit and vegetable compositions, providing an increase in their functional valu

    Improving the Marmalade TECHNOLOGY by Adding A Multicomponent Fruit-and-berry Paste

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    The necessity to optimize the nutritional value of marmalade by using physiologically functional ingredients containing vitamins, dietary fiber, minerals, and other useful substances in its composition has been substantiated. Specifically, using the multicomponent fruit-and-berry paste from apples, quince, black currant has been proposed, which is obtained by an improved technique. The technique is characterized by the rapid dehydration (30...45 s, at 50 °C) of the blended paste in a rotor plant to 28...30 % of dry matter. When studying the dependences of the effective viscosity of paste compositions on the shear rate, it was found that the paste that demonstrated the best indicators contained apple in the amount of 40 %; quince ‒ 50 %; black currant ‒ 10 %. It has been experimentally proven that the rational amount of fruit-and-berry paste is 30 % with a decrease in agar by 30 %. This makes it possible to obtain the jelly-fruit marmalade on agar with a mass fraction of moisture of 18 %, a total acidity of 10 degrees, and a mass fraction of reducing substances not more than 28 %. The products have a sweet-sour taste, with a pleasant aftertaste and the smell of black currant, rich purple color, jelly-like form, and non-tight consistency. The strength of the new samples of marmalade with a decrease in the amount of agar is 18.9 kPa, similar to that of control. The improved technology makes it possible to expand the range of "healthy products", which is achieved by the partial replacement of raw materials with a fruit-and-berry paste, which contains a significant number of physiologically functional components. This allows for an increase in the nutritional value of marmalade, as well as a decrease in the formulation amount of agar, which is expensive, by 30 %. In addition, gentle concentration modes improve the process of paste makin

    Improving the Marmalade TECHNOLOGY by Adding A Multicomponent Fruit-and-berry Paste

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    The necessity to optimize the nutritional value of marmalade by using physiologically functional ingredients containing vitamins, dietary fiber, minerals, and other useful substances in its composition has been substantiated. Specifically, using the multicomponent fruit-and-berry paste from apples, quince, black currant has been proposed, which is obtained by an improved technique. The technique is characterized by the rapid dehydration (30...45 s, at 50 °C) of the blended paste in a rotor plant to 28...30 % of dry matter. When studying the dependences of the effective viscosity of paste compositions on the shear rate, it was found that the paste that demonstrated the best indicators contained apple in the amount of 40 %; quince ‒ 50 %; black currant ‒ 10 %. It has been experimentally proven that the rational amount of fruit-and-berry paste is 30 % with a decrease in agar by 30 %. This makes it possible to obtain the jelly-fruit marmalade on agar with a mass fraction of moisture of 18 %, a total acidity of 10 degrees, and a mass fraction of reducing substances not more than 28 %. The products have a sweet-sour taste, with a pleasant aftertaste and the smell of black currant, rich purple color, jelly-like form, and non-tight consistency. The strength of the new samples of marmalade with a decrease in the amount of agar is 18.9 kPa, similar to that of control. The improved technology makes it possible to expand the range of "healthy products", which is achieved by the partial replacement of raw materials with a fruit-and-berry paste, which contains a significant number of physiologically functional components. This allows for an increase in the nutritional value of marmalade, as well as a decrease in the formulation amount of agar, which is expensive, by 30 %. In addition, gentle concentration modes improve the process of paste makin

    Manufacturing Approaches to Making Muffins of High Nutritional Value

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    The object of this study is the technology of baking muffins using beetroot fibers and wheat germ meal. Muffins are popular flour-based confectionery products with pleasant physical appearance and a variety of flavors, which are characterized by high energy and low food values. In addition, they are most often prepared using polycomposite mixtures, which does not make it possible to obtain products with a physiologically significant content of biologically active substances. It has been proposed while improving the technology of making muffins of high nutritional value to use such products of wheat germ and beet pulp processing as the additives «Beet fibers» and «Wheat germ meal» to serve the sources of physiologically functional ingredients. Beetroot fibers contain in their composition pectin-cellulose-hemicellulose complex of non-starch polysaccharides, polyphenolic compounds, and minerals (magnesium, calcium, sodium, etc.). The chemical composition of wheat germ meal is represented by a cellulose-hemicellulose complex, quite high content of vitamin E, polyphenolic compounds, and a significant amount of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium. The influence of wheat germ and beet pulp processing products has been investigated when partially replacing wheat flour, 25.0‒75.0 % and 10.0‒20.0 %, respectively. The formulation composition of muffins was optimized resulting in the substantiation of the amount of experimental additives (15.0 %, beet fibers; 50.0 %, wheat germ meal) and a decrease in the formulation content of sugar by 30.0 %. The organoleptic and physicochemical indicators of muffins have been determined, as well as the amount of physiologically functional ingredients in the products containing wheat germ and beet pulp processing products. The functional- technological scheme of muffin production has been built involving the addition of beet fibers and wheat germ meal. The improved muffin technology differs from conventional technologies by the application of natural raw materials, lack of food additives of synthetic origin, and the introduction of beet fibers and wheat germ meal, which makes it possible to make products with high nutritional value while maintaining the appropriate quality

    Effect of Microbial Polysaccharides on the Quality Indicators of Protein-free and Gluten-free Products During Storage

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    This paper reports a study into the effect of the microbial polysaccharides (MPS) xampan, enposan, and gelan on quality indicators during the storage of protein-free bread and gluten-free muffins. Microbial polysaccharides such as xampan, enposan, and gelan are effective structure-forming agents in gluten-free products. These hydrocolloids not only participate in the formation of the structure of dough and finished products but also affect the staling processes in gluten-free products during storage. The addition of the studied MPS leads to a slowdown in the staling processes of protein-free bread based on corn starch, as well as muffins based on wheat germ meal, during storage. It was found that in 24 hours of storage, the protein-free bread demonstrates a decrease in the moisture loss and crumbling index, as well as an increase in compressibility indicator, compared with control samples. It was also determined that gluten-free muffins with the addition of MPS lose moisture more slowly over 7 days of storage; they have lower crumbling and compressibility indices compared to the control. This is due to the high hydrophilic properties of the studied microbial polysaccharides, which can bind a significant amount of water and retain it during the storage of products. In addition, microbial hydrocolloids can envelop the gelatinized starch grains with a thin film, thereby helping inhibit the process of starch retrogradation. The samples of bread and muffins containing MPS almost did not change their appearance, color, taste, and smell during the studied shelf life, while the crumb of the examined samples demonstrated better elasticity and less crumbling. All studied MPS exhibit the same nature of the effect on the quality indicators of products during storage with xampan exerting the greatest effect and gelan ‒ the leas

    Improving Pastille Manufacturing TECHNOLOGY Using the Developed Multicomponent Fruit and Berry Paste

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    A method for manufacturing multicomponent fruit and berry paste based on apples, cranberries, hawthorn with a high content of pectin substances has been improved. A special feature of the technique is the concentration in a rotary film apparatus until a dry matter content of 28... 30 % under a mild mode during 25...50 s provided that the puree is preheated to 50 °C. The limiting shear stress for each type of raw material and the effective viscosity index for the samples of the formulations of the studied pastes have been established. It was found that the best properties are demonstrated by composition with the following formulation ratio of components: apple – 50 %; cranberries – 40 %; hawthorn – 10 %. That makes it possible to obtain pastes with the best chemical composition (the higher content of pectin substances, organic acids, ascorbic acid, etc.). The rational amount of adding 75 % of fruit and berry paste to replace apple puree has been determined and substantiated. That makes it possible to manufacture pastille with a high degree of structure formation, which is confirmed by the viscosity index of 616 Pa∙s, compared with control – 354 Pa∙s. A decrease in the mass fraction of dry substances by 5.0 %, an increase in acidity and reducing substances are ensured, which meets the requirements set by regulatory documents. This amount of paste provides for excellent organoleptic properties, i.e. it gives the products an even red color, pleasant taste, and smell. The developed technology expands the range of "healthy food" by partially replacing raw materials with a low content of physiologically functional components with a multicomponent composition, as well as provides for an increase in the pastille nutritional value. The use of sparing modes of concentration makes it possible to intensify the process of manufacturing a multicomponent paste, which indicates energy and resource-saving technolog