41,372 research outputs found

    Late Moon by Pamela Porter and The Family China by Ann Shin

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    Review of Late Moon by Pamela Porter and The Family China by Ann Shin

    The Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu

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    There are many times a day that I find myself feeling worried, anxious, or fearful. With these discomforts building, I find that each month I am getting more headaches, stomach aches, and even neck/back pain. In an attempt to find relief for my pain and discomfort, I find myself reaching for some type of medication, only to find they have moderate effects. For my honors project, I sought to find a noninvasive, alternative form of treatment in order to help relieve illness, tension, or discomfort. I found a Japanese, integrative therapy that is complementary with the already well-known Western medicine. I found the art of Jin ShinJyutsu. Jin Shin Jyutsu can be translated to the “art of knowing” or “helping myself”. It is ahands-on, Japanese art form that works to establish balance by restoring the body’s naturalenergy movement. In order to learn more about the art, I attended a 50-hour, five-day seminar in New York City. This seminar was taught by Sara Harper, a well-known teacher in Jin Shin Jyutsu. It was this seminar, along with continued practice, that was the focus of my honors project. During this seminar, I learned about several various natural paths of energy movement throughout the body, called flows, that focused on different safety energy locks. Safety energy locks are located at 26 different points of the body in which channels of energies flow through. I learned that when energy is stuck at any one of these safety energy locks, this can result in discomfort, tension, and/or illness. The seminar taught me how to unblock the stuck energy through a method called jumper-cabling. Through personal experience and self-practice, I discovered that when the stuck energy is cleared, it allowsthe body’s natural energy flow to resume, and allows opportunity for the body to heal. It was through the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu that I was able to find a viable option to help ease the discomfort, tension, stress, and illness in my life

    Looking back and ahead: lessons from the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

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    Hyun Bang Shin looks back at the Beijing Olympics to derive some indication of the what the legacy of the London Games might be. He warns that diversion of national resources may pose additional development opportunities for host cities, but constraints for others in the country in terms of resource redistribution

    Trade Intensity and Business Cycle Synchronization: The Case of East Asia

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    This paper examines whether increasing trade intensity among East Asian countries has led to a synchronization of business cycles. It extends the work of Shin and Wang (2004) in two ways: by (i) improving the specification of their business cycle correlation equation, and (ii) extending the sample to cover the period after the Asian financial crisis. The study finds that intra-industry trade, rather than inter-industry trade, is the major factor explaining business cycle co-movements in East Asia, with important implications for the prospects for a single currency in the region.economic integration; trade intensity; intra-industry trade; business cycle synchronization; East Asia

    Heaven Shin

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    Heaven came to Andrews from her home country of South Korea and began studying for a biology degree. Acting on conviction she changed her major to education, only to discover the additional schooling this would require was something her family could not afford. So back to biology she went, abandoning her dream of becoming a teacher—for now. As her decision wavered back and forth between education and biology, she made plans to return to South Korea to teach English for a year and earn money to hopefully return to Andrews and complete a degree. That’s when a miracle happened. Read Heaven’s full story in Stories of Andrews at andrews.edu/stories. Thank you, Heaven, for sharing your story. You are part of the spirit of Andrews. Christon Arthurhttps://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/stories-2017-spring/1007/thumbnail.jp

    Human Performance Lab Newsletter, March 1999

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    Contents of this issue include: Metabolife Review by Mollee Ludtke Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome aka Shin Splints By Erie Fenstad and Mike Rasmussen Division I Women\u27s Hockey comes to SCSU by Scott McMillan Thesis Work in Progress Internship Experience by Jason Lah


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    arious media publish sports news for sports lovers to enjoy. Each media and news portal certainly has a unique way of delivering, writing and uploading the news. This article was written by researchers to find out how the Kompasiana media framed a news story about the Indonesian national team coach, Shin Tae Yong. Many media have highlighted Shin Tae Yong's behavior in coaching the Indonesian national team and the positive and negative influences that had an impact on the Indonesian national team when Shin Tae Yong became the coach of the Indonesian national team. The writing of this article uses a framing analysis approach with a qualitative method. The framing analysis model used is Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicky. The results obtained from writing this article are the Kompasiana media news portal framing Shin Tae Yong to have a positive side and a fairly good strategy for Indonesia's victory to be proud of. Meanwhile, CNN frames Shin Tae Yong in a different way so that it can lead the opinion of sports lovers, especially in terms of football


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    At the suggestion of his Premier, Rishi, the first Emperor of Shin ordered all the books existing in his country to be collected and burned and the scholars who did not obey his will to be killed by being buried alive. By following the policy of increasing the number of unlearned people, he forced his feudalistic despotism easily in his country. In the court of Shin, of course, there were scholars and in its library there were kept a great many books. However, the scholars under the domination of the first Emperor of Shin were not able to seek the freedom of learning, nor were they able to criticize his policy at all. When Kou defeated Shin and burnt Kanyo, the capital of Shin, the books in the library of Shin Court were wholly destroyed. Then the period of Kan came, when people were able to study freely. Therefore, people came to need books, but, as in the days of Shin, almost all the books in the world had been destroyed, therefore, the scholars of Kan had to work hard to recompile the old books. In those days, related with the recompilation of the books, the rumors circulated that Fukusei, the old scholar, had taken out the books which had been hidden, pasted in the wall in the period of Shin, or that the books hidden in the wall of Koshi\u27s old house had been discovered. In this thesis I considered from many points of view whether it could be true or not that under the domination of the first Emperor of Shin scholars had hidden the books in the wall, or rather I suggested that as their excuse to prove the recompiled books to be the old traditional ones, the scholars said that the books had been hidden in the wall. I came to the conclusion that in the period of Shin they were unable to hide the books in the wall, and explained the reasoning by which I reached this conclusion