40 research outputs found

    Spin response in HTSC cuprates: Generalized RPA approach with projection operators method

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    © Kazan Federal University (KFU). We derive the dynamical spin susceptibility in the t-J-G model combining the random phase approximation (RPA) and projection operator method, which allows describing the mutual interplay between the local and the itinerant components of susceptibility. Near the antifer- romagnetic wave vector the calculated dispersion of the spin excitations reproduces well the so-called hour-glass dispersion, characteristic for several layered cuprates. It is formed as a result of competition between the original spin-gap in magnon-like excitations spectrum and the superconducting gap, which affects the itinerant component of the susceptibility. Further- more, the calculated collective spin excitations along (0, 0)-(0, π) are in agreement with the positions of the absorption peaks in the inelastic X-ray scattering spectra. They refer to the paramagnon-like modes, characteristic to the itinerant spin system, rather than magnon-like excitations that originate from short range order effect in the system of local spins at Cu sites


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    O papel dos animais no ecossistema é determinado por uma ampla gama de fatores. Este é, antes de tudo, o número, a biomassa e a natureza da alimentação. Devido ao fato de que a taxa metabólica em diferentes grupos de animais não é a mesma, o indicador mais importante de sua importância no funcionamento do ecossistema é o fluxo de energia que passa pela comunidade (energia transformável). O artigo apresenta dados sobre o uso de energia transformável para avaliar os recursos de espécies terrestres de vertebrados nas condições da fazenda de caça "Sviyazhskoe. A abordagem implementada pode ser aplicada a diferentes territórios. Uma limitação fundamental pode ser apenas a ausência de dados sistemáticos sobre os registros de todos os grupos.The role of animals in the ecosystem is determined by a wide range of factors. This is, first of all, the number, biomass and nature of feeding. Due to the fact, that the metabolic rate in different groups of animals is not the same, the most integral indicator of their significance in the functioning of ecosystem is the energy flow, passing through the community (transformable energy). The article presents data on the use of transformable energy for assessing the resources of terrestrial vertebrate species in the conditions of the hunting farm "Sviyazhskoe. The implemented approach can be applied to different territories. A fundamental limitation can only be the absence of systematic data on the records of all groups.El papel de los animales en el ecosistema está determinado por una amplia gama de factores. Este es, en primer lugar, el número, la biomasa y la naturaleza de la alimentación. Debido al hecho de que la tasa metabólica en diferentes grupos de animales no es la misma, el indicador más integral de su importancia en el funcionamiento del ecosistema es el flujo de energía, que pasa a través de la comunidad (energía transformable). El artículo presenta datos sobre el uso de energía transformable para evaluar los recursos de las especies de vertebrados terrestres en las condiciones de la granja de caza "Sviyazhskoe. El enfoque implementado puede aplicarse a diferentes territorios. Una limitación fundamental solo puede ser la ausencia de datos sistemáticos sobre Los registros de todos los grupos

    Dual features of magnetic susceptibility in superconducting cuprates: A comparison to inelastic neutron scattering

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    Starting from the generalized t-J-G model Hamiltonian, we analyze the spin response in the superconducting cuprates taking into account both local and itinerant spin components which are coupled to each other self-consistently. We demonstrate that derived expression reproduces the basic observations of neutron scattering data in YBa 2Cu 3O 6+y compounds near the optimal doping level. © EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag 2012

    Detecting parameters of impact assessment of SDW landfill sites on water bodies (on the example of the Samosyrovsk land fill, Kazan, Russia)

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    Annually in Russia there not less than 3,5 billions tones of wastes are produced, from which only a quarter is processed, the rest is burned or removed to special landfills. Most of landfills is situated directly nearby built-up and natural areas. The objective of investigation in this work is revelation of parameters for impact assessment of Samosyrovsk landfill in Kazan on water bodies on the example of the river Krutovka. The main tasks of investigation are: gathering and analyzing data about Samosyrovsk landfill in Kazan; hydrochemical analysis of water samples of the river Krutovka and waste waters of the Samosyrovsk landfill on chemical elements content in it; hydrobiological investigation of the river Krutovka; separation of the most important parameters for further monitoring. Analyses were made on the basis of the international laboratory of the urban explorations of the Institute of social investigations on modernization of society and department of nature development and water use of KFU. It has been analyzed the existing monitoring system of landfills. The ecological state of the river Krutovka on hydrochemical and hydrobiological parameters has been assessed. It has been revealed chloride, copper, magnesium, calcium pollution of the stream. It has been shown parameters of zoobenthos allowing to more precisely assess the state of the water body. Such indicators are: aspectual content, ratio of quantity and biomasses of the basic groups of organisms, calculation of Shannon and Simpson indices, account of presence chironomidae organisms in assays

    Calculation of strain-stress state of flywheel in potential field

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    © 2015 D.V. Berezhnoi et al. This paper focuses on strain-stress state of the flywheel in the kinetic energy storage. The flywheel kinetic storage is based on the flywheel-housing scheme in potential field, at the quasistatic increase of rotor velocity. It is particularly noteworthy that a potential field in flywheel-housing system allows to increase specific energy capacity of energy storage

    Scope and the Business Model of the Ostervalder of the Project "Confectionery Eco-Product "Lakomka"" in the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals

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    В статье с использованием методов SCOPE и бизнес-модель Остервальдера описывается проект, нацеленный на изготовление экологичного и оригинального кондитерского экопродукта - "Лакомка". Несмотря на наличие действующих аналогов, продукт выделяется уникальным для казанского рынка свойством - оригинальным дизайном похожим на "погремушку". Учитываются интересы целевой аудитории. Приоритетно местное производство в целях развития отечественного производства. Результаты проекта ориентированы на применение в розничной, а также оптовой торговле. Предполагается установить стоимость на 1 единицу продукции на уровне 200 рублей. За счет достаточно низкой стоимости товара, безвредности, а также оригинального дизайна планируется высокий уровень продаж.The project is aimed at the production of an eco-friendly and original confectionery product - "Dainty". The eco-product is made from a sweetener - isomalt, which is harmless to teeth, is allowed for diabetes and is useful for the stomach. Despite the presence of existing analogues, the product stands out with a unique property for the Kazan market - an original design similar to a "rattle". The interests of the target audience are taken into account. Priority is given to local production in order to develop domestic production. The results of the project are focused on application in retail as well as wholesale trade. It is supposed to set the cost per 1 unit of production at the level of 200 rubles. Due to the relatively low cost of the product, harmlessness, as well as the original design, a high level of sales is planned

    The impact of XXVII summer universiade on the environment in Kazan

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. This article introduces general research results of impact of XXVII Summer Universiade on the environment in Kazan. There are major results of ecological consequences of staging of Universiade for development of Kazan city and the Tatarstan Republic. The scientific assessment is given in the integrated form by indicators

    Spin response in HTSC cuprates: Generalized RPA approach with projection operators method

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    © Kazan Federal University (KFU). We derive the dynamical spin susceptibility in the t-J-G model combining the random phase approximation (RPA) and projection operator method, which allows describing the mutual interplay between the local and the itinerant components of susceptibility. Near the antifer- romagnetic wave vector the calculated dispersion of the spin excitations reproduces well the so-called hour-glass dispersion, characteristic for several layered cuprates. It is formed as a result of competition between the original spin-gap in magnon-like excitations spectrum and the superconducting gap, which affects the itinerant component of the susceptibility. Further- more, the calculated collective spin excitations along (0, 0)-(0, π) are in agreement with the positions of the absorption peaks in the inelastic X-ray scattering spectra. They refer to the paramagnon-like modes, characteristic to the itinerant spin system, rather than magnon-like excitations that originate from short range order effect in the system of local spins at Cu sites

    Spin response in HTSC cuprates: Generalized RPA approach with projection operators method

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    © Kazan Federal University (KFU). We derive the dynamical spin susceptibility in the t-J-G model combining the random phase approximation (RPA) and projection operator method, which allows describing the mutual interplay between the local and the itinerant components of susceptibility. Near the antifer- romagnetic wave vector the calculated dispersion of the spin excitations reproduces well the so-called hour-glass dispersion, characteristic for several layered cuprates. It is formed as a result of competition between the original spin-gap in magnon-like excitations spectrum and the superconducting gap, which affects the itinerant component of the susceptibility. Further- more, the calculated collective spin excitations along (0, 0)-(0, π) are in agreement with the positions of the absorption peaks in the inelastic X-ray scattering spectra. They refer to the paramagnon-like modes, characteristic to the itinerant spin system, rather than magnon-like excitations that originate from short range order effect in the system of local spins at Cu sites

    Dual features of magnetic susceptibility in superconducting cuprates: A comparison to inelastic neutron scattering

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    Starting from the generalized t-J-G model Hamiltonian, we analyze the spin response in the superconducting cuprates taking into account both local and itinerant spin components which are coupled to each other self-consistently. We demonstrate that derived expression reproduces the basic observations of neutron scattering data in YBa 2Cu 3O 6+y compounds near the optimal doping level. © EDP Sciences, Società Italiana di Fisica, Springer-Verlag 2012