Spin response in HTSC cuprates: Generalized RPA approach with projection operators method


© Kazan Federal University (KFU). We derive the dynamical spin susceptibility in the t-J-G model combining the random phase approximation (RPA) and projection operator method, which allows describing the mutual interplay between the local and the itinerant components of susceptibility. Near the antifer- romagnetic wave vector the calculated dispersion of the spin excitations reproduces well the so-called hour-glass dispersion, characteristic for several layered cuprates. It is formed as a result of competition between the original spin-gap in magnon-like excitations spectrum and the superconducting gap, which affects the itinerant component of the susceptibility. Further- more, the calculated collective spin excitations along (0, 0)-(0, π) are in agreement with the positions of the absorption peaks in the inelastic X-ray scattering spectra. They refer to the paramagnon-like modes, characteristic to the itinerant spin system, rather than magnon-like excitations that originate from short range order effect in the system of local spins at Cu sites

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