184 research outputs found

    Gradient-index Solar Sail and its Optimal Orbital Control

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    Solar sails with the capability of generating a tangential radiation pressure at the sun-pointing attitude, such as refractive sails can provide more efficient methods for attitude and orbital control of sailcraft. This paper presents the concept of gradient-index sail as an advanced class of refractive sail, which operates by guiding the solar radiation through a structure made of graded refractive index material. The design of the sail's refractive index distribution is performed by transformation optics, and the resultant index realized by the effective refractive index of non-resonant bulk metamaterials made of silica. The performance of the sail was evaluated by using ray tracing for a broad spectrum of solar radiation under the normal incidence angle, which showed an efficiency of 90.5% for generation of a tangential radiation pressure. We also studied the orbital control of the tangential-radiation-pressure-generating sails, and showed that the full orbital control, including the modification of orbital axes, eccentricity, and inclination can be applied by changing the attitude of the sail merely around the sun-sail axis, while the sail keeps the sun-pointing attitude at every point of the orbit

    Dual-Context Aggregation for Universal Image Matting

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    Natural image matting aims to estimate the alpha matte of the foreground from a given image. Various approaches have been explored to address this problem, such as interactive matting methods that use guidance such as click or trimap, and automatic matting methods tailored to specific objects. However, existing matting methods are designed for specific objects or guidance, neglecting the common requirement of aggregating global and local contexts in image matting. As a result, these methods often encounter challenges in accurately identifying the foreground and generating precise boundaries, which limits their effectiveness in unforeseen scenarios. In this paper, we propose a simple and universal matting framework, named Dual-Context Aggregation Matting (DCAM), which enables robust image matting with arbitrary guidance or without guidance. Specifically, DCAM first adopts a semantic backbone network to extract low-level features and context features from the input image and guidance. Then, we introduce a dual-context aggregation network that incorporates global object aggregators and local appearance aggregators to iteratively refine the extracted context features. By performing both global contour segmentation and local boundary refinement, DCAM exhibits robustness to diverse types of guidance and objects. Finally, we adopt a matting decoder network to fuse the low-level features and the refined context features for alpha matte estimation. Experimental results on five matting datasets demonstrate that the proposed DCAM outperforms state-of-the-art matting methods in both automatic matting and interactive matting tasks, which highlights the strong universality and high performance of DCAM. The source code is available at \url{https://github.com/Windaway/DCAM}

    Mobile Charging as a Service: A Reservation-Based Approach

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    This paper aims to design an intelligent mobile charging control mechanism for Electric Vehicles (EVs), by promoting charging reservations (including service start time, expected charging time, and charging location, etc.). EV mobile charging could be implemented as an alternative recharging solution, wherein charge replenishment is provided by economically mobile plug-in chargers, capable of providing on-site charging services. With intelligent charging management, readily available mobile chargers are predictable and could be efficiently scheduled towards EVs with charging demand, based on updated context collected from across the charging network. The context can include critical information relating to charging sessions as well as charging demand, etc. Further with reservations introduced, accurate estimations on charging demand for a future moment are achievable, and correspondingly, optimal mobile chargersselection can be obtained. Therefore, charging demands across the network can be efficiently and effectively satisfied, with the support of intelligent system-level decisions. In order to evaluate critical performance attributes, we further carry out extensive simulation experiments with practical concerns to verify our insights observed from the theoretical analysis. Results show great performance gains by promoting the reservation-based mobile charger-selection, especially for mobile chargers equipped with suffice power capacity

    Association of the CHRNA3 Locus with Lung Cancer Risk and Prognosis in Chinese Han Population

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    IntroductionRecent genome-wide association studies in Caucasians revealed association with lung cancer risk of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the locus containing two nicotine acetylcholine receptor CHRNA genes. However, the reported risk SNPs are extremely rare in Asians. This study sought to identify other variants on CHRNA3 associated with lung cancer susceptibility and to explore whether SNPs of CHRNA3 are of prognostic factors in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in Chinese Han population.MethodsA case-control study of 529 cases and 567 controls was performed to study the association of three SNPs (rs3743076, rs3743078, and rs3743073) in CHRNA3 with lung cancer risk in Chinese Han population using logistic regression models. The relationship between CHRNA3 polymorphisms with overall survival among 122 patients with advanced stage (stage IIIb and IV) NSCLC were evaluated using Cox multiple model based on the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer recommended tumor, node, metastasis new staging.ResultsPatients with genotypes TG or GG for the novel SNP rs3743073 in CHRNA3 gene, compared with those with TT, showed an increased risk of lung cancer (adjusted odds ratio = 1.91; 95% confidence interval, 1.38–2.63; p = 9.67 × 10−5) and worst survival (adjusted hazard ratio = 2.35; 95% confidence interval, 1.05–5.26; p = 0.04) in patients with advanced stage NSCLC based on International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer recommended tumor, node, metastasis new staging.ConclusionsThese results suggest that the rs3743073 polymorphism in CHRNA3 is predictive for lung cancer risk and prognostic in advanced stage NSCLC in Chinese Han population

    First-principles study of O-2 activation on ligand-protected Au-32 clusters

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    NSFC [20873088]; Open Funds of State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces (Xiamen University) [201109]; Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Southwest University for Nationalities [11NZYBS07]Poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) (PVP) is often used to protect active Au clusters from coalescence. The influences of PVP on the O-2 adsorption on Au-32 clusters were investigated using density functional theory calculations. Various low-lying structures of O-2:Au-32 and O-2:Au-32:PVP complexes, in which the Au-32 is either neutral or anionic and the O-2 is either molecular or dissociative, were identified. The PVP influences were evaluated in terms of the changes in geometry, adsorption energy, charge redistribution, spin density, and density of states upon PVP pre-adsorption. Our calculations reveal that PVP weakly adsorbs on the cluster surface, with rather small changes in the structural, geometrical and electronic properties that are relevant to the O-2 activation. The activity of neutral or anionic Au-32 towards O-2 is kept or slightly enhanced by PVP because of the cooperative adsorption of PVP and O-2. This is the structural basis of choosing PVP as the protective ligand for Au clusters

    Electric Vehicle Charging Reservation Under Preemptive Service

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    Electric Vehicles (EV) are environment-friendly with lower CO2 emissions, and financial affordability (in term of battery based refuel) benefits. Here, when and where to recharge are sensitive factors significantly impacting the environmental and financial gains, these are still challenges to be tackled. In this paper, we propose a sustainable and smart EV charging scheme enables the preemptive charging functions for heterogeneous EVs equipped with various charging capabilities and brands. Our scheme intents to address the problems when EVs are with various ownerships and priority, in related to the services agreed with charging infrastructure operators. Particularly, the anticipated EVs' charging reservations information with heterogeneity (are multiscale) including their EV type, expected arrival time and charging waiting time at the charging stations (CSs), have been considered for design, planning and optimal decision making on the selection (i.e., where to charge) among the candidature CSs. We have conducted extensive simulation studies, by taking the realistic Helsinki city geographical and traffic scenarios as an example. The numerical results have confirmed that our proposed preemptive approach is better than the First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS) based system, associated with its significant improvement on the reservation feature in EV charging

    Reconciling conflicting evidence for the cause of the observed early 21st century Eurasian cooling

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    It is now well established that the Arctic is warming at a faster rate than the global average. This warming, which has been accompanied by a dramatic decline in sea ice, has been linked to cooling over the Eurasian subcontinent over recent decades, most dramatically during the period 1998–2012. This is a counter-intuitive impact under global warming given that land regions should warm more than ocean (and the global average). Some studies have proposed a causal teleconnection from Arctic sea-ice retreat to Eurasian wintertime cooling; other studies argue that Eurasian cooling is mainly driven by internal variability. Overall, there is an impression of strong disagreement between those holding the “ice-driven” versus “internal variability” viewpoints. Here, we offer an alternative framing showing that the sea ice and internal variability views can be compatible. Key to this is viewing Eurasian cooling through the lens of dynamics (linked primarily to internal variability with some potential contribution from sea ice; cools Eurasia) and thermodynamics (linked to sea-ice retreat; warms Eurasia). This approach, combined with recognition that there is uncertainty in the hypothesized mechanisms themselves, allows both viewpoints (and others) to co-exist and contribute to our understanding of Eurasian cooling. A simple autoregressive model shows that Eurasian cooling of this magnitude is consistent with internal variability, with some periods exhibiting stronger cooling than others, either by chance or by forced changes. Rather than posit a “yes-or-no” causal relationship between sea ice and Eurasian cooling, a more constructive way forward is to consider whether the cooling trend was more likely given the observed sea-ice loss, as well as other sources of low-frequency variability. Taken in this way both sea ice and internal variability are factors that affect the likelihood of strong regional cooling in the presence of ongoing global warming.publishedVersio