24 research outputs found

    Комплексная лучевая диагностика филяриоза молочной железы: клиническое наблюдение

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    Filyariasis of a mammary gland is very rare and descriptions of radiology diagnosis of this pathology aren't found in the available literature. Intermediate owners (filyariya vectors) are the various bloodsucking insects (mosquitoes, gadflies, midges). Case report of a female-patient from Krasnodar region, who approached for nodule in the breast is presented. At the patient’s history it was revealed that she could be bitten by a mosquito 2 years ago at the rest in the Crimea. Opportunities of the set of radiological methods of diagnostic and low-invasive treatment of the patient with nematode abscess of a mammary gland are shown. Ultrasonography is the noninvasive fast and exact method allowing to suspect nematode genesis of abscess and to confirm by means of the fine-needle aspiration biopsy. The golden standard for the diagnosis of abscesses of nematode genesis of surface localization is fine-needle aspiration biopsy, in which threadlike worms can be extracted from the cavity of the abscess cavity and washing it with an antiseptic solution. At stages of antivermicular treatment of the patient US will allow to control regress of superficial abscesses and a condition of lymphatic system.Филяриоз молочной железы встречается крайне редко и в доступной литературе не найдено описаний лучевой диагностики этой патологии. Промежуточные хозяева (переносчики филярий) - различные кровососущие насекомые (комары, слепни, мошки). Представлено клиническое наблюдение пациентки, проживающей в Краснодарском крае, обратившейся по поводу наличия у нее узлового образования в молочной железе. Из анамнеза пациентки выяснено, что 2 года назад при отдыхе в Крыму могла быть укушена комаром. Продемонстрированы возможности комплекса лучевых методов исследования и малоинвазивного лечения пациентки с нематодным абсцессом молочной железы. УЗИ является неинвазивным быстрым и точным методом, позволяющим заподозрить нематодный генез абсцесса и подтвердить при помощи тонкоиголной аспирационной биопсии. “Золотым стандартом” для диагностики абсцессов нематодного происхождения поверхностной локализации является тонкоигольная аспирационная биопсия, при которой возможно извлечение нитевидных червей из полости абсцесса и промывание полости растворами антисептиков. На этапах противоглистного лечения пациента УЗИ позволяет контролировать регресс поверхностных абсцессов и состояние лимфатической системы

    Профілактика спайкового процесу при ендоскопічних втручаннях в гінекологічній практиці

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    Статья посвящена методу оптимизации лапароскопического лечения различной гинекологической патологии с целью снижения частоты спаечного процесса за счет использования современных гемостатических средств. Представлены данные обследования 178 пациенток, которым было выполнено усовершенствованное лапароскопическое вмешательство. Предложенный способ приводит к уменьшению интра- и послеоперационных осложнений, восстановлению репродуктивной функции у данного контингента больных.Article is devoted to the method of optimizing the laparoscopic treatment of various gynecological pathologies in order to reduce the incidence of adhesions by the use of advanced hemostatic tools. Presents survey data 178 patients improved after laparoscopic surgery. The proposed method leads to a decrease in intra- and postoperative complications, recovery of reproductive function in this patient population

    Disease Evolution and Response to Rapamycin in Activated Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase δ Syndrome: The European Society for Immunodeficiencies-Activated Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase δ Syndrome Registry

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    Activated phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) δ Syndrome (APDS), caused by autosomal dominant mutations in PIK3CD (APDS1) or PIK3R1 (APDS2), is a heterogeneous primary immunodeficiency. While initial cohort-descriptions summarized the spectrum of clinical and immunological manifestations, questions about long-term disease evolution and response to therapy remain. The prospective European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID)-APDS registry aims to characterize the disease course, identify outcome predictors, and evaluate treatment responses. So far, 77 patients have been recruited (51 APDS1, 26 APDS2). Analysis of disease evolution in the first 68 patients pinpoints the early occurrence of recurrent respiratory infections followed by chronic lymphoproliferation, gastrointestinal manifestations, and cytopenias. Although most manifestations occur by age 15, adult-onset and asymptomatic courses were documented. Bronchiectasis was observed in 24/40 APDS1 patients who received a CT-scan compared with 4/15 APDS2 patients. By age 20, half of the patients had received at least one immunosuppressant, but 2–3 lines of immunosuppressive therapy were not unusual before age 10. Response to rapamycin was rated by physician visual analog scale as good in 10, moderate in 9, and poor in 7. Lymphoproliferation showed the best response (8 complete, 11 partial, 6 no remission), while bowel inflammation (3 complete, 3 partial, 9 no remission) and cytopenia (3 complete, 2 partial, 9 no remission) responded less well. Hence, non-lymphoproliferative manifestations should be a key target for novel therapies. This report from the ESID-APDS registry provides comprehensive baseline documentation for a growing cohort that will be followed prospectively to establish prognostic factors and identify patients for treatment studies

    Activated phosphoinositide 3-kinase δ syndrome: Update from the ESID Registry and comparison with other autoimmune-lymphoproliferative inborn errors of immunity

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    Background: Activated phosphoinositide-3-kinase d syndrome (APDS) is an inborn error of immunity (IEI) with infection susceptibility and immune dysregulation, clinically overlapping with other conditions. Management depends on disease evolution, but predictors of severe disease are lacking. Objectives: This study sought to report the extended spectrum of disease manifestations in APDS1 versus APDS2; compare these to CTLA4 deficiency, NFKB1 deficiency, and STAT3 gain of-function (GOF) disease; and identify predictors of severity in APDS. Methods: Data was collected from the ESID (European Society for Immunodeficiencies)-APDS registry and was compared with published cohorts of the other IEIs. Results: The analysis of 170 patients with APDS outlines high penetrance and early onset of APDS compared to the other IEIs. The large clinical heterogeneity even in individuals with the same PIK3CD variant E1021K illustrates how poorly the genotype predicts the disease phenotype and course. The high clinical overlap between APDS and the other investigated IEIs suggests relevant pathophysiological convergence of the affected pathways. Preferentially affected organ systems indicate specific pathophysiology: bronchiectasis is typical of APDS1; interstitial lung disease and enteropathy are more common in STAT3 GOF and CTLA4 deficiency. Endocrinopathies are most frequent in STAT3 GOF, but growth impairment is also common, particularly in APDS2. Early clinical presentation is a risk factor for severe disease in APDS. Conclusions: APDS illustrates how a single genetic variant can result in a diverse autoimmune-lymphoproliferative phenotype. Overlap with other IEIs is substantial. Some specific features distinguish APDS1 from APDS2. Early onset is a risk factor for severe disease course calling for specific treatment studies in younger patients. (J Allergy Clin Immunol 2023;152:984-96.

    Розробка імітаційної моделі відбору баржебуксирних суден для роботи на лінії

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    The object of research is the process of operation of TBV for route transport with a through form of traction and exchangeable form of coordination of the work of traction and tonnage at the points of departure and destination. One of the most problematic places is the lack of research in the scientific literature studied of solved the task of forming a number of priority vessels for the subsequent organization of their work in designated organizational form.The imitation model proposed in the study makes it possible to perform a preliminary selection of vessels for work on traffic schema, which simplifies the calculations associated with the distribution of vessels. The model is based on the need to take into account the physical and geographical factors in the organization of the work of the TBV on inland waterways in order to ensure the greatest correspondence of the linear and technical characteristics of the ships to the conditions of the forthcoming voyage. The developed group of limitation takes into account the characteristic of the considered form of the organization of TBV and is rational only for it, since it takes into account that the TBV immersed in the port of departure should go to the destination without re-forming and loading (unloading).Thanks to the proposed methodology, it is planned to increase the profit of the shipping company by increasing the carrying capacity of the vessel with the best alignment of the transport characteristics of the TBV and the route.Исследована маршрутная форма организации работы баржебуксирных судов со сквозной формой работы тяги и сменной формой согласования работы тяги и тоннажа в конечных пунктах. Определена необходимость учета соответствия линейных и технических характеристик судов условиям предстоящего рейса. Разработанная методика позволяет при помощи имитационной модели выполнить предварительный отбор судов для работы на линии.Досліджено маршрутну форму організації роботи баржебуксирних суден з наскрізною формою роботи тяги і змінною формою узгодження роботи тяги і тоннажу в кінцевих пунктах. Визначено необхідність врахування відповідності лінійних і технічних характеристик суден умовам майбутнього рейсу. Розроблена методика дозволяє за допомогою імітаційної моделі виконати попередній відбір суден для роботи на лінії

    Розробка імітаційної моделі відбору баржебуксирних суден для роботи на лінії

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    The object of research is the process of operation of TBV for route transport with a through form of traction and exchangeable form of coordination of the work of traction and tonnage at the points of departure and destination. One of the most problematic places is the lack of research in the scientific literature studied of solved the task of forming a number of priority vessels for the subsequent organization of their work in designated organizational form.The imitation model proposed in the study makes it possible to perform a preliminary selection of vessels for work on traffic schema, which simplifies the calculations associated with the distribution of vessels. The model is based on the need to take into account the physical and geographical factors in the organization of the work of the TBV on inland waterways in order to ensure the greatest correspondence of the linear and technical characteristics of the ships to the conditions of the forthcoming voyage. The developed group of limitation takes into account the characteristic of the considered form of the organization of TBV and is rational only for it, since it takes into account that the TBV immersed in the port of departure should go to the destination without re-forming and loading (unloading).Thanks to the proposed methodology, it is planned to increase the profit of the shipping company by increasing the carrying capacity of the vessel with the best alignment of the transport characteristics of the TBV and the route.Исследована маршрутная форма организации работы баржебуксирных судов со сквозной формой работы тяги и сменной формой согласования работы тяги и тоннажа в конечных пунктах. Определена необходимость учета соответствия линейных и технических характеристик судов условиям предстоящего рейса. Разработанная методика позволяет при помощи имитационной модели выполнить предварительный отбор судов для работы на линии.Досліджено маршрутну форму організації роботи баржебуксирних суден з наскрізною формою роботи тяги і змінною формою узгодження роботи тяги і тоннажу в кінцевих пунктах. Визначено необхідність врахування відповідності лінійних і технічних характеристик суден умовам майбутнього рейсу. Розроблена методика дозволяє за допомогою імітаційної моделі виконати попередній відбір суден для роботи на лінії

    Overview of processing and analysis methods for pulse geophysical signals

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    The paper discusses the processing and analysis methods for the geoacoustic and electromagnetic emission pulse signals recorded for more than 20 years at the IKIR FEB RAS geodynamic proving ground (Kamchatka Peninsula). The methods for pulse detection, waveform reconstruction, pulse time-frequency analysis using adaptive sparse approximation, structural description of pulse waveforms and pulse classification are proposed. To detect pulses, the adaptive threshold scheme is used. It adjusts to the noise level of a processed signal. To analyze time-frequency structure of the pulses, the adaptive matching pursuit algorithm is used. To identify pulse waveform, the structural description method is proposed. It encodes pulses with special image matrices. The method of the identified pulses classification is considered. Since the methods for pulse structure analysis are sensitive to noise and distortions, the authors propose the method for pulse waveform reconstruction based on wavelet filtering. The geophysical signal information features determined during the analysis can be used to search for anomalies in the data, and then establish a relationship between these anomalies and deformation process dynamics, in particular, with earthquake development processes

    Sound Range AE as a Tool for Diagnostics of Large Technical and Natural Objects

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    Application of acoustic emission of the sound frequency range is under consideration. This range is of current interest for the diagnostics of the stability of mountain slopes, glaciers, ice covers, large technical constructions (bridges, dams, etc.) as well as for the detection of rock deformation anomalies preceding earthquakes. Acoustic sensors, which can be used to record and to determine the directivity of acoustic emission of the sound frequency range, are under consideration. The structure of the system for acoustic emission recording, processing and analysis is described. This system makes it possible to determine the direction to the acoustic emission source using one multi-component sensor. We also consider the algorithms for detection of acoustic emission pulses in a noisy background, and for the analysis of their structure using the Adaptive Matching Pursuit algorithm. A method for the detection of the direction to an acoustic emission signal source based on multi-component sensors is described. The results of application of sound range acoustic emission for the detection of the intensification of rock deformations, associated with earthquake preparation and development in the seismically active region of Kamchatka peninsula, are presented

    Synthesis and Optical Characteristics of Gd0.96Eu0.01Sm0.01Tb0.01Er0.01Nb0.9Ta0.1O4 Ceramic Solid Solutions Prepared under Different Temperature Conditions

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    Fine powders of mixed gadolinium tantalum niobates doped with Eu, Sm, Tb, and Er were synthesized. Ceramic samples of polycomponent solid solutions of Gd0.96Eu0.01Sm0.01Tb0.01Er0.01Nb0.9Ta0.1O4 were obtained from synthesized powders using conventional sintering technology. The phase composition and phase structure characteristics of the Gd0.96Eu0.01Sm0.01Tb0.01Er0.01Nb0.9Ta0.1O4 ceramic phases were determined by XRD. The effect of ceramic sintering temperature on the physical characteristics of Gd0.96Eu0.01Sm0.01Tb0.01Er0.01Nb0.9Ta0.1O4 solid solutions is shown. The morphological features of the microstructure of the Gd0.96Eu0.01Sm0.01Tb0.01Er0.01Nb0.9Ta0.1O4 ceramics were studied in relation to its mechanical characteristics. At the same time, the strength characteristics (Young’s modulus, microhardness) and the critical stress intensity factor for mode I KIC were evaluated for the first time for the synthesized compounds. Photoluminescence and cathodoluminescence were studied in the visible region. The study confirms the potential application of Gd0.96Eu0.01Sm0.01Tb0.01Er0.01Nb0.9Ta0.1O4 ceramic solid solutions as scintillators and radioluminescent light sources