124 research outputs found


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    Objective: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the possible association between the serum levels of undercarboxylated osteocalcin (ucOC) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA). Methods: Twenty patients (10 men and 10 women) diagnosed to have knee OA, and twenty healthy subjects of matching age, sex, and BMI as a control group, were enrolled in this study. Serum levels of ucOC and OPG, were assayed using the corresponding human ELISA kits. Results: Patients with knee OA, showed a statistically significant elevation in serum levels of ucOC (P<0.001), and a statistically significant reduction in that of OPG (P<0.0001), as compared to the control group. Also, there is significant negative correlation (r=-0.554, p= 0.0113) between the serum levels of ucOC and OPG in knee OA patients. Conclusion: there is possible association between the serum levels of ucOC and OPG in patients with knee OA


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    Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of prophylactic inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) by aminoguanidine (AG) on serum levels of some adipocytokines in pristane-induced arthritis in rats.Methods: Forty white Albino rats were divided randomly into four groups; each group was composed of ten rats (five male and five female). Group I (AP) has received AG (100 mg/kg/day) i. p. for seven days, and then at day 8, has received single 150 µl pristane dose sc. at the base of rat's tail. Group II (PC) has only received single 150 µl pristane sc. at the base of rat's tail, at day 8 from the start of the experiment. Group III (AC) has only received AG (100 mg/kg/day)i. p. for seven days. Group VI (VC) has only received normal saline via i. p. injection for seven days. At the end of the experiment time, rats were sacrificed, and serum samples were obtained and used for the measurement of iNOS, rheumatoid factor (RF), c-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukine-6 (IL-6), leptin and adiponectin levels, using the corresponding rat ELISA kits.Results: Administration of pristane for the induction of RA has resulted in significant increase in all of the measured parameters in PC group as compared to VC and AC groups, except for iNOS where the increase was significant as compared to AC group only. Serum levels of RF, CRP and IL-6 in AP group have showed to be significantly elevated as compared to VC and AC groups. Administration of AG has resulted in different levels of reduction in all of the measured parameters in AP group as compared to PC group. The reduction was statistically significant with regard to CRP and leptin.Conclusion: prophylactic administration of the selective iNOS inhibitor AG, has resulted in a reduction in serum levels of the measured adipocytokines which may reflect a reduction in the severity of PIA.Â

    Triangular Acceleration Methods of Second Kind for Improving the Values of Integrals Numerically

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    Abstract: The aims of this study are to introduce acceleration methods that are called triangular acceleration methods, which come within the series of several acceleration methods that generally known as Al-Tememe's acceleration methods of the second kind which are discovered by (Ali Hassan Mohammed). These methods are useful in improving the results of determining numerical integrals of continuous integrands where the main error is of the forth order with respect to accuracy, partial intervals and the fasting of calculating the results specifically to accelerate results come out by Simpson's method. Also, it is possible to make use of it to improve the results of solving differential equations numerically of the main error of the forth orde

    Relative and Logarthmic of AI-Tememe Acceleration Methods for Improving the Values of Integrations Numerically of Second Kind

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    Abstract: The aims of this study are to introduce acceleration methods that called relative and algorithmic acceleration methods, which we generally call Al-Tememe's acceleration methods of the second kind discovered by (Ali Hassan Mohammed). It is very useful to improve the numerical results of continuous integrands in which the main error is of the 4th order, and related to accuracy, the number of used partial intervals and how fast to get results especially to accelerate the results got by Simpson's method. Also, it is possible to utilize it in improving the results of differential equations numerically of the main error of the forth order

    Approaches used to care for carious primary molars among pediatric dentists and general dental practitioners in Saudi Arabia

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    The aim of this cross sectional study was (1) to identify and compare the approaches which are used to care for carious primary molars between pediatric dentists (PDs) and general dental practitioners (GDPs) in Saudi Arabia and (2) to evaluate the knowledge level of the most appropriate treatment decisions for both groups with regard to caries in primary molars and its relation with demographic variables. A random sample of 600 GDPs and all registered PDs (n = 100) in the Saudi dental society in 2016 were emailed a two part questionnaire; the first part included questions about demographic data and the second part investigated knowledge of the participants of the most appropriate treatment decision in four hypothetical case scenarios in which the severity of caries in a single primary first molar differed. Data were analyzed using chi square and ordinal logistic regression statistical tests. The significance was set at 0.05. The average knowledge score was 1.28 for GDPs and 1.80 for PDs. There were significant differences between both groups on their choice of the most appropriate treatment option in three out of four scenarios. Two factors significantly improved the participants? knowledge; age and qualification (P<0.050.05). PDs were more interventionists, ready to perform pulpotomy and extraction in the absence of equally appropriate treatment options. GDPs and PDs in Saudi Arabia had different treatment approaches of different carious conditions affecting primary molars. PDs had moderate but significantly better knowledge of the most appropriate treatment option than GDPs

    Influence of the Different Carbon and Nitrogen Sources on the Production of Biodiesel by Oleaginous Fungi Aspergillus terreus, Aspergillus fumigatus

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    في الدراسة الحاليه  تمت المقارنه بين تاثير مصادر كربونيه ونتروجينيه مختلفه على النمو ومحتوى الدهون في عزلتين من الفطريات المنتجه للدهون    Aspergillus  terreus و Aspergillus fumigatus  . زرعت العزلتين الفطريه على اوساط زرعيه حاويه على مصادر كربونيه مختلفه السكريات الاحاديه والثنائية والمتعدده  ومصادر نتروجينيه متضمنه الببتون وخلاصة الخميرة  وكانت الاوساط الحاويه على السكروز / خلاصة الخميره  او السكروز / خلاصة الخميره اكثر تاثيرا على انتاجيه الدهون للعزلتين الفطريه خلال فترة حضانه اسبوعين حيث بلغت   اعلى قيمة للكتلة الحيويه المتمثلة بالوزن الجاف (19.6 , 18.8)   (25.8 , 30.5 ) ,   غم / لتر ونسبة الدهون  (1, 0.97 )g/L  , (0.65 , 0.65) غم / لتر لكلا العزلنين الفطريه Aspergillus  terreus   و   Aspergillus fumigatus  على الترتيب ثم تبعتها اوساط الغنيه  بالمالتوز/ خلاصة الخميرة واخيرا النشا  / خلاصة الخميرة . وفيما يخص تحليل الحوامض الدهنيه بواسطه جهاز كروموتوكرافيا الغاز Gas Chromotography   والمنتجه من قبل كلا  العزلتين الفطريتين لوحظ وجود انواع مختلفه تضمنت   Palmitic   Oleic acids , stearic acid   و linoleic acid   اي المشبعه والغير مشبعه. اظهرت النتائج تفاوت في تركيب الحوامض الدهنيه يعتمد على نوع مصادر الكربون والنتروجين , وجود الحوامض الدهنيه المشبعه الاحاديه والغير مشبعه في كلا الفطرين  A. terreus و  A.fumigatusيثبت كونهما مرشحان جيدين في انتاج الديزل الحيوي.In the present study, the growth and total lipid contents of two oleaginous fungal isolates Aspergillus terreus, Aspergillus fumigatus were compared in different nitrogen and organic carbon sources.  Artificially the fungi were cultured on media consisting of various mono- or di- or polysaccharides and  peptone or yeast extract as elementary sources for carbon and nitrogen, respectively. Media containing sucrose /yeast extract or glucose/ yeast extract were the most effective for lipid production from fungal, during  two weeks  incubation period, the highest biomass of dry weight was (19.6 , 18.8) g / L , (25.8 , 30.5) g /L  and  lipid yield (1, 0.97 )g/L, (0.65, 0.65) g/ L for two isolates Aspergillus terreus and Aspergillus fumigatus  respectively then followed maltose/ yeast extract then  starch / yeast extract .Analysis of fatty acid produced by two fungal isolates  using Gas Chromatography  showed the existence of a wide range of fatty acids, these fatty acids were together saturated and unsaturated. The results revealed that the unevenness in the fatty acids composition mainly depends on the type of carbon and nitrogen sources. The existence of saturated and mono saturated fatty acids in A.fumigatus, A. terreus prove that they are  good candidate for biodiesel production. The analysis of fatty acid from the fungal growth showed the existence of a wide range of fatty acids   Palmitic ,Oleic acids , stearic acid and linoleic acid     together saturated and unsaturated. The results revealed that the unevenness in the fatty acid composition mainly depends on the type  of carbon  and nitrogen sources. The presence of saturated and mono saturated fatty acid in  A.fumigatus , A. terreus prove that it is a good candidate for biodiesel production

    Social Fluidity and Its Impact on Contemporary Architectural Space

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    ظهرت في مطلع القرن العشرين العديد من القوى المؤثرة على الفضاء المعماري المعاصرعلى المستويين المادي والفكري، إذ برزت مفاهيم وطروحات حاولت التصدي لمشكلة التطور المتسارع في تلك القوى ومن تلك المفاهيم والطروحات هو مفهوم السيولة الذي يُعد صفة لابد أن يتصف بها الفضاء المعماري المعاصر لإستيعاب أي تغير مفاجئ لأي قوة من القوى المؤثرة عليه سواء كانت إجتماعية، إقتصادية، سياسية، بيئية، مادية، فلسفية، ...الخ ، من هنا ظهرت المشكلة البحثية «في عدم وضوح مفهوم &nbsp;السيولة في العلوم الإجتماعية وتأثيرها على الفضاء المعماري المعاصر». إذ يهدف البحث الى بيان كيف أثرت السيولة الإجتماعية على المكون الفضائي المعاصر وجعلته يتجه بإتجاه السيولة شكلاً وأداءاً. وإتبع البحث المنهج التحليلي في تتبع مفهوم السيولة في الفيزياء والفكر الاجتماعي وصولا الى بلورة هذا المفهوم في الفكر المعماري المعاصر، ومن ثم تحليل لبعض النماذج المعمارية المعاصرة، وفق المؤشرات التي خرج بها البحث من إطاره النظري. إذ توصل البحث الى إن السيولة في العلوم الاجتماعية ساهمت في جعل الفضاء المعماري المعاصر يسلك سلوكين: الأول سلوكاً شكلياً من خلال االتدفق الشكلي والفضائي وسلوك تفاعلي من خلال العلاقات المتمثلة بعلاقة المستخدم مع المستخدم، علاقة المستخدم مع الفضاء، علاقة الفضاء مع المحيط.At the beginning of the twentieth century, many forces that influenced the architectural space on the material and intellectual levels, where concepts and ideas that tried to address the problem of rapid development in these forces emerged.These concepts and fluidity, which is characteristic of modern architectural space to accommodate any sudden change For any power that affects it, be it social, economic, political, environmental, material, philosophical, etc.hence the research problem emerged «in the lack of clarity of the concept of fluidity in social sciences and its impact on contemporary architectural space».The study aims to explain how social fluidity affected the contemporary space component and its tendency towards fluidity in form and performance.The research followed the analytical approach in tracking the concept of liquidity in physics and social thought to crystallize this concept in contemporary architectural thought, and then analysis of some contemporary architectural models, according to the indicators that emerged from the theoretical framework.The research concluded that the fluidity in social sciences contributed to making modern architectural space behave in two types: First, formal behavior through formal and spatial flow .Second, interactive behavior through relationships like user-with-user, user - with -space, space – with - the environment

    Big Data Analytics in Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges

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    Healthcare is a vast and data rich industry. The administrative details stored into database hold a large number of transactions for each treated patient. The expansion and the adoption of the electronic health have been increasing the overall amount of the data that is available rather exponentially. In spite of all the efforts that have been made in the healthcare industry it has still been unable to rather leverage the vast data that can help in improving the care and the healthcare operations simultaneously. Along with this, the rapidly growing field of the big data analytics in the healthcare has started playing a major or the integral role in evolution and the development of the healthcare practice and research. Big data analytics have also provided the tool that shall help in accumulating, managing, assimilating, analyzing, the structured and the unstructured data. The concept of dig data analytics has been applied with the aim of increasing the efforts of the care delivery and the disease exploration simultaneously. In spite of all the efforts the adaptation rate and the research development has been hindered with the major problems that inherent within the big data analytics model. The paper basically discusses the concept of big data analytics in healthcare. Moreover, the paper also looks to explore the advantages of the concept. Similarly, the paper has also explored the opportunities and challenges that are associated with the idea of big data analytics in healthcare. At last the paper is closing with the general examination of the idea and the exploration