1,155 research outputs found

    Analysis of inappropriate medication use and drug interaction in older people visiting tertiary care center of eastern Nepal

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    Background: Medication use in older people has been increasing as the incidence of chronic diseases increases worldwide. Use of more medicines may increase the chance of prescribing potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) and may increases the risk of potential drug-drug interactions (pDDIs). The objective of this study was to assess PIMs and pDDIs to improve the rational use of medicationsMethods: In this study data from the older people were obtained from patient visiting medicine, OPD, BPKIHS, Dharan. Demographic and medications information were collected. PIM and pDDIs were evaluated from medication data using the Beer’s criteria for potentially inappropriate medication use in older adults, 2015 and lexicomp application respectively.Results: Among 550 patients 50.9% patients were male. Common diagnosis was systemic hypertension 335 (64.5%) followed by type 2 diabetes mellitus 276 (50.18%). The most commonly prescribed drug was metformin (215) followed by amlodipine (205), atorvastatin (176), losartan (158), glimepiride (113) and aspirin (100). One or more fixed drug combination was present in 295 prescriptions. One or more PIM were present in 29 (5.3%) prescriptions. Commonly prescribed PIM was prazosin (11) followed by nitrofurantoin (5). There were total of 753 cases of pDDIs, with 116 (15.40%) cases of risk categories X and D.Conclusions: Our findings demonstrated PIM use were relatively less. However, pDDIs were common in older people suggesting that optimal medication use and further similar studies in larger scale are necessary in this population

    Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns of Salmonella enterica Serotype Typhi in Eastern Nepal

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate antimicrobial susceptibility patterns with special reference to multidrug resistance, susceptibility to ciprofloxacin, and bacteriophage typing of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi isolated from blood sent for culture in a tertiary-care teaching hospital in eastern Nepal during January 2000\u2013December 2004. In total, 132 strains of S. enterica Typhi, isolated from 2,568 blood culture samples collected from cases of suspected enteric fever, were tested for susceptibility to commonly-used antimicrobials by the disc-diffusion method. There were 35 multidrug-resistant strains. None of the isolates were resistant to ciprofloxacin.Of 52 isolates tested for minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of ciprofloxacin, 36 (69.23%) showed reduced susceptibility (MIC 650.25 mg/L). Of 112 strains tested for nalidixicacid susceptibility,86(76%) were resistant. Strains with reduced susceptibility to ciprofloxacin and resistance to nalidixic acid could be correlated. The commonest phage type was E1. Nalidixic acid susceptibility could be a useful screening test for the detection of decreased susceptibility of S. Typhi to ciprofloxacin, a drug which is commonly used even for minor ailments in this area

    Prevalence of Hypertension, Obesity, Diabetes, and Metabolic Syndrome in Nepal

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    Background. This study was carried out to establish the prevalence of cardiovascular risks such as hypertension, obesity, and diabetes in Eastern Nepal. This study also establishes the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) and its relationships to these cardiovascular risk factors and lifestyle. Methods. 14,425 subjects aged 20–100 (mean 41.4 ± 15.1) were screened with a physical examination and blood tests. Both the International Diabetic Federation (IDF) and National Cholesterol Education Programme's (NCEP) definitions for MS were used and compared. Results. 34% of the participants had hypertension, and 6.3% were diabetic. 28% were overweight, and 32% were obese. 22.5% of the participants had metabolic syndrome based on IDF criteria and 20.7% according to the NCEP definition. Prevalence was higher in the less educated, people working at home, and females. There was no significant correlation between the participants' lifestyle factors and the prevalence of MS. Conclusion. The high incidence of dyslipidemia and abdominal obesity could be the major contributors to MS in Nepal. Education also appears to be related to the prevalence of MS. This study confirms the need to initiate appropriate treatment options for a condition which is highly prevalent in Eastern Nepal

    Nepal Himalaya Offers Considerable Potential for Pumped Storage Hydropower

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    There is a pressing need for a transition from fossil-fuel to renewable energy to meet the increasing energy demands and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Nepal Himalaya possesses substantial renewable energy potential that can be harnessed through hydropower projects due to its peculiar topographic characteristics and abundant water resources. However, the current exploitation rate is low owing to the predominance of run-of-river hydropower systems to support the nation's power system. The utility-scale storage facility is crucial in the load scenario of an integrated Nepalese power system to manage diurnal variation, peak demand, and penetration of intermittent energy sources. In this study, we first identify the potential of pumped storage hydropower across the country under multiple configurations by pairing lakes, hydropower projects, rivers, and available flat terrains. We then identify technically feasible pairs from those of potential locations. Infrastructural, environmental, operational, and other technical constraints govern the choice of feasible locations. We find the flat land-to-river configuration most promising over other configurations for Nepal. Our results provide insight into the potential of pumped storage hydropower and are of practical importance in planning sustainable power systems in the Himalayas

    The 20-minute whole blood clotting test (20WBCT) for snakebite coagulopathy—A systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy

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    Background The 20-minute whole blood clotting test (20WBCT) has been used to detect coagulopathy following snakebite for almost 50 years. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the 20WBCT was conducted to evaluate the accuracy of the 20WBCT to detect coagulopathy, indicative of systemic envenoming. Methods and findings Databases were searched from inception up to 09/12/2020 to identify studies that compared the 20WBCT and INR/fibrinogen on five or more subjects. Data was extracted from full-text articles by two reviewers using a predetermined form. Authors of 29 studies that lacked sufficient details in the manuscript were contacted and included if data meeting the inclusion criteria were provided. Included studies were evaluated for bias using a tailored QUADAS-2 checklist. The study protocol was prospectively registered on PROSPERO database (CRD42020168953). The searches identified 3,599 studies, 15 met the inclusion criteria and 12 were included in the meta-analysis. Data was reported from 6 countries and included a total of 2,270 patients. The aggregate weighted sensitivity of the 20WBCT at detecting INR >1.4 was 0.84 (CI 0.61 to 0.94), the specificity was 0.91 (0.76 to 0.97) and the SROC AUC was 0.94 (CI 0.91 to 0.96). The aggregate weighted sensitivity of the 20WBCT at detecting fibrinogen <100 mg/dL was 0.72 (CI 0.58 to 0.83), the specificity was 0.94 (CI 0.88 to 0.98) and the SROC AUC was 0.93 (0.91 to 0.95). Both analyses that used INR and fibrinogen as the reference test displayed considerable heterogeneity. Conclusions In the absence of laboratory clotting assays, the 20WBCT remains a highly specific and fairly sensitive bedside test at detecting coagulopathy following snakebite. However, clinicians should be aware of the importance of operator training, standardized equipment and the lower sensitivity of the 20WBCT at detecting mild coagulopathy and resolution of coagulopathy following antivenom

    Good participatory practice for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) research: the case of a COVID-19 prevention study

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    Background: The COPCOV study (chloroquine/ hydroxychloroquine prevention of coronavirus disease), which started recruitment in April 2020, is a multi-country double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial which is being conducted in healthcare facilities involved in COVID-19 case management. Participants are staff employed in facilities managing people with proven or suspected COVID-19. As part of the study, we conducted a series of engagement sessions. The aims were to assess the feasibility of the study, to identify context-specific ethical issues, to understand possible concerns, to fine tune research procedures and to refine the COPCOV information materials. Methods: The COPCOV study was approved by relevant institutional review boards. The sessions described in this paper were part of the study. We conducted a series of engagement sessions, each involving a short presentation of the study, a section where attendees were asked to express their willingness to participate in such a study, which information they would need to change their view and an open Q&A section. Answers were transcribed and coded into themes by two independent investigators. Themes were derived from the data. They complemented other site-specific engagement, communication, and public relation activities such as press releases and websites. Results and conclusions: From 16 th March 2020 to 20 th January 2021, 13 engagement sessions were conducted in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Nepal and the UK involving 222 attendees in total. Issues raised revolved around the social value and study rationale; safety of trial medications and risk-benefit balance; study design and commitments. These sessions helped us identify concerns people had, which helped us refine information materials as well as complement site feasibility assessments. Our experience strongly supports the use of participatory practices prior to conducting clinical trials

    Frailty and outcomes in heart failure patients from high-, middle-, and low-income countries

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    Background and Aims: There is little information on the incremental prognostic importance of frailty beyond conventional prognostic variables in heart failure (HF) populations from different country income levels. Methods: A total of 3429 adults with HF (age 61 ± 14 years, 33% women) from 27 high-, middle- and low-income countries were prospectively studied. Baseline frailty was evaluated by the Fried index, incorporating handgrip strength, gait speed, physical activity, unintended weight loss, and self-reported exhaustion. Mean left ventricular ejection fraction was 39 ± 14% and 26% had New York Heart Association Class III/IV symptoms. Participants were followed for a median (25th to 75th percentile) of 3.1 (2.0–4.3) years. Cox proportional hazard models for death and HF hospitalization adjusted for country income level; age; sex; education; HF aetiology; left ventricular ejection fraction; diabetes; tobacco and alcohol use; New York Heart Association functional class; HF medication use; blood pressure; and haemoglobin, sodium, and creatinine concentrations were performed. The incremental discriminatory value of frailty over and above the MAGGIC risk score was evaluated by the area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve. Results: At baseline, 18% of participants were robust, 61% pre-frail, and 21% frail. During follow-up, 565 (16%) participants died and 471 (14%) were hospitalized for HF. Respective adjusted hazard ratios (95% confidence interval) for death among the pre-frail and frail were 1.59 (1.12–2.26) and 2.92 (1.99–4.27). Respective adjusted hazard ratios (95% confidence interval) for HF hospitalization were 1.32 (0.93–1.87) and 1.97 (1.33–2.91). Findings were consistent among different country income levels and by most subgroups. Adding frailty to the MAGGIC risk score improved the discrimination of future death and HF hospitalization. Conclusions: Frailty confers substantial incremental prognostic information to prognostic variables for predicting death and HF hospitalization. The relationship between frailty and these outcomes is consistent across countries at all income levels

    Community mobilisation with women's groups facilitated by Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) to improve maternal and newborn health in underserved areas of Jharkhand and Orissa: study protocol for a cluster-randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Around a quarter of the world's neonatal and maternal deaths occur in India. Morbidity and mortality are highest in rural areas and among the poorest wealth quintiles. Few interventions to improve maternal and newborn health outcomes with government-mandated community health workers have been rigorously evaluated at scale in this setting.The study aims to assess the impact of a community mobilisation intervention with women's groups facilitated by ASHAs to improve maternal and newborn health outcomes among rural tribal communities of Jharkhand and Orissa.Methods/design: The study is a cluster-randomised controlled trial and will be implemented in five districts, three in Jharkhand and two in Orissa. The unit of randomisation is a rural cluster of approximately 5000 population. We identified villages within rural, tribal areas of five districts, approached them for participation in the study and enrolled them into 30 clusters, with approximately 10 ASHAs per cluster. Within each district, 6 clusters were randomly allocated to receive the community intervention or to the control group, resulting in 15 intervention and 15 control clusters. Randomisation was carried out in the presence of local stakeholders who selected the cluster numbers and allocated them to intervention or control using a pre-generated random number sequence. The intervention is a participatory learning and action cycle where ASHAs support community women's groups through a four-phase process in which they identify and prioritise local maternal and newborn health problems, implement strategies to address these and evaluate the result. The cycle is designed to fit with the ASHAs' mandate to mobilise communities for health and to complement their other tasks, including increasing institutional delivery rates and providing home visits to mothers and newborns. The trial's primary endpoint is neonatal mortality during 24 months of intervention. Additional endpoints include home care practices and health care-seeking in the antenatal, delivery and postnatal period. The impact of the intervention will be measured through a prospective surveillance system implemented by the project team, through which mothers will be interviewed around six weeks after delivery. Cost data and qualitative data are collected for cost-effectiveness and process evaluations

    Snake Bite in South Asia: A Review

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    Snake bite is one of the most neglected public health issues in poor rural communities living in the tropics. Because of serious misreporting, the true worldwide burden of snake bite is not known. South Asia is the world's most heavily affected region, due to its high population density, widespread agricultural activities, numerous venomous snake species and lack of functional snake bite control programs. Despite increasing knowledge of snake venoms' composition and mode of action, good understanding of clinical features of envenoming and sufficient production of antivenom by Indian manufacturers, snake bite management remains unsatisfactory in this region. Field diagnostic tests for snake species identification do not exist and treatment mainly relies on the administration of antivenoms that do not cover all of the important venomous snakes of the region. Care-givers need better training and supervision, and national guidelines should be fed by evidence-based data generated by well-designed research studies. Poorly informed rural populations often apply inappropriate first-aid measures and vital time is lost before the victim is transported to a treatment centre, where cost of treatment can constitute an additional hurdle. The deficiency of snake bite management in South Asia is multi-causal and requires joint collaborative efforts from researchers, antivenom manufacturers, policy makers, public health authorities and international funders