161 research outputs found

    A priori estimates for anti-symmetric solutions to a fractional Laplacian equation in a bounded domain

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    In this paper, we obtain a priori estimates for the set of anti-symmetric solutions to a fractional Laplacian equation in a bounded domain using a blowing-up and rescaling argument. In order to establish a contradiction to possible blow-ups, we apply a certain variation of the moving planes method in order to prove a monotonicity result for the limit equation after rescaling

    Effects of Straw Mulching on Soil Temperature and Maize Growth in Northeast China

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    In China, corn is growing in large quantities, and a large amount of straw is produced each year. Improper straw treatment may cause environmental problems. Covering the fields after straw crushing can prevent soil erosion and increase soil fertility, which has become a recommended method of straw treatment. The effects of straw mulching on soil water content, soil temperature and maize growth traits were analyzed through comparative experiments. The results showed that straw mulching had heat insulation effect. In May and June, when the average temperature was low, straw mulching kept the ground temperature at a low value, resulting in late emergence of crops and poor growth in the nutritional stage. In July and August when the temperature is higher, the higher ground temperature is maintained, which makes the crop grow better in reproductive growth stage and yield higher. In addition, straw mulching makes the soil water content higher and has a positive effect on Maize Cultivation in northeastern China for Rain-fed agriculture

    The model of rat lipid metabolism disorder induced by chronic stress accompanying high-fat-diet

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    <p>Abstract Objective</p> <p>To develop an animal model of Lipid Metabolism Disorder, which conforms to human clinical characteristic. Methods: There were 24 male Wistar rats that were randomly divided into 3 groups with 8 rats in each. They were group A (normal diet), group B (high-fat-diet), group C (chronic stress+ high-fat-diet). Group A was fed with normal diet, while group B and C were fed with high-fat-diet, going on for 55 days. From the 35th day, group B and C received one time of daily chronic stress, going on for 21 days. After that, the activities of the serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and the levels of the serum triglyceride (TG), Cholesterol (Ch), high-density lipoprotein-Cholesterol (HDL-C) and liver TG were evaluated. Results: Compared with group A, the activities of the serum ALT and AST, and the levels of the serum CH, TG, HDL-C and liver TG were found to be markedly increased, when the level of HDL-C was markedly decreased in group B and C, and the results of group C was more obviously. Conclusion: Chronic stress and high-fat-diet have the synergistic action in rat's Lipid Metabolism Disorder. They lead to a model of Lipid Metabolism Disorder, which conforms to human clinical characteristic much better.</p

    A Quasi-27-Day Oscillation Activity From the Troposphere to the Mesosphere And Lower Thermosphere at Low Latitudes

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    Using meteor radar, radiosonde observations and MERRA-2 reanalysis data from 12 August to 31 October 2006, we report a dynamical coupling from the tropical lower atmosphere to the mesosphere and lower thermosphere through a quasi-27-day intraseasonal oscillation (ISO). It is interesting that the quasi-27-day ISO is observed in the troposphere, stratopause and mesopause regions, exhibiting a three-layer structure. In the MLT, the amplitude in the zonal wind increases from about 4 ms−1 at 90 km to 15 ms−1 at 100 km, which is diferent from previous observations that ISOs occurs generally in winter with an amplitude peak at about 80–90 km, and then are rapidly weakened with increasing height. Outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) and specifc humidity demonstrate that there is a quasi-27-day periodicity in convective activity in the tropics, which causes the ISO of the zonal wind and gravity wave (GW) activity in the troposphere. The upward propagating GWs are further modulated by the oscillation in the troposphere and upper stratosphere. As the GWs propagate to the MLT, the quasi-27-day oscillation in the wind feld is induced with a clear phase opposite to that in the lower atmosphere through instability and dissipation of these modulated GWs. Wavelet analysis shows that the quasi-27-day variability in the MLT appears as a case event rather than a persistent phenomenon, and has not a clear corresponding relation with the solar rotation efect within 1 year of observations


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    Within a broader study of early Chinese agriculture, stone tool-use experiments were undertaken to document usewear on sandstone and tuff implements used to process Quercus acorns, Avena oats and Setaria millet. In other experiments, we examined usewear on denticulate slate sickles used to harvest Quercus acorns, Poaceae grass and Typha reeds. Results support other studies that indicate different patterns of abrasive smoothing, striation formation and polish development together provide a basis for distinguishing some of these tasks. This research is aimed to establish a database for functional analysis of grinding stones and sickles from the early Neolithic Peiligang culture. Controlled experiments are required to identify critical variables (e.g. silica in husks) that affect usewear patterns

    Coupling Evidence From Lower Atmosphere to Mesosphere and Ionosphere Through Quasi 27-Day Oscillation

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    Using meteor radar, radiosonde and digisonde observations and MERRA-2 reanalysis data from 12 August to 31 October 2006, we report a dynamical coupling from the tropical lower atmosphere to the mesosphere and ionospheric F2 region through a quasi 27-day intraseasonal oscillation (ISO). It is interesting that the quasi 27-day ISO is active in the troposphere and stratopause and mesopause regions, exhibiting a three-layer structure. In the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT), the amplitude in the zonal wind increases from about 4 ms at 90 km to 15 ms at 100 km, which is different from previous observations that ISOs generally have the amplitude peak at about 80-85 km, and then weakens with height. OLR and specific humidity data demonstrate that there is a quasi 27-day periodicity in convective activity in the tropics, which causes the ISO of the zonal wind and gravity wave (GW) activity in the troposphere. GW energy in the stratosphere also exhibits a sharp spectral speak at 27-day period, meaning that the convectively modulated GWs play a vital role in driving the oscillation in the MLT. The quasi 27-day variability arises clearly in the hmF2. Wavelet analysis shows that the dominant period and active time of the hmF2 oscillation are in good agreement with those in the zonal wind of the MLT and OLR rather than in the F10.7 and Kp index. Hence, tropical convective activity has an influence on the dynamics of the MLT and F2 region through modulated waves and ISOs

    The open banking era:An optimal model for the emergency fund

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    The COVID-19 outbreak has negatively impacted the income of many bank users. Many users without emergency funds had difficulty coping with this unexpected event and had to use credit or apply to the government for bailout funds. Therefore, it is necessary to develop spending plans and deposit plans based on transaction data of users to assist them in saving sufficient emergency funds to cope with unexpected events. In this paper, an emergency fund model is proposed, and two optimization algorithms are applied to solve the optimal solution of the model. Secondly, an early warning mechanism is proposed, i.e. an unexpected prevention index and a consumption index are proposed to measure the ability of users to cope with unexpected events and the reasonableness of their expenditure respectively, which provides early warning to users. Finally, the model is experimented with real bank users and the performance of the model is analysed. The experiments show that compared to the no-planning scenario, the model helps users to save more emergency funds to cope with unexpected events, furthermore, the proposed model is real-time and sensitive.</p

    Bcl-xl does not have to bind Bax to protect T cells from death

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    Activated T cells die when antigen disappears from animals. This death is caused by proteins related to Bcl-2. Two hypotheses have been suggested to explain the actions of the different types of Bcl-2 proteins. One hypothesis suggests that, when T cells prepare to die, Bak and Bax, the proteins that actually kill activated T cells, are released from antiapoptotic proteins such as Bcl-2 and Bcl-xl. Another hypothesis suggests that Bak and Bax are normally free and are triggered to kill cells by release of messenger proteins, such as Bim, from Bcl-2 and Bcl-xl. Here, a form of Bcl-xl, which lacks a long unstructured loop, is used to show that the first hypothesis is not correct. Bcl-xl without its loop protects activated T cells from death, yet Bcl-xl without its loop cannot bind any form of Bak and Bax. Thus, binding of Bcl-xl to Bak or Bax is not involved in T cell life or death. The loop of Bcl-xl is also somewhat involved in Bcl-xl's binding of Bim because Bcl-xl without its loop binds Bim less well than wild-type Bcl-xl. Moreover, the loop may have additional, as yet unknown, functions because it changes its shape when Bcl-xl binds Bim

    Laser Weld Seam Curved Path Effect on 6063 Aluminum Alloy Strength and Temperature Distributions: COMSOL Numerical Simulation

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    To improve the welding performance of aluminum alloys, a thermal source model of an irregular weld seam was established. COMSOL software was used for numerical simulation of the weld seam geometry effect on the temperature and stress fields in laser welding, which results were experimentally validated. The results show that the ellipsoidal laser welding melted micropool exhibited quasi-steady-state temperature field characteristics. The temperature gradient and thermal stress showed an increase followed by a decline. The temperature fluctuation amplitude of the square-tooth-shaped weld seam exceeded that of the arc-toothshaped one. The temperature evolution of the broken line tooth-shaped weld seam showed a slightly increasing trend, except for the inflection point. The experimental average tensile strength of the weld seam was the highest, reaching about 210 MPa, i.e., roughly 85% of the base material (245 MPa), which coincided with the COMSOL-based temperature field simulation results. With increasing deformation amplitude and transition radius, the maximum tensile force, tensile strength, and elongation at fracture showed an increasing trend. However, the deformation amplitude should be below a certain limit because its increase elongates the welding path and reduces the distance between weld seams, resulting in serious heat accumulation. The tensile fracture morphology of the 6063-T6 base material was curved shear, with shallow toughness pits, small tearing edges at the edges, and small granular objects, indicating small plastic deformation during the fracture process. The tensile fracture of the welded part spanned the weld seam and the base material, and the fracture occurred along the tangent direction of the weld seam. The fracture surface was smooth, the tearing edges at the edge of the toughness pit shifted along the weld seam direction, forming many co-directional slip bands, with highly pronounced plastic deformation

    Modeling Studies of Gravity Wave Dynamics in Highly Structured Environments: Reflection, Trapping, Instability, Momentum Transport, Secondary Gravity Waves, and Induced Flow Responses

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    A compressible numerical model is applied for three-dimensional (3-D) gravity wave (GW) packets undergoing momentum deposition, self-acceleration (SA), breaking, and secondary GW (SGW) generation in the presence of highly-structured environments enabling thermal and/or Doppler ducts, such as a mesospheric inversion layer (MIL), tidal wind (TW), or combination of MIL and TW. Simulations reveal that ducts can strongly modulate GW dynamics. Responses modeled here include reflection, trapping, suppressed transmission, strong local instabilities, reduced SGW generations, higher altitude SGW responses, and induced large-scale flows. Instabilities that arise in ducts experience strong dissipation after they emerge, while trapped smaller-amplitude and smaller-scale GWs can survive in ducts to much later times. Additionally, GW breaking and its associated dynamics enhance the local wind along the GW propagation direction in the ducts, and yield layering in the wind field. However, these dynamics do not yield significant heat transport in the ducts. The failure of GW breaking to induce stratified layers in the temperature field suggests that such heat transport might not be as strong as previously assumed or inferred from observations and theoretical assessments. The present numerical simulations confirm previous finding that MIL generation may not be caused by the breaking of a transient high-frequency GW packet alone
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