507 research outputs found

    In Vitro Investigation Of Cytotoxicity And Apoptosis Induction By Methanol Extract Of Calophyllum Inophyllum Fruit In MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Cell Line

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    Calophyllum inophyllum adalah sejenis tumbuhan bakawali yang kaya dengan nilai-nilai perubatan yang telah dimanfaatkan secara meluas dari zaman dahulu lagi untuk menyembuhkan pelbagai penyakit. Walaupun C. inophyllum termahsyur dengan sejarah perubatan tradisionalnya, tetapi hanya sedikit bukti saintifik yang melaporkan tentang ketoksikan C. inophyllum khususnya buah C. inophylum, dimana tiada kajian langsung yang melaporkan tentang mekanisma tahap molekul yang komprehensif. Oleh itu, penyelidikan ini telah dilaksanakan untuk menentukan ketoksikan ekstrak buah C. inophyllum secara in vitro terhadap titisan sel kanser manusia MCF-7 dengan penjelasan terperinci mengenai mekanisma tahap molekular disebalik kematian sel kanser. Dalam kajian ini, pengesahan spesies tumbuhan serta analisis jumlah kandungan fenol telah dijalankan. Kesan sitotoksisiti ekstrak buah C. inophyllum terhadap titisan sel kanser MCF-7 telah dinilai dengan menjalankan ujian-ujian MTT dan CyQuant yang menunjukkan perencatan pertumbuhan sel MCF-7 dengan nilai IC50 sebanyak 19.63 μg/mL dan 27.54 μg/mL masing-masing. Penelitian terhadap morfologi sel MCF-7 setelah dirawat dengan ekstrak buah C. inophyllum pada kepekatan IC50 (23.59 μg/mL) telah memaparkan ciri-ciri histologi apoptosis yang jelas. Calophyllum inophyllum is an exquisite plant species with rich ethnomedicinal values have been diversely utilized to heal several diseases. In spite of its long-established sophisticated traditional medicinal properties, only a few investigations have reported its cytotoxicity especially fruit extract, with absolutely no means of scientific evidence of its comprehensive molecular mechanism. Hence, this study was conducted to determine the in vitro cytotoxicity of C. inophyllum fruit extract against MCF-7 human breast cancer cells with an intricate elucidation of the molecular mechanism of the cell death. In this study, authentication of the plant species and the determination of total phenolic content were carried out. The cytotoxic effect of C. inophyllum fruit extract against MCF-7 cancer cells was evaluated through MTT and CyQuant assays which demonstrated the inhibition of cell viability with the IC50 values 19.63 μg/mL and 27.54 μg/mL respectively. The preliminary time-based morphological investigation of MCF-7 cells treated with the IC50 value (23.59 μg/mL) of C. inophyllum fruit extract revealed prominent histological characteristics of apoptosis

    Molecular Characterization And Bioinformatics Analysis Of Microrna-221-5p Regulated By Standardized Polyalthia Longifolia (Sonn.) Thwaites Leaf Extract In Hela Cell Lines

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    Polyalthia longifolia (Sonn.) Thwaites is an exquisite plant species with rich ethnomedicinal values. Recent scientific investigations on P. longifolia leaf extract have also revealed its anti-cancer property against HeLa cells through the induction of caspase-dependent apoptosis by regulating microRNA (miRNA) expressions. However, there were no further investigations performed to report the functional analysis of the regulated miRNA, with absolutely no means of scientific evidence of validation of miRNA dysregulation in HeLa cells treated with the methanolic P. longifolia leaf extract. Hence, this study was conducted to validate the miRNA expression in methanolic P. longifolia leaf extract treated HeLa cells in comparison with untreated HeLa cells with an intricate elucidation of functional and proteomic analysis of miRNA expression. In this study, methanolic P. longifolia leaf extract was freshly prepared and MTT assay was performed to identify the IC50 value against HeLa cells. The expression of miR-221-5p was validated by performing Taqman real time RTqPCR which confirmed the down-regulation of miR-221-5p in HeLa cells treated with methanolic P. longifolia leaf extract compared to the untreated HeLa cells. The functional analysis of miR-221-5p was conducted through gain-of-function and loss-of-function approach by MTT assay, flow cytometric analysis of Annexin V/ Propidium Iodide assay and caspase-3 assay

    Intuitionistic FWI-ideals of residuated lattice Wajsberg algebras

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    The notions of intutionistic fuzzy Wajsberg implicative ideal( –ideal) and intuitionistic fuzzy lattice ideal of residuated Wajsberg algebras are introduced. Also,  we show that every intuitionistic - ideal of residuated lattice Wajsberg algebra is an intuitionistic fuzzy lattice ideal of residuated lattice Wajsberg algebra. Further, we discuss its converse part

    A Scientific approach on the Validation of Santha Santhrothaya Mathirai (SSM) a Siddha Herbo-Mineral Preparation for its Safety and Efficacy in the Management of Hepatic disorders

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    Santha santhrothaya mathirai (SSM) is a herbo-mineral formulation widely prescribed for hepatic disorders. The ingredients of SSM include mercurous chloride, borax, turmeric and lemon juice all of which are said to possess hepatoprotective activity. Although, the medicinal preparations mentioned in Siddha literature are time-tested standard preparations it is need of the hour to document standardization procedures by using sophisticated instrumental analysis to maintain quality control. In the present study the preparation of SSM was standardized initially and then it was scientifically validated by adopting various analytical techniques.Toxicity and pharmacological studies were also performed to understand the safety and efficacy of the traditional drugs. The raw materials used in the preparation of SSM were identified and authenticated using contemperory accepted practice. The raw materials of mineral origin viz., pooram and vengaram were purified strictly following the classical Siddha texts. The study drug SSM was prepared adopting the method mentioned in the “Siddha Vaithiya Thirattu”. In order to standardize the preparation protocol, SSM was prepared thrice (SSM-A, SSM-B and SSM-C) by following the same protocol and the similarity was demonstrated by examining various physical and chemical nature such as total ash, moisture content. The microbial load, aflatoxins and pesticide levels were analyzed and were found to be within the WHO permissible limits in all the three samples. Quantity of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic) in all the 3 samples of SSM were estimated by using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and were found to be within the permissible limits. Total curcumin content of SSM was estimated in all the three samples of SSM by HPTLC analysis. The amount of curcumin present in Sample A was 0.6589 %; Sample B was 0.6884 % and Sample C was 0.7104 %.Total curcumin content of SSM - (A-1.15%,B 1.19%, C1.23%) were analysed by UV spectroscopy. There was no significant variation in the curcumin content in all the three samples of SSM. Since all samples were similar throughout the above analysis one of them was taken for further analytical procedures. TGA analysis of SSM confirms a weight loss of 77% indicating the presence of large quantity of organic organic material in SSM. The chemical changes that have occurred during the Siddha methods of purification process were assessed by using Raman spectroscopy, FTIR, XRD and SEM Analysis. The analytical studies confirm the changes in the chemical structure of raw and purified state. The tetragonal crystalline structure of Pooram (Mercurous chloride) showed changes in its crystalline structure though the exact shape could not be established. Similarly Vengaram (Borax) also showed a change in its structure from rhombohedral form to orthorhombic form. Moreover the presence of organo-mineral complex in SSM can be due to the combination of turmeric with purified vengaram, purified pooram or both. SEM Analysis revealed the particle size of 1μm to 500 nm in various magnifications. Also the morphological structure showed variations in purified and prepared medicine SSM when compared to raw samples. In order to understand the nature of inorganic materials present in SSM, the XRF, ICP-OES and mercury analysis by tituration method was performed. Heavy metals concentration of Mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic were observed by the ICP-OES. This analysis of raw pooram (P1), raw vengaram (V1) showed mercury level and Sodium level as 123.241ppm and 545.862ppm respectively. There was significant reduction in the content of mercury (55.87ppm) in Pooram and the content of Sodium (203.110ppm) in Vengaram in purified state. Further reduction was observed in the mercury and Sodium level in study drug SSM as 3.154ppm and 125.383 ppm respectively. The other heavy metals such as As, Cd, and Pb were below detectable level (BDL) in all the samples (Raw, Purified and prepared samples). The concentration of elements in oxide form was analyzed through X-Ray Fluorescence in the Raw, purified and prepared samples. The XRF study revealed the addition and deletion of trace elements and a reduction in the percentage of Mercury from 87.23% in raw form to 59.59% in purified form and 58.82% in SSM finished sample. From the results of tituration method, mercury content was also reduced from raw state of ingredients to purified and finished state of SSM. These analytical studies are essential since the raw materials for herbomineral preparations are often sourced from various regions and during various seasons. The present study ensures the quality control of the drug which is essential for the prevention of adulteration, reproducibility, assessment of finished product, estimation of active principle and global acceptance. SSM was accessed for its safety on short-term and long-term administration by performing acute, sub acute, subchronic toxicity in animal models. In acute toxicity study, SSM did not produce any mortality or exhibit any abnormal signs for 14 days even upto the dose of 2000mg/kg, on single oral administration.Gross necropsy of different organs revealed no abnormalities after 14 days.In subacute toxicity study, oral administration for a period of 28 days did not showany behavioural abnormality and mortality even at the dose of 250 mg/kg. Gross pathological examination and histopathological analysis of the various organs such as heart, liver, kidney, lung, spleen, stomach, brain did not reveal any lesions in any of the groups. In subchronic toxicity study, there was no behavioural abnormality and mortality throughout the study period of 90 days except mild laxative effect in high dose group. Few changes were observed in haematological and biochemical parameters of SSM treated animals when compared to control groups but were within the physiological limits. Moreover the reduction of liver parameters ALT and AST reveals the hepatoprotective effect of SSM. Histopathological examinations of the tissues revealed mild inflammatory changes in liver and kidney with no significant changes in AST, ALT, urea and creatinine which are biomarkers of hepatic and renal damage. Recovery group was maintained to assess all the above haematological, biochemical and histopathalogical parameters and were found to have no significant toxicological changes. ICP-MS analysis of renal tissue indicates that the study drug SSM does not cause any cumulative toxic effect in renal tissues as the levels of mercury was below the detectable limit in post retrieval group. The results of the toxicity study confirms the safety of SSM towards human consumption. The pharmacological activity of SSM was accessed using three different animal model that represents Paracetamol - induced liver injury, LPS +D–galactosamine induced hepatoxicity which may mimic alchohol induced liver damage, acute liver damage and viral hepatitis respectively. In all the three models, SSM was found to reduce various liver function parameters such as AST, ALT, ALP, Urea and bilirubin that were elevated due to disease induction. Moreover, SSM also increases the total proteins in all the three pharmacological models. Furthermore, treatment with SSM at the dose levels of 25 and 125mg/Kg significantly increases the hepatic antioxidant enzymes such as SOD, CAT, GRD, and GPx and decreases the level of lipid peroxidation when compared to the disease control groups. Histopathology analysis of liver showed that SSM at Low (25mg/kg) and high (125mg/Kg) doses greatly reduced the level of fibrosis and deposition of collagen fibres in alchohol induced liver injury and paracetamol induced liver injury as almost equal to the standard drug Liv 52 and the levels of fibrosis and restoration of collagen fibres in D-Galactosamine induced liver injury were almost similar to that of the standard drug Silymarin. Over all SSM was found to contain notable quantity of mercury in the form of organometallic complex. But it was found to be effective in the management of liver disorders and was experimentally very safe even at very high doses. This study clearly demonstrated the traditional mercury containing drugs are safe for oral administration plausibly may be due to the traditional purification and preparation protocols employed during the process of formulation. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that the trial drug SSM a classical Siddha formulation, was well formulated ensuring the quality by complying with the GMP and GLP standards at every step right from procurement, authentication ,purification to final product analysis. The toxicological profiling of SSM reveals that it has a large margin of safety on acute, sub acute and sub chronic toxicity in experimental rats. Also the pharmacological studies on SSM has proved it to be hepatoprotective and efficacious in the therapeutic dosage for treating liver diseases. The reverse pharmacological work to re-validate the traditional formulation, SSM confirms the safety profile and effectiveness by adopting the modern scientific and acceptable methods to satisfy the present day demands. Hence through this work, an effort has been made to bring out SSM as evidence based safe Siddha medicine for Liver disorders

    Purification And Characterization Of Phosphofructokinase (PFK) Enzyme From Antarctic Yeast, Leucosporidium Antarcticum [QR84.7. S528 2008 f rb].

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    Leucosporidium Antarcticum telah dipencilkan daripada sampel air dari Stesen Davis di Antartika dan menunjukkan potensi untuk menghasilkan enzim intrasel fosfofruktokinase (PFK) (ATP-PFK; EC pada suhu 5 oC di dalam medium kompleks. L.antarcticum was isolated from the freshwater sample collected from Davis Station in Antarctic and was potential to produce intracellular phosphofructokinase (PFK) (ATP-PFK; EC

    The Change and Difference of the Prosody

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    Prosody in Tamil has changed and developed from time to time. Prosody itself helps in the creation of traditional poems. Apart from creating traditional poems, prosody is also a tool for knowing the structure and meaning of songs composed on the basis of a tradition dating back to ancient times. It is prosody that lays down the rules for the style of the verse, which treats the subject matter of the book with sound and appearance. If the ideas expressed are in the style of a poem, then the prose has no use for the reciter. That is why, compared to prose, the style of the poem becomes superior. Since all our ancient texts are composed in the style of poetry, the practice of prosody is essential for our fullest experience of them. Tolkappiya poetry is an uncommon component of understanding the structure of ancient Tamil poetry. The former praised the prosodic features and developed them from time to time. The Tholkappiyar was also well-versed in the prosodic system that existed before him. He praises the creators of prosody that existed before him as 'Yaappari Pulavar (Poets who know Prosody)'. Tolkappiyam is the first book we have today to expound the Prosody. After Tholkappiyam, books such as Kakkaipaadiniyam, Avinayam, Yaapparungalam, Yaapparungalakaarikai, Veerachozhiyam, Muthuveeriyam, Palkaayam, etc., have appeared to describe prosody. It is natural that from time to time the emergence of new types of prosody and changes in old prosodic types occur. Therefore, the prosody explained by other poets’ texts differs in some respects from the grammatical trend of Tholkappiyar. This article is based on how Tolkappiyar's opinion about prosodic parts in the grammar of prosody has been changed or different in the prosodic texts that appeared after him

    Evaluating Green Solvents and Techniques in Extraction Methods

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    Of all analytical techniques, extraction is a huge solvent-consuming process that could adversely impact the environment. Use of petroleum-based solvents for extraction of oilseeds is still a common practice, despite the potential fire hazard and the toxic water pollution. The rising awareness of chemical activities created immense need for sustainable development schemes and strategies that should address the environmental impact without compromising the yield. In the course of developing green extraction techniques, automation, alternative solvents, and selective extractions are the growing trend. This dissertation aligns with that progress by surveying green solvents, comparing their performance during oil extraction, examining a prototype automated extraction system, and studying the efficiency of selective adsorbents. Green solvents are of great interest as they are sourced from renewable feedstock and pose little or no danger to the environment. But their application in analytical chemistry is not widely appreciated. This dissertation aimed to study the extraction efficiency of green solvents during accelerated solvent extraction of soybean oil. Five green solvents, 2-methyltetrahydrofuran (2-MeTHF), alpha-pinene, cyclopentyl methyl ether (CPME), ethyl lactate, and t-butyl methyl ether (TBME), were chosen based on the literature, solubility, and viscosity. Using the GSK solvent-scoring system obtained from literature, the ecological and economic impact of these solvents were roughly identified with respect to n-hexane. As the solubility of analytes can influence the initial part of the extraction, relative solubility of triglycerides (of the major soybean fatty acids such as linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, and stearic acid) in the green solvents was theoretically predicted using a computer program. Also, the viscosities of the green solvents at different temperatures was investigated prior to the extraction study. Soybean, the most dominant oilseed in the market with rich protein and oil content, was used as the sample for the extraction study. As the initial analysis indicated that the lower size particles give greater oil recovery, soybean particles of average diameter 513 μm were chosen for the elaborate extraction evaluation. For a small-scale fast extraction of analytes from solid and semisolid samples, accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) is a powerful and sophisticated device. This fully automated extraction system uses very little solvent at elevated temperature and pressure and is able to run several queued experiments at programmed conditions. To rely on the results from ASE of soybean oil using green solvents, the hot-ball model was used as a validating tool. The hot-ball model gives a theoretical extraction profile for an ideal spherical matrix that can be used to evaluate and validate any experimental extraction results. As diffusion plays a major role in the kinetics of extraction, comparing the diffusion coefficient of green solvents was the key approach. Upon assessing the performance of green solvents with respect to percent oil recovery, CPME demonstrated the highest diffusion coefficient and highest % recovery for soybean oil. A remarkable 99% recovery was attained within 30 min, which is 17 times faster than n-hexane. These results suggest CPME as a promising green alternative solvent for soybean oil extraction. The second part of this dissertation examines a new green extraction system. A prototype automated extractor from CEM was investigated in terms of its extraction efficiency. The knowledge obtained from previous ASE extraction studies were used to gauge the capabilities of this instrument, and the hot-ball model was used to validate the results. Adsorbents are a significant part of the post-extraction cleanup process and studying their efficiency could reveal their ability to green the analytical techniques. The mechanism of adsorption is complex, and it varies with each adsorbate-solvent-adsorbent system. The last part of the dissertation aimed to investigate the oil adsorption efficiency of five adsorbents – silica, florisil, activated carbon, alumina and diatomaceous earth – during ASE extractions at different temperatures and concentration. Results showed that activated carbon has remarkable tendency to retain oil, at low temperatures and high adsorbent concentrations

    New Methods for Image Retrieval

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    Image Retrieval (IR) is a standout amongst the most energizing and quickest developing exploration regions in the field of multimedia innovation. We present here a feature of ongoing exploration for IR. A few patterns and plausible future research bearings are exhibited. We uncover the significant issues that we have perceived: the absence of a decent estimation of visual comparability, the little significance agreed to client communication and input, and the disregard of spatial data. Noting these worries, we depict the arrangements actualized by recent IR frameworks. We likewise present the current image retrieval extends in our research centre, which are persuaded to a huge degree by these equivalent contemplations

    Analysis of Speaker Verification System Using Support Vector Machine

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    The integration of GMM- super vector and Support Vector Machine (SVM) has become one of most popular strategy in text-independent speaker verification system.  This paper describes the application of Fuzzy Support Vector Machine (FSVM) for classification of speakers using GMM-super vectors. Super vectors are formed by stacking the mean vectors of adapted GMMs from UBM using maximum a posteriori (MAP). GMM super vectors characterize speaker’s acoustic characteristics which are used for developing a speaker dependent fuzzy SVM model. Introducing fuzzy theory in support vector machine yields better classification accuracy and requires less number of support vectors. Experiments were conducted on 2001 NIST speaker recognition evaluation corpus. Performance of GMM-FSVM based speaker verification system is compared with the conventional GMM-UBM and GMM-SVM based systems.  Experimental results indicate that the fuzzy SVM based speaker verification system with GMM super vector achieves better performance to GMM-UBM system. Â