232 research outputs found

    Effects of dissolved organic carbon on methylmercury bioavailability in stream ecosystems

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    An Agriculture-Based Finance Model for Indian Community Colleges

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    This paper presents a finance model for Indian community colleges which proposes that these colleges begin and operate agricultural operations which will generate revenue for the colleges. The paper proposes that the college working with the respective tribe use tribal agricultural resources to produce income which can then be used to meet tribal objectives in higher education. The model was reviewed by a panel with expertise in reservation and tribal community college development. History of the Problem: This paper traces the status of tribal land and natural resources from early Federal/Indian relationships through the Dawes Allotment Act up to the present day status quo. The paper also presents various legal interpretations of Indian treaties, status, and reservations which have prevailed throughout history. The paper also describes the development of Indian community colleges as an Indian initiated effort to improve reservation life. An Agriculture-Based Finance Model for Indian Community Colleges: The model is a two-phase description of the procedures that should be followed to begin and operate a tribal community college agricultural operation. Each phase presents sample tools which might be helpful in this process. Review of the Model: The model was reviewed by four people who were chosen for their expertise and background in Indian higher education and tribal economic development. The reviewers provided valuable insights into problems which might be encountered while implementing the model. The reviewers also suggested additions which might be helpful to those implementing the model. Conclusions: The review of the model provided two groups of conclusions. The conclusions which discuss features of the model are: 1. The model will work but certain conditions are necessary for proper implementation. Given a feasible situation, there must be good management of the operation. 2. Political approval and commitment to the project from the tribal council and local political groups are essential elements in the model. 3. The model, if successfully implemented, would stand as an educational role model for the tribe in development and management of tribal resources. 4. Before the model is implemented on a specific reservation, detailed background information needs to be gathered which identifies local social, economic, and political characteristics. 5. Continuity of leadership is an important factor in long range success of the model. The conclusions which are suggestions for additions to the model are: 1. The scope of the model (agriculture) is too narrow and should include nearly any type of economic development. 2. The problems addressed by the model are not only economic but educational as well. The model, whether centered around agriculture or other enterprises, could easily be expanded to combine the management framework with an appropriate educational program. 3. If the focus of the model is aimed at agricultural or natural resource development, the model should incorporate a Land Ethic consistent with Indian philosophy. 4. In the planning portions of the model, it is advisable to use outside resources rather than to rely solely on existing governmental agencies. 5. Specific evaluation measures should be detailed for both pre-operational and operational stages of the model

    Effects of dissolved organic carbon on methylmercury bioavailability in stream ecosystems

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    Taking the pulse of snowmelt: in situ sensors reveal seasonal, event and diurnal patterns of nitrate and dissolved organic matter variability in an upland forest stream

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    Highly resolved time series data are useful to accurately identify the timing, rate, and magnitude of solute transport in streams during hydrologically dynamic periods such as snowmelt. We used in situ optical sensors for nitrate (NO3 −) and chromophoric dissolved organic matter fluorescence (FDOM) to measure surface water concentrations at 30 min intervals over the snowmelt period (March 21–May 13, 2009) at a 40.5 hectare forested watershed at Sleepers River, Vermont. We also collected discrete samples for laboratory absorbance and fluorescence as well as δ18O–NO3 − isotopes to help interpret the drivers of variable NO3 − and FDOM concentrations measured in situ. In situ data revealed seasonal, event and diurnal patterns associated with hydrological and biogeochemical processes regulating stream NO3 − and FDOM concentrations. An observed decrease in NO3 − concentrations after peak snowmelt runoff and muted response to spring rainfall was consistent with the flushing of a limited supply of NO3 − (mainly from nitrification) from source areas in surficial soils. Stream FDOM concentrations were coupled with flow throughout the study period, suggesting a strong hydrologic control on DOM concentrations in the stream. However, higher FDOM concentrations per unit streamflow after snowmelt likely reflected a greater hydraulic connectivity of the stream to leachable DOM sources in upland soils. We also observed diurnal NO3 − variability of 1–2 μmol l−1 after snowpack ablation, presumably due to in-stream uptake prior to leafout. A comparison of NO3 − and dissolved organic carbon yields (DOC, measured by FDOM proxy) calculated from weekly discrete samples and in situ data sub-sampled daily resulted in small to moderate differences over the entire study period (−4 to 1% for NO3 − and −3 to −14% for DOC), but resulted in much larger differences for daily yields (−66 to +27% for NO3 − and −88 to +47% for DOC, respectively). Despite challenges inherent in in situ sensor deployments in harsh seasonal conditions, these data provide important insights into processes controlling NO3 − and FDOM in streams, and will be critical for evaluating the effects of climate change on snowmelt delivery to downstream ecosystems

    Measuring soil frost depth in forest ecosystems with ground penetrating radar

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    Soil frost depth in forest ecosystems can be variable and depends largely on early winter air temperaturesand the amount and timing of snowfall. A thorough evaluation of ecological responses to seasonallyfrozen ground is hampered by our inability to adequately characterize the frequency, depth, durationand intensity of soil frost events. We evaluated the use of ground penetrating radar to nondestructivelydelineate soil frost under field conditions in three forest ecosystems. Soil frost depth was monitoredperiodically using a 900 MHz antenna in South Burlington, Vermont (SB), Sleepers River Watershed,North Danville, Vermont (SR) and Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, New Hampshire (HBEF) duringwinter 2011–2012 on plots with snow and cleared of snow. GPR-based estimates were compared to datafrom thermistors and frost tubes, which estimate soil frost depth with a color indicating solution. In theabsence of snow, frost was initially detected at a depth of 8–10 cm. Dry snow up to 35 cm deep, enhancednear-surface frost detection, raising the minimum frost detection depth to 4–5 cm. The most favorablesurface conditions for GPR detection were bare soil or shallow dry snow where frost had penetrated to theminimum detectable depth. Unfavorable conditions included: standing water on frozen soil, wet snow,thawed surface soils and deep snow pack. Both SB and SR were suitable for frost detection most of thewinter, while HBEF was not. Tree roots were detected as point reflections and were readily discriminatedfrom continuous frost reflections. The bias of GPR frost depth measurements relative to thermistors wassite dependent averaging 0.1 cm at SB and 1.1 cm at SR, and was not significantly different than zero. Whenseparated by snow manipulation treatment at SR, overestimation of soil frost depth (5.5 cm) occurredon plots cleared of snow and underestimation (−1.5 cm) occurred on plots with snow. Despite somelimitations posed by site and surface suitability, GPR could be useful for adding a spatial component topre-installed soil frost monitoring networks

    Tropical river suspended sediment and solute dynamics in storms during an extreme drought

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    Droughts, which can strongly affect both hydrologic and biogeochemical systems, are projected to become more prevalent in the tropics in the future. We assessed the effects of an extreme drought during 2015 on stream water composition in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico. We demonstrated that drought base flow in the months leading up to the study was sourced from trade-wind orographic rainfall, suggesting a resistance to the effects of an otherwise extreme drought. In two catchments (Mameyes and Icacos), we sampled a series of four rewetting events that partially alleviated the drought. We collected and analyzed dissolved constituents (major cations and anions, organic carbon, and nitrogen) and suspended sediment (inorganic and organic matter (particulate organic carbon and particulate nitrogen)). The rivers appeared to be resistant to extreme drought, recovering quickly upon rewetting, as (1) the concentration-discharge (C-Q) relationships deviated little from the long-term patterns; (2) “new water” dominated streamflow during the latter events; (3) suspended sediment sources had accumulated in the channel during the drought flushed out during the initial events; and (4) the severity of the drought, as measured by the US drought monitor, was reduced dramatically after the rewetting events. Through this interdisciplinary study, we were able to investigate the impact of extreme drought through rewetting events on the river biogeochemistry

    Duplex Ultrasonography to Predict Internal Carotid Artery Stenoses Exceeding 50% and 70% as Defined by NASCET: The Need for Multiple Criteria

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    Carotid duplex scanning is being used more frequently as the sole preoperative diagnostic imaging modality for patients considered candidates for carotid endarterectomy. The North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET) has demonstrated the benefit of surgical treatment in patients with carotid stenoses exceeding 70%. The purpose of this study was to determine duplex criteria that accurately predict carotid stenoses exceeding 50% and 70% as defined by NASCET arteriographic criteria. One hundred forty-one patients (264 carotid arteries) considered surgical candidates were prospectively studied over a 2-year period by use of both duplex scanning and digital subtraction cerebral arteriography. Carotid artery stenosis was determined by a single radiologist using NASCET arteriographic criteria. Peak systolic velocity (PSV) and enddiastolic velocity (EDV) were measured in the internal carotid (ICA) and common carotid (CCA) arteries by use of duplex scanning. ICA/CCA velocity ratios were calculated for PSV and EDV. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and accuracy were calculated. PSVICA/CCA provided the highest sensitivity, and EDVICA the highest specificity in this study. Arteriographic stenoses exceeding 50% and 70% were reliably predicted with use of these duplex criteria. It is concluded that duplex criteria can predict carotid stenoses exceeding 50% and 70% as defined by NASCET arteriographic criteria. These criteria should be independently validated by other vascular laboratories.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68440/2/10.1177_153857449903300508.pd