257 research outputs found

    Fungal Endophytes: Australian Terrestrial Orchids

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    Orchids are unique as they lack a functional rooting system and share an obligate relationship with their fungal symbionts. This relationship supports their host’s nutritional demands from seed germination to its later development. The orchid fungal endophytes explore large areas in the soil as, to which orchid roots have no access, and thus acquire both organic and inorganic nutrients beyond the depletion zone at low carbon cost. Both ‘autotrophic’ (green) and ‘mycoheterotrophic’ species occur in the Orchidaceae, but the term ‘mixotrophic’ is possibly a truer description of the carbon economy of many green orchids. Some of the major ecological threats of an Australian landscape are habitat destruction and fragmentation. There is little known about the nutritional sources and saprophytic ability of orchid mycorrhizal fungi (OMF) and their role in providing nutrition to orchids. However, several integrated approaches have been developed for the conservation, management and restoration of these plants in wild but there is an urgent need to set appropriate conservation priorities to prevent the loss of habitats for these endangered species in terms of their fungal endophytes. This chapter focuses on the protection of these endangered Australian orchid species by understanding the nutritional behavior of their endophytes

    Rational points on compactifications of semi-simple algebraic groups

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    We prove Manin's conjecture concerning the distribution of rational points of bounded height, and its refinement by Peyre, for wonderful compactifications of semi-simple algebraic groups over number fields. The proof proceeds via the study of the associated height zeta function and its spectral expansion

    Students' attitudes towards using podcasts in Higher Education

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    Technology has developed over the years and podcasting has become the new phenomenon. Podcasting has been integrated within the higher education sector to update learning styles with the technological revolution. Research into the implementation of this feature has been carried out overseas, particularly in the USA and Australia. Implementation within the UK, however, is still within the research stages. The following report explores the methods being utilised overseas and in the UK and the future of podcasting in education in the UK. Primary research at Loughborough University enabled an effective judgement on student attitudes to be assessed. Primary research consisted of questionnaires, focus group and a case study on the UK podcasting project devised by professors at Leicester University. From the primary research quantitative and qualitative is captured for an analysis of student attitudes to be gained, where the success of podcasting can be evaluated with the Loughborough sample. Aspects of the structure of the podcast presented to students and how it would be utilised, e.g. as a replacement to lectures or as an additional resource. From both the primary research and secondary research both from overseas and in the UK the update of podcasting integrated with education is analysed and a judgement made on how successful the update will be in UK universities yet to adopt the concept as well as Loughborough University itself


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    Artikel ini berjudul “Kekerabatan Kosakata Bahasa Batak Angkola, Bahasa Batak Toba dan Bahasa Karo: Kajian Linguistik Historis Komparatif”. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Metode dan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode simak dengan teknik sadap, cakap, dan rekam. Metode dan teknik analisis data yang digunakan masing-masing adalah metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan teknik leksikostatistik. Identifikasi terhadap 200 kosakata dasar dalam bahasa Batak Angkola, Bahasa batak Toba dan bahasa Karo menujukkan tingkat kekerabatan bahasa batak angkola dan bahasa batak toba adalah 41% kedua bahasa berada dalam satu keluarga (family),tingkat kekerabatan bahasa batak angkola dan bahasa karo adalah 24% kedua bahasa berada dalam dalam satu rumpun (stock),tingkat kekerabatan bahasa batak toba dan bahasa karo adalah 23% kedua bahasa berada dalam dalam satu rumpun (stock)

    The State of Prisons in India During Covid-19: The Impact on Incarcerated Persons

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    The state of prisons in India is poor, especially in relation to overcrowding, healthcare and sanitation. The issue of medical facilities and adequate treatment was brought to light by the Covid-19 pandemic, where overcrowding led to a failure of compliance with the prescribed social distancing norms. This paper deals with the state of prisons in India, highlighting the impact of the pandemic and examining associated changes in incarceration rates. It analyses relevant Supreme Court orders and the effects of alternative house arrest and other state measures. In conclusion, the paper discusses the measures recommended by the United Nations to alleviate the impact of the virus on prisons

    Perancangan Sekolah Alternatif di Kelurahan Pisangan

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    Kelurahan Pisangan memiliki banyak potensi untuk dapat bekerja sama dalam program sekolah alternatif. Sekolah Alternatif diperlukan untuk memberikan kesempatan belajar pada siswa dengan ekonomi lemah. Sekolah ini akan berfokus pada pengembangan skill siswa berdasarkan kebutuhan siswa dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya sekitar tapak. Sekolah Alternatif ini dapat menjadi wadah untuk pembelajaran maupun interaksi antara siswa dan masyarakat sekitar Kelurahan Pisangan dalam berinovasi.Pengembangan skill ini diharapkan dapat membantu siswa dalam meningkatkan nilai ekonomi, dimana skill tersebut dapat membuka peluang pekerjaan bagi siswa setelah lulus. Sekolah alternatif pada Kelurahan Pisangan menerapkan konsep ekonomi sirkular dimana siswa belajar mengintegrasikan aliran sumber daya alam seperti sungai, air hujan, tanah, dan limbah untuk menciptakan sistem bangunan dan ekonomi yang mandiri. Konsep ekonomi sirkular ini dapat diaplikasikan pada rancangan dengan memanfaatkan alam sekitar, bekerjasama dengan masyarakat sekitar dalam program pendidikan sekolah, dan pengolahan limbah untuk digunakan kembali sebagai material bangunan sekolah

    Proses Perancangan Arsitektur dan Interior di SASO Architect

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    Kegiatan Kerja Praktik di SASO Architect berlangsung selama 4 bulan, dimulai dari 08 Agustus 2022 hingga 23 Desember 2022. Penulis memilih SASO Architect sebagai biro konsultan arsitek tempat melakukan Kerja Praktik karena merasa tertarik terhadap cara SASO Architecture mewujudkan ide terhadap desain perancangannya. SASO Architecture Studio juga memiliki cakupan proyek yang luas, mulai dari arsitektur rumah, interior, hingga skala pedestrian. Selama bekerja praktik, penulis mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengerjakan beberapa proyek termasuk interior, arsitektur dan berkontribusi dalam pameran. Penulis banyak melakukan proses desain seperti 3D modeling, riset material, mengetahui supplier material dan menyusun presentasi beserta moodboard untuk klien. Dalam menjalani Kerja Praktik, penulis mendapatkan banyak wawasan dan pengalaman terkait alur bekerja di dunia profesional pada bidang aristektur. Lingkungan profesional SASO Architetc yang baik memengaruhi kebiasaan penulis dalam mengerjakan pekerjaan. Hal ini pun sangat bermanfaat dan membantu penulis dalam mempersiapkan menghadapi dunia kerja di masa mendatang
