4,958 research outputs found


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    Objective: The present study was undertaken to investigate and compare the anti-inflammatory activity of an aqueous and methanolic extract of Hibiscus cannabinus (Malvaceae) using carrageenan-induced rat paw edema.Methods: Aqueous and methanolic extracts of Hibiscus cannabinus was prepared and tested for anti-inflammatory activity in female spargue dawley rat weighing 150-180 g. The animals were randomly divided into 6 groups of 6 each. First group served as vehicle control, second group served as standard, third and fourth group served as high (400 mg/kg) and low (200 mg/kg) dose of methanolic extract of Hibiscus cannabinus leaves (MHCL) respectively and fifth and sixth group as high (400 mg/kg) and low (200 mg/kg) dose of aqueous extract of Hibiscus cannabinus leaves (AHCL) respectively. The In vivo anti-inflammatory activity was studied using carrageenan induce rat paw edema animal model. The estimation of liver and blood parameters consist of serum glutamic oxalate transaminase (SGOT), serum glutamic pyruvate transaminase (SGPT), lipid peroxidation (LPO), reduced glutathione (GSH) and superoxide dismutase (SOD).Results: Both MHCL and AHCL extracts showed significant (*p<0.05) inhibition of rat paw edema in dose-dependent manner. The maximum percent inhibition in paw edema was found in MHCL at dose of 400 mg/kg was 52.00% and AHCL at dose of 400 mg/kg was 49.93%. Both MHCL and AHCL at dose of 400 mg/kg reduce LPO level as 31.10 nmol/g and 35.23 nmol/g respectively when compared with standard indomethacin.Conclusion: An anti-inflammatory activity was found in both MHCL and AHCL extracts. But the MHCL showed more significant anti-inflammatory activity.Keywords: Hibiscus cannabinus, Anti-inflammatory, Carrageenan, Indomethacin, EdemaÂ


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    The heterocyclic compounds have a great importance in medicinal chemistry. Quinazolinone is a heterocyclic chemical compound. A quinazolinone with a carbonyl group in the C4N2 ring. The two isomers are possible: 2-Quinazolinone and 4-Quinazolinone, with the 4-isomer being the more common. These compounds are of interest in medicinal chemistry. Quinazolinone derivatives were reported to possess analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity, Antibacterial, Diuretic, Antihypertensive, Anti-diabetics, Anticancer, Antitumor, Anti-fungal, Anti-malarial, Anti-protozoal agent and many other biological Action. This skeleton is an important pharmacophore considered as a privileged structure

    Immobilisation of glycosidases from commercial preparation on magnetic beads: Part 2: Aroma enhancement in wine using immobilised glycosidases

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    Most of the terpenes in wines are conjugated to various sugars, representing a significant reservoir of aromatic precursors. To promote the release of these terpenes, certain enzymes, such as β-glucosidase, α-arabinosidase and α-rhamnosidase, are necessary. A simple and cost-effective procedure for the immobilisation of multiple glycosidase activities (β-D-glucopyranosidase, α-L-arabinofuranosidase, α-L-rhamnopyranosidase and β-D-xylopyranosidase) from commercial Aspergillus niger preparation onto magnetic beads as carriers was developed as reported in Part 1 (Ferner et al. 2016).The aim of this work was to analyse a possible application of this immobilised biocatalyst due to its well-known advantages over soluble enzyme preparations – that is, control of the reaction process and preparation of enzyme-free products. Volatile compounds were analysed by gas chromatography (mass spectrometric detection). After the treatment of the model wine with different glycosides and white wine with immobilised glycosidases, the amount of free terpenes was significantly increased with respect to that of the control wine.The results of this study are of considerable interest for possible future applications of immobilised enzymes in the wine-making industry

    Hepatoprotective Effect of Captopril on Liver Toxicity Induced by High and Low Dose of Paracetamol in Rats:Histological Study

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    Many patients may administered medications like captopril (ACE inhibitor) for treatment of chronic diseases and may also take Paracetamol as an Over The Counter (OTC) drug which may interact with captopril. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate of the hepatoprotective effect of captopril on liver toxicity induced by low and high dose of paracetamol in rats. This study was conducted in two phases: first study for low dose of paracetamol (300 mg/kg); animals were divided into 4 groups of 6 rats each (n = 6); all groups were treated orally either 0.9 % Normal Saline (NS), captopril 20 mg/kg, paracetamol 300 mg/kg or captopril 20 mg/kg plus paracetamol 300 mg/kg for 10 consecutive days. Second study for single high dose of paracetamol (3000 mg/kg); animals were divided into 4 groups of 6 rats each (n = 6); all groups were pretreated orally either 0.9 % Normal Saline (NS) or captopril 20 mg/kg for 7 consecutive days followed by single oral administration of Paracetamol 3000 mg/kg or normal saline. The administration of Paracetamol or normal saline was performed 24 hours after the last administration of captopril. After 48 hours of hepatic injury induction, the animals were then sacrificed and the liver was removed for histopathological studies. Low dose (300 mg/kg) for 10 days and high single dose (3000 mg/kg) of paracetamol produced hepatotoxic effects. While captopril 20 mg/kg showed marked protection against changes induced by low and high dose of paracetamol on the liver

    Phyllocontin (theophylline) induced esophagitis

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    Evaluation of DNA polymorphism in the Red Sea Epinephelus species using 12s rRNA and inter simple sequence repeats

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    1197-1205The true phylogenetic relation among Epinephelus species is under debate. The present investigation was designed for evaluation of DNA polymorphism in some Red sea Epinephelus species using 12s rRNA and Inter Simple Sequence repeats. DNA polymorphism values were detected and evaluated within all estimated fishes. Both applied techniques revealed that E. malabaricus is closely related to E. summana. The distance value between E. chlorostigma and E. areolatus is lower than the distance value between E. chlorostigma and E. radiatus. The Serranidae evolutionary variations were evaluated comparatively with other ray-finned fishes belonging to four fish genera (Carangidae, Labridae, Mugilidae and Cichlidae) based on 12s rRNA sequence variations (obtained from NCBI). The developed DNA markers were reliably branched in the evaluated fishes. More molecular investigations using more spatial and temporal fish samples should be carried out in the future for exploring the true Epinephelus species biodiversity in the Red sea

    Time-dependent integration of solar thermal technology in industrial processes

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    Solar energy is currently an underutilized renewable energy source that could fulfill low-temperature industrial heat demands with significant potential in high solar irradiance counties such as Malaysia. This study proposes a new systematic method for optimization of solar heat integration for different process options to minimize the levelized cost of heat by combining different methods from the literature. A case study from the literature is presented to demonstrate the proposed method combined with meteorological data in Malaysia. The method estimates capital cost and levelized cost of solar heating considering important physical constraints (e.g., available space) and recovery of waste heat. The method determines and optimizes important physical dimensions, including collector area, storage size, and control design. As the result of the case study, the solar thermal integration with Clean-In-Place streams (hot water) gives the lowest levelized cost of heat with RM 0.63/kWh (0.13 EUR/kWh) due to its lowest process temperature requirement. The sensitivity analysis indicates that collector price and collector efficiency are the critical parameters of solar thermal integration

    Application profiling and mapping on NoC-based MPSoC emulation platform on reconfigurable logic

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    In network-on-chip (NoC) based multi-processor system-on-chip (MPSoC) development, application profiling is one of the most crucial step during design time to search and explore optimal mapping. Conventional mapping exploration methodologies analyse application-specific graphs by estimating its runtime behaviour using analytical or simulation models. However, the former does not replicate the actual application run-time performance while the latter requires significant amount of time for exploration. To map applications on a specific MPSoC platform, the application behaviour on cycle-accurate emulated platform should be considered for obtaining better mapping quality. This paper proposes an application mapping methodology that utilizes a MPSoC prototyped in Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Applications are implemented on homogeneous MPSoC cores and their costs are analysed and profiled on the platform in term of execution time, intra-core communication and inter-core communication delays. These metrics are utilized in analytical evaluation of the application mapping. The proposed analytical-based mapping is demonstrated against the exhaustive brute force method. Results show that the proposed method is able to produce quality mappings compared to the ground truth solutions but in shorter evaluation time