73 research outputs found

    Optimalisasi Pelayanan Publik : Capacity Building

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    From various surveys on the quality of public services shows that low public services in Indonesia, more affected due to poor quality of human resources officers. Therefore it is necessary to reform human resources through capacity building apparatus. With reference to the experience of three countries (Britain, Australia, New Zealand), then capacity building in Indonesia should be taken seriously by political commitment at both the macro and micro: (1) change in mindset of officials, (2) Capacity building of intellectual capital, ( 3) Capacity building of intellectual capital, (4) Capacity building of intellectual capital. Besides the focus on human resources, Capacity building also should be coupled with capacity building institution

    Extra Role Behaviour of the Apparatus in the Efforts to provide Better Service to the Elderly : a Study of the Innovation of "Santun Lansia" Program in Indonesia

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    To provide excellent health services for elderly, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia launched service innovations at the community health center called "Santun Lansia". " Santun Lansia " is a promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative service for the elderly with the concept of "one stop service". The uniqueness of this service is in its focus on politeness, that is, serving the elderly with a smile, friendly, and respects them as parents. This study aims to see how the application of the innovation "Santun Lansia" and how the apparatus performs extra roles in carrying out their duties. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. This study was conducted in six community health center in metropolitan, medium and small cities. This research finds that the innovation of "Santun Lansia" consists of innovation service processes, service products, service methods, service systems, and service policies. This research also shows that in performing their duties, the community health center apparatus must carry out extra-roles. This research concludes that both apparatus from the metropolitan, medium, and small city of the community health center must carry out the same extra role including aspects of altruism, civic virtue, conscientiousness, courtesy and sportsmanshi


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    This article aims to describe the extra role behavior carried out by the apparatus in implementing Ketuk Pintu Layani Dengan Hati Program and the factors that influence it. As an effort to reduce the rate of disease transmission in DKI Jakarta, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government issued DKI Jakarta Governor Regulation Number 115 of 2016 concerning Ketuk Pintu Layani Dengan Hati Program. The scope of this program includes promotive, preventive, and curative with a door-to-door service mechanism. In implementing the program, it involves Public health center officers and health cadres in the DKI Jakarta province. To explain extra role behavior, Organ's theory of Organizational Citizenship Behavior is used. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Data was collected by means of interviews, observations, and documents. The technique of determining informants is through purposive sampling, by determining key informants who develop into snowballs. The results of this study indicate that in the implementation of the Ketuk Pintu Layani Dengan Hati Program in DKI Jakarta Province, the apparatus must apply extra role behavior. Doctors, nurses, midwives, and health cadres must carry out their duties beyond their main duties. This can be identified from the dimensions of altruism, sportsmanship, civic virtue, conscientiousness, and participation. While the factors that influence the extra role behavior of the apparatus are cultural factors and organizational climate and job satisfaction factors

    Development "Soft Skill Competency" For The Officials In The Sub-District of lmplementing Paten To Increase Service Quality In Surabaya

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    The issue of service in the district in Surabaya also been identified by the Public Service Commission (KPP) of East Java. E-kios facilities of public service is not enabled. E-kios is a machine that looks like "Automatic Teller Machine" (ATM), whose function is to perform public services online. This equipment has three different menus: "Surabaya Single Window" (SSW) specifically for licensing, "e-Health" for health care, and "e-Lampid" for administration of population (births, deaths, moving, and coming). Results of investigation of the KPP said that the sub-district officials did not provide the public with e-kios, but prefer using the manual method. The use of e-kios is still "complicated", requires patience and diligence of officers in helping people use the facility. The investigation found that officials are reluctant to help people who want to use the e-kios. The problems faced by the sub-district officers in providing public services is seen that actually the officers face the problem of soft skills that require expertise in performing their duties. If related with public complaints to public services in the sub district, officers are still have problems in the art of soft skills that is how officers manage relationships with others (interpersonal skills) such as respect for others, having empathy, being friendly, good communication, will respond to complaints. In addition, the sub-district officers also still have problems in organizing themselves (intrapersonal skills) as they less patient in giving service to the public

    "Up Grade" Birokrasi Layanan Publik

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    Masalah buruknya pelayanan publik di Indonesia bukannya mustahil untuk diperbaiki. Penciptaan citra birokrasi menjadi lebih baik akan bisa menghapus pesimisme masyarakat yang selama ini selalu dikecewakan oleh praktek layanan publik. Birokrasi publik yang selalu disfungsional dalam menjalankan public service dikarenakan patologi yang menghinggapi harus dihadang dengan up grade / peningkatan kualitas birokrasi. Up grade dilakukan secara intern (individu birokrasi) dan ekstern (lingkungan kondusif) yang bisa mengubah wajah birokrasi kita. Up grade pada kematangan spiritual birokrasi yang diikuti dengan rambu-rambu tegas dalam praktek layanan publik, dapat mengeliminasi berbagai bentuk negatif dari praktek layanan publik yang telah mengakar selama ini

    Capacity Building for Women With Disability Children

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    The role of a mother in caring for and preparing for the future of a child with disabilities is very important. But there are still many mothers who feel embarrassed and even stressed when faced with the fact that they must have children with disabilities. The problem of a mother with a disability child is one of the country's problems but has not been a concern. Caring for children with disabilities is certainly a very difficult challenge for a mother, because they have to face a very different situation. This can cause a mother with a disability child to be stressed, depressed, angry, or desperate. As a result, mothers do not take care of their children properly but are abandoned. According to Kompas Daily Journal (kompas.com daily www 03/12/2015) that 25% of neglect of children with disabilities who are less than two years old include economic crush of childbirth often occurs in families who have many economic problems, are pregnant out of wedlock, do not want accept the situation. Based on data reported by Republika, Femina, Kompas, and National Commission on Human Rights, the problems faced by women with children with disabilities are shame, anger, despair, discrimination from the community, closing themselves out, feeling isolated, broken hearted, not confident , mentally down, unwilling to accept reality, and many other problem


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menghambat fungsi Lembaga Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa (LPMD) dan pengembangan LPMD dari aspek sistem sebagai upaya penguatan fungsi LPMD dalam rangka pengentasan kemiskinan. Latar belakang penelitian ini karena kurangnya peran LPMD dalam kegiatan pembangunan di desa. Peran LPMD dalam pembangunan pedesaan diperlukan mengingat masih tingginya jumlah penduduk rentan miskin di Jawa Timur sebagai akibat dari kenaikan harga BBM, inflasi yang tinggi, dan merosotnya nilai tukar rupiah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori pengembangan kapasitas kelembagaan dari Riyadi Soeprapto (2010) yang salah satunya adalah aspek sistem. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa LPMD tidak optimal menjalankan fungsinya sebagai penggerak pembangunan desa dalam upaya pengentasan penduduk rentan miskin karena masih memiliki hambatan dari sistem berupa kurangnya komitmen kepala desa untuk melaksanakan aturan secara tegas sebagai landasan hukum organisasi LPMD dan tidak ada regulasi khusus mengenai kedudukan, fungsi, tugas, kewenangan, dan honor LPMD. Oleh karena itu diperlukan pengembangan dari aspek sistem melalui komitmen kepala desa dan dibuatnya regulasi khusus secara tegas dan jelas mengenai LPMD

    Perencanaan Pengembangan Kawasan Pesisir dan Laut di Kepulauan Karimunjawa

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    Pertumbuhan penduduk, aktivitas pariwisata, dan pengembangan pembangunan di Kepulauan Karimunjawa menimbulkan ancaman yang membahayakan kualitas lingkungan pesisir dan laut. Hal itu dikarenakan kawasan pesisir dan laut sangat rentan terhadap perubahan lingkungan sehingga diperlukan pengelolaan sumber daya secara tepat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perencanaan pengembangan kawasan pesisir dan laut di Kepulauan Karimunjawa, Kabupaten Jepara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari buku, artikel jurnal, peraturan perundang-undangan, berita online yang relevan dengan masalah penelitian. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif menggunakan model interaktif. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan atau pemanfaatan sumber daya di Kepulauan Karimunjawa masih ditemukannya sejumlah permasalahan yang krusial. Pengembangan kawasan pesisir dan laut di Kepulauan Karimunjawa harus berpedoman pada peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku sekaligus memperhatikan aspek pembangunan secara berkelanjutan dalam rangka mencapai tujuan ekologi, ekonomi, dan sosial. Perlu dilakukan upaya untuk meminimalkan terjadinya dampak negatif dari berbagai aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh penduduk lokal ataupun wisatawan

    Community Capacity Building ln Surabaya Through The Program BLC (Broadband Learning Center)

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    This study aims to determine the benefits BLC (Broadband Learning Center) in the development of community capacity in Surabaya. BLC is a learning facility Information and Technology (IT) that can be used by people in Surabaya for free as part of efforts to realize the Multi Media City Surabaya (SMMC). The training material that given is the knowledge about the use of office, internet, graphic design, and create a blog. Surabaya people who follow the teaching of IT in BLC, mostly teachers, students, entrepreneurs, SMEs, private sector employees, and housewives. These results showed that BLC have been able to develop the capacity of the community in the form of the use of information technology (IT) to support jobs, easy for doing school assignment, increasing business networks, and opening a new business

    lnovasi Pelayanan Publik

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    Pelayanan public (public servive) merupakan salah satu perwujudan dari fungsi aparatur negara sebagai abdi masyarakat disamping sebagai abdi negara. Pelayanan umum oleh Lembaga Administrasi Negara (2000)1 , diartikan sebagai segala bentuk kegiatan pelayanan umum yang dilaksanakan oleh instansi Pemerintahan di pusat, di daerah, dan di lingkungan Badan Usaha Milik Negara / Daerah dalam bentuk barang dan atau jasa, baik dalam rangka upaya pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat maupun dalam rangka pelaksanaan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. Pelayanan dalam ensiklopedia administrasi (Westra, 1981 :81) diartikan sebagai suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh suatu organisasi atau perseorangan untuk mengamalkan dan mengabdikan diri kepada masyarakat. Sedangkan Moenir (1998:26) menyatakan bahwa hakekat pelayanan adalah serangkaian kegiatan, karena itu ia merupakan proses yang berlangsung secara rutin dan berkesinambungan, meliputi seluruh kehidupan orang dalam masyarakat. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia2, pengertian pelayanan adalah usaha melayani, sedangkan melayani adalah membantu menyiapkan (mengurus) apa yang di perlukan seseorang
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