339 research outputs found

    Implementation of Finger Print Electronic Absental Policy on Discipline and Performance of Civil Servants in The Government Office of Seluma Regency

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    Describe the implementation of the fingerprint electronic absence policy on the discipline and performance of civil servants as well as the impact it has on implementing the fingerprint electronic absence policy. Qualitative descriptive method describes various conditions and situations as the object of research. The data collection techniques used were observation, documentation and interviews. After the implementation of fingerprint electronic attendance, discipline increases and obligations as employees have been carried out in accordance with applicable regulations. The application of sanctions in the regional government of seluma regency is in accordance with the regulations of civil servants and the provision of rewards for employees who excel has been carried out properly, to inspire other employees, so that they can work better. &nbsp


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui: 1) Pengaruh karakteristik produk baru dan memori iklan media televisi terhadap keputusan konsumen mengadopsi deterjen Attack plus Softener; 2) Pengaruh karakteristik produk baru terhadap keputusan konsumen mengadopsi deterjen Attack plus Softener; 3) Pengaruh memori iklan media televisi terhadap keputusan konsumen mengadopsi deterjen Attack plus Softener. Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1) Ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara karakteristik produk baru dan memori iklan media televisi dengan keputusan konsumen mengadopsi deterjen Attack plus Softener di Kota Boyolali; 2) Ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara karakteristik produk baru dengan keputusan konsumen mengadopsi deterjen Attack plus Softener; 3) Adanya pengaruh yang signifikan antara memori iklan media televisi dengan keputusan konsumen mengadopsi deterjen Attack plus Softener di Kota Boyolali. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah ibu-ibu rumah tangga yang menggunakan produk diterjen yang berdomisili di wilayah Kota Boyolali. Dalam penelitian ini ditentukan sampel sebanyak 100 responden. Adapun teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling, dimana peneliti mendapatkan responden berdasarkan kemudahan untuk mengakses data. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah: uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, analisis regresi multiple, uji t, dan Koefisien Determinasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa : 1) Hasil analisis regresi dapat diketahui persamaan regresi: Y = 6,233 + 0,393X1 + 0,480X2. Artinya bahwa karakteristik produk dan memori iklan berpengaruh positif terhadap keputusan konsumen untuk mengadopsi deterjen attact plus softener di Kota Boyolali; 2) Hasil uji t diketahui bahwa uji t terlihat variabel upah (X1) mempunyai thitung sebesar 3,968, dengan nilai p (0,000) < alpha (0,05), dan variabel memori iklan (X2) t hitung sebesar 6,604 dengan nilai p (0,000) < alpha (0,05), sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa karakteristik produk (X1) dan memori iklan (X2) secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan konsumen untuk mengadopsi deterjen attact plus aoftener di Kota Boyolali; 3) Hasil uji F diketahui Fhitung dengan Ftabel, maka diketahui bahwa Fhitung > Ftabel (53,261), maka variabel independent (X1 dan X2) secara serentak Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, artinya bahwa variabel independent (karakteristik produk dan memori iklan) secara bersama-sama/simultan mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keputusan konsumen (Y) untuk mengadopsi deterjen attact dan softener di Kota Boyolali; 4) Hasil uji koefisien determinasi diketahui nilai R2 sebesar 0,523. Hal ini berarti bahwa 52,30% keputusan konsumen untuk mengadopsi deterjen attact plus softener dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel-variabel independent (karakteristik produk dan memori iklan) dan sisanya 47,70% diterangkan dalam penelitian ini. Dengan demikian bahwa hipotesis yang penulis ajukan : bahwa variabel karakteristik produk dan memori iklan secara parsial maupun simultan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap keputusan konsumen untuk mengadopsi deterjen attact plus softener di Kota Boyolali”, dapat diterima kebenarannya

    Cyber Terrorism and its Prevention in Indonesia

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    Cyber technology gives birth to criminal activities carried out inside the cyberspace which is technically referred to as cybercrimes. Cybercrime appears in various forms including the so-called cyberterrorism.  The purpose of this research is to discuss the development of cyberterrorism and to explore the efforts made by the Government in controlling cyberterrorism in Indonesia. This normative legal research examines the application of the relevant legislation, especially Law No. 19 of 2016 regarding the Amendment to Law No. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transaction and Law No. 5 Year 2018 regarding the Amendment of the Law No. 15 of 2003 on the Eradication of Crime of Terrorism. It is found that the development of cyberterrorism can be prevented through both technological and legal approach

    Scrap Rubber and Asphalt for Ballast Layer Improvement

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    The use of scrap rubber from waste motorcycle tire and asphalt materials is expected to improve the quality of the ballast structure. The objective of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of ballast mixture with additional scrap rubber (uniformed size 3/8†and graded size No.4, 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1") and asphalt materials through compressive strength test by Micro-Computer Universal Testing Machine (UTM). The samples are made in a ballast box with a size of 40 cm x 20 cm x 30 cm. The parameters of this research are the vertical deformation, the aggregate abrasion, and the elastic modulus of the ballast layer. It could be concluded that asphalt 2% able to improve the stiffness of the ballast layer so it could minimize the vertical deformation and increase the ability to retain the loads up to 28%. Moreover, the use of scrap rubber materials, especially with various sizes between No.4, 3/8", 1/2", 3/4", 1" combined with 2% asphalt could reduce the ballast abrasion up to 57%. However, the use of scrap rubber material could reduce the stiffness of the ballast layer which leads to a decrease in the elastic modulus ranging from 50% to 60%. While on the other hand, asphalt material could improve the stiffness of the ballast layer so that the elastic modulus could be increased up to 21%

    The Implication of Pancasila Values on The Renewal of Criminal Law in Indonesia

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    The current draft of the Criminal Code is inseparable from the idea that the legal characteristics in Indonesia are the adoption of the societys social order which is reflected in the living code of cultural values and social life in Indonesian society which is heterogeneous and plural. The existence of cultural values as a developing law in the society cannot be denied its role in a basic framework for the arrangement of national criminal law in the future. The problem examined in this research is formulated into the following questions: What are the influences of cultural values on the renewal of criminal law? What are the implications of Pancasila values on the development of the current criminal law? The method used in this research was normative legal research method where the law is conceptualized as a method. This research is a legal research using a conceptual and legislation approach that will review the related law. The results of this research provide an understanding to pay attention to the characteristics of criminal law in Indonesia in accordance with the characteristics of Indonesian citizen which is based on the philosophy of Pancasila. It needs to be emphasized since the future renewal of the Criminal Code is expected to be valid in a long term period so that the renewal needs to be done carefully and thoroughly, starting from its substance and structure, legal cultural values, to legal validity. Those aspects should be carefully considered so that the renewal of the Criminal Code is in line with law enforcement efforts which correspond to the societys demands in the reform era. Lastly, this research is expected to provide input to governments, especially to the related lawmakers and law enforcement officers, to make improvements and enhancements in the provisions concerning the influence of Pancasila values on the renewal of criminal law.Konsep Rancangan KUH Pidana yang ada sekarang ini tidak terlepas dari pemikiran bahwa karakteristik hukum di Indonesia merupakan adopsi dari tatanan sosial masyarakat yang tercermin dalam tata laku hidup nilai nilai budaya dan kehidupan sosial dalam keragaman masyarakat Indonesia yang heterogen dan plural. Keberadaan nilai nilai budaya sebagai hukum yang berkembang di masyarakat tidak dapat dipungkiri peranannya dalam suatu kerangka dasar penyusunan hukum pidana nasional di masa yang akan datang. Rumusan masalah yang ditelaah dalam penelitian ini apakah pengaruh nilai nilai budaya terhadap pembaharuan Hukum Pidana ? Apakah implikasi nilai pancasila terhadap perkembangan hukum pidana saat ini ? Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif, dimana hukum dikonsepkan sebagai kaedah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum dengan menggunakan pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan perundang-undangan yang akan meninjau kembali Undang-Undang terkait. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman agar memperhatikan karakteristik hukum pidana sesuai dengan ciri khas kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia yang hidup berdasarkan falsafah Pancasila. Hal ini perlu ditekankan karena pembaharuan KUH Pidana ke depan diharapkan dapat diperlakukan dalam jangka panjang sehinga perlu digarap dengan cermat dan teliti substansi maupun struktural, nilai budaya hukum, sampai validitas hukum (daya berlaku). semua itu dimaksudkan agar pembentukan KUH Pidana yang baru tersebut tidak menjadi sia-sia dengan upaya penegakan hukum yang sesuai dengan tuntutan masyarakat dalam era reformasi. Simpulan dan saran dalam penelitian ini diharapkan memberi masukkan kepada pemerintah terutama kepada para pembuat undang-undang dan para penegak hukum terkait untuk melakukan penyempurnaan dan perbaikan dalam ketentuan mengenai nilai-nilai pancasila yang memberikan pengaruh terhadap pembaharuan hukum pidan

    Permanent Deformation Characteristics of Flexible Pavement Under Palm Oil Freight Truck Loading

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    Most of previous studies employed dynamic stability test and Hamburg wheel tracking test to investigate permanent deformation characteristics of asphalt concrete (AC) layer. However, the permanent deformation performance only focuses on the surface course and neglected the influence of middle layer and base course. The present study investigates the permanent deformation characteristics of four (4) different configurations of flexible pavement and analyzes the contribution of AC surface and AC base course to the total permanent deformation of AC layer as the response to various truck’s speed, hauling loads, and loading cycles. Finite element modeling was performed to evaluate critical locations below the tire tread of single unit two-axles truck with the greatest magnitude of permanent deformation and to determine the optimum configuration of flexible pavement by considering the linear viscoelastic behavior of two types of AC mixtures. It can be concluded that the largest permanent deformation is measured below the right edge of the outer tire. The contribution of AC surface course on the total permanent deformation due to the increase in truck’s speed is only about 14.81% to 16.39%, while the contribution of AC surface course on the total permanent deformation due to the increase in truck’s hauling loads as well as the increase in the number of passing trucks is only around 14.76% to 16.44%. On the other hand, the contribution of AC base course on the total permanent deformation due to the increase in truck’s speed from is reaching 83.61% to 85.19%, while the contribution of AC base course on the total permanent deformation due to the increase in truck’s hauling loads as well as the increase in the number of passing trucks is achieving 83.56% to 85.24%

    Teknologi dan Tipologi Alat Tulang Dari Situs Gua Andarewa, Papua: Bone Tools Technology and Typology from Andarewa Cave Site of Papua

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    ABSTRAKArtefak Tulang telah banyak ditemukan diberbagai situs masa prasejarah di Indonesia mulai dari Pulau Sumatra, Jawa, Bali, Sulawesi hingga Papua. Penelitian artefak tulang sangat menarik utuk diteliti karena memiliki informasi yang penting dalam mengungkap kehidupan manusia pada masa Prasejarah. Tulisan ini membahas tentang teknologi artefak alat tulang yang ditemukan di Situs Gua Andarewa, Papua dengan metode deskripsi dan analisis. Dari ekskavasi yang dilakukan di situs ini telah ditemukan beberapa komponen anatomis dari beberapa hewan yang digunakan untuk alat tulang. Tulang tersebut diantaranya berasal dari binatang kuskus, burung, kelelawar, dan ikan. Sedangkan teknologi yang digunakan untuk membentuk alat adalah dengan teknik pecah, teknik lubang, teknik pangkas, dan teknik gosok. Fungsi dari alat tulang dari Situs Andarewa adalah sebagai alat untuk merajut (jarum) dan mencukil. Alat tulang yang ditemukan ini banyak berasosiasi dengan kerang dan serpih batu.Bone artifacts have been found in various prehistoric sites in Indonesia ranging from the islands of Sumatra, Java, Bali, Sulawesi to Papua. The research on bone artifact is very interesting to study because it has important information in revealing human life in prehistoric times. This paper discusses the technology of bone tool artifacts found at the Andarewa Cave Site in Papua region with descriptions and analysis method. From the excavations carried out at this site, several anatomical components of several animals were found which were used to make bone tools. These bones came from couscous animals, birds, bats and fish. While the technology used to form tools is the fracturing technique, hole technique, cropping technique, and rubbing technique. The function of bone tools from the Andarewa Site is as a tool for knitting (needles) and gouging. The bone tool that was found was associated with many shellfish and stone flakes

    Permanent Deformation Characteristics of Flexible Pavement Under Palm Oil Freight Truck Loading

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    Most of previous studies employed dynamic stability test and Hamburg wheel tracking test to investigate permanent deformation characteristics of asphalt concrete (AC) layer. However, the permanent deformation performance only focuses on the surface course and neglected the influence of middle layer and base course. The present study investigates the permanent deformation characteristics of four (4) different configurations of flexible pavement and analyzes the contribution of AC surface and AC base course to the total permanent deformation of AC layer as the response to various truck’s speed, hauling loads, and loading cycles. Finite element modeling was performed to evaluate critical locations below the tire tread of single unit two-axles truck with the greatest magnitude of permanent deformation and to determine the optimum configuration of flexible pavement by considering the linear viscoelastic behavior of two types of AC mixtures. It can be concluded that the largest permanent deformation is measured below the right edge of the outer tire. The contribution of AC surface course on the total permanent deformation due to the increase in truck’s speed is only about 14.81% to 16.39%, while the contribution of AC surface course on the total permanent deformation due to the increase in truck’s hauling loads as well as the increase in the number of passing trucks is only around 14.76% to 16.44%. On the other hand, the contribution of AC base course on the total permanent deformation due to the increase in truck’s speed from is reaching 83.61% to 85.19%, while the contribution of AC base course on the total permanent deformation due to the increase in truck’s hauling loads as well as the increase in the number of passing trucks is achieving 83.56% to 85.24%

    Analisis Kepuasan dan Keputusan Penggunaan Kembali Jasa Ojek Online Mahasiswa ITS dengan Metode Structural Equation Modeling

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    Mahasiswa ITS dengan karakteristik tingkat mobilitas tinggi. memberikan peluang untuk menggunakan aplikasi ojek online. Adanya pemanfaatan ojek online memberikan kesan terhadap pelayanan, kemudahan akses aplikasi dan berbagai bentuk pelayanan lainnya yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai bentuk kepuasan konsumen/pengguna. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kepuasan dan keputusan penggunaan kembali jasa ojek online. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan data primer dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil analisis SEM menunjukkan variabel Sustainability berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan, dan kepuasan pelanggan mempunyai pengaruh terhadap keputusan penggunaan kembali jasa ojek online. Variabel Sustainability mempunyai pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung terhadap keputusan penggunaan kembali jasa ojek online mahasiswa ITS