134 research outputs found

    Loads Correlation of a Full-Scale Proprotor on the Tiltrotor Test Rig

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    In 2018, a full-scale isolated proprotor test was conducted in the USAF National Full-Scale Aerodynamics Complex (NFAC) at NASA Ames. The test article was the 3-bladed Bell 699 research rotor derived from the AW609 rotor. For this test, the NASA Tiltrotor Test Rig (TTR) and rotor were installed in the 40- by 80-foot test section. Correlations between the 2018 test data and predictions from the comprehensive analysis CAMRAD II for blade and yoke (flexbeam) loads and rotor torque are presented. The full range of conversion to helicopter modes is covered: conversion 30-, 45-, and 60-deg TTR yaw, and helicopter 75- and 90-deg TTR yaw. The flap moment correlation is reasonable to good; the pitch link load and torsion moment are uniformly underpredicted. The measured 2P lag moment and 2P torque are not captured by the analysis. The inability to predict the 2P component is currently attributed to the analytical assumption of a perfect gimbal, whereas the actual test gimbal may be operating imperfectly and thus introducing the 2P harmonic. A new analytical model that accounts for non-ideal gimbal operation is needed

    Tindakan Malakok Dikalangan Etnis Pendatang Studi: Tindakan Malakok Dikalangan Etnis Pendatang Studi: Etnis Jawa yang Telah Malakok di Nagari Sungai Langkok Kecamatan Koto Baru Kabupaten Dharmasraya

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    ABSTRAK SESI, 1210813018, Jurusan Sosiologi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Andalas Padang. Judul Skripsi: Tindakan Malakok Dikalangan Etnis Pendatang, Studi . Jumlah halaman 82 Lembar. Pembimbing I Drs. Rinaldi Ekaputra, M.Si, dan Pembimbing II Drs. Yulkardi, M.Si Malakok merupakan suatu proses bergabungnya seseorang dengan adat Minangkabau. Baik itu perantau dari ranah Minangkabau lainnya atau pun orang non Minangkabau. Tindakan malakok yang dilakukan oleh orang Minangkabau merupakan suatu tindakan yang sudah menjadi kewajiban bagi orang Minangkabau karena malakok merupakan syarat utama agar orang yang merantau tersebut mendapatkan izin untuk merantau. Namun yang terjadi di Nagari Sungai Langkok berbeda, yang mana etnis pendatang yang merupakan transmigran dari Pulau Jawa yang jumlahnya sangat banyak melebihi banyak jumlah etnis pribumi di Nagari Sungai Langkok ini juga melakukan tindakan malakok kesuku yang ada di Nagari Sungai Langkok. Mengingat bahwa etnis Jawa adalah etnis yang tidak memiliki suku maka fenomena tindakan malakok yang dilakukan oleh etnis Jawa ini terbilang sangat unik. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini mengkaji Tindakan Malakok Dikalangan Etnis Pendatang dengan studi utama yaitu etnis Jawa yang telah Malakok di Nagari Sungai Langkok, Kecamatan Koto Baru, Kabupaten Dharmasraya. Pertanyaan Penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana Tindakan Malakok yang dilakukan oleh etnis Jawa di Nagari Sungai Langkok. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan tindakan malakok dikalangan etnis Jawa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif denganti pedeksriptif. Informan penelitian dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling dan dalam pengumpulan data digunakan teknik observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Teori yang digunakan adalah Tindakan Sosial yang dikemukakan oleh Max Weber. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa tindakan malakok yang dilakukan oleh etnis Jawa yaitu: Pertama, Pengetahuan etnis Jawa tentang malakok adalah, 1) Cara untuk mendapatkan Keluarga, 2) Bentuk adaptasi terhadap tempat tinggal, dan 3) Cara untuk mengurangi perbedaan. Kedua, Alasan etnis Jawa melakukan tindakan malakok adalah, 1) Mencari Keluarga yang baru, 2) Tempat malakok bukanlah sementara waktu. Ketiga, Manfaat tindakan malakok dikalangan etnis Jawa yaitu: 1) Menambah family, 2) Mendapatkan bantuan dalam menyelesaikan pertikaian, 3) Mendapat dukungan ekonomi, 4) Mendapat dukungan sosial, 5) ” Nan barampek jadi limo”

    Keberhasilan Program Income Generation Dalam Mengembangkan Program Kredit Mikro Pada Rumah Tangga Nelayan Miskin Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Pasie Nan Tigo Kecamatan Koto Tangah Padang

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    Keberhasilan Program Income Generation Dalam Mengembangkan Kredit Mikro Pada Rumah Tangga Nelayan Miskin Studi Kasus di Kelurahan Pasie Nan Tigo, Kecamatan Koto Tangah Padang Sesi, di bawah bimbingan Dr. Indraddin, M.Si dan Dr. Maihasni, M.Si Program Magister Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Andalas Padang, 2019 ABSTRAK Nelayan yang berada di Kelurahan Pasie Nan Tigo Kota Padang umumnya miskin. Berbagai upaya perbaikan keadaan perekonomian nelayan Kelurahan Pasie Nan Tigo telah dilakukan oleh baik Pemerintah maupun pihak swasta untuk mengurangi tingkat kemiskinan pada keluarga nelayan. Salah satu program adalah bantuan pinjaman modal pengembangan usaha yang diberikan pada masyarakat nelayan yang dilakukan oleh Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia. Tercatat per 31 Oktober 2017 ada sebanyak 20 kelompok yang telah mendapatkan bantuan pinjaman modal pengembangan usaha tersebut. Namun pada proses pengembalian pinjaman tersebut, dari 20 kelompok yang menadapatkan bantuan pinjaman modal pengembangan usaha dari GNI tersebut, ada 8 kelompok yang membayar cicilan cicilan kredit mikro, dan ada 12 kelompok lainnya yang tidak membayar cicilan kredit mikro. Penelitian ini memberikan perhatian terhadap 20 kelompok tersebut menyampaikan faktor penyebab anggota kelompok membayar cicilan kredit mikro. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Strukturasi yang dipelopori oleh Anthony Giddens yang memfokuskan pada konsep dualitas struktur. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tipe deskriptif. Informan dipilih melalui teknik purposive sampling dan dalam pengumpulan data digunakan wawancara mendalam (tidak berstruktur). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kesadaran anggota kelompok terhadap hutang adalah: a) sadar berhutang, b) butuh pinjaman, c) tidak membayar hutang masuk neraka. Sedangkan peraturan-peraturan orgnisasi dalam membayar cicilan kredit mikro adalah a) peraturan dalam mendapatkan pinjaman, b) peraturan dalam pengembalian pinjaman, c) upaya-upaya anggota kelompok dalam membayar cicilan. Keyword: Kemiskinan Nelayan, Pengentasan Kemiskinan, Kredit Mikro

    Enhanced Correlation of SMART Active Flap Rotor Loads

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    This is a follow-on study to a 2010 correlation effort. Measured data from the SMART rotor test in the NASA Ames 40- by 80- Foot Wind Tunnel are compared with CAMRAD II calculations. As background, during the wind tunnel test, unexpectedly high inboard loads were encountered, and it was hypothesized at that time that due to changes in the flexbeams over the years, the flexbeam properties used in the analysis needed updating. Boeing Mesa, recently updated these properties. This correlation study uses the updated flexbeam properties. Compared to earlier studies, the following two enhancements are implemented: i) the inboard loads (pitchcase and flexbeam loads) correlation is included for the first time (reliable prediction of the inboard loads is a prerequisite for any future anticipated flight-testing); ii) the number of blade modes is increased to better capture the flap dynamics and the pitchcase-flexbeam dynamics. Also, aerodynamically, both the rolled-up wake model and the more complex, multiple trailer wake model are used, with the latter slightly improving the blade chordwise moment correlation. This sensitivity to the wake model indicates that CFD is needed. Three high-speed experimental cases, one uncontrolled free flap case and two commanded flap cases, are considered. The two commanded flap cases include a 2o flap deflection at 5P case and a 0o flap deflection case. For the free flap case, selected modifications to the HH-06 section flap airfoil pitching moment table are implemented. For the commanded 2o flap case, the experimental flap variation is approximately matched by increasing the analytical flap hinge stiffness. This increased flap hinge stiffness is retained for the commanded 0o flap case also, which is treated as a free flap case, but with larger flap hinge stiffness. The change in the mid-span and outboard loads correlation due to the updating of the flexbeam properties is not significant. Increasing the number of blade modes results in an effective, commanded flap hinge stiffness of 4X baseline, not 3X as reported earlier. The inboard loads correlation is reasonable, but needs further study. Overall, the free flap case correlation is reasonable, thus confirming the basic correctness of the current semi-empirical modifications; the correlation for the commanded 2o flap at 5P case and the 0o flap case is also reasonable

    Perbandingan kesegaran jasmani antara siswa yang tinggal di kota dan desa

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    This study aims to determine the comparison of the physical fitness level of students of SD Negeri 004 Ranah Sungkai, District XIII Koto Kampar with students of MI Negeri 03 Simpang Tiga Kota Pekanbaru. This research is a comparative study, which is comparing 2 groups, namely students of SD Negeri 004 Ranah Sungkai Kecamatan with students of MI Negeri 03 Simpang Tiga Kota Pekanbaru which focuses on grade V students. The subjects of this study were students of class V SD Negeri 004 Ranah. Sungkai totaling 20 male and female students with MI Negeri Simpang Tiga totaling 20 male and female students. Taking the value using an instrument in the form of 5 tests, namely, run fast 40 meters for boys and girls 30 meters, lift the body for 30 seconds, lie down for 30 seconds, jump upright and run long 600 meters. The data analysis technique used t test analysis. The results of this study obtained that most of the male students of SD N 004 Ranah Sungkai, XIII Koto Kampar District had a "moderate" level of physical fitness, and for male students of MI N 03 Simpang Tiga Kota Pekanbaru had a "low" level of physical fitness. So it can be concluded that students who go to school in the village have better physical health than students who go to school in the city

    Analysis of open loop higher harmonic control at high airspeeds on a modern four-bladed articulated rotor

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    The effects of open loop higher harmonic control (HHC) on rotor hub loads, performance, and push rod loads of a Sikorsky S-76 helicopter rotor at high airspeeds (up to 200 knots) and moderate lift (10,000 lbs) were studied analytically. The analysis was performed as part of a wind tunnel pre-test prediction and preparation procedure, as well as to provide analytical results for post-test correlation efforts. The test associated with this study is to be concluded in the 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel of the National Full-Scale Aerodynamics Complex (NFAC) at the NASA Ames Research Center. The results from this analytical study show that benefits from HHC can be achieved at high airspeeds. These results clear the way for conducting (with the requirement of safe pushrod loads) an open loop HHC test a high airspeeds in the 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel using an S-76 rotor as the test article

    Performance and Loads Correlation of a UH-60A Slowed Rotor at High Advance Ratios

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    Measured data from the slowed rotor part of the 2010 UH-60A Airloads Rotor test in the NASA Ames 40- by 80- Foot Wind Tunnel are compared with CAMRAD II calculations. The emphasis in this initial study is to correlate overall trends. This analytical effort considers advance ratios from 0.3 to 1.0, with the rotor rotational speed at 40%NR. The rotor performance parameters considered are the thrust coefficient, power coefficient, L/DE, torque, and H-force. The blade loads considered are the half peak-to-peak, mid-span and outboard torsion, flatwise, and chordwise moments, and the pitch link load. For advance ratios . 0.7, the overall trends for the performance and loads (excluding the pitch link load) could be captured, but with substantial overprediction or underprediction. The correlation gradually deteriorates as the advance ratio is increased and for advance ratios . 0.8 there is no correlation. The pitch link load correlation is not good. There is considerable scope for improvement in the prediction of the blade loads. Considering the modeling complexity associated with the unconventional operating condition under consideration, the current predictive ability to capture overall trends is encouraging


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    Savings culture in South Africa: A safety net or an empty net?

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    The importance of savings to secure individuals in the event of uncertainties has been widely acknowledged by South Africans. However, South Africa is still facing a low savings rate compared to other developing countries. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that inhibit South Africans from having a culture of saving. Specifically, using a convergent parallel mixed methods approach, the study examined the determinants of the savings rate and explored the view of households on the important factors that cause a low savings rate. The data for the quantitative component employed a merged data set from the National Income Dynamic Survey 2018 and 47 individuals were consulted in qualitative interviews. The results of the quantitative approach provided evidence to suggest that high income, being employed and the highest levels of education are associated with higher savings. Larger household size and older age are associated with lower savings. Females are better at saving than males and the widowed are better at saving than married, single and cohabiting households. From the qualitative thematic analysis, the important factors that cause the low savings rate among households were identified as insufficient income to allow savings, their lack of discipline in managing their spend and the effects arising as a result of black tax repercussions. The study made the following recommendations to ensure that the savings culture in South Africa provides a safety net: entrepreneurial skills training to augment the budgets of low-income earners; financial literacy to be part of the curriculum in schools from the Foundation Phase; mandatory financial training for new employees coupled with incentives for organisations that participate in these initiatives; and innovative savings programmes targeting low-income earners from financial institutions. Finally, it was recommended that the South African Savings Institute collaborates with the Services Sector Education and Training Authority to develop training manuals that could be distributed to organisations