241 research outputs found

    Estudio sobre el uso de dispensador de gel alcoholico entre profesionales sanitarios a lo largo de la jornada laboral.

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    Treball Final de Grau en Medicina. Codi: MD1158. Curs acadèmic: 2017/2018Although hand hygiene with disinfectant solutions prevents nosocomial infections in hospitals, adherence remains low among workers and health personnel. This article tries to find factors associated to this low adherence, specifically the temporary space, to look for improvement in the adherence. In two complementary studies, made by two classmates, other factors are analyzed with the same objective. Data were collected during the internship rotary Jaume I university hospital in Castellón de la Plana, noting whether the alcohol gel d ispenser was used or not. The variable used was time, dividing the data between two periods: before or after 11 in the morning . The results had a p - value of 9.9%, that is, it is assumed as not relevant, without being able to demonstrate whether the use of the alcoholic dispenser is greater in one of the two time periods. Therefore, although there is a greater predisposition to use hand alcohol during the first part of the morning, it can not be established as a relevant factor and it will be necessary to lo ok for more associated factors as well as strategies to focus on to improve the adherence to effective hand hygiene.Aunque la higiene de manos con soluciones desinfectantes previene contra las infecciones nosocomiales en el ambiente hospitalario, la adherencia sigue siendo baja entre el personal sanitario. Este estudio intenta encontrar factores asociados a esta baja adherencia, y en concreto si esa adherencia es diferente en la primera parte de la mañana , comparado con la segunda parte de la mañana de una jornada laboral normal. En otros estudios complementarios a este, realizados por otros alumnos, se analizan otros factores con el mismo objetivo. Se recopilaron los datos durante el rotatorio de prácticas de la U niversidad Jaume I en los hospitales de Castellón de la Plana , anotando si se usaba el dispensador de gel alcohólico o no. La variable utilizada fue el tiempo , dividiéndose los datos entre dos periodos: antes o después de las 11 de la mañana . Se usó el dispensador en 67 de 120 observaciones (55,8 %) en la primera parte de la mañana y en 48 de 107 observaciones (44,9 %) en la segunda parte de la mañana (P = 0,0 9). Por ello, a pesar de que hay una tendencia a hacer más uso del alcohol de manos durante la primera parte de la mañana, la diferencia, respecto a la segunda parte de la mañana, no es significativa

    Electrical Stimulation Increases Axonal Growth from Dorsal Root Ganglia Co-Cultured with Schwann Cells in Highly Aligned PLA-PPy-Au Microfiber Substrates

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    [EN] Nerve regeneration is a slow process that needs to be guided for distances greater than 5 mm. For this reason, different strategies are being studied to guide axonal growth and accelerate the axonal growth rate. In this study, we employ an electroconductive fibrillar substrate that is able to topographically guide axonal growth while accelerating the axonal growth rate when subjected to an exogenous electric field. Dorsal root ganglia were seeded in co-culture with Schwann cells on a substrate of polylactic acid microfibers coated with the electroconductive polymer polypyrrole, adding gold microfibers to increase its electrical conductivity. The substrate is capable of guiding axonal growth in a highly aligned manner and, when subjected to an electrical stimulation, an improvement in axonal growth is observed. As a result, an increase in the maximum length of the axons of 19.2% and an increase in the area occupied by the axons of 40% were obtained. In addition, an upregulation of the genes related to axon guidance, axogenesis, Schwann cells, proliferation and neurotrophins was observed for the electrically stimulated group. Therefore, our device is a good candidate for nerve regeneration therapies.This research was funded by the Spanish Government's State Research Agency (AEI) through project RTI2018-095872-B-C22/ERDF and by RISEUP project FetOpen in H2020 Program: RISEUP 964562 H2020 FetOpen program.Gisbert Roca, F.; Serrano Requena, S.; Monleón Pradas, M.; Martínez-Ramos, C. (2022). Electrical Stimulation Increases Axonal Growth from Dorsal Root Ganglia Co-Cultured with Schwann Cells in Highly Aligned PLA-PPy-Au Microfiber Substrates. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 23:1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms231263621222

    Integrating cognitive contents in Physical Education classes: Effects on cognitive variables and emotional intelligence

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    The aim was to analyse the effect of a 4-week programme integrating cognitive contents in Physical Education (CogniPE) on cognitive performance (CP) and emotional intelligence (EI) of adolescents. A randomised controlled trial was conducted with a control group (CG, n=58), which performed physical exercises at low intensity (i.e., stretching or pilates), an experimental group 1, which performed small-sided games of team sports (EG1, n=62), and experimental group 2, which performed CogniPE (EG2, n=60). Intensity of exercises and scores were registered after each station to classify and motivate the teams. Selective attention and concentration increased by 11.9% and 9.2% in EG1, and by 18.2% and 14.4% in EG2, respectively, compared to CG. Mathematical calculation improved by 15.9% and 18.7% in EG1 and EG2, compared to CG. In EI, well-being improved by 10.9% in EG1, sociability improved by 12.8% in EG1 and 15.9% in EG2 compared to CG. It is concluded to use CogniPE in school context

    MIRACLE’s Ad-Hoc and Geographical IR Approaches for CLEF 2006

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    This paper presents the 2006 Miracle team’s approaches to the Ad-Hoc and Geographical Information Retrieval tasks. A first set of runs was obtained using a set of basic components. Then, by putting together special combinations of these runs, an extended set was obtained. With respect to previous campaigns some improvements have been introduced in our system: an entity recognition prototype is integrated in our tokenization scheme, and the performance of our indexing and retrieval engine has been improved. For GeoCLEF, we tested retrieving using geo-entity and textual references separately, and then combining them with different approaches

    MIRACLE at ImageCLEFphoto 2007: Evaluation of Merging Strategies for Multilingual and Multimedia Information Retrieval.

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    This paper describes the participation of MIRACLE research consortium at the ImageCLEF Photographic Retrieval task of ImageCLEF 2007. For this campaign, the main purpose of our experiments was to thoroughly study different merging strategies, i.e. methods of combination of textual and visual retrieval techniques. Whereas we have applied all the well known techniques which had already been used in previous campaigns, for both textual and visual components of the system, our research has primarily focused on the idea of performing all possible combinations of those techniques in order to evaluate which ones may offer the best results and analyze if the combined results may improve (in terms of MAP) the individual ones

    Forensic cultures in modern Europe

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    This edited volume examines the performance of physicians, psychiatrists and other scientists as expert witnesses in modern European courts of law and police investigations. Its chapters discuss cases from criminal, civil and international law to parse the impact of forensic evidence and expertise in different European countries (Scotland, England, Germany, Spain, Italy, Russia, Portugal, Norway and the Netherlands) in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. They show how modern forensic science and technology was inextricably entangled with political ideology, gender norms, changes in the law and legal systems. New scientific ideas and technology, such as blood tests and DNA, helped develop forensic science, but did not necessarily lead to a straightforward acceptance of expertise in the courtroom. Discussing fascinating case studies, the chapters in this book highlight how the ideology of authoritarian and liberal regimes affected the practical enactment of forensic expertise. They also emphasise the influence of images of masculinity and femininity on the performance of experts and their assessment of evidence, victims and perpetrators, for example in cases of rape, infanticide and crimes of passion. This book is an important contribution to our knowledge of modern European forensic practices, which, as several chapters underline, sometimes surprisingly diverge from institutional regulations

    Pérdida de pacientes con infección por el virus de la Hepatitis C (VHC) en el sistema sanitario: Cuantificación del problema y análisis de los factores relacionados

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    2030 es el año fijado por la OMS para eliminar la infección por el virus de la hepatitis C (VHC). El papel de los programas de búsqueda activa podría resultar crucial para lograr alcanzar la meta, al permitir identificar y rescatar a los sujetos con diagnóstico ya iniciado en el pasado que actualmente se encuentren perdidos u ocultos en el sistema sanitario, un problema cuya dimensión no ha sido bien cuantificada hasta la fecha.Los objetivos del trabajo fueron: 1) determinar la tasa de pacientes con anticuerpos frente al VHC (AntiVHC+) que se pierden a lo largo de la cascada de cuidados, 2) identificar y rescatar a los sujetos perdidos en el sistema, 3) estudiar factores relacionados tanto con la ausencia de derivación a AE (Atención Especializada) como con la interrupción del seguimiento, 4) evaluar el nivel de conocimiento sobre la infección y enfermedad por el VHC en los pacientes aflorados, y 5) valorar la aceptación y adherencia de los pacientes rescatados al programa de afloramiento.Para poder dar respuesta a estos objetivos se llevó a cabo un programa de búsqueda activa de forma manual a partir de un registro de datos del laboratorio de Microbiología. Se incluyeron todos los resultados serológicos positivos (técnica ELISA y confirmación por inmunoblot) realizados en el Sector sanitario Zaragoza III entre enero 2009 y diciembre de 2013. Se excluyeron las serologías procedentes de centros penitenciarios y Pediatría así como a los sujetos menores de 14 años en el momento de la inclusión. Se trata de un estudio observacional ambispectivo dividido en tres fases consecutivas que se ejecutaron entre abril de 2017 y enero 2020 y que consistieron en la identificación y clasificación de los sujetos perdidos según el problema detectado (ausencia de vinculación con AE o interrupción del seguimiento por Digestivo/Infecciosas), invitación por carta (intervención) y reintroducción en el sistema mediante la creación de un circuito de derivación directo. Se recogieron variables demográficas, analíticas, clínicas y relacionadas con la intervención a partir de la Historia Clínica Electrónica (HCE). En la tercera fase (reintroducción) se solicitó la realización de cuestionarios a los pacientes rescatados.Se revisaron un total de 1092 pacientes con serología positiva para el VHC, encontrando una tasa de pérdida del 33,2%. En el 39,9% (N=145) de los casos el problema radicó en la ausencia de derivación a AE, mientras que en el 60,1% restante (N=218) la pérdida se produjo durante el seguimiento. El proceso diagnóstico quedó incompleto en el 63,1% (sin determinación del ARN viral). Los pacientes coinfectados (VIH+) presentaron mayor tasa de derivación y menor tasa de interrupción del seguimiento (pConclusiones: La pérdida de pacientes seropositivos, ya sea con diagnóstico incompleto (Anti-VHC+ sin confirmación virológica) o virémicos, constituye un problema real y de gran magnitud en nuestro medio. Entre aquellos que escapan y quedan al margen del sistema, es posible caracterizar un perfil de paciente con ausencia de derivación distinto al de aquel con interrupción del seguimiento. A pesar de la elevada aceptación, el impacto podría verse limitado por la existencia de factores que impiden la localización de los pacientes perdidos y de abandonos voluntarios tras el rescate, lo que sugiere la necesidad de diseñar estrategias futuras que permitan abordar ambos desafíos. Bibliografía:1. World Health Organization. Global Health Sector Strategy on viral hepatitis,2016–2021. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016.2. World Health Organization. Global hepatitis report 2017. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017.3. World Health Organization. WHO guidelines on hepatitis B and C testing. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017.4. World Health Organization. Guidelines for the care and treatment of persons diagnosed with chronichepatitis C virus infection. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018.5. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Systematic review on hepatitis B and C prevalence in the EU/EEA. Stockholm: ECDC; 2016.6. POLARIS OBSERVATORY [Internet]. 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Resultados del2º Estudio de Seroprevalencia en España (2017-2018). Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social; 201912. Crespo J, Albillos A, Buti M, Calleja JL, García-Samaniego J, Hernández-Guerra M, Serrano T, Turnes J, Acín E, et al. Eliminación de la hepatitis C. Documento de posicionamiento de la Asociación Española para el Estudio del Hígado (AEEH). Gastroenterología y Hepatología. 2019 /11/01;42(9):579-92.13. Ministerio de Sanidad. Guía de cribado de la infección por el VHC. 2020 Julio.<br /


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    This introduction provides an overview of the historiography in regard to forensic science, medicine and psychiatry. It sketches how insights from the cultural turn, the practice turn and Science and Technology Studies (STS) have impacted research on the history of forensics. Then, the three main arguments of the volume are introduced. Firstly, the book calls for a serious engagement with the meanings of the concept of modernity and its implications for the study of forensic science and medicine. Thus, it zooms in on the relationship between modernity and the presumed shift from human witnesses to material evidence; on the impact of authoritarian regimes on the functioning of forensic experts; and on the role of modern epistemic virtues such as objectivity, but also of the modern media and gender images. Secondly, the importance of studying forensic practices (in contrast to forensic institutions or scientific discourses) is highlighted. Thirdly, the book suggests exploring the notion of ‘forensic culture’ in more detail. Important elements of a definition of forensic culture may include - in addition to technology and the professionalisation of experts - ideology (political ideology, but also ideas on religion, class, race and gender), the role of the media, legal systems and the formulation of criminal and procedural law. The Introduction shows how all chapters engage with these themes and closes by suggesting themes to be explored by future research