1,054 research outputs found

    Estudio de la jurisprudencia aragonesa sobre custodia de los hijos y régimen de visitas

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    Sistematización y exposición resumida de la doctrina sentada por el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Aragón (TSJA) desde que en 2010 entró en vigor la Ley de igualdad en las relaciones familiares ante la ruptura de convivencia de los padres hasta principios de 2019, sobre las disposiciones generales de esta Ley (fines, derechos y principios), el pacto de relaciones familiares y la primera y principal de las medidas de aplicación en defecto del pacto de relaciones familiares: la guarda y custodia de los hijos; en particular: la custodia compartida, el régimen de visitas con el progenitor no custodio en la custodia individual, la preferencia legal de la custodia compartida, la prueba de las circunstancias concurrentes, los factores a ponderar para motivar la decisión sobre el tipo de custodia, la modificación de la custodia o el régimen de visitas, la naturaleza y función del recurso de casación en estas materias

    Does the level of motivation of physical education teachers matter in terms of job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion? A person-centered examination based on self-determination theory

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    Grounded in self-determination theory (SDT), prior research has demonstrated that physical education (PE) teachers may have different reasons to engage in teaching. Although some person-centered studies have identified varied motivational profiles in PE teachers, none of these studies have included the three forms of motivation (i.e., autonomous motivation, controlled motivation, and amotivation). This study aims to identify teachers’ motivational profiles, using the three forms of motivation. Moreover, differences between the obtained profiles in terms of job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion were examined. A sample of 107 primary school PE teachers participated. Four distinct motivational profiles were identified: “relatively amotivated,” “somewhat motivated,” “autonomous-controlled motivated,” and “relatively autonomously motivated.” Results showed that the predominantly autonomously motivated PE teachers reported the most adaptive pattern of outcomes. Although PE teachers from the “relatively autonomously motivated” group did not differ in terms of job satisfaction when compared to those in the “autonomous-controlled motivated” group, the former displayed lower values of emotional exhaustion. These findings support SDT in that more motivation is not necessarily better if this additional motivation comes from controlled reasons. These results could raise awareness among school stakeholders about the importance of increasing PE teachers’ autonomous motivation

    What is the role of adherence to 24-hour movement guidelines in relation to physical fitness components among adolescents?

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    Background: Physical inactivity, excessive sedentary time, and lack of sleep time have been independently associated with lower health-related physical fitness. However, little is known about the combined association between 24-h movement guidelines (i.e., physical activity, recreational screen time, and sleep duration) and components of physical fitness. Objective: The main aim was to examine the likelihood of having high/very high levels on different components of physical fitness based on meeting with 24-h movement guidelines. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 1276 Spanish youths (13.07±0.86; 55.88% boys), aged 11–16 years, completed self-reported questionnaires on physical activity, recreational screen time, and sleep duration. Physical fitness components were assessed by 20-m shuttle-run test, standing long jump test, handgrip strength test, and 4×10-m shuttle-run test. Meeting 24-h movement guidelines was defined as: 9–11h/day (children aged 5–13) or 8–10h/day (adolescents aged 14–17) of sleep, ≤2h/day of recreational screen time and at least 60min/day of moderateto-vigorous physical activity. The probability of having a high/very high score for each physical fitness components (i.e., ≥60th centile according to the normative cut-off points for European adolescents) in relation to adherence to 24-h movement guidelines was analyzed using a series of binary logistic regressions. Results: Participants who met the three 24-h movement guidelines were more likely to have high/very high for cardiorespiratory fitness (OR=3.31; 95% CI: 1.79, 6.14; p<0.001), standing long jump (OR=1.91; 95% CI: 1.06, 3.45; p=0.031), muscular fitness (OR=2.05; 95% CI: 1.09, 3.86; p=0.048) and physical fitness (OR=1.99; 95% CI: 1.08, 3.66; p=0.012), but not for handgrip strength (OR=1.15; 95% CI: 0.64, 2.01; p=0.636) and speed/agility (OR=1.65; 95% CI: 0.92, 2.96; p=0.093), compared to those who did not meet all three recommendations. Conclusion: Since meeting the three 24-h movement guidelines increased the likelihood of having higher levels in most physical fitness components, it seems necessary to promote these movement behaviors early in life, as they could serve as a gateway for improving health-related fitness in future generations.This study has been funded by the European Community and the Ministry of Economy of Extremadura (IB16193). We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructures and European Community. Dr. Tapia-Serrano is supported by the Junta of Extremadura (PD18015) and European Social Fund (FSE). In addition, this research has been funded by the European Regional Development Fund, The FSE, and the Junta of Extremadura, with grant numbers GR21124. Dr. López-Gil is a Margarita Salas Fellow (Universidad Pública de Navarra – 1225/2022). Dr. García-Hermoso is a Miguel Servet Fellow (Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FSE – CP18/0150)

    Redesign and characterization of a single-cylinder optical research engine to allow full optical access and fast cleaning during combustion studies

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    [EN] This work describes the update of an optical engine design with the aim of increasing its capabilities when used for combustion studies. The criteria followed to perform the optical engine redesign were: maximize the optical accessibility to the combustion chamber, minimize the time consumed to clean the optical parts, and minimize the adaptation costs. To meet these requirements, a modular design using window-holders to fit the windows in the optical flange, was proposed. This novel solution allows optical access near the cylinder-head plane while maintaining high operating flexibility (i.e. fast transition between optical and metal engine, and very fast cleaning procedure). The new engine design has three additional optical accesses to the combustion chamber and resulted in more efficient operation compared to the original design, reducing the time consumed to clean the optical parts from 40 down to 10 min. Two main parameters of the new engine were characterized, the effective compression ratio and the rotatory flow field velocity (swirl). The characterization process revealed very similar values between the effective and geometric compression ratios (14.7:1 vs 14.2:1), which confirms the use of appropriate dimensional tolerances during the machining process and low amount of blow-by. Finally, the swirl ratio was characterized through particle image velocimetry measurements for different crank timings at 1200 rpm and motored conditions, using the optical piston with a cylindrical bowl. This method revealed swirl ratios varying from 1 to 1.7 depending on the timing considered, with increasing trend as the piston moves towards the top dead center.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Government under the project HiReCo TRA2014-58870-R. The equipment used has been partially funded by FEDER project ICTS-2012-06, framed in the operational program of unique scientific and technical infrastructure of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain. The author J. Monsalve-Serrano acknowledges the financial support from the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia under the grant "Ayudas Para la Contratacion de Doctores para el Acceso al Sistema Espanol de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion". The authors wish to thank Daniel Lerida for his technical work during the redesign process.Benajes, J.; Pastor, JV.; García Martínez, A.; Monsalve-Serrano, J. (2018). Redesign and characterization of a single-cylinder optical research engine to allow full optical access and fast cleaning during combustion studies. Experimental Techniques. 42(1):55-68. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40799-017-0219-9S5568421Dargay J, Gately D (1999) Income’s effect on car and vehicle ownership, worldwide: 1960-2015. Transp Res A Policy Pract 33(2):101–138European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (2015) The automobile industry pocket guide 2014-2015. Technical reportEnergy, Transport and Environment Indicators (2014) Eurostat pocketbooks. Technical report. Cat. No: KS-DK-14-001-EN-N. https://doi.org/10.2785/56625Environmental Protection Agency (1999) Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Why and how they are controlled. Technical report. Report Number: EPA-456/F-99-006R. https://www3.epa.gov/ttncatc1/dir1/fnoxdoc.pdfEnvironmental European Agency (2013) Emissions of primary PM2.5 and PM10 particulate matter. Technical report. Indicator codes: CSI 003 , APE 009. https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/indicators/emissions-of-primary-particles-and-5/assessment-3(2009) Regulation (EC) 595/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 on type-approval of motor vehicles and engines with respect to emissions from heavy duty vehicles (Euro VI) and on access to vehicle repair and maintenance information and amending Regulation (EC) 715/2007 and Directive 2007/46/EC and repealing Directives 80/1269/EEC, 2005/55/EC and 2005/78/EC. Off J Eur Union L 188:1–13Pastor JV, García-Oliver JM, García A, Micó C, Möller S (2016) Application of optical diagnostics to the quantification of soot in n-alkane flames under diesel conditions. Combust Flame 164:212–223Desantes JM, Pastor JV, García-Oliver JM, Briceño FJ (2014) An experimental analysis on the evolution of the transient tip penetration in reacting diesel sprays. Combust Flame 161(8):2137–2150Desantes JM, Arregle JM, Lopez JJ (2006) Scaling laws for free turbulent gas jets and diesel-like sprays. Atomization Sprays 16:443–473Desantes JM, Torregrosa AJ, Broatch A (2001) Experiments on flow noise generation in simple exhaust geometries. Acustica 87(1):46–55Benajes J, García A, Monsalve-Serrano J, Boronat V Achieving clean and efficient engine operation up to full load by combining optimized RCCI and dual-fuel diesel-gasoline combustion strategies. Energy Convers Manag 136:142–151Payri R, Gimeno J, Bardi M, Plazas A (2013) Study liquid length penetration results obtained with a direct acting piezo electric injector. Appl Energy 106:152–162Garcia A, Monsalve-Serrano J, Heuser B, Jakob M, Kremer F, Pischinger S (2016) Influence of fuel properties on fundamental spray characteristics and soot emissions using different tailor-made fuels from biomass. Energy Convers Manag 108:243–254An H, Chung J, Lee S, Song S (2015) The effects of hydrogen addition on the auto-ignition delay of homogeneous primary reference fuel/air mixtures in a rapid compression machine. Int J Hydrog Energy 40(40):13994–14005Payri F, Desantes JM, Pastor JV (1996) LDV measurements of the flow inside the combustion chamber of a 4-valve D.I. Diesel engine with axisymmetric piston-bowls. Exp Fluids 22(2):118–128Benajes J, Molina S, García A, Monsalve-Serrano J, Durrett R (2014) Conceptual model description of the double injection strategy applied to the gasoline partially premixed compression ignition combustion concept with spark assistance. Appl Energy 129:1–9Desantes JM, Lopez JJ, García JM (2007) Evaporative diesel spray modeling. Atomization Sprays 17:193–231Battistoni M, Mariani F, Risi F, Poggiani C, Combustion CFD (2015) Modeling of a spark ignited optical access engine fueled with gasoline and ethanol. Energy Procedia 82:424–431Benajes J, García A, Pastor JM, Monsalve-Serrano J (2016) Effects of piston bowl geometry on reactivity controlled compression ignition heat transfer and combustion losses at different engine loads. Energy 98:64–77Benajes J, García A, Monsalve-Serrano J, Balloul I, Pradel G (2016) An assessment of the dual-mode RCCI/CDC capabilities in a EURO VI medium-duty diesel engine fueled with an intermediate ethanol-gasoline blend and biodiesel. Energy Convers Manag 123:381–391Benajes J, Martín J, García A, Villalta D, Warey A (2015) In-cylinder soot radiation heat transfer in direct-injection diesel engines. Energy Convers Manag 106:414–427Luján JM, Climent H, Dolz V, Moratal A, Borges-Alejo J, Soukeur Z (2016) Potential of exhaust heat recovery for intake charge heating in a diesel engine transient operation at cold conditions. Appl Therm Eng 105:501–508Bohla T, Tiana G, Zengb W, Heb X, Roskilly A (2014) Optical investigation on diesel engine fuelled by vegetable oils. Inter Conf on Appl energy, ICAE2014. Energy Procedia 61:670–674Bizon K, Continillo G, Lombardi S, Sementa P, Vaglieco B (2016) Independent component analysis of cycle resolved combustion images from a spark ignition optical engine. Combust Flame 163:258–269Mancaruso E, Sequino L, Vaglieco B (2016) Analysis of the pilot injection running common rail strategies in a research diesel engine by means of infrared diagnostics and 1d model. Fuel 178:188–201Zeng W, Sjöberg M, Reuss D, Hu Z (2016) High-speed PIV, spray, combustion luminosity, and infrared fuel-vapor imaging for probing tumble-flow-induced asymmetry of gasoline distribution in a spray-guided stratified-charge DISI engine. Proc Combust Inst 36(3):3459–3466Catapano F, Sementa P, Vaglieco B (2016) Air-fuel mixing and combustion behavior of gasoline-ethanol blends in a GDI wall-guided turbocharged multi-cylinder optical engine. Renew Energy 96:319–332Merola S, Tornatore C, Irimescu A, Marchitto L, Valentino G (2016) Optical diagnostics of early flame development in a DISI (direct injection spark ignition) engine fueled with n-butanol and gasoline. Energy 108:50–62Marseglia G, Costa M, Catapano F, Sementa P, Vaglieco B (2017) Study about the link between injection strategy and knock onset in an optically accessible multi-cylinder GDI engine. Energy Convers Manag 134:1–19Irimescu A, Merola S, Tornatore C, Valentino G (2016) Effect of coolant temperature on air-fuel mixture formation and combustion in an optical direct injection spark ignition engine fueled with gasoline and butanol. 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Fuel 106:651–666Bowditch F (1958) Cylinder and Piston Assembly. US Patent, App 2,919,688, 2,919,688 https://www.google.com/patents/US2919688Pastor JV, García-Oliver JM, García A, Micó C, Durrett R (2013) A spectroscopy study of gasoline partially premixed compression ignition spark assisted combustion. Appl Energy 104:568–575Di Iorio S.; Sementa P.; Vaglieco B. Analysis of combustion of methane and hydrogen–methane blends in small DI SI (direct injection spark ignition) engine using advanced diagnostics. Energy 2016, 108, 99–107.Sementa P, Vaglieco B, Catapano F (2012) Thermodynamic and optical characterizations of a high performance GDI engine operating in homogeneous and stratified charge mixture conditions fueled with gasoline and bio-ethanol. Fuel 96:204–219Richman R, Reynolds W (1984) The development of a transparent cylinder engine for piston engine fluid mechanics research. SAE International in United States. https://doi.org/10.4271/840379Bates S (1988) A transparent engine for flow and combustion visualization studies. SAE International in United States. https://doi.org/10.4271/880520Zhang Y, Zhang R, Rao L, Kim D, Kook S (2017) The influence of a large methyl ester on in-flame soot particle structures in a small-bore diesel engine. Fuel 194:423–435Reuss D (2000) Cyclic variability of large-scale turbulent structures in directed and undirected IC engine flows. SAE International in United States. https://doi.org/10.4271/2000-01-0246López JJ, García-Oliver JM, García A, Domenech V (2014) Gasoline effects on spray characteristics, mixing and auto-ignition processes in a CI engine under partially premixed combustion conditions. Appl Therm Eng 70(1):996–1006Benajes J, García A, Domenech V, Durrett R (2013) An investigation of partially premixed compression ignition combustion using gasoline and spark assistance. Appl Therm Eng 52(2):468–477Klein M, Eriksson L, Åslund J (2006) Compression ratio estimation based on cylinder pressure data. Control Eng. Practice 14(3):197–211Payri F, Olmeda P, Martín J, García AA (2011) Complete 0D thermodynamic predictive model for direct injection diesel engines. Appl Energy 88(12):4632–4641Payri F, Olmeda P, Martin J, Carreño R (2014) A new tool to perform global energy balances in DI diesel engines. SAE Int. J. Engines 7(1):2014-01-0665Benajes J, Olmeda P, Martín J, Carreño RA (2014) New methodology for uncertainties characterization in combustion diagnosis and thermodynamic modelling. Appl Therm Eng 71:389–399Payri F, Margot X, Gil A, Martín J (2005) Computational study of heat transfer to the walls of a DI diesel engine. SAE International in United States. https://doi.org/10.4271/2005-01-0210Martín J (2012) Diagnóstico de la combustión en motores de Diesel de inyeccióon directa. 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    Application of a one-dimensional spray model to teach diffusion flame fundamentals for engineering students

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    [EN] This study presents the application of an existing interactive application for teaching spray dynamics in engineering degrees. The model is based on spray momentum conservation and can be used to evaluate both fuel-air mixing characteristics in inert conditions as well as diffusion flame performance once combustion takes place. During a dedicated computer-lab session, the students perform parametric studies regarding the influence of the nozzle outlet diameter, the combustion chamber density and the spray cone opening angle on the mixing process, characterized by the maximum stoichiometric length. Later on, the effect of the combustion reaction on the mixing field is evaluated. The results are analyzed taking as a reference to the theoretical development made by Spalding and Schlichting for diffusion gas jets. The outcomes of several years using this technique are reported.García-Oliver, JM.; García Martínez, A.; De La Morena, J.; Monsalve-Serrano, J. (2019). Application of a one-dimensional spray model to teach diffusion flame fundamentals for engineering students. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 27(5):1202-1216. https://doi.org/10.1002/cae.22146S12021216275Aleiferis, P. G., Behringer, M. K., & Malcolm, J. S. (2016). Integral Length Scales and Time Scales of Turbulence in an Optical Spark-Ignition Engine. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 98(2), 523-577. doi:10.1007/s10494-016-9775-9Battin-Leclerc, F. (2008). Detailed chemical kinetic models for the low-temperature combustion of hydrocarbons with application to gasoline and diesel fuel surrogates. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 34(4), 440-498. doi:10.1016/j.pecs.2007.10.002Burke, R. D., De Jonge, N., Avola, C., & Forte, B. (2017). A virtual engine laboratory for teaching powertrain engineering. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 25(6), 948-960. doi:10.1002/cae.21847Desantes, J. M., Pastor, J. V., García-Oliver, J. M., & Briceño, F. J. (2014). An experimental analysis on the evolution of the transient tip penetration in reacting Diesel sprays. Combustion and Flame, 161(8), 2137-2150. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2014.01.022Desantes, J. M., Pastor, J. V., García-Oliver, J. M., & Pastor, J. M. (2009). A 1D model for the description of mixing-controlled reacting diesel sprays. Combustion and Flame, 156(1), 234-249. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2008.10.008Dumouchel, C., Cousin, J., & Triballier, K. (2005). On the role of the liquid flow characteristics on low-Weber-number atomization processes. Experiments in Fluids, 38(5), 637-647. doi:10.1007/s00348-005-0944-1Edmonds, E. (1980). Where Next in Computer Aided Learning? British Journal of Educational Technology, 11(2), 97-104. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.1980.tb00396.xFansler, T. D., & Parrish, S. E. (2014). Spray measurement technology: a review. Measurement Science and Technology, 26(1), 012002. doi:10.1088/0957-0233/26/1/012002Gutiérrez-Romero, J. E., Zamora-Parra, B., & Esteve-Pérez, J. A. (2016). Acquisition of offshore engineering design skills on naval architecture master courses through potential flow CFD tools. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 25(1), 48-61. doi:10.1002/cae.21778IPCC. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Working Group I. Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis.Long‐term Climate Change: Projections Commitments and Irreversibility  Cambridge University Press New York NY  2013:1029–136.https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781107415324.024W. Kirchstetter, T., Harley, R. A., Kreisberg, N. M., Stolzenburg, M. R., & Hering, S. V. (1999). On-road measurement of fine particle and nitrogen oxide emissions from light- and heavy-duty motor vehicles. Atmospheric Environment, 33(18), 2955-2968. doi:10.1016/s1352-2310(99)00089-8K. BenNaceur L.Cozzi andT.Gould.World Energy Outlook 2016.2016.https://doi.org/10.1787/weo‐2016‐enM.Nesbitet al. Comparative Study on the differences between the EU and US legislation on emissions in the automotive sector.2016.PASTOR, J., JAVIERLOPEZ, J., GARCIA, J., & PASTOR, J. (2008). A 1D model for the description of mixing-controlled inert diesel sprays. Fuel, 87(13-14), 2871-2885. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2008.04.017PAYRI, R., GARCIA, J., SALVADOR, F., & GIMENO, J. (2005). Using spray momentum flux measurements to understand the influence of diesel nozzle geometry on spray characteristics. Fuel, 84(5), 551-561. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2004.10.009Payri, R., Salvador, F. J., Gimeno, J., & Novella, R. (2011). Flow regime effects on non-cavitating injection nozzles over spray behavior. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 32(1), 273-284. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2010.10.001Perumal, K., & Ganesan, R. (2015). CFD modeling for the estimation of pressure loss coefficients of pipe fittings: An undergraduate project. 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Universitat Politècnica de València.Zhao, H., & Ladommatos, N. (1998). Optical diagnostics for soot and temperature measurement in diesel engines. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 24(3), 221-255. doi:10.1016/s0360-1285(97)00033-

    Policies Composition Based on Data Usage Context

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    International audienceIn federated query processing, different datasets can be queried simultaneously. Each dataset has different privacy policies attached, but,which privacy policy will govern the usage of the query result? In this work we propose a mechanism, based on semantic web technologies, tocompose privacy policies. The originality of our approach is that our composition rules are based on the data usage context and deduced implicitterms

    Análisis comparativo de las servidumbres de paso en el régimen común y en el foral de Aragón.

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    El Código de Derecho Foral de Aragón, es un avanzado en materia de derechos Reales, dónde se encuentran las servidumbres de paso, regulando los mismos en concordancia con las nuevas opiniones doctrinales. El Código Civil por su parte está atrasado en esta materia por diversas razones que expongo a lo largo de mi trabajo, necesitando urgentemente una reforma en esta materia

    Las cláusulas suelo en los contratos de préstamo hipotecario

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    El estudio que aquí se muestra se titula «Las cláusulas suelo en los contratos de préstamo hipotecario». La importancia del tema es indudable, por ello se va a realizar una revisión doctrinal y jurisprudencial sobre el impacto que han causado las cláusulas suelo. Se han tenido en cuenta los problemas tan graves que se han desencadenado, y que aún, algunos de ellos, no se han dado por solucionados. Entre ellos se encuentran: el colapso de los tribunales, la falta de transparencia, la irretroactividad, la distribución y la reclamación de los gastos hipotecarios, etc. A lo largo del TFG éste se ha ido focalizando en las mayores dificultades, y en cómo los tribunales nacionales y europeos se han pronunciado a través de diferentes sentencias.<br /