565 research outputs found

    Tracking Federated Queries in the Linked Data

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    Federated query engines allow data consumers to execute queries over the federation of Linked Data (LD). However, as federated queries are decomposed into potentially thousands of subqueries distributed among SPARQL endpoints, data providers do not know federated queries, they only know subqueries they process. Consequently, unlike warehousing approaches, LD data providers have no access to secondary data. In this paper, we propose FETA (FEderated query TrAcking), a query tracking algorithm that infers Basic Graph Patterns (BGPs) processed by a federation from a shared log maintained by data providers. Concurrent execution of thousand subqueries generated by multiple federated query engines makes the query tracking process challenging and uncertain. Experiments with Anapsid show that FETA is able to extract BGPs which, even in a worst case scenario, contain BGPs of original queries

    FETA: Federated QuEry TrAcking for Linked Data

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    International audienceFollowing the principles of Linked Data (LD), data providers are producing thousands of interlinked datasets in multiple domains including life science, government, social networking, media and publications. Federated query engines allow data consumers to query several datasets through a federation of SPARQL endpoints. However, data providers just receive subqueries resulting from the decomposition of the original federated query. Consequently, they do not know how their data are crossed with other datasets of the federation. In this paper, we propose FETA, a Federated quEry TrAcking system for LD. We consider that data providers collaborate by sharing their query logs. Then, from a fed-erated log, FETA infers Basic Graph Patterns (BGPs) containing joined triple patterns, executed among endpoints. We experimented FETA with logs produced by FedBench queries executed with Anapsid and FedX federated query engines. Experiments show that FETA is able to infer BGPs of joined triple patterns with a good precision and recall

    Crédito de instituciones públicas municipales y regionales a las microempresas y empresas de la economía solidaria del estado zulia, venezuela periodo 2000-2009

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    Se analiza el financiamiento otorgado por las instituciones públicas municipales y regionales a las microempresas y empresas de la economía solidaria del Estado Zulia, Venezuela. Con información suministrada de las instituciones incluidas en el estudio (y Corpozulia), se examinan las condiciones del financiamiento, la cobertura geográfica de los créditos, las actividades económicas financiadas y la condición sociodemográfica de los beneficiarios. Para ello se utilizó estadística descriptiva, lo que hace que el estudio sea de carácter no experimental. Se concluye que las instituciones antes mencionadas se ajustan a lo que establece la Ley de Microfinanzas en lo relacionado a la cobertura en la extensión territorial del Estado Zulia. En su gran mayoría, los créditos fueron otorgados a mujeres, los jóvenes han sido los menos beneficiados.The goal of this research is to analyze the funding offered by regional and municipal public institutions to the microcompanies and companies of the solidary economy of Zulia state. The information presented has been compiled directly from the institutions included in this study (SAMI y Corpozulia). The financing conditions, the geographic coverage of the credits given, the financed economic activities and the socio-demographic conditions of the beneficiaries are analyzed. The descriptive statistics technique was used for data interpretation. The research is non experimental. Results show that the institutions adjust to the microfinance law, the coverage of the institutions is equal in all the geographic extension in Zulia State, most credits were given to women, and the young people received the least

    Es descobreix un patró d'ossificació comú en els ungulats

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    Tots els vertebrats tenim un esquelet ossi. Però la formació dels ossos varia entre individus i entre espècies. Investigadors de la UAB han trobat un patró d'ossificació en els Ungulats, nom genèric de qualsevol mamífer les extremitats del qual acaben en peülles, diferent en funció de si els ossos estan sotmesos a tensions o a pressions. Aquesta nova aproximació pot ser aplicada a l'estudi de fòssils de mamífers extints i ser útil tant per establir relacions filogenètiques de parentiu com per conèixer aspectes funcionals de l'evolució dels vertebrats.Todos los vertebrados tenemos un esqueleto óseo. Pero la formación de los huesos varía entre individuos y entre especies. Investigadores de la UAB han encontrado un patrón de osificación en los Ungulados, nombre genérico de cualquier mamífero cuyas extremidades terminan en pezuñas, diferente en función de si los huesos están sometidos a tensiones o presiones. Esta nueva aproximación puede ser aplicada al estudio de fósiles de mamíferos extintos y ser útil tanto para establecer relaciones filogenéticas de parentesco como para conocer aspectos funcionales de la evolución de los vertebrados

    Feeding Preferences of Domestic and Wild Ungulates for Forage Trees in the Dry Tropics

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    Silvopastoralism based on livestock feeding on forage trees is becoming a sustainable alternative to traditional grazing on the open pastures of dry tropical Central America. Four autochthonous trees, Acacia pennatula, Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Gliricidia sepium and Guazuma ulmifolia, and one exotic (Moringa oleifera) tree are the preferred species for these silvopastoral systems. Little is known, however, about the feeding preferences of cattle, sheep and goats for such fodder trees and whether wild ungulates (white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus) feed on these plants. In this work, we conducted several multiple-choice feeding preference tests (cafeteria test) to compare the best choice to feed cattle, sheep, goats and white-tailed deer in these farming systems. Although all ruminant species included the four autochthonous trees and the exotic M. oleifera in their diets, G. ulmifolia was the preferred forage tree by far. The preference for the rest of the trees varied among our ruminant species. When M. oleifera was added to the cafeteria test, it was well accepted by white-tailed deer but little appreciated by their domestic counterparts. The use of these forage trees for livestock feeding is thus interesting not only for sustainable animal production but also to support wild herbivores in the dry tropics of Central America

    Equal contributions of feline immunodeficiency virus and coinfections to morbidity in African lions

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    Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is a pathogenic lentivirus related to human and simian immunodeficiency viruses that has been associated with AIDS-like pathologies in domestic and wild cats, as well as in hyenas. Despite known pathologies, progressive immunosuppression and ill health effects driven by these lentiviruses in association with other secondary infections remain understudied in free-ranging species. Here, the role of coinfections by gastrointestinal parasites and tick-borne hemoparasites for FIV disease progression was explored in 195 free-ranging African lions (Panthera leo) living in Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa. Using statistical methodology, we evaluated the effects of FIV on a range of health indicators to explore how direct and indirect effects of FIV and associated coinfections align to determine lion health outcomes. Findings show direct negative effects of FIV on host immunity and nutritional status, and exacerbation of aggressive behaviors, conditions which may increase exposure/susceptibility to other secondary infections. When taken together, the contribution of coinfecting parasites to morbidity in lions is of similar magnitude as direct effects of FIV infection alone, suggesting that the particular coinfection assemblage may play a role in mediating disease progression within natural lion populations
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