2,128 research outputs found

    Aerodynamics of parachuting in tiny insects

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    Branding Strategies in Non-Profit Organizations

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    Branding through children is a marketing tactic that many organizations and businesses utilize today; but what marketing strategy best carries out a message to the children and their guardians themselves? This thesis examines the different strategies used by for-profit and not-for-profit companies in order to better understand branding through children. It dives into an experiment testing the effectiveness of various marketing approaches and their success of gaining further children at events. The strategies are then dissected into which worked best in order to answer the question, “What branding strategies are most effective for non-profits which focus on children?

    Motivação no trabalho: concepções de estudantes do curso de Administração

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    A motivação é de suma importância para as organizações, pois é por intermédio dela que os funcionários executam suas tarefas com mais entusiasmo. A falta de motivação reduz a produtividade e dessa forma, os resultados da organização não serão alcançados. Este trabalho analisou as concepções sobre a motivação dos estudantes de Administração de um centro universitário do interior do Rio Grande do Sul. Tratase de uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório e descritivo, e de abordagem qualitativa, em que a coleta de dados deu-se por meio de entrevistas, e a análise de conteúdo foi técnica de análise de dados. Os resultados apontam que, para os estudantes, as concepções sobre motivação estão próximas ao que aborda a teoria, sendo um conjunto de fatores que impulsionam os indivíduos a atingir um objetivo específico, que o conduza para a satisfação de suas necessidades pessoais e profissionais. Este estudo pode contribuir como fonte de reflexão no que diz respeito à compreensão sobre o que é a motivação e de que maneira ela pode ser despertada nas pessoas, assim como poderá inspirar as empresas a criarem e desenvolverem políticas de gestão de pessoas dentro das organizações.The motivation is of paramount importance for organizations, because it is through her that employees perform their tasks with more enthusiasm. The lack of motivation reduces productivity and thus the results of the Organization will not be achieve. This work examined the conceptions about motivation of students of a University Center Administration of the interior of Rio Grande do Sul. This is a survey of exploratory and descriptive character, and qualitative approach, in which the data was collected by means of interviews and the analysis of content was data analysis technique. The results indicate that, for students, the conceptions of motivation are close to dealing with the theory, being a set of factors that drive individuals to achieve a specific objective, that the drive to satisfy their personal and professional needs. This study can contribute to reflection on what it says about the understanding about what is motivation and how it can be aroused in people as well as inspire companies to create and develop people management policies within the organization

    CLA Project Report

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    Introductory address on ?the electrolytic dissociation theory?

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    Dinosaurs and pterosaurs in Greek and Roman art and literature? An investigation of young-earth creationist claims

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    Many young-Earth creationist (YEC) authors claim that ancient Greek and Roman writings describe dinosaurs and pterosaurs, and that Greco-Roman art illustrates Mesozoic reptiles. Such claims are used as evidence against evolutionary theory in an attempt to cast doubt on the separation of humans and such animals by millions of years. However, examination of the Greco-Roman materials in question reveals that none of them actually depict Mesozoic reptiles. In descriptions of dragons (Greek drakōn; Latin draco) in Greco-Roman literature—which YEC authors claim are dinosaurs—coils and the epithets ophis, serpens, and anguis reveal that the ancient authors are describing snakes, often large constrictors. This is the case for the draco described by Pliny, Phrygian dragons described by Aelian, the Vatican Hill child-eater mentioned by Pliny, the Bagradas River dragon, the legendary dragons that Alexander the Great supposedly encountered, and dragons in Greek mythology. An alleged theropod dinosaur in the Nile Mosaic of Palestrina is a mammal, possibly an otter. An alleged dinosaur in a Pompeii fresco is a crocodile. Herodotus\u27 description of winged snakes is anatomically incompatible with pterosaurs and possibly refers to cobras. Alleged pterosaurs on an Alexandrian coin are winged snakes. An alleged Etruscan pterosaur head sculpture depicts a mammal. Two alleged Tanystropheus in a Roman mosaic from Lydney Park, England are mythical sea monsters. These YEC claims now join the ranks of discredited evidence against evolutionary theory

    Antipredator displays of the Cuban Groundlizard (Pholidoscelis auberi) on Little San Salvador Island (Half Moon Cay), The Bahamas, and a review of similar behavior in other lizards

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    Antipredator behavior in the teiid lizard Pholidoscelis auberi is previously unreported. I observed an arm-waving display (AWD) and lateral undulation of the tail (LUT) in two P. auberi, an adult and a neonate, on Little San Salvador Island (Half Moon Cay), The Bahamas. Context indicated that these were antipredator behaviors. AWD was performed overhand (clockwise in right lateral view), with the elbow strongly flexed, and with one arm at a time. AWD is performed similarly in some other lizard species and differently in some others. AWD is previously unreported in P. auberi, and LUT is previously unreported in all but one other teiid species

    Evidence for a sauropod−like metacarpal configuration in ankylosaurian dinosaurs

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    Ankylosaurian dinosaurs are armored, quadrupedal members of the ornithischian clade Thyreophora. Ankylosaurs are typically portrayed with the metacarpals slanted and distally divergent, with their proximal ends arranged in a shallow arc, both in the literature (Matthew 1922; Gaston et al. 2001; McCrea et al. 2001; Vickaryous et al. 2004) and in museum mounts (Fig. 1). In contrast, Carpenter (1984) illustrated the metacarpals of the ankylosaur Sauropelta edwardsorum Ostrom, 1970, from the Lower Cretaceous Cloverly Formation of Wyoming and Montana, with their proximal ends arranged in a tight, semicircular arc, but even in that depiction themetacarpals were slanted and distally divergent. Members of the thyreophoran clade Stegosauria, the sister taxon to the Ankylosauria (Butler et al. 2008), have also typically been portrayed with slanted and distally divergent metacarpals (Marsh 1891; Gilmore 1914; Galton and Upchurch 2004). Some researchers expressed the opinion that stegosaur metacarpals were held vertically, not distally divergent, with their proximal ends arranged in a tight, semicircular arc, so that the metacarpus formed a vertical half−tube (von Huene 1931; Thulborn 1990; Christiansen 1997) such that flexion of digit I would move it toward digit V. Manual manipulation of stegosaurian metacarpals has since confirmed that this is the correct configuration of the stegosaurian metacarpus (Senter 2010).Here I investigate the possibility that the ankylosaurian metacarpus exhibited a similar configuration. As in the previous study on stegosaurs (Senter 2010), I treat the slanting and spreading configuration and the vertical semi−tubular configuration as competing hypotheses, each with a set of testable predictions. Each hypothesis of metacarpal configuration in ankylosaurs predicts that the configuration (1) is allowed by the shapes of the metacarpals, (2) provides a better fit (alignment and contact of opposing articular surfaces) between the metacarpals than the competing hypothesis, (3) does not compromise the goodness of fit between the metacarpals and the phalanges, (4) is not contradicted by articulated specimens, and (5) agrees with ichnological evidence. In the previous study on stegosaurs I included an additional prediction: that the configuration provides sufficient support for and does not disarticulate the more proximal forelimb bones. Here, that prediction is omitted, because the ankylosaurian carpus is unknown (Vickaryous et al. 2004) except for a single carpal described by Maleev (1954)