18 research outputs found

    Repensando el espacio público de las viviendas sociales de post-guerra en Gran Bretaña

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    This paper addresses the issue of the urban obsolescence of public space of social housing neighbourhoods built during the post-war period in Great Britain. Great Britain has been chosen because of the active role played by modern architects in the construction of the welfare state advocated by post-war governments, which involved building large areas of social housing. The aims of this paper are to understand the context in which these neighbourhoods were built as well as their evolution and the complexity of their obsolescence. To achieve these objectives, it first looks at the causes that prompted the slum clearance process, at its implementation during the post-war reconstruction and at the effects that this process has had on contemporary cities. Secondly, it is illustrated through a detailed analysis of a case study, Loughborough Estate in Brixton, London, looking at the initial conditions of the council estate when it was built, investigating its evolution over the past five decades and factors that may have contributed to the obsolescence of its public space and to its social problems. The paper concludes with a warning that a generalist critique of modern architecture does not solve the problems of such neighbourhoods, but a substantial intervention on the public space is needed to bring them to life. These interventions should focus on the spatial configuration of public space and its design and maintenance.Este artículo aborda la cuestión de la obsolescencia urbana del espacio público en las barriadas de viviendas sociales construidas durante el periodo de post-guerra en Gran Bretaña. Se ha escogido el caso de Gran Bretaña debido al papel tan activo que tuvieron los arquitectos del movimiento moderno en la construcción del estado del bienestar, por la que abogaron los gobiernos de post-guerra y la cual implicó la construcción de una gran cantidad de viviendas. Los objetivos de este artículo son comprender el contexto en el que se construyeron estas barriadas así como su evolución y la complejidad de su obsolescencia. Para alcanzar estos objetivos, primero se examinan las causas que dieron lugar al proceso de demolición de infraviviendas, su ejecución durante la reconstrucción de post-guerra y los efectos que este proceso ha tenido en las ciudades contemporáneas. En segundo lugar, esto se ilustra con un análisis detallado de un caso de estudio: Loughborough Estate en Brixton, Londres. Se examinan cuáles eran las condiciones iniciales de la barriada social y se investiga su evolución durante las cinco últimas décadas y los posibles factores que han contribuido a la obsolescencia del espacio público y a sus problemas sociales. El artículo concluye advirtiendo que una crítica generalista a la arquitectura moderna no resuelve los problemas de estas barriadas, sino que es necesaria una intervención sustancial en el espacio público para fomentar la vida urbana. Estas intervenciones deben actuar sobre la configuración espacial del espacio público y sobre su diseño y mantenimien

    Infraestructuras para el desorden: estrategias de intervención en el espacio público de las barriadas de viviendas sociales. El caso de Londres

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    Texto completo descargado desde TeseoThis thesis looks at the design of the public space of British post-war social housing neighbourhoods. It argues that these neighbourhoods have no urban life and have fallen into a state of obsolescence, and analyses how far the design of their public realm is responsible for this lack of urban life, proposing urban design strategies to transform the urban space of these neighbourhoods into a realm for social interaction and public activities. The analysis focuses on two case studies located in London: Loughborough Estate in Brixton, London Borough of Lambeth, and Gascoyne Estate in Hackney. Both are post-war housing estates designed and built in the 1950s by London County Council. For the urban design strategy proposals, it follows Richard Sennett's approach that cities need "certain kinds of disorder" for people to learn how to tolerate difference and to accept uncertainty. Sennett argues that there is too much order in modernist urban design, which stifles spontaneity and creates alienating public space. This thesis reworks this idea, applying it to the current situation of British housing estates, which are still in need of spaces for improvisation after decades of decay, urban transformations, and socio-economic changes. Revisiting Sennett's work, it finds affinities between his more recent work and the way in which 'assemblage' thinking has been used in critical urbanism. Accordingly, the thesis uses 'assemblage' as a concept to explain how to introduce Sennett's notions of disorder into urban design strategies and bring life to the obsolete public spaces of council estates. Building on Sennett's 'uses of disorder' and using 'assemblage' as a tool to apply this to the design of public space, the thesis proposes the term 'infrastructures for disorder': urban design interventions in the public space of social housing neighbourhoods to create conditions for the spontaneous use of the public space and encourage social interaction. The infrastructures for disorder present two kinds of contribution: a contribution to critical urban theory and a contribution to architecture and urban design. Using 'assemblage' - with its connotations of process, emergence and uncertainty - to implement Sennett's uses of disorder leads to the use of the term 'infrastructure' to describe how the proposed strategies aim to be the beginning of a process, creating initial conditions. In addition, the infrastructures for disorder provide a contribution to architecture and urban design, proposing urban design guidelines using terms commonly used by architects and urban designers: 'surface', 'section' and 'process'. The surface and section strategies propose a physical reconfiguration of the public realm through a series of small changes addressing the problems of the public space described in the first part of the thesis. The process strategies serve as a method to implement the surface and section strategies, placing special emphasis on the need for constant upgrades of the public space of these neighbourhoods. Through these contributions, the thesis offers agents an alternative approach to intervention in the public space of social housing neighbourhoods. The implementation of such contributions must take into account that they are flexible guidelines that need to be adapted to different contexts.Esta tesis versa sobre el diseño del espacio público de las barriadas de viviendas sociales de post-guerra en Reino Unido. Estas barriadas carecen de vida urbana y han caído en un estado de obsolescencia. La tesis analiza la influencia del diseño del espacio público en esta falta de vida urbana y propone estrategias de diseño urbano que tengan la capacidad de transformar el espacio urbano de estas barriadas en un lugar de interacción social y actividades en público. El análisis se centra en dos casos de estudio localizados en Londres: Loughborough Estate, Brixton, en el municipio de Lambeth, y Gascoyne Estate en el municipio de Hackney. Ambas son barriadas de postguerra proyectadas y construidas en la década de 1950 por el London County Council. Las estrategias de diseño urbano propuestas toman como punto de partida la postura de Richard Sennett: las ciudades necesitan “ciertos tipos de desorden” para que las personas aprendan a tolerar lo diferente y a aceptar la incertidumbre. Sennett argumenta que el diseño urbano moderno se concibió desde el orden, lo cual no permite la espontaneidad y ha construido un espacio público alienante. La tesis revisa esta idea y la traslada a la situación actual de los polígonos de vivienda británicos, los cuales, después de décadas de abandono, transformaciones urbanas y cambios socio-económicos, todavía carecen de espacios para la improvisación. A través de la revisión del trabajo de Sennett, la tesis identifica afinidades entre su obra más reciente y el uso del concepto assemblage (ensamblaje, asociación, agenciamiento) en la teoría del urbanismo crítico. A partir de este hallazgo, la tesis usa el término assemblage como instrumento para aplicar la idea de desorden de Sennett a estrategias de diseño urbano que revitalicen el espacio público obsoleto de las barriadas en cuestión.Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado U

    A Map of Urban Tales. Laboratory Q, a Place for Urban Creativity

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    Laboratorio Q, de lugares de creatividad urbana, es una plataforma de investigación creada para el estudio de la ciudad contemporánea. Registra en un mapa virtual y de una forma participativa, procesos, espacios y acciones creativas que se hayan dado en la ciudad de Sevilla entre 1996 y 2012; un final de periodo marcado por la crisis económica. Este artículo presenta en un formato de manifiesto las bases estructurales que sustentan este proyecto. Cada enunciado funciona en relación con un todo y de forma autónoma describe la estrategia ideada y declara un posicionamiento ante la construcción de una historia urbana común.Laboratory Q, a place for urban creativity is a research platform set up to study the contemporary city. Contained in a participatory virtual map are processes, spaces, and creative actions that took place in Seville between 1996 and 2012, the last part of which was defined by the economic crisis. This article is structured like a manifesto and presents the structural foundations that hold up the project. Each declaration works autonomously in relation to everything, describes the ideal strategy, and states how common urban tales are constructed

    Espacio Q: Laboratorio de Creatividad Urbana

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    Espacio Q es un colectivo de investigadores de la E.T.S. de Arquitectura de Sevilla con intereses en diferentes líneas de trabajo bajo el paradigma de la ciudad creativa. Se centra en obsolescencias, emergencias y procesos urbanos de la ciudad contemporánea y en el estudio de nuevas formas de intervención urbana, en el marco de un contundente periodo de crisis económica, social y arquitectónica. Parte de una base teórica sustentada en líneas de investigación sobre la ciudad contemporánea desarrolladas por Carlos García Vázquez, a las que se han añadido las aportaciones recientes de jóvenes investigadores. Partiendo de los trabajos de investigación realizados por sus componentes, se detecta una gran desconexión entre la amplia bibliografía existente sobre estas cuestiones urbanas y la aplicación práctica a situaciones reales. El discurso que dio origen a la reflexión sobre la creatividad urbana, liderado por Landry y Florida desde las dos últimas décadas del XX, ha terminado alejándose con frecuencia del ámbito inmediato de la ciudadanía, y encuadrado en los discursos oficiales del marketing urbano. A su vez, también se detecta la emergencia de nuevas iniciativas que ya están ocurriendo en las ciudades, en ocasiones de forma planeada desde el poder y las instituciones, y, en otros casos, de manera informal y espontánea, que cuestionan las figuras tradicionales de intervención urbana, a través de la acción conjunta de colectivos, arquitectos y ciudadanos. A partir de esta constatación, Espacio Q busca incorporar el estudio y la acción sobre situaciones reales al proceso de investigación académica aplicada. Como respuesta a estas inquietudes, se define el concepto de “creatividad urbana” según es entendido desde este colectivo, atendiendo a su escala global y local. La creatividad se legitima como herramienta para la intervención urbana, modificando las condiciones de contorno de lo público y lo privado. La creatividad aparecerá como campo de desarrollo de las prácticas cívicas y arquitectónicas, experimentando soluciones imaginativas, no convencionales e inesperadas, que exploten las posibilidades últimas del lema: cambio pequeño, grandes efectos. A partir de la definición de la creatividad urbana como sustrato común, se especifican las líneas de investigación de Espacio Q y se establecen sus objetivos, que buscan materializarse a través de la definición de unos procesos de investigación activa. El desarrollo de proyectos de investigación y acción que permitan experimentar estos procesos aparecerá como complemento inmediato de la reflexión, señalando la eficiencia y la recuperación de la naturalidad como vías prioritarias para la construcción de la ciudad contemporánea.Space Q is a group of researchers from the School of Architecture of the University of Seville with interests in different work lines under the paradigm of the creative city. It focuses on obsolescence, emergencies and urban processes in the contemporary city and the study of new forms of urban intervention, within a framework of a stunning period of economic, social and architectural crisis. It starts from a theoretical base supported by the research conducted by Professor Carlos Garcia Vazquez, to which young researchers added their recent contributions. Based on the research work done by its components, they found a major disconnection between the extensive literature on these urban issues and practical application to real situations. Frequently, the discourse that originated the debate about urban creativity, led by Charles Landry and Richard Florida since the last two decades of the twentieth century, has moved away from the immediate scope of citizenship, and it has been focused on the official statement of urban marketing. At the same time, they also detect the emergence of new initiatives that are already happening in the cities, sometimes in a planned way by the power and the institutions, and in other cases, informally and spontaneously, questioning the traditional figures of urban intervention throughout the combined action of groups, architects and citizens. From this finding, Space Q aims to incorporate the study and the action in real situations to the process of applied academic research. In response to these concerns, they define the concept "urban creativity" as it is understood from this group, according to its global and local scale. Creativity is legitimized as a tool for urban intervention, changing the boundary conditions of public and private areas. Creativity appears as a field of development of civic and architectural practices, experimenting with imaginative, unconventional and unexpected solutions that take advantage of the latest capabilities of the slogan: small change, big impact. From the definition of urban creativity as a common substrate, Space Q will specify the research area and set the objectives which will be materialized by processes of active research. This study is completed with research and action projects that experiment these processes, highlighting the efficiency and the recovery of naturalness as a priority routes for the construction of the contemporary city

    Risk Factors for Amoxicillin-Clavulanate Resistance in Community-Onset Urinary Tract Infections Caused by Escherichia coli or Klebsiella pneumoniae : The Role of Prior Exposure to Fluoroquinolones

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    Background: High rates of amoxicillin-clavulanate (AMC) resistance among Enterobacterales isolated from urinary tract infections (UTIs) were observed in our area. The aim of this study was to identify risk factors associated with AMC resistance in patients with community-onset UTI in emergency departments (EDs). Methods: A retrospective study was performed of all ED patients with positive urine cultures for Escherichia coli or Klebsiella pneumoniae in a Spanish tertiary-care hospital. Results: 330 urine cultures in all were included: 261 (79.1%) for E. coli and 69 (20.90%) for K. pneumonia. Rates of AMC resistance were 14.94% and 34.78%, respectively. UTI was clinically confirmed in 212 (64.24%) cases. Previous antimicrobial exposure was independently associated with AMC resistance development in E. coli and K. pneumoniae urinary isolates (OR = 2.94, 95% CI = 1.55-5.58). Analyses of infected patients revealed that previous exposure to fluoroquinolones (OR = 3.33, 95% CI = 1.10-10.12, p = 0.034) and to AMC (OR = 5.68, 95% CI = 1.97-16.44, p = 0.001) was significantly associated with isolation of AMC-resistant strains. Conclusions: Prior antibiotic exposure, particularly to AMC or fluoroquinolones, was the only independent risk factor associated with development of AMC resistance in E. coli and K. pneumoniae urinary isolates from patients attending the ED

    Escena Abierta

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    Escena abierta expone una forma de trabajo en los márgenes de la intervención urbana. Se trata de acción teatral, un espacio de creación que dota a la realidad urbana de la ficción necesaria para proporcionar una experiencia completa, un juego entre la imaginación y la consciencia que despierte tanto al pensador de ciudad como al habitante. Su producción mantiene una estrecha relación con la arquitectura como formato crítico sobre la vida cotidiana urbana y, también, como forma de representar, comunicar y dibujar la ciudad. Vaujaus Teatro es una iniciativa cultural universitaria originada en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla. Nace hace 15 años como grupo de teatro y progresivamente ha ido consolidando una estructura de taller creativo abierto. En los últimos años el grupo ha ampliado su campo de acción más allá de su entorno original. De acuerdo a un ciclo de periodo anual, existen dos fases de trabajo. La primera se concentra en la experimentación/ formación en torno al hecho dramático; la segunda supone el desarrollo de un proyecto para un montaje teatral concreto que concluye con la puesta en escena. Se organizan talleres creativos que cubren todos los ámbitos de reflexión, diseño y producción: escenografía, iluminación, vestuario, etc. Cada equipo-taller se conecta transversalmente con los demás, y la producción final es siempre colectiva. Quizás por su estrecha vinculación con la escuela de arquitectura, la escenografía adquiere una dimensión fundamental dentro del trabajo global, ya que supone un ejercicio de reflexión, síntesis y representación de los espacios que sirven como soportes de acción. La exposición Esceno y grafías es la expresión pública de este trabajo como otro movimiento de aproximación a la ciudad, que permite reinterpretar la relación entre el “espectador” y los espacios teatrales.Open scene exhibits a way of working in the edges of urban intervention. It is about theatrical performance, a space of creation that provides to the urban reality of the necessary fiction to get a complete experience, a game between imagination and conscience that wakes up both: the thinker of city and the inhabitant. Its production supports a narrow relation with architecture as a critical format about urban ordinary life and, also, as a way of representing, communicating and drawing the city. Vaujaus Teatro is an universitary cultural initiative originated at the School of Arquitecture of Seville. It was born 15 years ago as a theatre group, and it has progressively consolidated an open-creative-workshop structure. In the past few years the group has widen its field of action beyond its original environment. According to an annual cycle, there are two work phases. The first one focus on the experimentation / training around the theatrical play; the second one implies the development of a project for a particular theatre staging which ends in the mise-en-scène of the play. Creative workshops that cover all the fields of reflection, design and production (stage design, lighting, wardrobe, etc.) are organized. Every crew is transversely connected to the other ones, and the final production is always collective. Maybe because of its close connection with the School of Architecture, stage design achieves a fundamental dimension in the complete work, even though it implies a practice of reflection, summary and representation of the spaces in which action take place. The exhibition Esceno y Grafías is the public expression of this work as another approach movement to the city, which makes it possible to rephrase the relations between the audience and the dramatic space

    A Large Multicenter Prospective Study of Community-Onset Healthcare Associated Bacteremic Urinary Tract Infections in the Era of Multidrug Resistance: Even Worse than Hospital Acquired Infections?

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    Introduction: Healthcare-associated (HCA) infections represent a growing public health problem. The aim of this study was to compare community-onset healthcare associated (CO-HCA) bacteremic urinary tract infections (BUTI) and hospital-acquired (HA)-BUTI with special focus on multidrug resistances (MDR) and outcomes. Methods: ITUBRAS-project is a prospective multicenter cohort study of patients with HCA-BUTI. All consecutive hospitalized adult patients with CO-HCA-BUTI or HA-BUTI episode were included in the study. Exclusion criteria were: patients < 18 years old, non-hospitalized patients, bacteremia from another source or primary bacteremia, non-healthcare-related infections and infections caused by unusual pathogens of the urinary tract. The main outcome variable was 30-day all-cause mortality with day 1 as the first day of positive blood culture. Logistic regression was used to analyze factors associated with clinical cure at hospital discharge and with receiving inappropriate initial antibiotic treatment. Cox regression was used to evaluate 30-day all-cause mortality. Results: Four hundred forty-three episodes were included, 223 CO-HCA-BUTI. Patients with CO-HCA-BUTI were older (p < 0.001) and had more underlying diseases (p = 0.029) than those with HA-BUTI. The severity of the acute illness (Pitt score) was also higher in CO-HCA-BUTI (p = 0.026). Overall, a very high rate of MDR profiles (271/443, 61.2%) was observed, with no statistical differences between groups. In multivariable analysis, inadequate empirical treatment was associated with MDR profile (aOR 3.35; 95% CI 1.77–6.35), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (aOR 2.86; 95% CI 1.27–6.44) and Charlson index (aOR 1.11; 95% CI 1.01–1.23). Mortality was not associated with the site of acquisition of the infection or the presence of MDR profile. However, in the logistic regression analyses patients with CO-HCA-BUTI (aOR 0.61; 95% CI 0.40–0.93) were less likely to present clinical cure. Conclusion: The rate of MDR infections was worryingly high in our study. No differences in MDR rates were found between CO-HCA-BUTI and HA-BUTI, in the probability of receiving inappropriate empirical treatment or in 30-day mortality. However, CO-HCA-BUTIs were associated with worse clinical cure. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Ahora / Ara

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    La cinquena edició del microrelatari per l’eradicació de la violència contra les dones de l’Institut Universitari d’Estudis Feministes i de Gènere «Purificación Escribano» de la Universitat Jaume I vol ser una declaració d’esperança. Aquest és el moment en el qual les dones (i els homes) hem de fer un pas endavant i eliminar la violència sistèmica contra les dones. Ara és el moment de denunciar el masclisme i els micromasclismes començant a construir una societat més igualitària. Cadascun dels relats del llibre és una denúncia i una declaració que ens encamina cap a un món millor