3,730 research outputs found

    On the dialog between experimentalist and modeler in catchment hydrology

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    The dialog between experimentalist and modeler in catchment hydrology has been minimal to date. The experimentalist often has a highly detailed yet highly qualitative understanding of dominant runoff processes—thus there is often much more information content on the catchment than we use for calibration of a model. While modelers often appreciate the need for 'hard data' for the model calibration process, there has been little thought given to how modelers might access this 'soft' or process knowledge. We present a new method where soft data (i.e., qualitative knowledge from the experimentalist that cannot be used directly as exact numbers) are made useful through fuzzy measures of model-simulation and parameter-value acceptability. We developed a three-box lumped conceptual model for the Maimai catchment in New Zealand, a particularly well-studied process-hydrological research catchment. The boxes represent the key hydrological reservoirs that are known to have distinct groundwater dynamics, isotopic composition and solute chemistry. The model was calibrated against hard data (runoff and groundwater-levels) as well as a number of criteria derived from the soft data (e.g. percent new water, reservoir volume, etc). We achieved very good fits for the three-box model when optimizing the parameter values with only runoff (Reff=0.93). However, parameter sets obtained in this way showed in general a poor goodness-of-fit for other criteria such as the simulated new-water contributions to peak runoff. Inclusion of soft-data criteria in the model calibration process resulted in lower Reff-values (around 0.84 when including all criteria) but led to better overall performance, as interpreted by the experimentalist’s view of catchment runoff dynamics. The model performance with respect to soft data (like, for instance, the new water ratio) increased significantly and parameter uncertainty was reduced by 60% on average with the introduction of the soft data multi-criteria calibration. We argue that accepting lower model efficiencies for runoff is 'worth it' if one can develop a more 'real' model of catchment behavior. The use of soft data is an approach to formalize this exchange between experimentalist and modeler and to more fully utilize the information content from experimental catchments

    Correlation measurements in high-multiplicity events

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    Requirements for correlation measurements in high--multiplicity events are discussed. Attention is focussed on detection of so--called hot spots, two--particle rapidity correlations, two--particle momentum correlations (for quantum interferometry) and higher--order correlations. The signal--to--noise ratio may become large in the high--multiplicity limit, allowing meaningful single--event measurements, only if the correlations are due to collective behavior.Comment: MN 55455, 20 pages, KSUCNR-011-92 and TPI-MINN-92/47-T (revised). Revised to correct typo in equation (30), and to fill in a few steps in calculations. Now published as Phys. Rev. C 47 (1993) 232

    Thermal photon production in high-energy nuclear collisions

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    We use a boost-invariant one-dimensional (cylindrically symmetric) fluid dynamics code to calculate thermal photon production in the central rapidity region of S+Au and Pb+Pb collisions at SPS energy (s=20\sqrt{s}=20 GeV/nucleon). We assume that the hot matter is in thermal equilibrium throughout the expansion, but consider deviations from chemical equilibrium in the high temperature (deconfined) phase. We use equations of state with a first-order phase transition between a massless pion gas and quark gluon plasma, with transition temperatures in the range 150≤Tc≤200150 \leq T_c \leq 200 MeV.Comment: revised, now includes a_1 contribution. revtex, 10 pages plus 4 figures (uuencoded postscript

    Gray Anatomy: The Case of the Missing "s".

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    Padrão de frugivoria por Tapirus terrestris na Mata Atlântica do norte do Espírito Santo, Brasil

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    A anta Tapirus terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758), último representante da megafauna Pleistocênica na região Neotropical, representa um importante grupo funcional, pois se alimentam de uma grande variedade de espécies vegetais, especialmente frutos. No entanto, o padrão de frugivoria da espécie pode variar entre diferentes áreas. Dessa forma, nosso interesse foi investigar o grau de frugivoria da espécie em duas diferentes áreas no estado do Espírito Santo e a sua importância para a dinâmica florestal. Para isso, foram coletadas amostras fecais, através de busca ativa em diferentes ambientes na Reserva Biológica do Córrego do Veado (Rebio Córrego do Veado) e na Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural Recanto das Antas (RPPN Recanto das Antas), durante o período de janeiro de 2011 a novembro de 2013. Após a triagem do material biológico, as sementes foram individualizadas, classificadas quanto às características e grupos ecológicos e identificadas até o menor nível taxonômico possível. Foi obtido um esforço amostral de 130 dias, resultando em 325 amostras fecais coletadas, sendo 53,2% da Rebio Córrego do Veado e 46,8% da RPPN Recanto das Antas. Do total de amostras, 41,8% estavam depositadas dentro ou próximas a corpos dágua e 58,2% na serrapilheira/substrato seco. A dieta da anta foi composta por 94,1% de fibras e 5,9% de frutos. Foram encontradas duas vezes mais amostras contendo sementes na RPPN Recanto das Antas do que na Rebio Córrego do Veado. Das 30 morfoespécies encontradas nas amostras, 15 foram identificadas em nível específico, as quais estão distribuídas em oito famílias. As famílias mais representativas foram Anacardiaceae, Fabaceae e Myrtaceae. As espécies mais freqüentemente encontradas nas amostras foram Spondias macrocarpa Engl. e S. venulosa (Engl.) Engl. Do total de sementes encontradas 60% apresentam dispersão zoocórica e 46,7% são sementes grandes e muito grandes e 50% possuem fruto do tipo carnoso. Das morfoespécies encontradas, sete foram registradas em ambas as unidades de conservação, 21 foram encontradas apenas na RPPN Recanto das Antas e duas foram encontradas na Rebio Córrego do Veado. Isso pode indicar que o ambiente na RPPN Recanto das Antas pode fornecer mais frutos que na Rebio Córrego do Veado, o que pode ser um resultado do histórico de perturbações da última 8 reserva. Na década de 1980, 80% da Rebio Córrego do Veado foi queimada em um incêndio e, atualmente, o entorno da reserva é composto principalmente por pastagens. Ao contrário, a RPPN Recanto das Antas, apesar de sua área ter sofrido extração seletiva na década de 50, está inserida no maior remanescente de Mata Atlântica do Espírito Santo. Ainda que a anta possua uma dieta composta por uma variedade de frutos nas áreas de estudo, ela aparenta ser menos frugívora do que em outras áreas da Mata Atlântica. Contudo, é evidente a importância de T. terrestris na dispersão de um grande número de espécies vegetais, especialmente as espécies com sementes grandes, aumentando o recrutamento de espécies de plantas que não são dispersadas por outras espécies animais

    Futures Marketing: A Management Tool for Grain Elevators.

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    Futures Marketing: A Management Tool For Grain Users.

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    EXPlainistry: Creating Documentation, Explanations, and Animated Visualizations of Chemistry Experiments Supported by Information and Communication Technology to Help School Students Understand Molecular-Level Interactions

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    Given that students are constantly communicating and documenting special experiences in their social and private lives with digital devices, we suggest that this behavior could be used to record and deepen learning experiences-such as visualizing reactions at the molecular level-in a chemistry class. An example would be the creation of stop-motion videos to aid the visualization process for the documentation of experiments. This approach makes use of well-established techniques for documentation and visualization (e.g., static models or pictures) and combines them with dynamic approaches (e.g., animations) in order to enhance explanations of chemical experiments. Here, we describe how we use this approach to augment the novel teaching method, EXPlainistry (experiments explained in chemistry) with 5th to 12th graders, and consider how it helps students use ICT (information and communications technology) in order to document, explain, and visualize experiments in chemistry education

    The Starburst Nature of Lyman-Break Galaxies: Testing UV Extinction with X-rays

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    We derive the bolometric to X-ray correlation for a local sample of normal and starburst galaxies and use it, in combination with several UV reddening schemes, to predict the 2--8 keV X-ray luminosity for a sample of 24 Lyman-break galaxies in the HDF/CDF-N. We find that the mean X-ray luminosity, as predicted from the Meurer UV reddening relation for starburst galaxies, agrees extremely well with the Brandt stacking analysis. This provides additional evidence that Lyman-break galaxies can be considered as scaled-up local starbursts and that the locally derived starburst UV reddening relation may be a reasonable tool for estimating the UV extinction at high redshift. Our analysis shows that the Lyman-break sample can not have far-IR to far-UV flux ratios similar to nearby ULIGs, as this would predict a mean X-ray luminosity 100 times larger than observed, as well as far-IR luminosities large enough to be detected in the sub-mm. We calculate the UV reddening expected from the Calzetti effective starburst attenuation curve and the radiative transfer models of Witt & Gordon for low metallicity dust in a shell geometry with homogeneous or clumpy dust distributions and find that all are consistent with the observed X-ray emission. Finally, we show that the mean X-ray luminosity of the sample would be under predicted by a factor of 6 if the the far-UV is unattenuated by dust.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in A
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