5 research outputs found

    IntĂ©rĂȘt du score d’Alvarado dans le diagnostic des appendicites aigĂŒes

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    Introduction: L’appendicite aigue reprĂ©sente l’urgence chirurgicale la plus frĂ©quente aux urgences. Son diagnostic est avant tout clinique. Cependant, sa prĂ©sentation clinique parfois trompeuse ainsi que le large Ă©ventail de diagnostics diffĂ©rentiels sont frĂ©quemment sources d’erreurs diagnostiques et de retard de prise en charge. Afin de pallier Ă  ces difficultĂ©s diagnostiques, de rĂ©duire le nombre d’examens complĂ©mentaires et d’actes chirurgicaux abusifs, plusieurs scores cliniques ont Ă©tĂ© ainsi dĂ©veloppĂ©s, dont le score d’Alvarado. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait d’appliquer ce score Ă  une population de patients adultes venant consulter pour douleurs de la fosse iliaque droite afin d’évaluer ses performances ainsi que ses limites. MĂ©thodes: Il s’agissait d’une Ă©tude prospective qui a inclus tous les malades ĂągĂ©s de plus de 15 ans se prĂ©sentant pour douleur de la fosse iliaque droite. Le diagnostic final d'appendicite aigue a Ă©tĂ© confirmĂ© par examen anatomo-pathologique pour les patients opĂ©rĂ©s et infirmĂ© lorsque la symptomatologie des patients avait totalement rĂ©gressĂ© en l'absence de tout traitement. RĂ©sultats: Notre Ă©tude a inclus 106 patients. Chez les patients dont le score d'Alvarado Ă©tait infĂ©rieur Ă  4, le diagnostic d'appendicite aigĂŒe n'a jamais Ă©tĂ© retenu. Les meilleures sensibilitĂ©s et spĂ©cificitĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© retrouvĂ©es pour une valeur seuil de 8 pour le score d'Alvarado. Ainsi, avec une bonne sensibilitĂ© (81,25%) et une valeur prĂ©dictive positive correcte (74,28%), notre Ă©tude a dĂ©montrĂ© que le score d’Alvarado pouvait apporter un bĂ©nĂ©fice dans le diagnostic d'appendicite aigĂŒe. Le groupe de patient avec un score strictement infĂ©rieur Ă  4 est considĂ©rĂ© comme Ă  faible risque. Les patients dont le score d'Alvarado Ă©tait strictement supĂ©rieur Ă  6 nĂ©cessiteraient une hospitalisation afin, soit d'ĂȘtre opĂ©rer d'emblĂ©e, soit de complĂ©ter par un examen d'imagerie et une surveillance. Le groupe de patient ayant un score compris entre 4 et 6 (limites incluses), reste un groupe oĂč le doute diagnostic est prĂ©sent et oĂč les examens complĂ©mentaires d'imagerie ont un apport certain. Conclusion: L’utilisation du score d'Alvarado dans nos urgences permet de rationaliser la prise en charge et d’orienter le diagnostic en limitant la prescription d’explorations radiologiques, le coĂ»t de la prise en charge et les actes chirurgicaux abusifs

    Enterococcus spp.: Is It a Bad Choice for a Good Use—A Conundrum to Solve?

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    International audienceSince antiquity, the ubiquitous lactic acid bacteria (LAB) Enterococci, which are just as predominant in both human and animal intestinal commensal flora, have been used (and still are) as probiotics in food and feed production. Their qualities encounter several hurdles, particularly in terms of the array of virulence determinants, reflecting a notorious reputation that nearly prevents their use as probiotics. Additionally, representatives of the Enterococcus spp. genus showed intrinsic resistance to several antimicrobial agents, and flexibility to acquire resistance determinants encoded on a broad array of conjugative plasmids, transposons, and bacteriophages. The presence of such pathogenic aspects among some species represents a critical barrier compromising their use as probiotics in food. Thus, the genus neither has Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status nor has it been included in the Qualified Presumption of Safety (QPS) list implying drastic legislation towards these microorganisms. To date, the knowledge of the virulence factors and the genetic structure of foodborne enterococcal strains is rather limited. Although enterococcal infections originating from food have never been reported, the consumption of food carrying virulence enterococci seems to be a risky path of transfer, and hence, it renders them poor choices as probiotics. Auspiciously, enterococcal virulence factors seem to be strain specific suggesting that clinical isolates carry much more determinants that food isolates. The latter remain widely susceptible to clinically relevant antibiotics and subsequently, have a lower potential for pathogenicity. In terms of the ideal enterococcal candidate, selected strains deemed for use in foods should not possess any virulence genes and should be susceptible to clinically relevant antibiotics. Overall, implementation of an appropriate risk/benefit analysis, in addition to the case-by-case assessment, the establishment of a strain’s innocuity, and consideration for relevant guidelines, legislation, and regulatory aspects surrounding functional food development seem to be the crucial elements for industries, health-staff and consumers to accept enterococci, like other LAB, as important candidates for useful and beneficial applications in food industry and food biotechnology. The present review aims at shedding light on the world of hurdles and limitations that hampers the Enterococcus spp. genus and its representatives from being used or proposed for use as probiotics. The future of enterococci use as probiotics and legislation in this field are also discussed