1,930 research outputs found

    Infrared Variability of the Gliese 569B System

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    Gliese 569B is a multiple brown dwarf system whose exact nature has been the subject of several investigations over the past few years. Interpretation has partially relied on infra-red photometry and spectroscopy of the resolved components of the system. We present seeing limited Ks photometry over four nights, searching for variability in this young low mass substellar system. Our photometry is consistent with other reported photometry, and we report the tentative detection of several periodic signals consistent with rotational modulation due to spots on their surfaces. The five significant periods range from 2.90 hours to 12.8 hours with peak to peak variabilities from 28 mmag to 62 mmag in the Ks band. If both components are rotating with the shortest periods, then their rotation axes are not parallel with each other, and the rotation axis of the Bb component is not perpendicular to the Ba-Bb orbital plane. If Bb has one of the longer rotational periods, then the Bb rotation axis is consistent with being parallel to the orbital axis of the Ba-Bb system.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Multiscale autocorrelation function: a new approach to anisotropy studies

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    We present a novel catalog-independent method, based on a scale dependent approach, to detect anisotropy signatures in the arrival direction distribution of the ultra highest energy cosmic rays (UHECR). The method provides a good discrimination power for both large and small data sets, even in presence of strong contaminating isotropic background. We present some applications to simulated data sets of events corresponding to plausible scenarios for charged particles detected by world-wide surface detector-based observatories, in the last decades.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Evaluation of the progression of visual field damage in patients suffering from early manifest glaucoma

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: This retrospective study aimed to determine how often a perimetric examination should be carried out in order to identify visual field (VF) changes in patients with relatively early manifestation glaucoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients included had a relatively recent manifestation of primary open-angle glaucoma. Patients with a minimum follow-up of 5 years and a minimum of seven VF tests were included. Statistical analysis was performed to verify the trend of variations in mean defect (MD) over time (PeriData). The results were subjected to a t-test for a comparative analysis of progression of VF changes over time. The annual rate of progression provided by PeriData considering all the VFs analyzed was compared with that obtained on half of the VF examinations during the same follow-up period. An analysis of the MD trend over time was also carried out in relationship to the number of VF tests done and by dividing the sample into a high-frequency group (more than eight VFs) and a low-frequency group (fewer than eight VFs) in the follow-up period. RESULTS: A total of 96 eyes of 96 patients were included, and overall 846 VFs were examined. The paired t-test performed comparing the MD index of all the VFs against half of them did not show statistical significance (P=0.537). The high-frequency group comprised 39 eyes (average VF 11.05±1.91, average time interval 0.76 years) while the low-frequency group comprised 57 eyes (average VF 6.95±0.6, average time interval 1.21 years). The analysis of the MD trend in the high-frequency patients showed significance (P=0.017); the low-frequency group did not show statistical significance (P=0.08). CONCLUSION: The number of VFs in a determined time interval was not significant. However, a greater frequency of tests provides a predictive evaluation of the rate of progression of early manifestation open-angle glaucoma

    Ganglion cell complex analysis in glaucoma patients: what can it tell us?

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    Glaucoma is a group of optic neuropathies characterized by a progressive degeneration of retina ganglion cells (RGCs) and their axons that precedes functional changes detected on the visual field. The macular ganglion cell complex (GCC), available in commercial Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography, allows the quantification of the innermost retinal layers that are potentially involved in the glaucomatous damage, including the retinal nerve fiber (RNFL), ganglion cell and inner plexiform layers. The average GCC thickness and its related parameters represent a reliable biomarker in detecting preperimetric glaucomatous damage. The most accurate GCC parameters are represented by average and inferior GCC thicknesses, and they can be associated with progressive visual field loss. Although the diagnostic accuracy increases with more severe glaucomatous damage and higher signal strength values, it is not affected by increasing axial length, resulting in a more accurate discrimination of glaucomatous damage in myopic eyes with respect to the traditional RNFL thickness. The analysis of the structure-function relationship revealed a good agreement between the loss in retinal sensitivity and GCC thickness. The use of a 10-2° visual field grid, adjusted for the anatomical RGCs displacement, describes more accurately the relationship between RGCs thickness and visual field sensitivity loss

    CAOS spectroscopy of Am stars Kepler targets

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    The {\it Kepler} space mission and its {\it K2} extension provide photometric time series data with unprecedented accuracy. These data challenge our current understanding of the metallic-lined A stars (Am stars) for what concerns the onset of pulsations in their atmospheres. It turns out that the predictions of current diffusion models do not agree with observations. To understand this discrepancy, it is of crucial importance to obtain ground-based spectroscopic observations of Am stars in the {\it Kepler} and {\it K2} fields in order to determine the best estimates of the stellar parameters. In this paper, we present a detailed analysis of high-resolution spectroscopic data for seven stars previously classified as Am stars. We determine the effective temperatures, surface gravities, projected rotational velocities, microturbulent velocities and chemical abundances of these stars using spectral synthesis. These spectra were obtained with {\it CAOS}, a new instrument recently installed at the observing station of the Catania Astrophysical Observatory on Mt. Etna. Three stars have already been observed during quarters Q0-Q17, namely: HD\,180347, HD\,181206, and HD\,185658, while HD\,43509 was already observed during {\it K2} C0 campaign. We confirm that HD\,43509 and HD\,180347 are Am stars, while HD 52403, HD\,50766, HD\,58246, HD\,181206 and HD\,185658 are marginal Am stars. By means of non-LTE analysis, we derived oxygen abundances from O{\sc I}λ\lambda7771--5{\AA} triplet and we also discussed the results obtained with both non-LTE and LTE approaches.Comment: accepted in MNRAS main journal 13 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1404.095

    A Revised Orbital Ephemeris for HAT-P-9b

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    We present here three transit observations of HAT-P-9b taken on 14 February 2010, 18 February 2010, and 05 April 2010 UT from the University of Arizona's 1.55 meter Kuiper telescope on Mt. Bigelow. Our transit light curves were obtained in the I filter for all our observations, and underwent the same reduction process. All three of our transits deviated significantly (approximately 24 minutes earlier) from the ephemeris of Shporer et al. (2008). However, due to the large time span between our observed transits and those of Shporer et al. (2008), a 6.5 second (2 sigma) shift downwards in orbital period from the value of Shporer et al. (2008) is sufficient to explain all available transit data. We find a new period of 3.922814 +/- 0.000002 days for HAT-P-9b with no evidence for significant nonlinearities in the transit period.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    A modified femtosecond laser technique for anterior capsule contraction syndrome

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    Anterior capsule contraction syndrome (ACCS) is a rare, late complication of cataract surgery, associated with impairment of visual function. In this paper, we describe a new surgical technique to treat ACCS by femtosecond laser procedure. The femtosecond laser was used to perform an anterior capsulotomy with a customized size, in order to avoid IOL damage. After ophthalmic viscosurgical device injection in the anterior chamber, the anterior capsule flap was separated from the IOL surface by gentle hydrodissection. This manoeuvre enabled an easy and safe removal of the fibrotic material by vitreal microscissors. Our technique allowed a complete removal of the fibrotic material and opening of the capsule, with immediate complete visual acuity recovery without IOL damage. In conclusion, femtosecond laser appears to be safe and effective for treatment of ACCS with long-lasting efficacy

    Last tesserae of a fading mosaic: floristic census and forest vegetation survey at Parche di Bilello (south-western Sicily, Italy), a site needing urgent protection measures.

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    This paper illustrates the botanic heritage of Parche di Bilello, a site located in the municipality of Castelvetrano. The study area hosts several woodland fragments dominated by Olea europaea var. sylvestris, Quercus suber and Quercus ilex, respectively. According to historical data, these nuclei represent the last remnants of an open forestland which covered a much wider coastal area between Mazara del Vallo and Sciacca until the end of Middle Age. Phytosociological relevés were focused on these forest nuclei, probably the most representative of south-western Sicily, which correspond to three habitats included in the 92/43 EEC Directive (9320, 9330 and 9340, respectively) and represent the final stage of three different edaphic series. Wild olive forests probably dominated on sandy calcareous soils, holm oaks prevailed on steep calcareous and N-exposed slopes. In contrast, cork oaks mostly occurred on sandy subacid soils issuing from pedogenetic processes on palaeodunes. Moreover, field surveys allowed to list 331 vascular plant taxa. Among them, Linaria multicaulis subsp. humilis, Orobanche balsensis and Serapias orientalis subsp. siciliensis are new to Trapani Province. Detailed information on the current distribution and the synecology of several plant taxa of high biogeographic and conservation interest is also provided. The study site also hosts one habitat of priority interest (6220, i.e. xerophilous Mediterranean perennial grasslands and annual swards) and two species protected by international laws, i.e. the orchid Ophrys lunulata and the lichen Teloschistes chrysophthalmus. Considering the high value of its natural heritage, this territory deserves the adoption of more effective protection measures. For this reason the authors recommend its inclusion as a new Site of Community Interest within the Sicilian Natura 2000 network
