36 research outputs found

    Causas de morte de matrizes suínas em granjas brasileiras

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    A taxa de mortalidade de porcas em uma unidade de produção intensiva de suínos representa um importante dado produtivo, pois está diretamente ligada a investimentos econômicos e perdas financeiras. Em vista da escassez de informações sobre o tema e da importância que o mesmo apresenta para a suinocultura, tornam-se necessários estudos que busquem determinar as principais doenças que acometem as matrizes suínas no Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar causas de morte de matrizes suínas em granjas brasileiras, assim como caracterizar aspectos epidemiológicos e patológicos das principais condições. Para a realização deste estudo, foram realizadas visitas a três granjas suinícolas localizadas nos estados de Santa Catarina (Granja A - 8.500 matrizes), Mato Grosso (Granja B - 16.500 matrizes) e Paraná (Granja C - 2.750 matrizes). Cada período de coleta de dados compreendeu em média 12 dias, durante os quais realizou-se a necropsia de todas as matrizes que morreram ou foram submetidas à eutanásia. Fragmentos de órgãos foram coletados para exame histopatológico e bacteriológico e, adicionalmente, anotaram-se as seguintes informações referentes às matrizes necropsiadas: provável causa da morte de acordo com a macroscopia, estágio reprodutivo, ordem de parto e tipo de morte. Os dados das três granjas foram analisados conjuntamente e as doenças foram classificadas em categorias de acordo com o sistema orgânico acometido. No total foram realizadas 138 necropsias e dessas, em 132 obteve-se diagnóstico conclusivo. Os estágios reprodutivos mais frequentes foram gestação e lactação (33,3 e 31,9%, respectivamente), seguidas pelas fêmeas parturientes (17,4%), descartes (9,4%), intervalo desmame-estro (IDE) (4,3%) e leitoas (3,6%). A ordem de parto média foi 3,4. A eutanásia foi o tipo de morte em 36,2% das porcas e 63,8% morreram de forma espontânea. As categorias com maior casuística foram as doenças dos sistemas reprodutor (28%), digestório (25%), locomotor (22%), cardiovascular (9,1%), hematopoiético (6,1%), nervoso (4,5%) e demais sistemas (5,3%). As doenças com maior frequência de diagnósticos foram prolapso uterino com 16 casos (12,1% dos diagnósticos conclusivos), úlcera gástrica (13 casos - 9,8%), artrite bacteriana (11 - 8,3%), torção de lobo hepático (11 - 8,3%), insuficiência cardíaca (9 - 6,8%), prolapso de vagina ou de vagina e reto (9 - 6,8%) e pododermatite (8 - 6,1%). Embora 58,2% das mortes tenham sido devido a uma das sete doenças mais frequentes, houve grande variabilidade de diagnósticos.The sow mortality rate in a pig farm represents an important productive data, since it is directly related to economic investments and financial losses. Due to the scarcity of information on the subject and its importance for the swine industry, studies that seek to determine the most common diseases of sows in Brazil are needed. The objective of this study is to determine the causes of death of sows in Brazilian pig farms, as well as to characterize epidemiological and pathological aspects of the main conditions. To perform this study, visits were made to three pig farms in the states of Santa Catarina (Farm A - 8,500 sows), Mato Grosso (Farm B – 16,500 sows) and Paraná (Farm C – 2,750 sows). Each period of data collection averaged 12 days, in which necropsies were performed on all sows that died naturally or were euthanased. Fragments of organs were collected ate necropsy for histopathological and bacteriological examination. In addition, the following information regarding necropsied sows was recorded: necropsy diagnosis, reproductive stage, parity, and type of death. Data from the three farms were analyzed together and the diseases were classified into categories according to the organic system involved. A total of 138 necropsies were performed and in 132 of them a conclusive diagnosis was obtained. The most frequent reproductive stages were gestation and lactation (33.3 and 31.9% respectively), followed by parturient sows (17.4%), culling sows (9.4%), weaning-to-estrus interval (WEI) (4.3%) and gilts (3.6%). The mean parity was 3.4. Euthanasia was the type of death in 36.2% of sows and 63.8% died spontaneously. The systems with the greater casuistic were the reproductive (28%), digestive (25%), locomotor (22%), cardiovascular (9.1%), hematopoietic (6.1%), nervous (4.5%), and others (5.3%). The most frequently diagnosed diseases were uterine prolapse with 16 cases (12.1% of conclusive diagnoses), gastric ulcer (13 cases - 9.8%), bacterial arthritis (11 - 8.3%), liver lobe torsion (11 - 8.3%), heart failure (9 - 6.8%), vaginal prolapse or vagina and rectum prolapse (9 - 6.8%), and pododermatitis (8 - 6.1%). Although 58.2% of the deaths were due to one of the seven most frequent diseases, there was a huge variability of diagnosis

    Doenças de bezerros no Sul do Brasil

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    As perdas de bezerros influenciam negativamente a lucratividade dos rebanhos bovinos e muitas propriedades trabalham com taxas acima das aceitáveis. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi determinar quais as principais doenças que causam mortalidade de bezerros no Sul do Brasil, mediante um estudo retrospectivo. Para tal, foram revisados os laudos de protocolos de necropsias de bezerros recebidos pelo Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS) no período de 2005 a 2020, e elaborados dois artigos. No primeiro, foram compilados os dados obtidos do levantamento e discriminados quanto aos sistemas envolvidos, sexo, aptidão (corte ou leiteira) e faixa etária (0-3, 4-6, 7-9 e 10-12 meses de idade). 626 casos conclusivos foram considerados. Houve maior frequência de bovinos de corte (55,5%), raças leiteiras somaram 24,1% e em 20,4% essa informação era indisponível. As doenças do aparelho digestivo (24,9%) foram as mais frequentes, seguidas das doenças do sistema hemolinfático (18,5%). Doenças infecciosas e parasitárias predominaram (73%), seguidas de doenças tóxicas (9,5%) e transtornos do desenvolvimento (5,1%). Para o cálculo de frequência de diagnósticos por faixa etária e aptidões, apenas 499 casos dentre os 626 foram utilizados, pois nos 127 restantes essas informações eram indisponíveis. As condições mais frequentes foram enterites com 16% (80/499), que predominaram na faixa de 0-3 meses e em raças leiteiras; tristeza parasitária bovina com 15,6% (78/499) e presença constante nas faixas a partir de 4 meses, tanto em raças leiteiras quanto de corte; e pneumonias com 8,2% (41/499) e maior proporção de casos entre 0 e 6 meses, tanto em raças leiteiras quanto de corte. Esses dados mostram que medidas sanitárias que buscam prevenir doenças entéricas, respiratórias e hemoparasitárias podem ajudar a reduzir a mortalidade de bovinos no sul do Brasil. Já no segundo artigo, foi descrito um surto de condrodisplasia de origem nutricional em bovinos leiteiros. Nesse trabalho foram investigados casos de nascimento de bezerros com defeitos congênitos. Apenas bezerros nascidos de novilhas foram afetados e a doença ocorreu em animais mestiços e puros. Três necropsias foram realizadas, tecidos foram coletados para histopatologia e amostras de fígado de bezerros, soro sanguíneo e alimentos fornecidos para vacas e novilhas foram coletados para quantificar os níveis dos minerais: manganês, cobre e zinco. Os bezerros nasceram fracos, com nanismo desproporcional, deformidades nos membros e articulações aumentadas. As cabeças eram encurtadas e arredondas. Os ossos longos apresentavam diáfise encurtada e epífise de tamanho normal, quando comparados aos controles. A histopatologia das placas de crescimento revelou fechamento prematuro, desarranjo das colunas de condrócitos e colapso da esponjosa primária. Os níveis de manganês no fígado estavam abaixo dos valores de referência nos três bezerros. A análise dos alimentos revelou níveis insuficientes de manganês na dieta das novilhas, principalmente na silagem de sorgo, que foi fornecida como principal fonte de alimento para a categoria em alguns períodos. Nossos achados permitiram concluir o diagnóstico de condrodisplasia de origem nutricional e reforçar a tese de que o manganês é o mineral deficiente nesses casos.Calf losses negatively influence the profitability of cattle herds and many farms work with rates above acceptable. The objective of this research was to determine which are the main diseases that cause calf mortality in Southern Brazil, through a retrospective study. For this purpose, the pathology reports of calf necropsies received by the Setor de Patologia Veterinária of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS) from 2005 to 2020 were reviewed, and two manuscripts were written. In the first, the data obtained from the survey were compiled and discriminated according to the systems involved, sex, aptitude (beef or dairy), and age group (0-3, 4-6, 7-9 and 10-12 months of age). 626 conclusive cases were considered. There was a higher frequency of beef cattle (55.5%), dairy breeds totaling 24.1% and in 20.4% this information was unavailable. Diseases of the digestive system (24.9%) were the most frequent, followed by diseases of the hemolymphatic system (18.5%). Infectious and parasitic diseases predominated (73%), followed by toxic diseases (9.5%) and developmental disorders (5.1%). To calculate the frequency of diagnoses by age group and aptitude, only 499 cases out of the 626 were used, as in the remaining 127 these information was unavailable. The most frequent conditions were enteritis with 16% (80/499), which predominated in the range of 0-3 months and in dairy breeds; hemoprotozoal infection with 15.6% (78/499) and constant presence in the age ranges from 4 months on, both in dairy and beef breeds; and pneumonias with 8.2% (41/499) and higher proportion of cases between 0 and 6 months, both in dairy and beef breeds. These data show that sanitary measures that seek to prevent enteric, respiratory and hemoparasitic diseases can help to reduce the mortality of cattle in southern Brazil. In the second manuscript, an outbreak of chondrodysplasia of nutritional origin in dairy cattle was described. In this work, cases of birth of calves with congenital defects were investigated. Only calves born to heifers were affected and the disease occurred in both crossbred and purebred animals. Three necropsies were performed, tissues were collected for histopathology and liver samples from calves, blood serum and feed supplied to cows and heifers were collected to quantify the levels of minerals: manganese, copper and zinc. The calves were born weak, with disproportionate dwarfism, limb deformities and enlarged joints. The heads were shortened and domed. Long bones had a shortened diaphysis and normal-sized epiphysis when compared to controls. Histopathology of the growth plates revealed premature closure, disarrangement of the chondrocyte columns and collapse of the primary spongiosa. Liver manganese levels were below reference values in all three calves. Feed analysis revealed insufficient levels of manganese in the heifers diet, mainly in sorghum silage, which was provided as the main feed source for the category in some periods. Our findings allowed us to conclude the diagnosis of chondrodysplasia of nutritional origin and reinforce the thesis that manganese is the deficient mineral in these cases

    Causas de morte de matrizes suínas em três granjas brasileiras

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    Sow mortality is directly related to financial losses and productive efficiency in pig farms. Despite this, diseases associated with the death of sows are poorly understood. This study aimed to determine the main causes of death of sows in Brazilian pig farms. To perform this research, three Brazilian pig farms were visited, and necropsies were performed on all sows that had died spontaneously or were subjected to euthanasia. Tissue fragments were collected for histopathological and bacteriological examination. In addition, the clinical signs, productive stage, parity, and type of death (spontaneous or euthanasia) were recorded. A total of 138 necropsies were performed, and 132 had a conclusive diagnosis. The most frequent productive stages were gestation and lactation (33.3 and 31.9%, respectively), followed by parturient sows (17.4%), cull sows (9.4%), weaning-to-estrus interval (WEI) (4.3%), and unmated gilts (3.6%). The most affected organ systems were reproductive (28%), digestive (25%), locomotor (22%), cardiovascular (9.1%), and hematopoietic (6.1%). The most frequently diagnosed conditions were uterine prolapse (16/132; 12.1%), gastric ulcer (13/132; 9.8%), suppurative arthritis (11/132; 8.3%), liver lobe torsion (11/132; 8.3%), heart failure (9/132; 6.8%), vaginal or vaginal and rectal prolapse (9/132; 6.8%), and pododermatitis (8/132; 6.1%). Although 58.2% of the deaths were due to one of these seven diseases, there was a great variability in diagnoses.A mortalidade de porcas está diretamente relacionada a perdas financeiras e à eficiência produtiva das granjas. Apesar disso, as doenças associadas à morte de porcas são pouco conhecidas. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar as principais causas de morte de porcas em granjas suinícolas brasileiras. Para a realização desta pesquisa, três granjas brasileiras foram visitadas e necropsias foram realizadas em todas as porcas que morreram espontaneamente ou foram submetidas à eutanásia. Fragmentos de tecidos foram coletados para exame histopatológico e bacteriológico. Além disso, foram registrados os sinais clínicos, estágio reprodutivo, ordem de parto e tipo de morte (espontânea ou eutanásia). Um total de 138 necropsias foram realizadas e 132 tiveram um diagnóstico conclusivo. Os estágios produtivos mais frequentes foram gestação e lactação (33,3 e 31,9%, respectivamente), seguidos por porcas parturientes (17,4%), porcas de descarte (9,4%), intervalo desmame-estro (IDE) (4,3%) e leitoas vazias (3,6%). Os sistemas orgânicos mais afetados foram reprodutor (28%), digestivo (25%), locomotor (22%), cardiovascular (9,1%) e hematopoiético (6,1%). As condições mais frequentemente diagnosticadas foram prolapso uterino (16/132; 12,1%), úlcera gástrica (13/132; 9,8%), artrite supurativa (11/132; 8,3%), torção do lobo hepático (11/132; 8,3%), insuficiência cardíaca (9/132; 6,8%), prolapso vaginal ou prolapso vaginal e retal (9/132; 6,8%) e pododermatite (8/132; 6,1%). Embora 58,2% dos óbitos tenham ocorrido por uma dessas sete doenças, houve grande variabilidade de diagnósticos

    Aspectos clínicos e patológicos de um surto de infecção por Streptococcus suis sorotipo 9 em suínos

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    Streptococcus suis is a Gram-positive pathogen that inhabits the upper respiratory tract and can cause severe systemic inflammatory disease in pigs, mainly during the nursery phase. Streptococcus suis is a reemergent pathogen, and outbreaks of its inducing disease represent significant economic losses for the pig industry worldwide. In this study, we described the clinical, pathological, and molecular aspects of an outbreak of S. suis infection with atypically high mortality. The outbreak occurred in nursery farms integrated into a cooperative in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Of the 30 nurseries, 10 were severely affected by the pathogen and had high economic losses. Clinical signs usually started approximately 10 days after weaning and were mainly characterized by acute nervous and locomotor disorders. The mortality of the affected batches usually ranged between 8% and 10%, but in some cases, it reached 18%. Nine piglets were submitted to post mortem examination. Macroscopically, the synovial joints were enlarged and contained fibrinous exudates. In the central nervous system, there was hyperemia of the leptomeningeal vessels associated with deposition of fibrin and purulent exudate in the leptomeninges. In three piglets, there was thickening of the choroid plexus associated with dilation of the lateral ventricles. Microscopic lesions were characterized mainly by fibrinosuppurative inflammation, which involved the synovial membranes, leptomeninges of the brain, and spinal cord. Furthermore, it also affects the choroid plexus, ependyma, nerve roots, and central canal of the spinal cord. S. suis was isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid, meningeal swabs, and/or synovial fluid of 8/9 piglets, and typified as serotype 9 by multiplex PCR.Streptococcus suis é um patógeno Gram positivo que habita o trato respiratório superior e pode causar doença inflamatória sistêmica grave em suínos, principalmente durante a fase de creche. Streptococcus suis é um patógeno reemergente e surtos representam perdas econômicas significativas a suinocultura mundial. Neste estudo descrevemos os aspectos clínicos, patológicos e moleculares de um surto de infecção por S. suis com mortalidade atipicamente alta. O surto ocorreu em creches integradas a uma cooperativa do estado do Paraná, Brasil. Das 30 creches, 10 foram severamente afetadas pelo patógeno e apresentavam elevadas perdas econômicas. Os sinais clínicos iniciavam em torno de 10 dias após o desmame e eram caracterizados principalmente por sinais clínicos nervosos e locomotores agudos. A mortalidade dos lotes afetados variava entre 8% e 10%, mas em alguns casos ultrapassava 18%. Nove leitões foram submetidos ao exame post mortem. Macroscopicamente, as articulações sinoviais estavam aumentadas e continham exsudato fibrinoso. No sistema nervoso central havia hiperemia dos vasos leptomeníngeos associada a deposição de fibrina e exsudato purulento nas leptomeninges. Em três leitões havia espessamento do plexo coroide associado a dilatação dos ventrículos laterais. As lesões microscópicas eram caracterizadas principalmente por inflamação fibrinossupurativa que envolvia as membranas sinoviais, as leptomeninges do cérebro e medula espinhal. Além disso, também afetava o plexo coroide, epêndima, raízes nervosas e canal central da medula espinhal. S. suis foi isolado do líquido cefalorraquidiano, suabe de meninge e/ou líquido sinovial de 8/9 leitões e tipificado como sorotipo 9 por PCR multiplex

    Lily poisoning in domestic cats

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    Background: Cases of plant intoxication in small animals are observed frequently in the domestic environment, mainly because most dogs and cats live in households and occasionally have access to streets and rural areas. Among such toxic agents, ornamental plants of the genus Lilium and Hemerocallis, which are potentially nephrotoxic to the feline species, are highlighted. Affected cats start presenting clinical signs 1-6 h after plant ingestion. Renal failure takes place in 12-72 h, and death may occur in an interval ranging from three to seven days. The objective of this article is to describe the epidemiological, clinical and pathological findings of lily (Lilium sp.) poisoning in two cats. Case: The aspects of lily poisoning in two cats are described (cat #1 and cat #2). Cat #1 was a 3-year-old, mixed breed female cat, which presented a clinical history of anorexia, apathy, drooling, vomiting and polydipsia. Serum biochemical analysis revealed creatinine elevation (21.2 mg/dL), as well as hyperphosphatemia (19 mg/dL). Seventy-two h after the onset of clinical signs, renal failure progressed to anuria, followed by death. The second animal of this report (cat #2) was a 2-year-old, mixed-breed male cat. The animal was found dead by the owner without displaying any previous clinical signs. Cats #1 and #2 ingested leaves of lily, which were present in their households as ornamental plants. At necropsy, the kidneys of both cats presented mild enlargement. Moderate perirenal edema was also noted. Cat #1 showed morphologic extrarenal uremic lesions, characterized by ulcers in the oral mucosa and in the margin of the tongue ventral surface. Microscopic lesions observed in both cases were similar and compatible with acute toxic nephropathy. Histologically, severe epithelial cell degeneration and necrosis of proximal and distal convoluted tubules were noted. Other renal microscopic findings included hyaline and granular casts, tubule regeneration and occasional birefringent oxalate crystals. Cat #1 also presented moderate white matter vacuolation in the telencephalon and cerebellum. Discussion: The epidemiologic, clinical and pathological findings reported in the present study are similar to previous descriptions of lily poisoning in cats. Lily poisoning has been described in both males and females, without breed and age predisposition, similarly to what has been found in the present study. Kidney metabolite excretion, including the elimination of molecules such as creatinine, urea, and phosphorus is usually compromised in these cases, which was noted in cat #1. The same animal showed extrarenal manifestations of renal failure, leading to a clinical presentation of uremic syndrome, which is not frequent in these intoxications. Animals intoxicated by lily usually die from renal failure and anuria. In most cases, lesions are restricted to the kidneys. In the reported cases, the microscopical lesions consisted of tubule epithelial cells degenerative changes and necrosis. Acute lily intoxication in cats must be differentiated from other conditions, such as intoxications due to aminoglycoside antibiotics, heavy metals, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antifungal agents, chemotherapeutic drugs, and ethylene glycol. The knowledge regarding the toxic potential of ornamental plants is fundamental in order to prevent such events of intoxication, as well as to reach the final diagnosis. Epidemiological, clinical and pathological findings were essential to conclude the final diagnosis

    Infecção sistêmica fatal por Mortierella wolfii em um bezerro neonato na região Sul do Brasil

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    This study described the pathological and microbiological aspects of a fatal systemic Mortierella wolfii infection in a neonatal calf in southern Brazil. The calf was born clinically normal, but on the third day of life it presented apathy, unilateral hypopyon, and neurological signs, and in the next day it was euthanized. At necropsy, multiple soft, and white-yellow nodules were observed in the liver, spleen, kidneys, mesenteric lymph nodes, heart, and lungs. In the brain, reddish, and friable areas were found. In the eye, there were anterior and posterior synechiae, diffuse thickening of choroid, and anterior chamber filled by whitish and friable material. Microscopically, areas of necrosis, pyogranulomatous inflammation, vasculitis, thrombosis, and intralesional fungal hyphae were observed, and the latter were better evidenced through Grocott Methenamine Silver technique. The fungus was identified as M. wolfii through mycological culture and molecular methods. To our knowledge, this is the first description of systemic disease caused by M. wolfii in a neonatal calf outside of Oceania.Descrevem-se os aspectos patológicos e microbiológicos de uma infecção sistêmica fatal por Mortierella wolfii em um bezerro neonato na região Sul do Brasil. O bezerro nasceu clinicamente normal, porém no terceiro dia de vida apresentou apatia, hipópion unilateral e sinais neurológicos, e no dia seguinte foi submetido à eutanásia. Na necropsia, foram observados múltiplos nódulos macios e branco-amarelados no fígado, baço, rins, linfonodos mesentéricos, coração e pulmões. No encéfalo, havia áreas avermelhadas e friáveis. No olho, notou-se sinéquia anterior e posterior, espessamento difuso da coroide, e câmara anterior preenchida por material brancacento e friável. Histologicamente, foram observadas áreas de necrose, inflamação piogranulomatosa, vasculite, trombose e hifas fúngicas intralesionais, que foram melhor visualizadas por meio da técnica de Prata Metenamina de Grocott. O fungo foi identificado como M. wolfii por meio da cultura micológica e técnicas moleculares. Com base no conhecimento dos autores, este é o primeiro relato de doença sistêmica causada por M. wolfii em um bezerro neonato fora da Oceania

    Agentes patogênicos de pneumonia em suínos abatidos no sul do Brasil

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    A high prevalence of pneumonic lesions has been reported to affect slaughtered pigs in southern Brazil. In order to identify which microorganisms have been causing those lesions, 30 pig lungs presenting pneumonic gross lesions were collected from five different slaughterhouses, totaling 150 lungs. Samples for bacterial isolation, molecular, histopathologic and immunohistochemistry (IHC) evaluation were taken from each lung. The pneumonic lesion scoring ranged from 1.53 to 2.83. The most frequent histopathological lesions found was the concomitant Influenza A virus (IAV) and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection, corresponding to 55.3% (83/150), and Pasteurella multocida type A was isolated in 54.2% (45/83) of these cases. In 102 samples (68%), there was histopathologic suggestion of involvement of more than one infectious agent. M. hyopneumoniae was the most frequent agent associated with pneumonic lesions, being present in 92.1% (94/102) of the lungs with coinfections, followed by IAV in 89.2% (91/102). Besides the coinfections, IAV lesions were observed also in six samples without another pathogenic microorganism detected. A total of 46 samples with acute and subacute IAV suspected lesions in histopathological examination were assessed for IHC and real time RT-PCR for IAV. A total of 35% (16/46) of them were positive by IHC and 13% (6/46) by real time RT-PCR. Regarding M. hyopneumoniae, 79.3% (119/150) of samples were positive by qPCR and 84.9% (101/119) of them also presented M. hyopneumoniae suspected lesions in the histopathological examination. The results of this study suggest the importance of IAV in respiratory diseases in finishing pigs, even though this virus is more frequently reported in the nursery phase. In addition, our results emphasize the importance of lung coinfections in finishing pigs.Lesões sugestivas de pneumonia são frequentemente encontradas em altas prevalências em suínos abatidos no sul do Brasil. Para identificar quais microrganismos causam essas lesões, foram coletados 30 pulmões de suínos com lesão macroscópica sugestiva de pneumonia em cinco frigoríficos diferentes, totalizando 150 pulmões. Amostras para isolamento bacteriano, avaliação molecular, histopatológica e imuno-histoquímica (IHC) foram coletadas de cada pulmão. O escore de lesão pulmonar variou entre 1,53 a 2,83. O achado histopatológico mais observado foi a lesão sugestiva de infecção concomitante pelo vírus Influenza A (IAV) e Mycoplasma (M.) hyopneumoniae, correspondendo a 55,3% (83/150), e em 54,2% (45/83) desses casos Pasteurella (P.) multocida tipo A foi isolado. Em 102 amostras (68%), houve lesão histopatológica sugestiva do envolvimento de mais de um agente infeccioso. M. hyopneumoniae foi o microrganismo mais frequente associado a lesões de pneumonia, estando presente em 92,1% (94/102) dos pulmões com coinfecções, seguido de IAV, que foi encontrado em 89,2% (91/102). Além das coinfecções, lesões de IAV foram observadas em mais seis amostras que não aparentavam envolvimento de outro agente infeccioso. Um total de 46 amostras com suspeita de lesão aguda e subaguda de IAV no exame histopatológico foram avaliadas para IHC e RT-PCR em tempo real para IAV e 35% (16/46) delas foram positivas por IHC e 13% (6/46) foram positivas por RT-PCR em tempo real. Com relação a M. hyopneumoniae, 79,3% (119/150) das amostras foram positivas por qPCR e 84,9% (101/119) delas também apresentaram lesões suspeitas de M. hyopneumoniae no exame histopatológico. Os resultados deste trabalho sugerem a importância do IAV como agente causador de pneumonias em suínos de terminação, embora esse vírus seja mais frequentemente relatado na fase de creche. Além disso, os achados deste trabalho demonstram a presença frequente de coinfecções pulmonares em suínos de terminação

    Disfunção da pars intermedia da hipófise em equinos associado a adenoma pituitário

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    The clinical syndrome of the pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID) is the most common endocrinopathy of older horses. This syndrome is characterized by several clinical and pathological changes, which are usually associated with adenomas of the pars intermedia (PI) of the pituitary gland. The aim of this work is to describe five cases of pituitary adenoma of the PI associated with PPID in horses, addressing its clinical and pathological aspects. The horses had a mean of 22 years of age. The main clinical signs were hirsutism and paresis of hind limbs, and at post mortem examination all horses had hirsutism, and a nodule in the pituitary gland, which was histologically characterized as an adenoma of PI (5/5). Furthermore, two horses had gross lesions suggestive of chronic laminitis. Moreover, there was intense parasitism of Sarcocystis neurona (2/5), Strongylus vulgaris (1/5), Parascaris equorum (1/5), Draschia megastoma (1/5), and Klossiella equi (1/5).A síndrome clínica da disfunção da pars intermedia da hipófise (PPID) é a endocrinopatia mais comum em cavalos idosos. Essa síndrome é caracterizada por várias alterações clínicas e patológicas, geralmente associadas a adenomas da pars intermedia (PI) da hipófise. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever cinco casos de adenoma hipofisário de PI associado a PPID em equinos, abordando seus aspectos clínicos e patológicos. Os cavalos apresentaram média de 22 anos de idade. Os principais sinais clínicos incluíam hirsutismo e paresia dos membros pélvicos, e no exame post mortem todos os equinos apresentavam hirsutismo e um nódulo na glândula pituitária, que foi histologicamente caracterizada como um adenoma de PI (5/5). Além disso, dois cavalos tinham lesões macroscópicas sugestivas de laminite crônica. Ainda, havia intenso parasitismo de Sarcocystis neurona (2/5), Strongylus vulgaris (1/5), Parascaris equorum (1/5), Draschia megastoma (1/5) e Klossiella equi (1/5)

    Acute sodium fluorosilicate poisoning in cattle

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    Background: Fluorine is a ubiquitous environmental element and fluoride poisoning in cattle is usually related to the ingestion of contaminated pastures or water, especially near industries, or mineral supplements with excessive amounts of this element. Cattle poisoning can be acute or chronic and is directly associated with the ingested dose and with the duration of exposure. The objective of this study is to report the epidemiological, clinical and anatomopathological aspects of an outbreak of acute sodium fluorosilicate intoxication in cattle. Case: Six 1-year-old, castrated male, mixed breed beef calves from a lot of 60 were found dead without previous clinical signs being observed. The calves died after ingesting a white, odorless, finely granular substance found by the owner near a road that intersected the property. The product was in an open package and identified as sodium fluorosilicate. Of the six dead calves, three were necropsied. Gross lesions were restricted to the digestive system and included varying degrees of hyperemia, hemorrhage, edema, and erosions in the pre-stomach and abomasum mucosae. The histological lesions observed in the three calves were characterized mainly by variable degenerative, necrotic and ulcerative changes in the epithelial lining of the forestomachs and abomasum. Partially (erosion) or totally (ulceration) bare lamina propria of forestomach papillae was covered by cellular debris and neutrophils. Multifocal lymphoid necrosis was seen in lymph nodes and spleen. Fluoride levels measured in the ruminal content of two necropsied calves were 55.2 and 9.17 mgF/kg of dry matter. After the diagnosis and discontinued exposure of the calves to the fluoride product, deaths ceased Discussion: The diagnosis of acute sodium fluorosilicate intoxication in cattle in this study was based on epidemiological, clinical, and anatomopathological findings, and in the determination of fluoride levels in ruminal content. The association of these data constitutes an important aid in suspecting and confirming the diagnosis of intoxication. The acute toxicity of fluoride, observed in the cattle of this study, is relatively rare. The intake of sodium fluorosilicate by cattle may have been favored by the absence of organoleptic properties of the product. The involvement of young cattle revealed an important epidemiological aspect of the condition, since cattle in this age group are the most predisposed to the intoxication due to their greater absorption capacity. The spontaneous ingestion of large amounts of sodium fluorosilicate by cattle of this study produced digestive morphological changes, characterized by variable hyperemia, hemorrhage, and necrosis in the forestomachs and abomasum. The proposed mechanism of lesions is associated with the acidic activity exerted by fluoride on the mucosa. Acute toxicosis must be differentiated from other conditions that cause acute digestive changes in ruminants such as Baccharis spp. poisoning, ruminal acidosis, arsenic poisoning and Baccharidastrum triplinervium intoxication. In these cases, the epidemiological and anatomopathological evidences are extremely important in the differentiation of each condition. Therefore, cattle practitioners should consider acute fluoride poisoning as a differential diagnosis in cattle presenting digestive signs or death without previous signs. Epidemiological, clinical, anatomopathological and the assessment of fluoride levels are important for the accurate diagnosis of this toxicosis

    Bilateral Gastrocnemius Muscle Rupture in a Bovine

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    Background: Locomotor system diseases are quite common in the field practice in dairy cattle and represent an important cause of economics losses. The rupture of the gastrocnemius muscle has been reported in humans, cattle, horses, camels and llamas. It can be complete or partial. The rupture of muscle as well as sacral fractures are infrequent, and consequently not commonly reported in veterinary medicine. The aim of this work was to report a case of bilateral gastrocnemius rupture in a dairy cow related to a sacral (S2) fracture.Case: A 3-year-old Holstein cow with lameness and urinary incontinence was presented for clinical examination. After three days, clinical signs progressed to sternal recumbency and difficulty to keep normal posture. While standing, the cow’s tarsal joint showed a 90o degree angle with tibia, in a manner that the metatarsal bones were completely leant on the ground. Also, a marked enlargement in both gastrocnemius area were observed. The animal was in good body condition and alert,although unable to maintain both hind limbs extended straight, and was not able to raise the tarsal joint off the ground. Physiological parameters presented normal values. Due to the poor prognosis, euthanasia and necropsy were conducted. At necropsy, it was observed that in both hind limbs the gastrocnemius muscle was ruptured, presenting severe diffuse dark red color, severe enlargement, and moderate diffuse edema and emphysema. The rupture was complete and observed at both muscular insertions in the calcaneus bone. Besides the muscular alterations, the animal had a 2 centimeters fracture on the second sacral vertebra, associated with focally extensive hemorrhage in the spinal canal and meninges. Histologically the main findings were degeneration and severe diffuse necrosis of muscle fibers associated with severe hemorrhage, and mild infiltrate of neutrophils.Discussion: Fractures in cattle may occur due to multiples causes, however farm management and facilities play an important role in the incidence of these disorders. Slippery floors along with groups composed of animals of different sizes and ages are a major cause of injury in this species. The consequence of a vertebral fracture vary greatly according to the location and extent of the injury, the degree of spinal cord compression and which spinal anatomical structures are involved. Besides the direct damage caused by the fractures in the bone’s stability, changes can also occur in related structures, such as muscles and tendons, which are extremely important for the animal to maintain its normal stance and move adequately. One example is the trauma of gastrocnemius muscle that is found sporadically due to struggling. In this case it is conjectured that the pain and the spinal cord compression at the fracture’s location, lead to difficulty for the animal to rise, culminating with the ruptured muscles by overexertion. The characteristic position adopted by the animal was useful to establish the diagnosis, although necropsy was necessary to confirm it. Once the occurrence of this condition is infrequent, this report becomes important to aid veterinarians in order to differentiate it from other diseases of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, including toxic conditions as Senna sp. and ionophore poisoning, besides nutritional myopathies such as vitamin E and selenium deficiency. Coxofemoral luxation and infectious diseases such as rabies and botulism should also be considered