49 research outputs found


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    This paper reviews pastoral lease arrangements across Australia and considers the extent to which these affect the emergence of non-pastoral land uses. Some 44 per cent of Australia is made up of pastoral leases. The predominant use of these leases is for grazing livestock (primarily sheep and cattle). However, there is increasing demand for this land to be used for non-pastoral uses, such as tourism, farming of nonconventional livestock (such as goats, kangaroos and camels) and conservation of native wildlife. More neutral and outcome-focused pastoral leasing arrangements may better facilitate pastoral and non-pastoral land uses in the future.Land Economics/Use,

    Environmental regulatory arrangements and aquaculture production

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    Aquaculture production in Australia is subject to an unnecessarily complex array of legislation and agencies - covering environmental protection, land use planning, marine and coastal management, land tenure, and quarantine and translocation. Unwarranted, or poorly developed and implemented, arrangements can impose unnecessary costs on producers, consumers and the community, affect competitiveness, and adversely affect management of the environment. This paper assess environmental regulatory arrangements for aquaculture, identifies potential constraints on the aquaculture industry, and opportunities for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of environmental regulatory arrangements.aquaculture, regulatory arrangements, environmental management, Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Qualitatives, rĂ€umliches Schließen zur Kollisionserkennung und Kollisionsvermeidung autonomer BDI-Agenten

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    Die Trends und VerĂ€nderungen in der Logistik fĂŒhren zu einem dezentralen Ansatz der Steuerungssysteme, um die KomplexitĂ€t logistischer Systeme zu reduzieren. Softwareagenten, insbesondere BDI-Agenten (Belief-Desire-Intention), als Gegenstand dieser Arbeit, bieten aufgrund ihrer Eigenschaften geeignete Konzepte diesen Ansatz umzusetzen. Im rĂ€umlichen Kontext ist das Wissen der Agenten ĂŒber ihre Umwelt hĂ€ufig unsicher. Dieser Beitrag adressiert das Problem der autonomen, kollisionsfreien Bewegung von mehreren, interagierenden Agenten auf Basis von unsicherem Wissen im Kontext der Transportlogistik. Zu diesem Zweck bietet die Perspektive des qualitativ rĂ€umlichen Schließens geeignete Konzepte. Der Ansatz wird durch eine Multiagentensimulation in einem transportlogistischen Szenario, im Speziellen mit verschiedenen organisationstheoretischen Konzepten bezĂŒglich des Verhaltens der Agenten ausgewertet

    Creating Markets for Biodiversity: A Case Study of Earth Sanctuaries Ltd

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    This papers examines the activities and operations of the first publicly listed company in Australia with wildlife conservation as its primary goal. Earth Sanctuaries Ltd (ESL) is the first publicly listed company in Australia with wildlife conservation as its primary goal. Its focus to date is on conservation of small native mammals that are threatened by exotic predators and loss of habitat. Its strategy has been to acquire land, erect electrified vermin-proof fencing, remove feral animals, regenerate native vegetation and reintroduce selected native species. The paper finds that there does not appear to be a consistent and coordinated approach across jurisdictions for private conservation providers to access, keep, relocate and trade native wildlife, amplifying uncertainty for organisations which operate in several jurisdictions.biodiversity - environment - conservation - wildlife - Earth Sanctuaries - regulation - property rights - competitive neutrality - contestability - ecological outcomes - private sector conservation

    Qualitatives, rĂ€umliches Schließen zur Kollisionserkennung und Kollisionsvermeidung autonomer BDI-Agenten

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    Die Trends und VerĂ€nderungen in der Logistik fĂŒhren zu einem dezentralen Ansatz der Steuerungssysteme, um die KomplexitĂ€t logistischer Systeme zu reduzieren. Softwareagenten, insbesondere BDI-Agenten (Belief-Desire-Intention), als Gegenstand dieser Arbeit, bieten aufgrund ihrer Eigenschaften geeignete Konzepte diesen Ansatz umzusetzen. Im rĂ€umlichen Kontext ist das Wissen der Agenten ĂŒber ihre Umwelt hĂ€ufig unsicher. Dieser Beitrag adressiert das Problem der autonomen, kollisionsfreien Bewegung von mehreren, interagierenden Agenten auf Basis von unsicherem Wissen im Kontext der Transportlogistik. Zu diesem Zweck bietet die Perspektive des qualitativ rĂ€umlichen Schließens geeignete Konzepte. Der Ansatz wird durch eine Multiagentensimulation in einem transportlogistischen Szenario, im Speziellen mit verschiedenen organisationstheoretischen Konzepten bezĂŒglich des Verhaltens der Agenten ausgewertet. --qualitatives rĂ€umliches Schließen,Multiagentensystem,Kollisionserkennung,Kollisionsvermeidung,geographische Informationssysteme,Logistik,Organisationstheorie

    Inter-organizational Interoperability through integration of Multiagent, Web Service, and Semantic Web Technologies

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    This paper presents a software architecture for inter-organizational multiagent systems. The architecture integrates Web service technology into multiagent systems to overcome the technical interoperability problem of current multiagent systems in the fast growing service-oriented environments. We integrate Semantic Web technology to make multiagent systems semantically interoperable. We address the problem of interoperability regarding interfaces, messaging protocols, data exchanged, and security whilst considering a dynamic e-business environment. The proposed architecture enables service virtualization, secure service access across organizational boundaries, service-to-agent communication, and OWL reasoning within agents

    Financial analysis of an oat mill location and timing of the investment

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    Master of AgribusinessDepartment of Agricultural EconomicsAllen M. FeatherstoneThe oat processing industry is a competitive industry and maintaining a cost advantage is important for the industry supply chain. General Mills continuously looks to maintain a competitive advantage in the oat supply chain because it is important for strategic short and long term planning. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze supply chain scenarios to determine where future investments should be made. The analysis looks at an existing location, a refurbished location and a Greenfield site. The analysis projects income statements and net cash flows to determine the conclusions using Net Present Value. The question answered is "Should the company continue to invest in the existing supply chain or should it look to different alternatives in the form of a refurbished or Greenfield plant site for production of oat flour?" The analysis found important relationships between the variables that can influence net cash flow and ultimately NPV. However, given the information from this analysis, a determination was made that the existing facility is still the best investment. Future analysis should be used and the company should plan to analyze this issue again in a five to ten year time frame to maintain its competitive advantage


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    Georeferenzierung und Geographische Informationssysteme (GIS) finden in vielen Disziplinen außerhalb der Geographie weite Einsatzmöglichkeiten. So werden bereits heute viele ITAnwendungen durch Georeferenzierung unterstĂŒtzt. In diesem Beitrag wird der Einsatz von Geoinformationen zur Individualisierung von Logistikleistungen untersucht. Geoinformationen stehen in direkter Beziehung zur rĂ€umlichen AdaptivitĂ€t von Wertschöpfungssystemen. Als Anwendungsszenario werden logistische Leistungen des Passagiertransports an FlughĂ€fen betrachtet. Es wird eine das Lieferkettenmodell unterstĂŒtzende Softwarearchitektur vorgeschlagen und im Rahmen einer Simulationsstudie evaluiert

    Highlights From the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society 2022

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    With more than 6000 attendees between in-person and virtual offerings, the American Epilepsy Society Meeting 2022 in Nashville, felt as busy as in prepandemic times. An ever-growing number of physicians, scientists, and allied health professionals gathered to learn a variety of topics about epilepsy. The program was carefully tailored to meet the needs of professionals with different interests and career stages. This article summarizes the different symposia presented at the meeting. Basic science lectures addressed the primary elements of seizure generation and pathophysiology of epilepsy in different disease states. Scientists congregated to learn about anti-seizure medications, mechanisms of action, and new tools to treat epilepsy including surgery and neurostimulation. Some symposia were also dedicated to discuss epilepsy comorbidities and practical issues regarding epilepsy care. An increasing number of patient advocates discussing their stories were intertwined within scientific activities. Many smaller group sessions targeted more specific topics to encourage member participation, including Special Interest Groups, Investigator, and Skills Workshops. Special lectures included the renown Hoyer and Lombroso, an ILAE/IBE joint session, a spotlight on the impact of Dobbs v. Jackson on reproductive health in epilepsy, and a joint session with the NAEC on coding and reimbursement policies. The hot topics symposium was focused on traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic epilepsy. A balanced collaboration with the industry allowed presentations of the latest pharmaceutical and engineering advances in satellite symposia