5,852 research outputs found

    Osmotic-stress-induced synthesis and degradation of inorganic polyphosphates in the alga phaeodactylum- tricornutum

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    The potential role of inorganic polyphosphates in the response of algal cells to osmotic stress was investigated. We show that changes in polyphosphate metabolism of algae induced by osmotic stress can be easily determined by measuring the metachromatic shift of toluidine blue produced by polyphosphate and by analysing the size of the extracted polyphosphate on urea/polyacrylamide gels. The amount and size of polyphosphate were found to differ considerably among different algal species. It is demonstrated that the alga Phaeodactylum tricornutum responds to hyperosmotic stress with a marked elongation of polyphosphate molecules and a decrease in the total amount of extractable polyphosphate, while exposure to hypoosmotic stress results in an increase in soluble shorter-chain polyphosphates and a rise in total polyphosphate content

    Magnetic Flares on Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars

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    We investigate the consequences of magnetic flares on the surface of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and similar stars. In contrast to the solar wind, in the winds of AGB stars the gas cooling time is much shorter than the outflow time. As a result, we predict that energetic flaring will not inhibit, and may even enhance, dust formation around AGB stars. If magnetic flares do occur around such stars, we expect some AGB stars to exhibit X-ray emission; indeed certain systems including AGB stars, such as Mira, have been detected in X-rays. However, in these cases, it is difficult to distinguish between potential AGB star X-ray emission and, e.g., X-ray emission from the vicinity of a binary companion. Analysis of an archival ROSAT X-ray spectrum of the Mira system suggests an intrinsic X-ray luminosity 2x10^{29} erg/sec and temperature 10^7 K. These modeling results suggest that magnetic activity, either on the AGB star (Mira A) or on its nearby companion (Mira B), is the source of the X-rays, but do not rule out the possibility that the X-rays are generated by an accretion disk around Mira B.Comment: ApJ, Accepted; revised version of astro-ph/020923

    The benefits of theory for clinical practice:Cognitive treatment for chronic low back pain patients as an illustrative example

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    Purpose. To demonstrate, with the help of an example of cognitive treatment for patients with chronic low back pain, how a systematic description of the content and theoretical underpinnings of treatment can help to improve clinical practice. Methods. A conceptual analysis, two types of theories, and a programme-theory framework were instrumental in systematically specifying the content of the treatment and the underlying assumptions. Results. A detailed description of the cognitive treatment, including: (i) The intended outcomes; (ii) the related treatment components; (iii) the therapeutic process that is expected to mediate between outcomes and components, (iv) the conditions for optimal application; and (v) the guiding principles. Conclusions. The systematic description of the treatment revealed important issues for clinical practice, such as the patient and therapist characteristics that are needed for optimal provision of cognitive treatment. The discussions on the role of theory in rehabilitation practice are taken one step further in this clinical commentary: instead of simply describing the problems, we also demonstrated a means to tackle them

    A near-infrared study of the obscured 3C129 galaxy cluster

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    We present a catalogue of 261 new infrared selected members of the 3C129 galaxy cluster. The cluster, located at zz \approx 0.02, forms part of the Perseus-Pisces filament and is obscured at optical wavelengths due to its location in the zone of avoidance. We identified these galaxies using the JJ- and KK-band imaging data provided by the UKIDSS Galactic Plane Survey within an area with a radius of 1.11.1^{\circ} centred on the X-ray emission of the cluster at ,b160.52,0.27\ell, b \approx 160.52^{\circ}, 0.27^{\circ}. A total of 26 of the identified galaxy members have known redshifts 24 of which are from our 2016 Westerbork HI survey and two are from optical spectroscopy. An analysis of the galaxy density at the core of the 3C129 cluster shows it to be less dense than the Coma and Norma clusters, but comparable to the galaxy density in the core of the Perseus cluster. From an assessment of the spatial and velocity distributions of the 3C129 cluster galaxies that have redshifts, we derived a velocity of cz=5227±171cz = 5227 \pm 171 km/s and σ=1097±252\sigma = 1097 \pm 252 km/s for the main cluster, with a substructure in the cluster outskirts at cz=6923±71cz = 6923 \pm 71 km/s with σ=422±100\sigma = 422 \pm 100 km/s. The presence of this substructure is consistent with previous claims based on the X-ray analysis that the cluster is not yet virialised and may have undergone a recent merger.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figures, includes an appendix, accepted for publication in A&

    Visible Color and Photometry of Bright Materials on Vesta

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    The Dawn Framing Camera (FC) collected images of the surface of Vesta at a pixel scale of ~70 m in the High Altitude Mapping Orbit (HAMO) phase through its clear and seven color filters spanning from 430 nm to 980 nm. The surface of Vesta displays a large diversity in its brightness and colors, evidently related to the diverse geology [1] and mineralogy [2]. Here we report a detailed investigation of the visible colors and photometric properties of the apparently bright materials on Vesta in order to study their origin. The global distribution and the spectroscopy of bright materials are discussed in companion papers [3, 4], and the synthesis results about the origin of Vestan bright materials are reported in [5]

    Zeta Potential Measurement and Particle Size Analysis for a Better Understanding of Urinary Inhibitors of Calcium Oxalate Crystallization

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    To better understand urinary inhibitors of calcium oxalate crystallization, both zeta potential measurement and particle size analysis were chosen to illustrate: (1) the potential therapeutic efficacy of G872, a semi-synthetic sulfated polysaccharide, in stone prevention; and (2) the relative contribution of various urinary fractions {e.g., ultrafiltered urine (UFU), Tamm-Horsfall protein (THP), urinary polyanionsprecipitated with cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), urinary macromolecular substances with different concentration ratios (UMSl0,50,90 and UMS\u27l0,50,90) and THP-free urine (THPFU)} to total urinary inhibitory activity. The results showed: (1) addition of G872 significantly enhances urinary inhibitory activity and negative zeta potential values; (2) re-addition of the CPC to UFU completely restores urinary inhibitory activity; and (3) artificial urines prepared by mixing UMS\u27 10,50,90 from THPFU with UFU differed in inhibitory activity from that prepared by mixing UMSl0,50,90 from a pooled normal urine with UFU. Based on these experimental results, the following speculations can be made: (1) normal human urines are considered to be a protective colloidal system; (2) urinary inhibitory activity originates mainly from CPC and/or UMS; (3) normal THP is a protective material to maintain urinary inhibitory activity; and (4) mutual interaction between urinary inhibitors may change the total urinary inhibitory activity

    The stellar dynamics and mass of NGC 1316 using the radial velocities of planetary nebulae

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    We present a study of the kinematics of the outer regions of the early-type galaxy NGC 1316, based on radial velocity measurements of 43 planetary nebulae as well as deep integrated-light absorption line spectra. The smoothed velocity field of NGC 1316 indicates fast rotation at a distance of 16 kpc, possibly associated with an elongated feature orthogonal to the inner dust lanes. The mean square stellar velocity is approximately independent of radius, and the estimated total mass of the system is 2.6 x 10^11 M_sun within a radius of 16 kpc, implying an integrated mass-to-light ratio of M/L_B = 8.Comment: 39 pages, 14 figures, in press on The Astrophysical Journal n. 50

    Исследование кинетики процесса полимеризации 5-норборнен-2,3дикарбоксимид-n-метил ацетата

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    Previous family studies revealed a large number of calpain 3 (CAPN3) mutations that cause recessive forms of limb girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD2A) with selective atrophy of the proximal limb muscles. Correlations between the nature and site of a particular mutation and its corresponding phenotype, however, can only be established from homozygous mutations, which are particularly rare in the alternatively spliced NS, IS1 and IS2 regions of CAPN3. Here we identified a sibling pair with LGMD2A-type muscular dystrophy caused by a homozygous Ser606Leu (S606L) substitution in the IS2 linker domain. Normal protein levels, unaltered myofibrillar targeting and conserved calcium-induced autocatalytic activity of the mutated protein could be demonstrated in muscle biopsies from one patient. Despite this inconspicuous modification of the IS2 linker between domains III and IV, both patients developed signs and symptoms of the disease within their second decade of life. The unexpected severity of the clinical manifestation points to the high relevance of the calpain 3-specific IS2 segment between domains III and IV. We conclude that the structural motif around the Ser606 residue represents an important functional site that may regulate the transient activation and limited proteolysis of calpain 3

    Meson-baryon scattering lengths in HBχ\chiPT

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    We calculate the chiral corrections to the s-wave pseudoscalar meson octet-baryon scattering lengths aMBa_{MB} to O(p3){\cal O}(p^3) in the SU(3) heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory (HBχ\chiPT). Hopefully the obtained analytical expressions will be helpful in the chiral extrapolation of these scattering lengths in the future lattice simulation.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, 7 table