974 research outputs found

    Crossover from time-correlated single-electron tunneling to that of Cooper pairs

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    We have studied charge transport in a one-dimensional chain of small Josephson junctions using a single-electron transistor. We observe a crossover from time-correlated tunneling of single electrons to that of Cooper pairs as a function of both magnetic field and current. At relatively high magnetic field, single-electron transport dominates and the tunneling frequency is given by f=I/e, where I is the current through the chain and e is the electron's charge. As the magnetic field is lowered, the frequency gradually shifts to f=I/2e for I>200 fA, indicating Cooper-pair transport. For the parameters of the measured sample, we expect the Cooper-pair transport to be incoherent.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; v2: minor changes, clarifications, addition

    Experts' attitudes towards medical futility: an empirical survey from Japan

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    BACKGROUND: The current debate about medical futility is mostly driven by theoretical and personal perspectives and there is a lack of empirical data to document experts and public attitudes towards medical futility. METHODS: To examine the attitudes of the Japanese experts in the fields relevant to medical futility a questionnaire survey was conducted among the members of the Japan Association for Bioethics. A total number of 108 questionnaires returned filled in, giving a response rate of 50.9%. Among the respondents 62% were healthcare professionals (HCPs) and 37% were non-healthcare professionals (Non-HCPs). RESULTS: The majority of respondents (67.6 %) believed that a physician's refusal to provide or continue a treatment on the ground of futility judgment could never be morally justified but 22.2% approved such refusal with conditions. In the case of physiologically futile care, three-quarters believed that a physician should inform the patient/family of his futility judgment and it would be the patient who could decide what should be done next, based on his/her value judgment. However more than 10% said that a physician should ask about a patient's value and goals, but the final decision was left to the doctor not the patient. There was no statistically significant difference between HCPs and Non-HCPs (p = 0.676). Of respondents 67.6% believed that practical guidelines set up by the health authority would be helpful in futility judgment. CONCLUSION: The results show that there is no support for the physicians' unilateral decision- making on futile care. This survey highlights medical futility as an emerging issue in Japanese healthcare and emphasizes on the need for public discussion and policy development

    Ground vehicle control at NIST: From teleoperation to autonomy

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    NIST is applying their Real-time Control System (RCS) methodology for control of ground vehicles for both the U.S. Army Researh Lab, as part of the DOD's Unmanned Ground Vehicles program, and for the Department of Transportation's Intelligent Vehicle/Highway Systems (IVHS) program. The actuated vehicle, a military HMMWV, has motors for steering, brake, throttle, etc. and sensors for the dashboard gauges. For military operations, the vehicle has two modes of operation: a teleoperation mode--where an operator remotely controls the vehicle over an RF communications network; and a semi-autonomous mode called retro-traverse--where the control system uses an inertial navigation system to steer the vehicle along a prerecorded path. For the IVHS work, intelligent vision processing elements replace the human teleoperator to achieve autonomous, visually guided road following

    Опыт интегральной характеристики уровня развития жилищной сферы в регионах России

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    The article examines regional differentiation of indicators of the level of the housing sphere development in Russia. Regions (constituent entities) of the Russian Federation are subdivided by rank and type, by five indicators: level of provision of the population with housing, housing construction, share of dilapidated housing, ratio of dwellings with basic communal utilities, coefficient of housing affordability to people in the secondary market. On the basis of these indicators the authors constructed an integral rating of the regions and separated regions-leaders, medium regions and outsiders.В статье исследуется региональная дифференциация показателей уровня развития жилищной сферы в России. Регионы - субъекты РФ проранжированы и типологизированы по пяти показателям: уровень обеспеченности населения жильем, жилищное строительство, доля ветхого и аварийного жилья, удельный вес жилых помещений, одновременно оборудованных основными видами коммунальных удобств, коэффициент доступности жилья для населения на вторичном рынке. По этим показателям построен интегральный рейтинг регионов, выделены регионы-лидеры, середняки и аутсайдеры

    Relation of Diabetes to Cognitive Function in Hispanics/Latinos of Diverse Backgrounds in the United States

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    Objectives:To examine the association between diabetes and cognitive function within U.S. Hispanics/Latinos of Central American, Cuban, Dominican, Mexican, Puerto Rican, and South American background. Method: This cross-sectional study included 9,609 men and women (mean age = 56.5 years), who are members of the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. We classified participants as having diabetes, prediabetes, or normal glucose regulation. Participants underwent a neurocognitive battery consisting of tests of verbal fluency, delayed recall, and processing speed. Analyses were stratified by Hispanic/Latino subgroup. Results: From fully adjusted linear regression models, compared with having normal glucose regulation, having diabetes was associated with worse processing speed among Cubans (β = −1.99; 95% CI [confidence interval] = [−3.80, −0.19]) and Mexicans (β = −2.26; 95% CI = [−4.02, −0.51]). Compared with having normal glucose regulation, having prediabetes or diabetes was associated with worse delayed recall only among Mexicans (prediabetes: β = −0.34; 95% CI = [−0.63, −0.05] and diabetes: β = −0.41; 95% CI = [−0.79, −0.04]). No associations with verbal fluency. Discussion: The relationship between diabetes and cognitive function varied across Hispanic/Latino subgroup

    The design-by-adaptation approach to universal access: learning from videogame technology

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    This paper proposes an alternative approach to the design of universally accessible interfaces to that provided by formal design frameworks applied ab initio to the development of new software. This approach, design-byadaptation, involves the transfer of interface technology and/or design principles from one application domain to another, in situations where the recipient domain is similar to the host domain in terms of modelled systems, tasks and users. Using the example of interaction in 3D virtual environments, the paper explores how principles underlying the design of videogame interfaces may be applied to a broad family of visualization and analysis software which handles geographical data (virtual geographic environments, or VGEs). One of the motivations behind the current study is that VGE technology lags some way behind videogame technology in the modelling of 3D environments, and has a less-developed track record in providing the variety of interaction methods needed to undertake varied tasks in 3D virtual worlds by users with varied levels of experience. The current analysis extracted a set of interaction principles from videogames which were used to devise a set of 3D task interfaces that have been implemented in a prototype VGE for formal evaluation