292 research outputs found

    Les forgerons dans le sud.ouest du Burkina Faso – Rapports pour une comparision entre les donnees ethnologiques et linguistique

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    Les recherches ethnologiques effectuées jusqu'à ce jour se sont concentrées principalement sur deux grands axes. Elles ont d'une part dressé un inventaire détaillé des forges et de leurs techniques dans les différents groupes ethniques de cette région. D'autre part, elles ont examiné l'histoire des migrations et de la sédentarisation des forgerons. Il serait intéressant de savoir si les résultats des recherches linguistiques concordent avec ceux des travaux d'ethnologie. Jusqu'ici, les recherches ont montré la mobilité des forgerons professionnels. Ces "travailleurs transfrontaliers" de la culture jouent le rôle de médiateurs et favorisent les échanges culturels à l'intérieur de chaque ethnie et entre les différentes ethnies. En raison de cette mobilité, l'inventaire et les produits des forges présentent souvent des caractères identiques, même sur des espaces géographiques de plus grande taille. Par contre, le vocabulaire est souvent influencé par des mots empruntés à d'autres langues. Ce phénomène constituera précisément un des éléments centraux dans la suite de nos recherches sur le thème des artisans

    Third-party interventions keep social partners from exchanging affiliative interactions with others

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    Third-party interventions are defined as the interruption of dyadic interactions by third animals through direct physical contact, interposing or threats. Previous studies focused on the analysis of interventions against agonistic encounters. However, there have been no evaluations of interventions against affiliative behaviours, particularly in relation to the intervening animal’s social relationships and its social and spatial position. Horses, Equus caballus, are an interesting model species, as interventions against affiliative interactions occur more frequently than against agonistic interactions. In this study, 64 feral horses displayed 67 interventions in affiliative interactions and eight interventions in agonistic interactions within the observation period. We analysed the interventions in affiliative encounters, and found that it was mainly higher-ranking females that intervened in the affiliative interactions of group mates in the stable horse harems. The intervening animals took an active part in affiliative and agonistic encounters within the group, but did not occupy particular social roles or spatial positions. They intervened in affiliative interactions in which group mates with which they had social bonds interacted with other members of the group. They targeted the nonbonded animal and approached the one with which they were socially bonded. We suggest some species use third-party interventions in affiliative interactions to prevent competition for preferred social interaction partners from escalating into more costly agonistic encounters

    Time processing in children and adults with ADHD

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    A time-processing deficit has been proposed as a neuropsychological candidate endophenotype for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), but its developmental trajectory still needs to be explored. In the present study, children (N=33) and adults (N=22) with ADHD were compared to normal controls on two time-processing tasks. For time reproduction, ADHD-related impairment was found in the full group, but not when adults were analyzed separately. For the discrimination of brief intervals, children and adults with ADHD showed different patterns of deficit. We conclude that in ADHD some time-processing deficits are still present in adults, but may take on age-related different form

    Prevalence and determinants of osteoporosis in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background: Increased risk of osteoporosis and its clinical significance in patients with diabetes is controversial. We analyze osteoporosis prevalence and determinants of bone mineral density (BMD) in patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes. Methods: Three hundred and ninety-eight consecutive diabetic patients from a single outpatient clinic received a standardized questionnaire on osteoporosis risk factors, and were evaluated for diabetes-related complications, HbA1c levels, and lumbar spine (LS) and femoral neck (FN) BMD. Of these, 139 (71 men, 68 women) type 1 and 243 (115 men, 128 women) type 2 diabetes patients were included in the study. BMD (T-scores and values adjusted for age, BMI and duration of disease) was compared between patient groups and between patients with type 2 diabetes and population-based controls (255 men, 249 women). Results: For both genders, adjusted BMD was not different between the type 1 and type 2 diabetes groups but was higher in the type 2 group compared with controls (p

    Context-dependent third-party intervention in agonistic encounters of male Przewalski horses Short title: Third-party intervention in Przewalski horses

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    One mechanism to resolve conflict among group members is third party intervention, for which several functions, such as kin protection, alliance formation, and the promotion of group cohesion have been proposed. Still, empirical research on the function of intervention behaviour is rare. We studied 40 cases of intervention behaviour in a field study on 13 semi-wild bachelor horses (Equus ferus przewalskii) in (a) standard social situations, and (b) when new horses joined the group (i.e. introductions). Only interventions in agonistic encounters were analysed. Eight of 13 animals directed intervention behaviour toward threatening animal in agonistic encounters of group members. One stallion was particularly active. The stallions did not intervene to support former group mates or kin and interventions were not reciprocated. In introduction situations and in standard social situations, the interveners supported animals which were lower in rank, but targeted, threatening animals of comparable social rank. After introductions, stallions received more affiliative behaviour from animals they supported and thus appeared to intervene for alliance formation. In standard social situations, interveners did not receive more affiliative behaviour from animals they supported and may primarily have intervened to promote group cohesion and to reduce social disruption within the group

    Outcomes and Tendon Integrity After Arthroscopic Treatment for Articular-Sided Partial-Thickness Tears of the Supraspinatus Tendon: Results at Minimum 2-Year Follow-Up

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    Background: The best surgical treatment option for symptomatic moderate- to high-grade articular-sided partial-thickness rotator cuff tears (PTRCTs) is still controversial. Purpose/Hypothesis: The purpose of this study was to evaluate patient-reported and clinical outcomes and tendon integrity after arthroscopic debridement or repair for PTRCTs at a minimum of 2 years postoperatively. We hypothesized that the overall outcomes would be positive, showing pain relief, good shoulder function, and high tendon integrity. Study Design: Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3. Methods: We evaluated 30 patients (16 men, 14 women; mean age, 51 years) who underwent arthroscopic treatment for symptomatic PTRCTs (Ellman grades 2 and 3). Debridement was performed in 15 patients, and arthroscopic tendon repair was performed in the remaining 15 patients. Patients completed the Constant score; American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) shoulder score; Western Ontario Rotator Cuff Index; Simple Shoulder Test; and visual analog scale (VAS) for pain, function, and satisfaction. In addition, patients were examined clinically (range of motion, impingement tests, rotator cuff tests, and tests for the long head of the biceps tendon), and morphologic assessment of rotator cuff integrity was performed using direct magnetic resonance arthrography and was classified according to Sugaya. Results: The mean follow-up period was 55 months. The patient-reported outcome measures showed high patient satisfaction, reduction in persistent pain, and good shoulder function. Linear regression analysis showed that the debridement group had significantly better results on the Constant (bias-corrected and accelerated [BCa] 95% CI, 4.20-26.30), ASES (BCa 95% CI, 5.24-39.26), and VAS (pain: BCa 95% CI, 0.13-3.62; function: BCa 95% CI, 1.04-4.84; satisfaction: BCa 95% CI, 0.14-6.28) scores than did the repair group. At follow-up, there was no significant difference between the groups in clinical testing results. Good supraspinatus tendon integrity was seen in most patients: Sugaya classification grade 1 in 13 patients, grade 2 in 11 patients, and grade 3 in 6 patients. Conclusion: Midterm results after arthroscopic debridement and repair for PTRCTs showed high patient satisfaction, good shoulder function, and high tendon integrity for both procedures. Patients who underwent arthroscopic debridement had higher Constant, ASES, and VAS scores compared with patients who underwent tendon repair

    Reliability and validity of the German version of the Structured Interview of Personality Organization (STIPO)

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    Background: The assessment of personality organization and its observable behavioral manifestations, i.e. personality functioning, has a long tradition in psychodynamic psychiatry. Recently, the DSM-5 Levels of Personality Functioning Scale has moved it into the focus of psychiatric diagnostics. Based on Kernberg's concept of personality organization the Structured Interview of Personality Organization (STIPO) was developed for diagnosing personality functioning. The STIPO covers seven dimensions: (1) identity, (2) object relations, (3) primitive defenses, (4) coping/rigidity, (5) aggression, (6) moral values, and (7) reality testing and perceptual distortions. The English version of the STIPO has previously revealed satisfying psychometric properties. Methods: Validity and reliability of the German version of the 100-item instrument have been evaluated in 122 psychiatric patients. All patients were diagnosed according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) and were assessed by means of the STIPO. Moreover, all patients completed eight questionnaires that served as criteria for external validity of the STIPO. Results: Interrater reliability varied between intraclass correlations of .89 and 1.0, Crohnbach's a for the seven dimensions was .69 to .93. All a priori selected questionnaire scales correlated significantly with the corresponding STIPO dimensions. Patients with personality disorder (PD) revealed significantly higher STIPO scores (i.e. worse personality functioning) than patients without PD; patients cluster B PD showed significantly higher STIPO scores than patients with cluster C PD. Conclusions: Interrater reliability, Crohnbach's a, concurrent validity, and differential validity of the STIPO are satisfying. The STIPO represents an appropriate instrument for the assessment of personality functioning in clinical and research settings

    Reliability and validity of the German version of the Structured Interview of Personality Organization (STIPO)

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    Background: The assessment of personality organization and its observable behavioral manifestations, i.e. personality functioning, has a long tradition in psychodynamic psychiatry. Recently, the DSM-5 Levels of Personality Functioning Scale has moved it into the focus of psychiatric diagnostics. Based on Kernberg's concept of personality organization the Structured Interview of Personality Organization (STIPO) was developed for diagnosing personality functioning. The STIPO covers seven dimensions: (1) identity, (2) object relations, (3) primitive defenses, (4) coping/rigidity, (5) aggression, (6) moral values, and (7) reality testing and perceptual distortions. The English version of the STIPO has previously revealed satisfying psychometric properties. Methods: Validity and reliability of the German version of the 100-item instrument have been evaluated in 122 psychiatric patients. All patients were diagnosed according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) and were assessed by means of the STIPO. Moreover, all patients completed eight questionnaires that served as criteria for external validity of the STIPO. Results: Interrater reliability varied between intraclass correlations of .89 and 1.0, Crohnbach's a for the seven dimensions was .69 to .93. All a priori selected questionnaire scales correlated significantly with the corresponding STIPO dimensions. Patients with personality disorder (PD) revealed significantly higher STIPO scores (i.e. worse personality functioning) than patients without PD; patients cluster B PD showed significantly higher STIPO scores than patients with cluster C PD. Conclusions: Interrater reliability, Crohnbach's a, concurrent validity, and differential validity of the STIPO are satisfying. The STIPO represents an appropriate instrument for the assessment of personality functioning in clinical and research settings

    Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede bei chronischem Pruritus

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    Chronischer Juckreiz ist mit einer Lebenszeitprävalenz von ca. 23 % ein sehr häufiges Symptom, das durch zahlreiche dermatologische, internistische, neurologische und auch psychische Erkrankungen ausgelöst werden kann. Während bei jüngeren Patientinnen und Patienten eher der entstellende Aspekt der durch Kratzen beschädigten Haut eine Rolle spielt, leiden ältere Patientinnen und Patienten oftmals unter einem schwer zu behandelbaren Juckreiz unterschiedlichster Ursache. Obwohl der chronische Pruritus als Volkssymptom angesehen werden kann, liegen bisher nur sehr wenige Studien zu geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschieden vor. Diese zeigen, dass Frauen und Männer eine unterschiedliche Pruritus- Wahrnehmung haben – Frauen nehmen das Symptom intensiver wahr. Dies führt bei Frauen nicht nur zu einer höheren psychischen Belastung, sondern auch zu einem unterschiedlichen Verhalten – Frauen kratzen vermehrt. Aber auch die Qualitäten des Symptoms sind unterschiedlich, Frauen empfinden beispielsweise vermehrt einen brennenden Juckreiz, was u. a. auf die Aktivierung von schmerzleitenden Nervenfasern (neuropathische Komponente) hindeutet. Dies deutet auf eine unterschiedliche Verarbeitung von Pruritus im Gehirn hin. Die geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Juckempfindung sollten dringend weiter untersucht werden, um eine geschlechtsadaptierte Diagnostik und möglicherweise auch Therapie anbieten zu können und somit zur verbesserten Behandlung der Betroffenen beitragen zu können

    Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede bei chronischem Pruritus

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    "Chronischer Juckreiz ist mit einer Lebenszeitprävalenz von ca. 23 % ein sehr häufiges Symptom, das durch zahlreiche dermatologische, internistische, neurologische und auch psychische Erkrankungen ausgelöst werden kann. Während bei jüngeren Patientinnen und Patienten eher der entstellende Aspekt der durch Kratzen beschädigten Haut eine Rolle spielt, leiden ältere Patientinnen und Patienten oftmals unter einem schwer zu behandelbaren Juckreiz unterschiedlichster Ursache. Obwohl der chronische Pruritus als Volkssymptom angesehen werden kann, liegen bisher nur sehr wenige Studien zu geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschieden vor. Diese zeigen, dass Frauen und Männer eine unterschiedliche Pruritus- Wahrnehmung haben - Frauen nehmen das Symptom intensiver wahr. Dies führt bei Frauen nicht nur zu einer höheren psychischen Belastung, sondern auch zu einem unterschiedlichen Verhalten - Frauen kratzen vermehrt. Aber auch die Qualitäten des Symptoms sind unterschiedlich, Frauen empfinden beispielsweise vermehrt einen brennenden Juckreiz, was u. a. auf die Aktivierung von schmerzleitenden Nervenfasern (neuropathische Komponente) hindeutet. Dies deutet auf eine unterschiedliche Verarbeitung von Pruritus im Gehirn hin. Die geschlechtsspezifischen Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Juckempfindung sollten dringend weiter untersucht werden, um eine geschlechtsadaptierte Diagnostik und möglicherweise auch Therapie anbieten zu können und somit zur verbesserten Behandlung der Betroffenen beitragen zu können." (Autorenreferat)"Chronicitch is a common symptom with a life-time prevalence of around 23% which is provoked by numerous dermatological, internal, neurological and mental disorders. While the disfiguring resulting from skin being damaged by scratching plays an important role in younger patients, older patients often suffer from a difficult-to-treat pruritus of various causes. Although chronic pruritus can be considered as a widespread disease, there are only a few studies which have examined sex-/ gender-specific differences. These studies have indicated that females and males have a different pruritus perception: females experience the symptom more intensively. This not only leads to a greater psychological burden in females, but results in a different behaviour, because females scratch more. Women also experience different symptoms, for example more women experience a burning itch, which indicates a stronger involvement of nerve fibres (neuropathic component). Women not only experience greater itch intensity, they are also more distracted by the itching than men are. This indicates a different cerebral perception and modulation. Sex-/genderspecific differences in regard to itching need further investigation in order to be able to offer sex-/gender-specific diagnostics and tailor therapy to improve the clinical situation of the affected patients." (Autorenreferat
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