5 research outputs found

    OIS - An optical information system for road traffic measurement and management

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    OIS is a new Optical Information System for road traffic observation and management. The complete system architecture from the sensor for automatic traffic detection up to the treffic light management for a wide area is designed under the requirements of an intelligent transportation system. Particular features of this system are the vision sensors with integrated computational and real-time capabilities, real-time algorithms for image processing and a new approach for dynamic traffic light management for a single intersection as well as for a wide area. The developed real-time algorithms for image processing extract traffic data even at night and under bad weather conditions. This approach opens the opportunity to identify and specify each traffic objects, its location, its speed and other important object information. Furthermore the algorithms are able to identify accidents and non-motorized traffic like pedestrians and bicyclists. Combining all these single information the system creates new derivate and consolidated information. This leads to a new and more complete view on the traffic situation of an intersection. Only by this a dynamic and real-time traffic light management is possible. to optimize a wide area traffic management it is neccessary to improve the modelling and forecasting of traffic flow. Therefore the information of the current Origin-Destination (OD) flow is essentially. Taking this into account OIS also includes an approach for anonymous vehicle recognition. This approach is based on single object characteristics. order of objects and forecast information. which will be obtained from intersection to intersection

    A Traffic Object Detection System for Road Traffic Measurement and Management

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    OIS is a new Optical Information System for road traffic observation and management. The complete system architecture from the sonsor for automatic traffic detection up to the traffic light management for a wide area is designed under the requirements of an interlligent transportation system. Particular features of this system are the vision sensors with intergrated computational and real-time capabilities, real-tim algorithms for image processing and a new approach for dynamic traffic light management for a single intersection as well as for a wide area. The developed real-time algorithms for image processing extract traffic data even at night and under bad weather conditions. This approach opens the opportunity to identify and specify each traffic object, its location, its speed and other important object information. Furthermore the algorithms are able to identify accidents, and non-motorized traffic like pedestrians and bicyclists. Combining all these single information the system creates new derivate and consolidated information. This leads to a new and more complete view on the traffic situation of an intersection.Only by this a dynamic and near real-time traffic light management is possible. To optimize a wide area traffic management it is necessary to improve the modelling and forecasting of traffic flow. Therefore the information of the current Origin-Destination (OD) flow is essentially. Taking this into account OIS also includes an approach for anonymous vehicle recognition. This approach is based on single object characteristics, order of objects and forecast information, which will be obtained from intersection to intersection

    Der Kleinsatellit BIROS in der FireBIRD Mission

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    Dieser Bericht enthält eine detaillierte Abhandlung des gesamten Entwicklungsprozesses des Bi-spektralen Infrarot-Optischen Systems (BIROS) in der FireBIRD Mission, beginnend mit der wissenschaftlichen Aufgabenstellung zur Detektion und Bewertung von Hochtemperaturereignissen (HTE) aus dem Weltraum über die Auslegung des IR-Kamerasystems als primäre Nutzlast von BIROS, seiner Sekundärnutzlasten, des BIROS Satellitenbusses, dem Nutzerinterface zur Datenanforderung bis hin zu ausgewählten Anwendungsbeispielen der FireBIRD Datenprodukte. Es wird neben der technischen Beschreibung der Subsysteme des Satelliten und der bi-spektralen IR-Kamera, mit Bändern im mittleren Infrarot (MIR) und im thermalenInfrarot (TIR) die adaptive Anpassung der radiometrischen Dynamik der IR-Signaltrakte erklärt. Diese stellt ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal dar im Hinblick auf die bildhafte Erkennung und Bewertung von Feuern oder heißer Lava, welche Temperaturen zwischen 300 °C und 1300 °C erreichen, im sogenannten Sub-Pixelbereich. Anhand von verschiedenen Anwendungsbeispielen wird aufgezeigt, dass mit der IR-Kamera kleine Feuer von nur 10 m2 Ausdehnung zu erkennen sind und gleichzeitig bei der Beobachtung von riesigen Busch-bränden oder groß- flächigen Lavaströmen die IR-Kamera Signaltrakte nicht 'in die Sättigung' gehen, d.h. das Feuersignal nicht begrenzen. Aus der Beobachtung HTE einerseits und von NormalTemperatur-Phänomenen (NTP) konnten die adaptiven Dynamikbereiche für die MIR- und TIRBänder der Kamera nachgwiesen werden, die von keinem anderen IR-Kamaerasystem eines Kleinsatelliten bekannt sind. Die mit BIROS gesammelten Erfahrungen erlauben Schlussfolgerungen für zukünftige Kleinsatellitenmissionen zur räumlich und radiometrisch höher auflösenden Erdbeobachtung im MIR und TIR