634 research outputs found

    Analytical results for the Coqblin-Schrieffer model with generalized magnetic fields

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    Using the approach alternative to the traditional Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz, we derive analytical expressions for the free energy of Coqblin-Schrieffer model with arbitrary magnetic and crystal fields. In Appendix we discuss two concrete examples including the field generated crossover from the SU(4) to the SU(2) symmetry in the SU(4)-symmetric model.Comment: 5 page

    Time Dependent Effects and Transport Evidence for Phase Separation in La_{0.5}Ca_{0.5}MnO_{3}

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    The ground state of La_{1-x}Ca_{x}MnO_{3} changes from a ferromagnetic metallic to an antiferromagnetic charge-ordered state as a function of Ca concentration at x ~ 0.50. We present evidence from transport measurements on a sample with x = 0.50 that the two phases can coexist, in agreement with other observations of phase separation in these materials. We also observe that, by applying and then removing a magnetic field to the mainly charge-ordered state at some temperatures, we can "magnetically anneal" the charge order, resulting in a higher zero-field resistivity. We also observe logarithmic time dependence in both resistivity and magnetization after a field sweep at low temperatures.Comment: 9 pages, LATEX, 3 postscript figure

    Superconductivity and Antiferromagnetism: Hybridization Impurities in a Two-Band Spin-Gapped Electron System

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    We present the exact solution of a one-dimensional model of a spin-gapped correlated electron system with hybridization impurities exhibiting both magnetic and mixed-valence properties. The host supports superconducting fluctuations, with a spin gap. The localized electrons create a band of antiferromagnetic spin excitations inside the gap for concentrations x of the impurities below some critical value x_c. When x = x_c the spin gap closes and a ferrimagnetic phase appears. This is the first example of an exactly solvable model with coexisting superconducting and antiferromagnetic fluctuations which in addition supports a quantum phase transition to a (compensated) ferrimagnetic phase. We discuss the possible relevance of our results for experimental systems, in particular the U-based heavy-fermion materials.Comment: 4 page

    An STM perspective on hexaborides: Surface states of the Kondo insulator SmB6_6

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    Compounds within the hexaboride class of materials exhibit a wide variety of interesting physical phenomena, including polaron formation and quadrupolar order. In particular, SmB6_6 has recently drawn attention as it is considered a prototypical topological Kondo insulator. Evidence in favor of this concept, however, has proven experimentally difficult and controversial, partly because of the required temperatures and energy resolution. Here, a powerful tool is Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) with its unique ability to give local, microscopic information that directly relates to the one-particle Green's function. Yet, STM on hexaborides is met with its own set of challenges. This article attempts to review the progress in STM investigations on hexaborides, with emphasis on SmB6_6 and its intriguing properties.Comment: unrevised version, published version is open acces

    Zero-temperature Phase Diagram For Strongly-Correlated Nanochains

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    Recently there has been a resurgence of intense experimental and theoretical interest on the Kondo physics of nanoscopic and mesoscopic systems due to the possibility of making experiments in extremely small samples. We have carried out exact diagonalization calculations to study the effect of the energy spacing Δ\Delta of the conduction band on the ground-state properties of a dense Anderson model nanochain. The calculations reveal for the first time that the energy spacing tunes the interplay between the Kondo and RKKY interactions, giving rise to a zero-temperature Δ\Delta versus hybridization phase diagram with regions of prevailing Kondo or RKKY correlations, separated by a {\it free spins} regime. This interplay may be relevant to experimental realizations of small rings or quantum dots with tunable magnetic properties.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. J. Appl. Phys. (in press

    Exotic Kondo-hole band resistivity and magnetoresistance of Ce1x_{1-x}Lax_{x}Os4_4Sb12_{12} alloys

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    Electrical resistivity measurements of non-magnetic single-crystalline Ce1x_{1-x}Lax_xOs4_4Sb12_{12} alloys, x=0.02x=0.02 and 0.1, are reported for temperatures down to 20 mK and magnetic fields up to 18 T. At the lowest temperatures, the resistivity of Ce0.98_{0.98}La0.02_{0.02}Os4_4Sb12_{12} has a Fermi-liquid-like temperature variation ρ=ρ0+AT2\rho=\rho_0+A T^2, but with negative AA in small fields. The resistivity has an unusually strong magnetic field dependence for a paramagnetic metal. The 20 mK resistivity increases by 75% between H=0 and 4 T and then decreases by 65% between 4 T and 18 T. Similarly, the AA coefficient increases with the field from -77 to 29μΩ \mu\OmegacmK2^{-2} between H=0 and 7 T and then decreases to 18μΩ \mu\OmegacmK2^{-2} for 18 T. This nontrivial temperature and field variation is attributed to the existence of a very narrow Kondo-hole band in the hybridization gap, which pins the Fermi energy. Due to disorder the Kondo-hole band has localized states close to the band edges. The resistivity for x=0.1x=0.1 has a qualitatively similar behavior to that of x=0.02x=0.02, but with a larger Kondo-hole band

    Thermally activated exchange narrowing of the Gd3+ ESR fine structure in a single crystal of Ce1-xGdxFe4P12 (x = 0.001) skutterudite

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    We report electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements in the Gd3+ doped semiconducting filled skutterudite compound Ce1-xGdxFe4P12 (x = 0.001). As the temperature T varies from T = 150 K to T = 165 K, the Gd3+ ESR fine and hyperfine structures coalesce into a broad inhomogeneous single resonance. At T = 200 K the line narrows and as T increases further, the resonance becomes homogeneous with a thermal broadening of 1.1(2) Oe/K. These results suggest that the origin of these features may be associated to a subtle interdependence of thermally activated mechanisms that combine: i) an increase with T of the density of activated conduction-carriers across the T-dependent semiconducting pseudogap; ii) the Gd3+ Korringa relaxation process due to an exchange interaction, J_{fd}S.s, between the Gd3+ localized magnetic moments and the thermally activated conduction-carriers and; iii) a relatively weak confining potential of the rare-earth ions inside the oversized (Fe2P3)4 cage, which allows the rare-earths to become rattler Einstein oscillators above T = 148 K. We argue that the rattling of the Gd3+ ions, via a motional narrowing mechanism, also contributes to the coalescence of the ESR fine and hyperfine structure.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Phys Rev

    Re-entrant magnetic field induced charge and spin gaps in the coupled dual-chain quasi-one dimensional organic conductor Perylene2_2[Pt(mnt)2_2]

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    An inductive method is used to follow the magnetic field-dependent susceptibility of the coupled charge density wave (CDW) and spin-Peierls (SP) ordered state behavior in the dual chain organic conductor Perylene2_2[Pt(mnt)2_2]. In addition to the coexisting SP-CDW state phase below 8 K and 20 T, the measurements show that a second spin-gapped phase appears above 20 T that coincides with a field-induced insulating phase. The results support a strong coupling of the CDW and SP order parameters even in high magnetic fields, and provide new insight into the nature of the magnetic susceptibility of dual-chain spin and charge systems.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure