161 research outputs found

    Prozessentwicklung und -übertragung vom 50-ml- auf den 10-l-Maßstab: Antikörper-Produktion in Pflanzenzellen

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    Engineered plant cells can be used in order to produce antibodies. Suitable methods for process development and scale-up allow fast production of pre-clinical antibody samples in single-use bioreactor

    The expression of a recombinant glycolate dehydrogenase polyprotein in potato (Solanum tuberosum) plastids strongly enhances photosynthesis and tuber yield

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    We have increased the productivity and yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum) by developing a novel method to enhance photosynthetic carbon fixation based on expression of a polyprotein (DEFp) comprising all three subunits (D, E and F) of Escherichia coli glycolate dehydrogenase (GlcDH). The engineered polyprotein retained the functionality of the native GlcDH complex when expressed in E. coli and was able to complement mutants deficient for the D, E and F subunits. Transgenic plants accumulated DEFp in the plastids, and the recombinant protein was active in planta, reducing photorespiration and improving CO2 uptake with a significant impact on carbon metabolism. Transgenic lines with the highest DEFp levels and GlcDH activity produced significantly higher levels of glucose (5.8-fold), fructose (3.8-fold), sucrose (1.6-fold) and transitory starch (threefold), resulting in a substantial increase in shoot and leaf biomass. The higher carbohydrate levels produced in potato leaves were utilized by the sink capacity of the tubers, increasing the tuber yield by 2.3-fold. This novel approach therefore has the potential to increase the biomass and yield of diverse crops

    Предсказания повторных вызовов скорой помощи алгоритмами машинного обучения

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    Целью работы является предсказание повторных вызовов скорой помощи алгоритмами машинного обучения. В результате исследования проработаны несколько путей решение поставленной задачи Разработаны классификаторы на основе математических классификаторов и на основе рекуррентных нейронных сетей. Модули показали частичную работоспособность, лучшую чем случайное гадание и значительно экономящие время персонала.The aim of the work is to predict the repeated calls of ambulance by machine learning algorithms. In the research, checked several ways of solution with developed classifiers based on mathematical classifiers and based on recurrent neural networks. The modules showed a partial performance, better than random guessing and significantly saving staff time

    Saturation mutagenesis to improve the degradation of azo dyes by versatile peroxidase and application in form of VP-coated yeast cell walls

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    Azo dyes are toxic and carcinogenic synthetic pigments that accumulate as pollutants in aquatic bodies near textile factories. The pigments are structurally diverse, and bioremediation is mostly limited to single dye compounds or related groups. Versatile peroxidase (VP) from Pleurotus eryngii is a heme-containing peroxidase with a broad substrate spectrum that can break down many structurally distinct pollutants, including azo dyes. The utilization of this enzyme could be facilitated by engineering to modify its catalytic activity and substrate range. We used saturation mutagenesis to alter two amino acids in the catalytic tryptophan environment of VP (V160 and A260). Library screening with three azo dyes revealed that these two positions had a significant influence on substrate specificity. We were able to isolate and sequence VP variants with up to 16-fold higher catalytic efficiency for different azo dyes. The same approach could be used to select for VP variants that catalyze the degradation of many other types of pollutants. To allow multiple cycles of dye degradation, we immobilized VP on the surface of yeast cells and used washed cell wall fragments after lysis. VP embedded in the cell wall retained ∼70 % of its initial activity after 10 cycles of dye degradation each lasting 12 h, making this platform ideal for the bioremediation of environments contaminated with azo dyes.This is the peer-reviewed version of the following article: Ilić Đurđić, K.; Ostafe, R.; Đurđević Đelmaš, A.; Popović, N.; Schillberg, S.; Fischer, R.; Prodanović, R. Saturation Mutagenesis to Improve the Degradation of Azo Dyes by Versatile Peroxidase and Application in Form of VP-Coated Yeast Cell Walls. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2020, 136. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enzmictec.2020.109509]Supplementary material: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3836

    Antikörper-Produktion in Pflanzenzellen : Prozessentwicklung und -übertragung vom 50-ml- auf den 10-l-Maßstab

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