938 research outputs found

    Contextual Realization of the Universal Quantum Cloning Machine and of the Universal-NOT gate by Quantum Injected Optical Parametric Amplification

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    A simultaneous, contextual experimental demonstration of the two processes of cloning an input qubit and of flipping it into the orthogonal qubit is reported. The adopted experimental apparatus, a Quantum-Injected Optical Parametric Amplifier (QIOPA) is transformed simultaneously into a Universal Optimal Quantum Cloning Machine (UOQCM) and into a Universal NOT quantum-information gate. The two processes, indeed forbidden in their exact form for fundamental quantum limitations, will be found to be universal and optimal, i.e. the measured fidelity of both processes F<1 will be found close to the limit values evaluated by quantum theory. A contextual theoretical and experimental investigation of these processes, which may represent the basic difference between the classical and the quantum worlds, can reveal in a unifying manner the detailed structure of quantum information. It may also enlighten the yet little explored interconnections of fundamental axiomatic properties within the deep structure of quantum mechanics. PACS numbers: 03.67.-a, 03.65.Ta, 03.65.UdComment: 27 pages, 7 figure

    Impacts of safety on the design of light remotely-piloted helicopter flight control systems

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    This paper deals with the architecture definition and the safety assessment of flight control systems for light remotely-piloted helicopters for civil applications. The methods and tools to be used for these activities are standardised for conventional piloted aircraft, while they are currently a matter of discussion in case of light remotely-piloted systems flying into unsegregated airspaces. Certification concerns are particularly problematic for aerial systems weighing from 20 to 150 kgf, since the airworthiness permission is granted by national authorities. The lack of specific requirements actually requires to analyse both the existing standards for military applications and the certification guidelines for civil systems, up to derive the adequate safety objectives. In this work, after a survey on applicable certification documents for the safety objectives definition, the most relevant functional failures of a light remotely-piloted helicopter are identified and analysed via Functional Hazard Assessment. Different architectures are then compared by means of Fault-Tree Analysis, highlighting the contributions to the safety level of the main elements of the flight control system (control computers, servoactuators, antenna) and providing basic guidelines on the required redundancy level

    Attentional processes during P3-based Brain Computer Interface task in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients

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    To be available for a wide range of end-users a brain-computer interface (BCI) should be flexible and adaptable to end-users’ cognitive strengths and weaknesses. People’s cognitive abilities change according to the disease they are affected by, and people suffering from the same disease could have different cognitive capacities. We aimed at investigating how the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) disease, and two different cognitive attentional aspects [1] influenced the usage of a P3-based BC

    Access to Healthcare as a New Commons: Telemedicine as a Strategy for Providing Value-Based Healthcare Services in Rural Areas

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    Commons is a general term that refers to a resource shared by a group of people. Over the years, scholars have identified two generations of commons. The first generation of commons was about sharing of physical things; the second one is about intangible commons pool resources such as science and culture. These generally can be recognized as "rights" (Hess 2008). Among the various New Commons sectors there is medical and health. In the perspective of guaranteeing the right of Health, the ―Access to Healthcare‖ could be considered as a New Commons provided by worldwide National Healthcare Systems (NHS), However, healthcare sector is characterized by plenty of stakeholders with myriad, often, conflicting goals. The value-based approach (Porte, 2010) attempts to introduce a new universal language in healthcare management around the value for the patient that reconcile all stakeholders‘ interests. The goal of this approach is to improve the outcome and increase the number of treatments. This aim is very difficult to be enriched for rural residents; when patients live in remote areas, providing them with valuable medical care can be considered a hard challenge for the NHS, which has to be addressed also by the employment of new healthcare strategies and technologies. Defined as "a new healthcare delivery process provided when patient and professional are not physically in the same place" (Italian Ministry of Health, 2014), telemedicine could be seen as an answer to this challenge. Accordingly, this study aims at discovering if telemedicine employment can be effectively considered as a successful strategy to improve healthcare in location far from specialized hospital, enhancing the New Commons ―Access to care‖. A statistical-based narrative review of the literature was conducted in the field of telemedicine, with the aim to understand which experiences of telemedicine applications have got successful results as support of healthcare delivering in rural locations. With regards to rural and remote areas, several Authors recognized telemedicine-based strategies as a method to facilitate the access to healthcare in different medical disciplines. In particular, many studies highlight that telemedicine improves patient care by increasing the capacity of the rural clinician to manage patient locally, minimizing time away to support networks and reducing unnecessary transfers. Telemedicine could also be considered a cost-effective method whose outcomes remain similar (if not better) in quality to ―staffed‖ services, whose infrastructural costs could be easily paid-back

    Development of a simulation platform of all-electric aircraft on-board systems for energy management studies

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    This paper deals with the development of a simulation platform for the dynamic analysis of systems characterised by different physical domains. The research has been carried out in the context of the EC-funded Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative (Green Regional Aircraft/All-Electric Aircraft domain). In particular, the objective of the research is focused on the on-board systems of new All-Electric Aircraft, where a crucial design point is related to the electrical energy management. In the “all-electric” concept, where pneumatic and hydraulic power systems are eliminated to improve aviation costs and environmental impact, the dynamics of electrical power absorptions is to be characterised and managed to avoid excessive peaks with respect to generators capabilities. The paper describes the architecture of a Matlab/Simulink simulation platform developed in order to design and validate of the electrical energy management logics, which lead up to 32% reduction of the maximum power request for the case study considered. Thanks to an approach based on a mixing of cosimulation and S-function compiling, the platform integrates models coming from different environments (AMESim, Dymola/Modelica), and developed by various partners/specialists

    Effect of shellfish culture on phytodetritus vertical fluxes in tropical waters: southern Brazil

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    Mussel culture is an expanding activity in shallow and sheltered bays along the coast of Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. Although mussel culture generates benefits, several environmental impacts are associated with this kind of activity. Its success depends on. factors which inc1ude the environmental impact and the carrying capacity of the system. One conspicuous effect of mussel culture is the enhancement of vertical particle flux to the bottom sediment and depletion of water column phytoplankton biomass. Phytodetritus vertical fluxes was evaluated in a mussel culture area by collecting partic1es with sediment traps and analysing plant pigment by high performance liquid chromatography (RF-HPLC). Results showed that mussel culture, in average, enhances almost 5 times the vertical phytodetritus flux as compared to the reference site. Pheophorbide like pigments were the main chlorophyll-a degradation products collected by the traps. Given the high phytodetritus production, compared to the low water column phytoplankton biomass observed, it is suggested that allocthonous phytoplankton advected to the cultured area is an important process to sustain the mussel growth in the area.O cultivo de moluscos ao longo da costa de Santa Catarina tem crescido de forma acelerada nos últimos anos. Embora os benefícios sejam muitos, vários tipos de impactos ambientais podem ser decorrentes do cultivo de moluscos. Desta forma, o sucesso da atividade depende de fatores que envolvem a capacidade suporte do meio e do grau que o ambiente é impactado. Um dos mais evidentes impactos associados ao cultivo de moluscos marinhos é o aumento da taxa de fluxo vertical de partículas associado a redução da biomassa fitoplanctônica na coluna de água. O fluxo vertical de fitodetritos produzidos em uma área de cultivo foi avaliado por meio de análise por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) de pigmentos fotossintéticos e produtos de degradação do material coletado por armadilhas de sedimento. Os resultados indicam que o cultivo de moluscos aumenta em média 5 vezes o fluxo vertical de fitodetritos, sendo que a maior parte da degradação da c1orofila-a ocorre na forma de feoforbideos. Dado o expressivo fluxo vertical de fitodetritos, comparado a pequena biomassa na coluna de água, sugere-se que o fitopl ncton a1OOono, trazido por processos advectivos, é importante para a manutenção do crescimento dos moluscos na área estudada

    Wintertime thermal performance of green façades in a mediterranean climate

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    The increasing environmental issues have afforded opportunities for a widespread application of green systems in urban areas. Greening the building with green roofs and vertical green systems can be a design and retrofitting strategy to improve building energy performance in summer and in winter. Research efforts have been mainly concentrated on their energy saving function during warm periods. Green façades have a great application potential thanks to the space available in urban environment. The effect of green façades on building energy performance has been studied mainly for warm periods. In order to evaluate the effect during cold periods, an experiment was conducted in Bari, Italy, for two years. Pandorea jasminoides variegated and Rhyncospermum jasminoides were tested as evergreen climbing plants on walls; a third wall was used as control. The night-time temperature of the covered wall was higher than the uncovered wall temperature by up to 3.5°C, thanks to the presence of plants. The thermal barrier function performed by the vegetation layer was analysed. The influence of outdoor air temperature, relative humidity and wind velocity on the façades thermal effect during night-time was investigated. The experimental test demonstrated that both Pandorea jasminoides variegated and Rhyncospermum jasminoides are suitable for green façades in the Mediterranean climatic area during winter. The use of the green façades allowed increasing the thermal performance of the walls during night-time. They also reduced the surface temperature changes throughout the day

    Greenhouse localized heating powered by a polygeneration system

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    Energy consumption in greenhouse heating could reach up to 90% of the total energy requirement depending on the type of greenhouse, environmental control equipment and location of the greenhouse. The use of climate conditioning technologies that exploit renewable energy and the application of passive systems to improve the energy efficiency and the sustainability of the greenhouse sector are recommended. During winter 2020-2021, an experimental test was carried out at the University of Bari in a Mediterranean greenhouse heated by a polygeneration system, composed of a solar system and an air-water heat pump. Three localized heating systems were tested to transfer thermal energy close to plants of Roman lettuce. Heating pipes were placed inside the cultivation substrate in the underground pipe system and on the cultivation substrate in the laid pipe system. The third system consists of metal plates heated by steel tubes and placed in the aerial area of plants. A weather climatic station and a sensor system interfaced with a data logger for continuous data acquisition and storage were used. The plate system was the best for air temperature rising, as it allowed an increase of 3.6% compared to the set-up without any localised heating system. The underground pipe system was the best for the soil heating, as it achieved a temperature increase of 92%. Localized soil heating systems contributed significantly to an earlier harvest by almost 2 weeks

    Hidrologia do Saco da Fazenda, Itajaí, SC

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    The Saco da Fazenda (SF) is a semi-enclosed coastal water body artificially made and inserted in the urban scenario of Itajaí city. The SF was created from the enterprise of retification of the access channel to the Port of Itajaí. The last curvature of the lower estuary was isolated from the main channel, and then creating the SF. Nowadays it is a depositional basin for the sediments from the Itajaí-Açu River and from small streams which drains the Itajaí City downtown. These small streams flow to the SF with no treatment at all, and, consequently, the water quality is low. Applying basic morphological data and hydrographic data from the SF and the lower Itajaí-Açu estuary, it was estimated the flushing time of the SF and the exchange level between the SF and the lower estuary. The flushing time is basically function of the tidal prism exchange, and the half-live was estimated as of the order of ‘few days’, or specifically 0,8 to 2,6 days varying the tidal height of neap and spring tide, respectivelly. The salinity of the SF the same of the upper layer of the lower estuary, and varies inversely and non-linearly related to the Itajaí-Açu river discharge, indicating higher level of eschange between them.The Saco da Fazenda (SF) is a semi-enclosed coastal water body artificially made and inserted in the urban scenario of Itajaí city. The SF was created from the enterprise of retification of the access channel to the Port of Itajaí. The last curvature of the lower estuary was isolated from the main channel, and then creating the SF. Nowadays it is a depositional basin for the sediments from the Itajaí-Açu River and from small streams which drains the Itajaí City downtown. These small streams flow to the SF with no treatment at all, and, consequently, the water quality is low. Applying basic morphological data and hydrographic data from the SF and the lower Itajaí-Açu estuary, it was estimated the flushing time of the SF and the exchange level between the SF and the lower estuary. The flushing time is basically function of the tidal prism exchange, and the half-live was estimated as of the order of ‘few days’, or specifically 0,8 to 2,6 days varying the tidal height of neap and spring tide, respectivelly. The salinity of the SF the same of the upper layer of the lower estuary, and varies inversely and non-linearly related to the Itajaí-Açu river discharge, indicating higher level of eschange between them