236 research outputs found

    Exploring the Single-Particle Mobility Edge in a One-Dimensional Quasiperiodic Optical Lattice

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    A single-particle mobility edge (SPME) marks a critical energy separating extended from localized states in a quantum system. In one-dimensional systems with uncorrelated disorder, a SPME cannot exist, since all single-particle states localize for arbitrarily weak disorder strengths. However, if correlations are present in the disorder potential, the localization transition can occur at a finite disorder strength and SPMEs become possible. In this work, we find experimental evidence for the existence of such a SPME in a one-dimensional quasi-periodic optical lattice. Specifically, we find a regime where extended and localized single-particle states coexist, in good agreement with theoretical simulations, which predict a SPME in this regime

    Benchmarking a Novel Efficient Numerical Method for Localized 1D Fermi-Hubbard Systems on a Quantum Simulator

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    Quantum simulators have made a remarkable progress towards exploring the dynamics of many-body systems, many of which offer a formidable challenge to both theoretical and numerical methods. While state-of-the-art quantum simulators are in principle able to simulate quantum dynamics well outside the domain of classical computers, they are noisy and limited in the variability of the initial state of the dynamics and the observables that can be measured. Despite these limitations, here we show that such a quantum simulator can be used to in-effect solve for the dynamics of a many-body system. We develop an efficient numerical technique that facilitates classical simulations in regimes not accessible to exact calculations or other established numerical techniques. The method is based on approximations that are well suited to describe localized one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard systems. Since this new method does not have an error estimate and the approximations do not hold in general, we use a neutral-atom Fermi-Hubbard quantum simulator with Lexp≃290L_{\text{exp}}\simeq290 lattice sites to benchmark its performance in terms of accuracy and convergence for evolution times up to 700700 tunnelling times. We then use these approximations in order to derive a simple prediction of the behaviour of interacting Bloch oscillations for spin-imbalanced Fermi-Hubbard systems, which we show to be in quantitative agreement with experimental results. Finally, we demonstrate that the convergence of our method is the slowest when the entanglement depth developed in the many-body system we consider is neither too small nor too large. This represents a promising regime for near-term applications of quantum simulators.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figure

    Observing non-ergodicity due to kinetic constraints in tilted Fermi-Hubbard chains

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    The thermalization of isolated quantum many-body systems is deeply related to fundamental questions of quantum information theory. While integrable or many-body localized systems display non-ergodic behavior due to extensively many conserved quantities, recent theoretical studies have identified a rich variety of more exotic phenomena in between these two extreme limits. The tilted one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model, which is readily accessible in experiments with ultracold atoms, emerged as an intriguing playground to study non-ergodic behavior in a clean disorder-free system. While non-ergodic behavior was established theoretically in certain limiting cases, there is no complete understanding of the complex thermalization properties of this model. In this work, we experimentally study the relaxation of an initial charge-density wave and find a remarkably long-lived initial-state memory over a wide range of parameters. Our observations are well reproduced by numerical simulations of a clean system. Using analytical calculations we further provide a detailed microscopic understanding of this behavior, which can be attributed to emergent kinetic constraints.Comment: accepted in Nature Communication

    The Unique Determination of Neuronal Currents in the Brain via Magnetoencephalography

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    The problem of determining the neuronal current inside the brain from measurements of the induced magnetic field outside the head is discussed under the assumption that the space occupied by the brain is approximately spherical. By inverting the Geselowitz equation, the part of the current which can be reconstructed from the measurements is precisely determined. This actually consists of only certain moments of one of the two functions specifying the tangential part of the current. The other function specifying the tangential part of the current as well as the radial part of the current are completely arbitrary. However, it is also shown that with the assumption of energy minimization, the current can be reconstructed uniquely. A numerical implementation of this unique reconstruction is also presented

    Non-Equilibrium Mass Transport in the 1D Fermi-Hubbard Model

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    We experimentally and numerically investigate the sudden expansion of fermions in a homogeneous one-dimensional optical lattice. For initial states with an appreciable amount of doublons, we observe a dynamical phase separation between rapidly expanding singlons and slow doublons remaining in the trap center, realizing the key aspect of fermionic quantum distillation in the strongly-interacting limit. For initial states without doublons, we find a reduced interaction dependence of the asymptotic expansion speed compared to bosons, which is explained by the interaction energy produced in the quench

    Fast Optimal Transport Averaging of Neuroimaging Data

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    Knowing how the Human brain is anatomically and functionally organized at the level of a group of healthy individuals or patients is the primary goal of neuroimaging research. Yet computing an average of brain imaging data defined over a voxel grid or a triangulation remains a challenge. Data are large, the geometry of the brain is complex and the between subjects variability leads to spatially or temporally non-overlapping effects of interest. To address the problem of variability, data are commonly smoothed before group linear averaging. In this work we build on ideas originally introduced by Kantorovich to propose a new algorithm that can average efficiently non-normalized data defined over arbitrary discrete domains using transportation metrics. We show how Kantorovich means can be linked to Wasserstein barycenters in order to take advantage of an entropic smoothing approach. It leads to a smooth convex optimization problem and an algorithm with strong convergence guarantees. We illustrate the versatility of this tool and its empirical behavior on functional neuroimaging data, functional MRI and magnetoencephalography (MEG) source estimates, defined on voxel grids and triangulations of the folded cortical surface.Comment: Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI), Jun 2015, Isle of Skye, United Kingdom. Springer, 201

    Nonequilibrium Mass Transport in the 1D Fermi-Hubbard Model.

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    We experimentally and numerically investigate the sudden expansion of fermions in a homogeneous one-dimensional optical lattice. For initial states with an appreciable amount of doublons, we observe a dynamical phase separation between rapidly expanding singlons and slow doublons remaining in the trap center, realizing the key aspect of fermionic quantum distillation in the strongly interacting limit. For initial states without doublons, we find a reduced interaction dependence of the asymptotic expansion speed compared to bosons, which is explained by the interaction energy produced in the quench

    Open Database of Epileptic EEG with MRI and Postoperational Assessment of Foci—a Real World Verification for the EEG Inverse Solutions

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    This paper introduces a freely accessible database http://eeg.pl/epi, containing 23 datasets from patients diagnosed with and operated on for drug-resistant epilepsy. This was collected as part of the clinical routine at the Warsaw Memorial Child Hospital. Each record contains (1) pre-surgical electroencephalography (EEG) recording (10–20 system) with inter-ictal discharges marked separately by an expert, (2) a full set of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans for calculations of the realistic forward models, (3) structural placement of the epileptogenic zone, recognized by electrocorticography (ECoG) and post-surgical results, plotted on pre-surgical MRI scans in transverse, sagittal and coronal projections, (4) brief clinical description of each case. The main goal of this project is evaluation of possible improvements of localization of epileptic foci from the surface EEG recordings. These datasets offer a unique possibility for evaluating different EEG inverse solutions. We present preliminary results from a subset of these cases, including comparison of different schemes for the EEG inverse solution and preprocessing. We report also a finding which relates to the selective parametrization of single waveforms by multivariate matching pursuit, which is used in the preprocessing for the inverse solutions. It seems to offer a possibility of tracing the spatial evolution of seizures in time
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