74 research outputs found
Benthische Tiefsee-Foraminiferen im Gebiet südlich Tasmaniens und Neuseelands — Taxonomie, Verbreitung und Ökologie.
Im Rahmen des TASQWA-Projektes (Quarternary Variability of Water Masses in the Southern Tasman Sea
and the Southern Ocean) wurde eine erstmalige quantitative und taxonomische Bestandsaufnahme der
rezenten, benthischen Tiefseeforaminiferen der Korngrößenfraktion > 250 mm in 27 Sedimentoberflächenproben
aus dem austral-antarktischen Gebiet durchgeführt.
Es konnten 137 Arten bestimmt werden, wobei aber keine Art dominante Anteile in den Proben erreichte.
Ãœber benthische Tiefseeforaminiferen im untersuchten Gebiet existiert kaum Literatur. Es gibt zwar aus
dem 19. Jhrd. sehr gut dokumentierte Foraminiferen in diesem Bereich, diese decken aber längst nicht alle
gefundenen Exemplare ab. Erst um die Jahrtausendwende beschäftigten sich Autoren wieder intensiver mit
den australischen und neuseeländischen, benthischen Foraminiferen. Aber auch sie drangen nicht bis in die
Tiefsee vor, sondern blieben vorwiegend im Schelfbereich. Aufgrund dieser spärlichen Literatur ist jede
einzelne Art ausführlich mit Synonymieliste und Abbildung dokumentiert worden.
Die PAST-Analyse generierte mit den 137 Arten und den 27 Stationen sechs Faunenvergesellschaftungen,
die überwiegend bathymetrisch zoniert sind.
Ab 562 m beginnt am Campbell Plateau in der Hochproduktionszone die Bulimina-Vergesellschaftung.
Diese Vergesellschaftung zeichnet sich durch die höchste Individuenzahl aus. Ab 959 m findet sich die
Rhizammina-Vergesellschaftung, die im Untersuchungsgebiet am weitesten verbreitet ist. Die weniger oft
anzutreffende Cibicides-Vergesellschaftung läßt sich ab 1660 m Tiefe finden. Nur in einer einzigen Probe an
der Tasmanschwelle in 2146 m Tiefe, tritt die Reophax-Vergesellschaftung auf, in der die Textulariina überwiegen.
Die weniger oft anzutreffende Ehrenbergina-Vergesellschaftung läßt sich ab 1841 m finden. In
dieser Vergesellschaftung, in der die Artenanzahl fast an das Niveau der Hochproduktionszone heranreicht,
halten sich Rotaliina und Textulariina die Waage. Im Emerald Becken ab 3909 m Tiefe beginnt die Jaculella-
Vergesellschaftung. Diese liegt in einem echten Hungergebiet und besteht hauptsächlich aus Textulariina.
Im gesamten Untersuchungsgebiet lassen sich durch die Probenauswertung vier unterschiedliche Lebensräume
(Challenger Plateau, Campbell Plateau, Emerald Becken und Tasmanschwelle) ausmachen. Da jedoch
nur zwei Sedimentoberflächenproben am Challenger Plateau genommen wurden, konnte dieser Bereich
nur eingeschränkt mit den anderen drei Bereichen verglichen werden.
Die Foraminiferengemeinschaften des Challenger Plateaus und der Tasmanschwelle können jedoch im oberen
Bereich der Wassersäule auch nur eingeschränkt miteinander verglichen werden, da man an der
Tasmanschwelle Sedimentoberflächenproben erst ab 1634 m genommen hat und am Campbell Plateau Proben
ab 562 m vorhanden sind.
Die oberen Bereiche (ab 562 m bis ca. 1300 m) des Campbell Plateaus sind Hochproduktionsbereiche, die
die höchsten Individuenzahlen pro 10 cm3 Sediment und die höchste Artenvielfalt aufweisen. Am Südwesthang
des Campbell Plateaus läßt sich eine Abfolge der verschiedenen Foraminiferenvergesellschaftungen
bis hinunter in das Emerald Becken nachweisen.
An der Tasmanschwelle selbst läßt sich keine ausgeprägte Hochproduktionszone erkennen. Generell gibt es
hier weniger Arten und weniger Individuen pro 10 cm3 Sediment als am Cambell Plateau.
Das Emerald Becken, als tiefster Bereich des Untersuchungsgebietes und als echtes Hungergebiet, nimmt
eine Sonderrolle ein
Open Science Principles
The University of Cologne (UoC) is committed to a culture of Open Science and establishes it as a guiding principle. The Open Science Principles are addressed at all members of the University who conduct or support research and/or teaching. The University of Cologne strongly recommends implementing the principles set out here and making scientific results - for example publications, research data, codes or teaching and learning materials - publicly accessible as far as possible. Specific requirements and restrictive framework conditions of the various scientific disciplines are taken into account. The principles were drawn up in collaboration with participants of internal UoC working groups from the faculties and participating institutions (C³RDM, DCH, ITCC, USB, Prorectorate for Teaching and Studies)
The Site Groß Fredenwalde, NE-Germany, and the Early Cemeteries of Northern Europe
The Mesolithic burial site Groß Fredenwalde, NE-Germany, discovered in 1962, had remained a poorly understood part of the Mesolithic burial record for decades. Since 2012, the site has been under re-investigation. New discoveries confirm the presence of several single and multiple inhumation graves. Groß Fredenwalde stands out as the largest and one of the oldest Mesolithic cemeteries in North-central Europe. Its use period can be separated into two phases: a main phase in the late seventh millennium cal BC to the early sixth millennium cal BC and a later single burial c. 4900 cal BC. Here the state of research on the site is presented and selected characteristics are discussed in the context of early cemeteries of Northern and North-eastern Europe
Grundsätze Open Science
Die Universität zu Köln (UzK) bekennt sich zu einer freien und offenen Wissenschaftskultur und etabliert daher Open Science als Leitprinzip.
Die Open Science Grundsätze richten sich an alle Universitätsangehörigen, die Forschung und/oder Lehre betreiben beziehungsweise unterstützen. Die Universität zu Köln empfiehlt nachdrücklich, die hier dargelegten Grundsätze umzusetzen und wissenschaftliche Leistungen – beispielsweise Publikationen, Forschungsdaten, Codes oder Lehr- und Lernmaterialien – so weit als möglich - öffentlich zugänglich zumachen. Dabei werden spezifische Anforderungen und einschränkende Rahmenbedingungen der verschiedenen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen berücksichtigt.
Die Grundsätze wurden in Zusammenarbeit mit Teilnehmenden an UzK-internen Arbeitsgruppen aus den Fakultäten und beteiligten Einrichtungen (C³RDM, DCH, ITCC, USB, Prorektorat Lehre u. Studium) erstellt
Tropospheric water vapor: a comprehensive high-resolution data collection for the transnational Upper Rhine Graben region
Tropospheric water vapor is one of the most important trace gases of the Earth\u27s climate system, and its temporal and spatial distribution is critical for the genesis of clouds and precipitation. Due to the pronounced dynamics of the atmosphere and the nonlinear relation of air temperature and saturated vapor pressure, it is highly variable, which hampers the development of high-resolution and three-dimensional maps of regional extent. With their complementary high temporal and spatial resolutions, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) meteorology and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) satellite remote sensing represent a significant alternative to generally sparsely distributed radio sounding observations. In addition, data fusion with collocation and tomographical methods enables the construction of detailed maps in either two or three dimensions. Finally, by assimilation of these observation-derived datasets with dynamical regional atmospheric models, tropospheric water vapor fields can be determined with high spatial and continuous temporal resolution. In the following, a collection of basic and processed datasets, obtained with the above-listed methods, is presented that describes the state and course of atmospheric water vapor for the extent of the GNSS Upper Rhine Graben Network (GURN) region. The dataset contains hourly 2D fields of integrated water vapor (IWV) and 3D fields of water vapor density (WVD) for four multi-week, variable season periods between April 2016 and October 2018 at a spatial resolution of (2.1 km). Zenith total delay (ZTD) from GNSS and collocation and refractivities are provided as intermediate products. InSAR (Sentinel-1A/B)-derived double differential slant total delay phases (ddSTDPs) and GNSS-based ZTDs are available for March 2015 to July 2019. The validation of data assimilation with five independent GNSS stations for IWV shows improving Kling–Gupta efficiency (KGE) scores for all seasons, most notably for summer, with collocation data assimilation (KGE = 0.92) versus the open-cycle simulation (KGE = 0.69). The full dataset can be obtained from https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.936447 (Fersch et al., 2021)
Tropospheric water vapor: a comprehensive high-resolution data collection for the transnational Upper Rhine Graben region
Tropospheric water vapor is one of the most important trace gases of the Earth's climate system, and its temporal and spatial distribution is critical for the genesis of clouds and precipitation. Due to the pronounced dynamics of the atmosphere and the nonlinear relation of air temperature and saturated vapor pressure, it is highly variable, which hampers the development of high-resolution and three-dimensional maps of regional extent. With their complementary high temporal and spatial resolutions, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) meteorology and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) satellite remote sensing represent a significant alternative to generally sparsely distributed radio sounding observations. In addition, data fusion with collocation and tomographical methods enables the construction of detailed maps in either two or three dimensions. Finally, by assimilation of these observation-derived datasets with dynamical regional atmospheric models, tropospheric water vapor fields can be determined with high spatial and continuous temporal resolution. In the following, a collection of basic and processed datasets, obtained with the above-listed methods, is presented that describes the state and course of atmospheric water vapor for the extent of the GNSS Upper Rhine Graben Network (GURN) region. The dataset contains hourly 2D fields of integrated water vapor (IWV) and 3D fields of water vapor density (WVD) for four multi-week, variable season periods between April 2016 and October 2018 at a spatial resolution of (2.1 km)2. Zenith total delay (ZTD) from GNSS and collocation and refractivities are provided as intermediate products. InSAR (Sentinel-1A/B)-derived double differential slant total delay phases (ddSTDPs) and GNSS-based ZTDs are available for March 2015 to July 2019. The validation of data assimilation with five independent GNSS stations for IWV shows improving Kling–Gupta efficiency (KGE) scores for all seasons, most notably for summer, with collocation data assimilation (KGE = 0.92) versus the open-cycle simulation (KGE = 0.69). The full dataset can be obtained from https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.936447 (Fersch et al., 2021)
Antithrombin deficiency is associated with mortality and impaired organ function in septic pediatric patients: a retrospective study
Background Sepsis remains a major problem in intensive care medicine. It is often accompanied by coagulopathies, leading to thrombotic occlusion of small vessels with subsequent organ damage and even fatal multi-organ failure. Prediction of the clinical course and outcome—especially in the heterogeneous group of pediatric patients—is difficult. Antithrombin, as an endogenous anticoagulant enzyme with anti-inflammatory properties, plays a central role in controling coagulation and infections. We investigated the relationship between antithrombin levels and organ failure as well as mortality in pediatric patients with sepsis. Methods Data from 164 patients under the age of 18, diagnosed with sepsis, were retrospectively reviewed. Antithrombin levels were recorded three days before to three days after peak C-reactive protein to correlate antithrombin levels with inflammatory activity. Using the concept of developmental haemostasis, patients were divided into groups <1 yr and ≥1 yr of age. Results In both age groups, survivors had significantly higher levels of antithrombin than did deceased patients. An optimal threshold level for antithrombin was calculated by ROC analysis for survival: 41.5% (<1 yr) and 67.5% (≥1 yr). The mortality rate above this level was 3.3% (<1 yr) and 9.5% (≥1 yr), and below this level 41.7% (<1 yr) and 32.2% (≥1 yr); OR 18.8 (1.74 to 1005.02), p = 0.0047, and OR 4.46 (1.54 to 14.89), p = 0.003. In children <1 yr with antithrombin levels <41.5% the rate of respiratory failure (66.7%) was significantly higher than in patients with antithrombin levels above this threshold level (23.3%), OR 6.23 (1.23 to 37.81), p = 0.0132. In children ≥1 yr, both liver failure (20.3% vs 1.6%, OR 15.55 (2.16 to 685.01), p = 0.0008) and a dysfunctional intestinal tract (16.9% vs 4.8%, OR 4.04 (0.97 to 24.08), p = 0.0395) occurred more frequently above the antithrombin threshold level of 67.5%. Conclusion In pediatric septic patients, significantly increased mortality and levels of organ failure were found below an age-dependent antithrombin threshold level. Antithrombin could be useful as a prognostic marker for survival and occurrence of organ failure in pediatric sepsis
Middle to late Eocene paleoenvironmental changes in a marine transgressive sequence from the northern Tethyan margin (Adelholzen, Germany)
The northern Tethyan margin is a key region for determining environmental changes associated with the collision of continental and oceanic tectonic plates and Alpine orogeny. Herein we investigated Middle to Late Eocene neritic to bathyal sediments deposited during an interval of unstable climatic conditions. In order to quantify paleoenvironmental changes, we developed a detailed age model based on biozonations of planktic foraminifera, calcareous nannoplankton, and larger benthic foraminifera. The section at Adelholzen covers the almost complete Lutetian Stage (calcareous nannoplankton zones NP15a-16, planktic foraminifera zones E8-11, shallow benthic (foraminifera) zones SBZ13-15) and large parts of the Priabonian Stage (NP18-20, E14/15), while the intermediate Bartonian Stage (NP17) is completely missing. Foraminiferal, calcareous nannoplankton, and macrofossil assemblages were analyzed for changes in paleo-water depth, mixing and stratification, paleo-primary productivity (pPP), food supply, and bottom water oxygenation. Paleo-water depth estimates range from 50 m (middle neritic, early Lutetian) to nearly 500 m (upper bathyal, late Priabonian). The combination of assemblage composition, planktic and benthic foraminiferal accumulation rates, and derived parameters (carbon-flux to sea floor, pPP) enabled us to identify a series of distinct paleoceanographic events of at least regional significance. Such events are characterized by considerable changes in primary productivity or reduced bottom water ventilation. Calculated pPP-values indicate oligotrophic conditions throughout
HVEM Signalling Promotes Colitis
Tumor necrosis factor super family (TNFSF) members regulate important processes involved in cell proliferation, survival and differentiation and are therefore crucial for the balance between homeostasis and inflammatory responses. Several members of the TNFSF are closely associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Thus, they represent interesting new targets for therapeutic treatment of IBD.
Methodology/Principal Findings
We have used mice deficient in TNFSF member HVEM in experimental models of IBD to investigate its role in the disease process. Two models of IBD were employed: i) chemical-induced colitis primarily mediated by innate immune cells; and ii) colitis initiated by CD4+CD45RBhigh T cells following their transfer into immuno-deficient RAG1-/- hosts. In both models of disease the absence of HVEM resulted in a significant reduction in colitis and inflammatory cytokine production.
These data show that HVEM stimulatory signals promote experimental colitis driven by innate or adaptive immune cells
Prdm5 Regulates Collagen Gene Transcription by Association with RNA Polymerase II in Developing Bone
PRDM family members are transcriptional regulators involved in tissue specific differentiation. PRDM5 has been reported to predominantly repress transcription, but a characterization of its molecular functions in a relevant biological context is lacking. We demonstrate here that Prdm5 is highly expressed in developing bones; and, by genome-wide mapping of Prdm5 occupancy in pre-osteoblastic cells, we uncover a novel and unique role for Prdm5 in targeting all mouse collagen genes as well as several SLRP proteoglycan genes. In particular, we show that Prdm5 controls both Collagen I transcription and fibrillogenesis by binding inside the Col1a1 gene body and maintaining RNA polymerase II occupancy. In vivo, Prdm5 loss results in delayed ossification involving a pronounced impairment in the assembly of fibrillar collagens. Collectively, our results define a novel role for Prdm5 in sustaining the transcriptional program necessary to the proper assembly of osteoblastic extracellular matrix
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