309 research outputs found

    Іван Франко і скандинавські літератури

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     The article highlights facts of relations between Ukrainian and other classical literatures, represented in I. Franko’s works. Some communicative and typological links were found, both in theoretic literary studies by Franko and in creative modes and controversies of his “Jay’s wing” (“Soychyne krylo”) compared to the story “Pan” by Knut Hamsun. It supplies the basis for tracing patriotic and international aspects of cultural progress in the examined works by I.Franko: gnoseological, axiological, demiurgic and communicative.У статті досліджено актуальність і специфіку розвитку однієї з граней міжнародних зв’язків української класичної літератури зі світовою, явлених у скандинавському спадку І. Франка. Вивчено генетично-контактні та типологічні зв’язки, наявні в теоретико-літературознавчих працях митця й у творчих перегуках і контроверсіях “Сойчиного крила” І. Франка і повісті “Пан” Кнута Гамсуна. Це дає підстави простежити, як у скандинавському доробку українського автора залучені патріотичний та інтернаціональний аспекти прогресу культури: пізнавальний (гносеологічний), ціннісний (аксіологічний), творчий (деміургічний) і комунікативний

    Теоретические основы развития у студентов иноязычной социокультурной компетенции

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    Стаття присвячена проблемі формування англомовної соціокультурної компетенції у студентів немовних спеціальностей. Різнобічні аспекти зазначеної проблеми аналізуються з позиції широко розповсюдженого в методиці підходу до міжкультурної комунікації як діалогу представників двох культур, двох націй. Визначено компоненти і структуру соціокультурної компетенції, уточнено загальні вимоги до навчальних матеріалів культурно-країнознавчого характеру.The paper discusses the development of the English-language social and cultural competence of student from non-linguistic majors. The major aspects of this problem are analyzed on the base of widely used approach to intercultural communication as a dialogue between two cultures, two nations. The paper defines the components and structure of social and cultural competence, identifies general requirements to the study materials on culture and country studies.Статья посвящена проблеме формирования англоязычной социокультурной компетенции студентов неязыковых специальностей. Основные аспекты данной проблемы анализируются с позиции широко распростаненного в методике подхода к межкультурной коммуникации как диалогу представителей двух культур, двух наций. Определены компоненты и структура социокультурной компетенции, уточнены общие требования к учебным материалам культурно-страноведческого характера

    Upgrading the Institutional Structure Managing the Development of a Comprehensive Strategy for Socio-economic Development and its Implementation

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    The ways of improvement of process control strategy development of complex socio-economic development. A basic form of production for the entire national complex that would structurally defining the nature and would become one of the main sources that increase the level of economic development of a region and the state as a whole.Обґрунтовано напрями удосконалення управління процесом розробки стратегії комплексного соціальнокономічного розвитку регіону. Запропоновано сформувати базові виробництва для всього національного комплексу, які б мали структурно-визначальний характер та стали б одним із головних джерел, що підвищують рівень економічногорозвитку як окремого регіону, так і держави в цілому.Обоснованы направления совершенствования управления процессом разработки стратегии комплексного социально-экономического развития региона. Предложено сформировать базовые производства для всего национального комплекса, которые должны иметь структурно-определяющий характер и стали бы одним из главных источников, повышающие уровень экономического развития как отдельного региона, так и государства в целом

    Socio-legal regulation of family relations: current state and prospects of development

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    during the crisis of the traditional family important to study the methods and techniques of social regulation of family relations in the contemporary reality. Special attention is paid to the legal regulation of having in my opinion the fundamental nature of the general system of social regulation, its value in the preservation of traditional family values, moral

    Ways of solving the ferroresonance problem in networks with isolated neutral poin

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    Sensory organization of postural control after long term space flight

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    BackgroundAlterations in motor control systems is an inevitable consequence of space flights of any duration. After the flight, the crew-members have significant difficulties with maintaining upright balance and locomotion, which last several days following landing. At the same time, the specific mechanisms of these effects remain unclear.ObjectivesThe aim of the study was to assess effects of long-term space flight on postural control and to define the changes of sensory organization caused by microgravity.Methods33 cosmonauts of Russian Space Agency, the members of International Space Station (ISS) flights of duration between 166 and 196 days took part in this study. Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP) tests, which include assessment of visual, proprioceptive and vestibular function in postural stability, was performed twice before the flight and on the 3rd, 7th, and 10th days after landing. The video analysis of ankle and hip joints fluctuations was performed to investigate the basis of postural changes.ResultsExposure to long-term space flight was followed by considerable changes of postural stability (−27% of Equilibrium Score value in the most complicated test, SOT5m). Changes in postural strategies to maintain balance were observed in the tests which provide the challenge for vestibular system. In particular, increased hip joint involvement (+100% in median value and +135% in 3rd quartile of hip angle fluctuation RMS in SOT5m) into postural control process was revealed.ConclusionDecrease of postural stability after long-term space flight was associated with alterations in vestibular system and biomechanically was revealed by increased hip strategy which is less accurate, but simpler in terms of the central control

    Communicative search for a way out of the impasse in cross-cultural communication: conditions for narrowing the "gaps" between the languages

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    The paper addresses the issue of linguistic differences in cross-cultural communication and discusses communicative strategies that could be used to mitigate them. The authors argue that lingua-didactic multicultural education can help remove the main obstacle in the traditional teaching of Russian as a foreign language (RFL) - a "clash of cultures"; and not only can introduce a model of teaching to write, read, and speak in Russian, but can also offer a system of instruction that will allow the students to understand the way Russians think, which surely would make it easier for them to "translate" a text from one culture into another in a non-native "cultural environment" providing a polylingual format for interactio


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    The combined method of braking system technical condition control by means of vehicles testing on the brake diagnostic stands equipped with the roller drums and «Bosch» KTS 520 system tester is considered

    And yet it moves: Recovery of volitional control after spinal cord injury

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    Preclinical and clinical neurophysiological and neurorehabilitation research has generated rather surprising levels of recovery of volitional sensory-motor function in persons with chronic motor paralysis following a spinal cord injury. The key factor in this recovery is largely activity-dependent plasticity of spinal and supraspinal networks. This key factor can be triggered by neuromodulation of these networks with electrical and pharmacological interventions. This review addresses some of the systems-level physiological mechanisms that might explain the effects of electrical modulation and how repetitive training facilitates the recovery of volitional motor control. In particular, we substantiate the hypotheses that: (1) in the majority of spinal lesions, a critical number and type of neurons in the region of the injury survive, but cannot conduct action potentials, and thus are electrically non-responsive; (2) these neuronal networks within the lesioned area can be neuromodulated to a transformed state of electrical competency; (3) these two factors enable the potential for extensive activity-dependent reorganization of neuronal networks in the spinal cord and brain, and (4) propriospinal networks play a critical role in driving this activity-dependent reorganization after injury. Real-time proprioceptive input to spinal networks provides the template for reorganization of spinal networks that play a leading role in the level of coordination of motor pools required to perform a given functional task. Repetitive exposure of multi-segmental sensory-motor networks to the dynamics of task-specific sensory input as occurs with repetitive training can functionally reshape spinal and supraspinal connectivity thus re-enabling one to perform complex motor tasks, even years post injury