7 research outputs found

    Dysautonomia in a Bitch with Hypothyroidism

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    Background: Thyroid hormones have important effects on the cardiovascular system, of which the main ones are the increase in the heart response to the autonomic sympathetic nervous system. Heart rate variability is a non-invasive method of assessing autonomic heart modulation, thus being an important form of evaluation in patients with thyroid dysfunctions. This study aimed to report electrocardiographic and heart rate variability data of a dog with hypothyroidism that presented a parasympathetic dysfunction.Case: A 7-year-old female Dalmatian dog was admitted for clinical evaluation in Fortaleza, Brazil. According to the owner, she had been apathetic for a year, had gained weight, always had a sad expression, and her hair was generally brittle and opaque. On physical examination, skin lesions were observed at the end of the spine, extending to the tail region, with the latter showing total alopecia. Low T4 levels confirmed the diagnosis of primary hypothyroidism. Then, a 24-h Holter monitoring was performed, which showed that the animal had sinus arrhythmia associated with moments of second-degree sinoatrial block and rare moments of sinus tachycardia. In addition, moments of premature multifocal ventricular extrasystoles and 1st-degree atrioventricular block were observed. Based on the Holter results, heart rate variability (HRV) was calculated. Regarding the HRV in the frequency domain, 32.16 was obtained in the low frequency (LF) band, 67.84 in the high frequency (HF) band, and the LF / HF ratio was 0.46, with a total power of 5205. As for the HRV in the time domain, RMSSD was 117, pNN50 was 62.64 and SDNN was 384. This showed an increase in the parasympathetic activity of the heart and, due to this increased activity, a second-degree sinoatrial block occurred, which is a sinus function disturbance resulting from the exacerbated parasympathetic activity.Discussion: Beta-adrenergic receptors have their expression and activity altered by thyroid hormones. The sympathetic stimulation on the heart through the activation of these receptors originates a positive inotropic, lusitropic, dromotropic and chronotropic effect. Therefore, in the absence of thyroid hormones, there is a decrease in this stimulation, thus allowing a preponderant parasympathetic tone. In the present report, the increase in the parasympathetic tonus, observed in hypothyroidism, resulted in a reduction in the frequency of sinus firing, slowing of intranodal and sinoatrial conduction, and shortening of the effective refractory period, a combination of factors that led to decreased HR observed in the Holter monitoring. Previous studies have shown that thyroid hormones increase sympathetic activity, mainly in the heart, since they do not act by increasing the production or release of catecholamines, but rather increasing catecholamine response on the heart, due to a positive regulation of Ca2+-ATPase channels of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and beta1-adrenergic receptors. Thus, the observed result was already expected, because in hypothyroidism there is a decrease in these hormones that increase the sympathetic activity on the heart and so, the parasympathetic tone was very evident. The study of heart rate variability allows the simple assessment of the autonomic nervous system imbalance, and may be extremely important in the follow-up of diseases that affect this balance, such as hypothyroidism. Hence, more studies are required to verify the effect of such diseases on heart rate variability, aiming to define associations between the diseases and the alterations, as well as to define parameters of normality for such examinations

    Cytotoxicity and DNA damage in the neutrophils of patients with sickle cell anaemia treated with hydroxyurea

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    A hidroxiuréia (HU) constitui o avanço mais importante no tratamento da anemia falciforme (AF) por prevenir complicações e aumentar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Entretanto, alguns aspectos do tratamento com HU permanecem obscuros, incluindo a sua ação e potencial toxicidade em outras células sanguíneas, tais como neutrófilos. Este estudo utilizou a mensuração da lactato desidrogenase (LDH) e do metil tiazoltetrazólio (MTT) e o ensaio do cometa para investigar a citotoxicidade e índice de dano (ID) ao DNA em neutrófilos de pacientes com AF em uso do medicamento. Nos ensaios de LDH e MTT, observou-se além de ausência de toxicidade, uma ação citoprotetora no grupo de pacientes tratados, Grupo SSHU (n=21, 11 mulheres e 10 homens, com idades entre 19-63 anos), quando comparados aos pacientes sem tratamento, Grupo SS (n=20, 13 mulheres e 07 homens, 18-69 anos), e grupo de indivíduos saudáveis (AA) usado como controle (n=52, 28 mulheres e 24 homens, 19-60 anos), com redução significativa (pHydroxyurea (HU) is the most important advance in the treatment of sickle cell anaemia (SCA) for preventing complications and improving quality of life for patients. However, some aspects of treatment with HU remain unclear, including their effect on and potential toxicity to other blood cells such as neutrophils. This study used the measurement of Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) and Methyl ThiazolTetrazolium (MTT) and the comet assay to investigate the cytotoxicity and damage index (DI) of the DNA in the neutrophils of patients with SCA using HU.In the LDH and MTT assays, a cytoprotective effect was observed in the group of patients treated, as well as an absence of toxicity. When compared to patients without the treatment, the SS group (n=20, 13 women and 07 men, aged 18-69 years), and the group of healthy individuals (AA) used as a control group (n=52, 28 women and 24 men, aged 19-60 years), The SSHU group (n=21, 11 women and 10 men, aged 19-63 years) showed a significant reduction (

    Immunodominant antibody responses directed to SARS-CoV-2 hotspot mutation sites and risk of immune escape

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    IntroductionConsidering the likely need for the development of novel effective vaccines adapted to emerging relevant CoV-2 variants, the increasing knowledge of epitope recognition profile among convalescents and afterwards vaccinated with identification of immunodominant regions may provide important information.MethodsWe used an RBD peptide microarray to identify IgG and IgA binding regions in serum of 71 COVID-19 convalescents and 18 vaccinated individuals. ResultsWe found a set of immunodominant RBD antibody epitopes, each recognized by more than 30% of the tested cohort, that differ among the two different groups and are within conserved regions among betacoronavirus. Of those, only one peptide, P44 (S415-429), recognized by 68% of convalescents, presented IgG and IgA antibody reactivity that positively correlated with nAb titers, suggesting that this is a relevant RBD region and a potential target of IgG/IgA neutralizing activity.DiscussionThis peptide is localized within the area of contact with ACE-2 and harbors the mutation hotspot site K417 present in gamma (K417T), beta (K417N), and omicron (K417N) variants of concern. The epitope profile of vaccinated individuals differed from convalescents, with a more diverse repertoire of immunodominant peptides, recognized by more than 30% of the cohort. Noteworthy, immunodominant regions of recognition by vaccinated coincide with mutation sites at Omicron BA.1, an important variant emerging after massive vaccination. Together, our data show that immune pressure induced by dominant antibody responses may favor hotspot mutation sites and the selection of variants capable of evading humoral response

    Cytotoxicity and DNA damage in the neutrophils of patients with sickle cell anaemia treated with hydroxyurea

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    Hydroxyurea (HU) is the most important advance in the treatment of sickle cell anaemia (SCA) for preventing complications and improving quality of life for patients. However, some aspects of treatment with HU remain unclear, including their effect on and potential toxicity to other blood cells such as neutrophils. This study used the measurement of Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) and Methyl ThiazolTetrazolium (MTT) and the comet assay to investigate the cytotoxicity and damage index (DI) of the DNA in the neutrophils of patients with SCA using HU.In the LDH and MTT assays, a cytoprotective effect was observed in the group of patients treated, as well as an absence of toxicity. When compared to patients without the treatment, the SS group (n=20, 13 women and 07 men, aged 18-69 years), and the group of healthy individuals (AA) used as a control group (n=52, 28 women and 24 men, aged 19-60 years), The SSHU group (n=21, 11 women and 10 men, aged 19-63 years) showed a significant reduction (p20 months), demonstrating that despite the cytoprotective effects in terms of cell viability, the use of HU can induce DNA damage in neutrophils

    Cytotoxicity and DNA damage in the neutrophils of patients with sickle cell anaemia treated with hydroxyurea

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    Hydroxyurea (HU) is the most important advance in the treatment of sickle cell anaemia (SCA) for preventing complications and improving quality of life for patients. However, some aspects of treatment with HU remain unclear, including their effect on and potential toxicity to other blood cells such as neutrophils. This study used the measurement of Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) and Methyl ThiazolTetrazolium (MTT) and the comet assay to investigate the cytotoxicity and damage index (DI) of the DNA in the neutrophils of patients with SCA using HU.In the LDH and MTT assays, a cytoprotective effect was observed in the group of patients treated, as well as an absence of toxicity. When compared to patients without the treatment, the SS group (n=20, 13 women and 07 men, aged 18-69 years), and the group of healthy individuals (AA) used as a control group (n=52, 28 women and 24 men, aged 19-60 years), The SSHU group (n=21, 11 women and 10 men, aged 19-63 years) showed a significant reduction (p20 months), demonstrating that despite the cytoprotective effects in terms of cell viability, the use of HU can induce DNA damage in neutrophils