15 research outputs found

    Transfer Pengetahuan Stunting: Dampak dan Pecegahannya di Kelurahan Dul dengan Menggunakan Multimedia Presentasi Interaktif

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    Stunting is a fairly complex health problem in Indonesia. This was also experienced by the Bangka Belitung Islands province, specifically the Dul Village, Pangkal Baru District, Central Bangka Regency. The prevalence of stunting in the province of Bangka Belitung reaches 27% of the stunting rate owned by Indonesia, which is 30%. Overcoming this problem is the provision of knowledge to the public using appropriate media. The abstract nature of stunting material requires proper media in the process of transferring knowledge. The result of this activity is the level of understanding of the people who take part in the high socialisa- tion. This is evidenced by the difference between the posttest and pretest scores of 60. The conclusion of this activity is that the process of transferring knowledge about stunting, its impact and prevention is appropriate and effective

    An Error Analysis in English Department Students’ Narrative Essay

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    This study reveals a common error in English department students writing in Indonesia, particularly in one of the private universities in Padang by extracting 25 narrative essays written by the students. The respondents are English department students of STBA Prayoga who are in the fourth semester. This research is conducted to identify the most common grammatical errors within 25 essays that were submitted as writing assignments. They were 16 women and 9 men students in the fourth semester in essay writing subject. The data were collected and identified the errors. The errors are classified into several categories and presented in frequency and percentage. The research results show that one of the most errors in students’ writing is errors in word usage and followed by errors in tense, 38%, and 28% respectively. Meanwhile, errors in using article, preposition, and conjunction are the same percentage, 8%. This research result has good potential for the students and lecturers in the future to identify and use another method in learning and teaching English.&nbsp

    Tertiary EFL Female and Male Students’ Perception in Speaking Class: Gender-based Violence Issue

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    Exploring how stories of gender-based violence boost students’ speaking. This article focuses on student’s experiences and captures phenomena of gender inequality, including sexual violence and domestic violence in the that may affect speaking . This study was implemented in the second semester for English literature students. The topic of gender violence was discussed in 14 meetings  to tell stories related to gender issues. This research results show that females and males have different perspectives the implementation of gender-based context in speaking class. The majority of females excited in learning English through social issues, particularly on gender violence matters. However, males prefer to discuss other topics relevant to males’ issues, and the learners do not really enjoy discussing the topics provided. All respondents agree that gender-based violence can boost students’ motivation in speaking and their critical thinking because the learners were encouraged to tell stories experience-based, and the pupils more aware violence. This contributes to a new insight for education field in distinguish two different perceptions for two sexes, particularly for educators, educational experts, and relevant stakeholders. Thereby, they can try to implement gender topics in teaching and learning process

    Pengaruh Media Sosial Terhadap Akhlakul Karimah Remaja Desa Air Gegas

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    Adolescence is a period that shows the nature of the transition from childhood to adolescence. Social media has a huge impact on the morals of teenagers today. Simple examples are not uncommon for teenagers' daily activities to be shared via social media. As is evident in Air Gegas Village, they are accustomed to being educated and nurtured by their parents to do, namely good deeds (behavior), but on the other hand, there are still some teenagers who have bad morals. So that it can result in them being influenced by the social media they use in everyday life without any direct filter from parents. Because the impact of that action can affect the morals of a teenager. This research uses quantitative methods. This research will also measure the level of use of social media. Akhlakul karimah in Air Gegas village increased by a value of 956. This shows that the existing Social Media variables contribute positively to morals, so that the more complete social media is, the more akhlakul karimah teenagers in Air Gegas Village will increase. There is an influence of social media on the morals of teenagers in Air Gegas Village. Remaja merupakan masa yang menunjukkan sifat transisi dari kanak-kanak menjadi remaja. Media sosial membawa dampak sangat besar terhadap akhlakul karimah remaja di masa sekarang.  Contoh sederhana tidak jarang aktivitas sehari-hari remaja di bagikan lewat media sosial. Seperti yang nyata terjadi di Desa Air Gegas, mereka terbiasa dididik dan diasuh oleh kedua orang tuanya untuk melakukan, yakni perbuatan (perilaku) yang baik, namun disisi yang lain, masih terdapat beberapa remaja yang memiliki akhlak yang kurang baik. Sehingga dapat mengakibatkan mereka terpengaruh oleh media sosial yang digunakannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari tanpa ada filter dari orang tua secara langsung. Dampak yang ditimbulkan dari perbuatan itu dapat mempengaruhi akhlakul karimah seorang remaja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Kuantitatif.Penelitian ini dilakukan akan diukur pula tingkat penggunaan media social. akhlakul karimah desa Air Gegas meningkat sebesar nilai 956. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa variabel Media Sosial yang ada berkontribusi positif bagi akhlakul karimah, sehingga makin komplet Media Sosial, makin meningkat pula akhlakul karimah remaja Desa Air Gegas.Ada pengaruh media sosial terhadap akhlakul karimah remaja desa Air Gegas. &nbsp

    Efficacy of Platelet-Rich Fibrin as Regenerative Periodontal Tissue in Chronic Periodontitis: A Case Report

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    Background: One of the pertinent challenges the periodontists face today is the regeneration of periodontal tissue because of its complex structure. Periodontal tissue damage is characterized by bone and soft tissue loss. At present, one of the recommended materials for regeneration is PRF or platelet-rich fibrin. It is a regeneration material containing growth factors, prepared from the patient’s own blood, that can be used as a membrane. Objective: To see the efficacy of healing periodontal tissue using the addition of PRF. Method: A 31-year-old woman presented to the Department of Periodontology of Hasanuddin University Dental and Oral Hospital with the chief complaint of elongated teeth that often bled. Intraoral examination showed pocket depths of 6 mm and 5 mm in teeth 32 and 42, respectively. Radiographs showed radiolucent features in lower anterior teeth with horizontal bone loss. Chronic periodontitis of 32 and 42. Therapeutic intervention included initial therapy by scaling and root planning, followed by flap operation and regenerative therapy with PRF, membrane and bone graft. Results: One week post regenerative therapy with PRF, the clinical appearance seemed better and there was no complaint from the patient. Conclusion: The addition of PRF to periodontal surgery as a regenerative therapy can accelerate healing in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. Keywords: flap operation, platelet rich-fibrin, tissue regeneratio


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    This research aims to find out, analyze the Influence of Local Taxes and Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) on Regional Development. To find out and analyze the Influence of Local Taxes and Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) on Regional Development, this study was conducted at the Central Java Provincial Statistics Agency.  The study used multiple linear regression analysis methods to determine the effect of independent variables on dependent variables. The methodology used is a quantitative associative method in the form of data data and figures based on reports of Local Tax revenue and Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) and Regional Development from 2015 to 2019. The statistical methods used are simple linear regression tests, multiple regression tests, correlation tests, determination coefficient tests, t tests, and f tests. The results showed that partially the Regional Tax and Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) had no effect and no significant effect on Regional Development. Simultaneously The Regional Tax and Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) have no effect and are insignificant on Regional Development.Keywords: Local Taxes;  Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP); Regional Development.

    Fungsi Ginjal Pasien Thalassemia Mayor yang Mendapatkan Kelasi Besi Oral

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    Latar belakang. Peningkatan angka kelangsungan hidup pasien thalassemia menyebabkan terdeteksinya berbagai penyakit komorbid termasuk komplikasi pada ginjal. Anemia kronis, kelebihan besi, dan pemakaian kelasi besi, terutama kelasi besi oral diduga berpengaruh pada fungsi ginjal. Berbagai derajat disfungsi tubular dan abnormalitas laju filtrasi glomerulus (LFG) dideteksi dengan berbagai macam pemeriksaan. Tujuan. Membandingkan laju filtrasi ginjal (tubulus dan glomerulus) pada pasien thalassemia yang mendapatkan kelasi besi oral. Metode. Penelitian potong lintang ini dilakukan di Pusat Thalassemia RS. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta pada bulan Maret – Juli 2017. Kriteria inklusi adalah pasien thalassemia major berusia <18 tahun, dan telah mendapatkan kelasi oral minimal selama 1 tahun. Kriteria eksklusi adalah pasien telah memiliki penyakit atau kelainan ginjal sebelumnya dan menggunakan kelasi besi kombinasi. Pasien menjalani pemeriksaan hematologi, kreatinin serum, feritin serum, dan pengambilan urin pagi sewaktu untuk pemeriksaan kadar kalsium dan kreatinin urin sewaktu. Hasil. Penurunan nilai LFG pada 15 pasien deferipron (DFP) 53,6%, tetapi masih dalam batas normal, sedangkan 12 pasien deferasirox (DFX) 46,2%. Tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antara fungsi tubular ginjal yang dinilai berdasarkan rasio kalsium kreatinin urin pada pasien thalassemia yang mendapatkan DFP dibandingkan dengan DFX. Terdapat 1 (3,6%) pasien dengan hiperkalsiuria pada kelompok DFP dan 7 pasien (12,9%) dengan hiperkalsiuria pada kelompok DFX. Kesimpulan. Terdapat penurunan fungsi ginjal pada pasien yang mendapat kelasi besi oral, walaupun hal ini tidak bermakna. Pemeriksaan fungsi tubular maupun glomerular ginjal pasien thalassemia mayor perlu dinilai secara berkala, mengingat penggunaan kelasi besi jangka panjang dan cukup tingginya angka kejadian penurunan LFG dan hiperkalsiuria. Pemeriksaan rasio kalsium kreatinin urin maupun LFG perlu diukur pada saat pasien kontrol bersamaan dengan pemeriksaan kreatinin serum

    Application Of Inverted Pendulum in Laplace Transformation of Mathematics Physics

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    The Laplace transform is a technique used to convert differential equations into algebra, it is often used for the analysis of dynamic systems and inverted pendulum systems. An inverted pendulum is a mechanism that moves objects from one place to another and shows the function of its activity while walking. This system is widely used in various fields, for example in the fields of robotics, industry, technology and organics. In an inverted pendulum there is an inverted pendulum dynamic system with a reading and driving force. The type of research used is pure research with quantitative methods, the aim is to develop science that aims to find new theories and develop existing theories in natural science. The results of the study show that using the Laplace transform can make it easier to find solutions regarding the inverted pendulum system for a variety of conditions, both in the initial conditions and when given an additional force or load, so it is concluded the application of the Laplace transform is useful for understanding how an inverted pendulum system will react to various forces, loads and initial conditions, which can be used to predict how the system will operate in the real world.The Laplace transform is a technique used to convert differential equations into algebra, it is often used for the analysis of dynamic systems and inverted pendulum systems. An inverted pendulum is a mechanism that moves objects from one place to another and shows the function of its activity while walking. This system is widely used in various fields, for example in the fields of robotics, industry, technology and organics. In an inverted pendulum there is an inverted pendulum dynamic system with a reading and driving force. The results of the study show that using the Laplace transform can make it easier to find solutions regarding the inverted pendulum system for a variety of conditions, both in the initial conditions and when given an additional force or load. The application of the Laplace transform is useful for understanding how an inverted pendulum system will react to various forces, loads and initial conditions, which can be used to predict how the system will operate in the real worl