Transfer Pengetahuan Stunting: Dampak dan Pecegahannya di Kelurahan Dul dengan Menggunakan Multimedia Presentasi Interaktif


Stunting is a fairly complex health problem in Indonesia. This was also experienced by the Bangka Belitung Islands province, specifically the Dul Village, Pangkal Baru District, Central Bangka Regency. The prevalence of stunting in the province of Bangka Belitung reaches 27% of the stunting rate owned by Indonesia, which is 30%. Overcoming this problem is the provision of knowledge to the public using appropriate media. The abstract nature of stunting material requires proper media in the process of transferring knowledge. The result of this activity is the level of understanding of the people who take part in the high socialisa- tion. This is evidenced by the difference between the posttest and pretest scores of 60. The conclusion of this activity is that the process of transferring knowledge about stunting, its impact and prevention is appropriate and effective

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