20 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Seiring dengan berkembangnya kota Yogyakarta sebagai kota pariwisata dan kota pelajar, tumbuh berkembanglah fasilitas rumah makan, restoran atau industri makanan berskala rumah tangga. Tangki septik (septic tank) merupakan bangunan pengolah limbah sistem on site yang banyak dipilih, baik oleh rumah tangga (pemukiman) sektor kegialan penunjang pariwisata di alas. Pertimbangan pemilihan umumnya dilatarbelakangi oleh beberapa kelebihan dan kemudahannya. Di luar kelebihan yang ada pada tangki septik dan sistem resapannya ditemui kekurangannya, yaitu bahwa sistem tangki septik dan resapan belum tentu cocok diterapkan pada daerah dengan air tanah yang tinggi. dan kondisi lingkungan tanah yang tidak porous. Dalam sludi ini diteliti penanganan alternatif sistem resapan yaitu dengan menggunakan anaerobic upflow filter dan bak aerasi untuk mengolah lebih lanjut efluen tangki septik tersebut. Model upflow filter dan bak aerasi di laboratorium, dicobakan untuk mengolah air limbah dari industri rumah makan. Percobaan aerasi dilakukan untuk beberapa periode aerasi, percobaan upflow filter dilaksanakan untuk beberapa ketebalan filter dan tangki septik untuk beberapa perlakuan debit input aliran. Selanjutnya hasil percobaan laboratorium untuk pengolahan efluen tangki septik dengan menggunakan upflow filter dan bak aerasi dianalisis. dicari garis hubungan antar faktor pengaruh terhadap efisiensi pengolahan pada tiap unit proses tersebut. Anaerobic upflow filter dipandang sangat baik untuk mengolah jenis limbah organik dari rumah makan berdasarkan pertimbangan konstruksi, pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan dan dari hasil percobaan ini. Aerasi air limbah dirasa efektif untuk mengolah air limbah dengan beban organik yang tinggi dan akan tidak efektif untuk beban hidrolik rendah. Banyak hal menarik lain diperoleh dari percobaan .,

    Identification of Water Quality Significant Parameter with Two Transformation/Standardization Methods on Principal Component Analysis and Scilab Software

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    Water quality monitoring is prone to encounter error on its recording or measuring process. The monitoring on river water quality not only aims to recognize the water quality dynamic, but also to evaluate the data to create river management policy and water pollution in order to maintain the continuity of human health or sanitation requirement, and biodiversity preservation. Evaluation on water quality monitoring needs to be started by identifying the important water quality parameter. This research objected to identify the significant parameters by using two transformation or standardization methods on water quality data, which are the river Water Quality Index, WQI (Indeks Kualitas Air, Sungai, IKAs) transformation or standardization method and transformation or standardization method with mean 0 and variance 1; so that the variability of water quality parameters could be aggregated with one another. Both of the methods were applied on the water quality monitoring data which its validity and reliability have been tested. The PCA, Principal Component Analysis (Analisa Komponen Utama, AKU), with the help of Scilab software, has been used to process the secondary data on water quality parameters of Gadjah Wong river in 2004-2013, with its validity and reliability has been tested. The Scilab result was cross examined with the result from the Excel-based Biplot Add In software. The research result showed that only 18 from total 35 water quality parameters that have passable data quality. The two transformation or standardization data methods gave different significant parameter type and amount result. On the transformation or standardization mean 0 variances 1, there were water quality significant parameter dynamic to mean concentration of each water quality parameters, which are TDS, SO4, EC, TSS, NO3N, COD, BOD5, Grease Oil and NH3N. On the river WQI transformation or standardization, the water quality significant parameter showed the level of Gadjah Wong River pollution, which are EC, DO, BOD5, COD, NH3N, Fecal Coliform, and Total Coliform. These seven parameters is the minimal amount of water quality parameters that has to be consistently measured on predetermined time and location, and also become the indicator of human health and environment health quality. The result of Scilab multivariate analysis was not different with the result from Biplot Add In multivariate analysis, in which the results of water quality significant parameter has been verified with bio-monitoring

    INDEKS BIOTIK TINGKAT FAMILY: UPAYA AWAL PENYUSUNAN INDEKS BIOTIK UNTUK SUNGAI TROPIS INDONESIA (Famely Biotic Index : Prelimenary Establishment of Biotic Index for Indoensian Tropical Stream)

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    ABSTRAKSuatu indeks biotik dicoba dikembangkan untuk sungai tropik di Indonesia, dengan menggunakan uji penelitian di sungai Gajahwong di Yogyakarta. Variabel lingkungan yang diperoleh pada musim kemarau dan musim hujan diklasifikasikan berdasarkan lokasi sampel menurut "penurunan gradien" di sumbu I dan sumbu 2 dariAnalisis Komponen Utama (Principle Component Analysis). Tiga metode analisis digunakan untuk menghasilkan indeks biotik makroinvertebrata/ makrobenthos yang ada di sungai yang dipengaruhi oleh limbah rumah tangga dan industri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa indeks biotik yang disusun dapat digunakan sebagai indikator yang baik untuk merefleksikan kondisi habitat di sungai yang diteliti dan memberikan nilai korelasi yang baik dengan indeks lain yang menggunakan identifikasi tingkat famili. ABSTRACTA biotic index was tried to be developed for Indonesian tropical stream, taking as a test case Gajahwong Stream in Yogyakarta. Environmental variables investigated in dry season and rainy season are classified based on the sampling sites according to decreasing gradient in axis 1 and axis 2 of Principal Component Analysis. Three metrics were used to derive the tolerance value of macroinvertebrates assemblages in stream affected by municipal and industrial waste.  The result showed that the tolerance values derived is a good indicator in reflecting the habitat condition in the study stream and have good relationship to the other index of family level identification.


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    Liquid waste generated by various activities in the hospital environment has the potential to pollute the environment if the parameters contained in it exceeds the specified quality standards. Parameters that most often exceeded the quality standard is phosphate (PO43-). Phosphate which exceeds the limit of 2 mg/L may affect the balance of aquatic ecosystems. One way to lower phosphate levels is using the coagulation flocculation process. This study aims to uncover the root cause of high levels of phosphate and recommendations for decline it and propose to install coagulation flocculation units.Research methodology starts from search and identification of phosphate levels of various source of phosphate in the hospital environment, from sump pit Dapur (Kitchen), sump pit Poli (Polyclinic), sump pit Lucas, sump pit Biara (Monastery), sump pit Genset and sump pit Carolus. Then doing the jar test in coagulation flocculation process using coagulant that is alum and lime with rapid stirring for 60 seconds and slow stirring for 15 minutes. Jar test was used to determine the optimal dose of coagulant for alum dose range between 50-150 (mg/L) and lime between 75-125 (mg/L). Coagulation flocculation units will be built on the largest phosphate producer with sampling as much as 6 times to determine the fluctuations of phosphate. Lab test of phosphate levels were performed using the spectrophotometric of SnCl2 method.The study data include phosphate levels from source of phosphate and phosphate fluctuations in the greatest source. Based on the results the largest source from pond Elisabeth. Jar test process is done by sampling as much as a liter of waste water taken from pond Elisabeth with total discharge of 26,640 L/day. Showed that the initial Phosphate of maximum from 7,1 mg/L decreased to 1,73 mg/L (75,63%) if given the alum dose of 50 mg/L and lime 125 mg/L which generates as much as 7,049 kg of sludge per day. Phosphate of average from 4,58 mg/L decreased to 0,73 mg/L (84,06%) with alum as much as 50 mg/L and lime as much as 75 mg/L which produces sludge as much as 5,378 kg/day. Phosphate of minimum from 2,23 mg/L decreased to 0,14 mg/L (93,72%) if given the alum dose of 50 mg/L and lime 75 mg/L with sludge as much as 4,931 kg/day

    Analysis of the Carrying Capacity and the Total Maximum Daily Loads of the Karang Mumus Sub-watershed in Samarinda City Using the WASP Method

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    Watershed is a multi-aspect ecological system, which functions as a source of water resources, in order to meet daily needs. It also motivates both economical and life matters, as well as serve as a sanitary channel for the surrounding community. Watershed also generates pollutants, which are known to potentially cause a decrease in river water quality. The degradation of river habitats that are caused by high pollutants penetration into the water body, decreases the capacity to carry out self-purification of toxic loads. The water pollutant load-carrying capacity is then calculated through various methods, one of which is the use of a computerized numerical modeling simulation called WASP (Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program). This method was developed by the ES-EPA, in order to process TMDLs (Total Maximum Daily Loads) data on river bodies, as well as examine each part of the water quality, based on spatial and temporal inputs. This study was conducted at the Karang Mumus Sub-watershed flowing through the centre of Samarinda City, with aims to determine the pollutants' carrying capacity, existing load, and toxic waste allocation, via the use of the BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) technique as a parameter of water quality. The calculation was carried out by segmenting the river into five parts, based on the number of districts it passes through, during pollutant loads inventory. The WASP modeling simulation showed that the total pollutant load-carrying capacity of the whole segments was 5,670 kg/day. It also showed the existing loads of about 3,605 kg/day, with the margin having the ability to receive pollutants at 2,065 kg/day. Moreover, the allocation of pollutant loads varies for each segment, with 2, 3, and 4 observed to reduce the pollutant by 390, 220, and 10 kg/day, respectively. However, segments 1 and 5 were still allowed to receive pollutant loads up to 1,740 and 945 kg/day, respectively

    COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT WITH URBAN RIVER IMPROVEMENT: THE CASE OF YOGYAKARTA CITY (Melibatkan Masyarakat dalam Memperbaiki Lingkungan Sungai Perkotaan : Kasus Kota Yogyakarta)

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    ABSTRACTThe restoration of urban rivers has shifted from predominantly physical and ecological to community oriented social and economic improvement. Community engagement is needed in the people approach of development. Information sharing and public consultation are not enough. A case study among the riverside communities living in Yogyakarta city indicated that these communities need to move out of poverty and destitution through coaching and mentoring by various experts, and at the same time they would assure the ecosystem functioning of urban rivers. ABSTRACTRestorasi sungai-sungai perkotaan telah bergeser dari peningkatan fisik dan ekologis menjadi lebih berorientasi pada sosial dan ekonomi. Keterlibatan masyarakat dibutuhkan dalam pendekatan manusiawi pembangunan. Pemberian informasi dan konsultasi public tidak cukup studi kasus pada komunitas-komunitas yang hidup di pinggir sungai di kota Yogyakarta menunjukkan bahwa komunitas tersebut perlu mengentaskan diri dari kemiskinan dan keterbelaknagn dengan bantuan ahli, dan pada saat yang sama menjaga fungsi ekosistem sungai-sungai perkotaan


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    The availability of clean water still poses problems in Indonesia. The need of clean water for Sambas City people still depends on river water. This river water comes from Sambas River which has bright yellow color (73.6 TCU), exceeding the allowed maximum level for clean water in accordance with the Regulation of Health Affairs No.416/MEN.KES/PER/IX/1990, which is 50 TCU, with low turbidity (23.3 TCU) and low pH (4.34). The characteristics of this river water indicate that the water color of Sambas River is true color. Level of this type of water color can be degraded by adsorption process using activated charcoal. It is easy to find raw materials of activated charcoal from waste sources containing carbon in Indonesia, especially West Kalimantan, such as bagasse, wood chips and coconut shell. Therefore, this research was conducted to identify the influence of activated charcoal types of bagasse, wood chips and coconut shell which are used as adsorbent to adsorp the color of Sambas river water and to identify the optimum dosage and duration of the process.Activated charcoal was made of bagasse, wood chip and coconut shell through pyrolysis process at a temperature of 5000C for 3.5 hours followed by chemical activation process using H3PO4 5% for 24 hours. The water was from Sambas river, Tanjung Mekar Village, Sambas, West Kalimantan. The adsorption process employed various types of activated charcoal (bagasse, wood chips and coconut shell); dosage (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5%b/v); and contact time (10, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 180 minutes).The results indicated that different types of activated charcoal material in the adsorption process give different color level. The best treatment of batch process with 500 ml of Sambas river water was from the adsorption using activated charcoal of bagasse with an optimum dosage of 2% b/v and optimum contact duration of 90 minutes. It produced water color level between 50.00-52.00 TCU (meeting the standard of the Regulation of Health Affairs No.416/MEN.KES/PER/IX/1990)

    Water Quality Index Performance for River Pollution Control Based on Better Ecological Point of View (A Case Study in Code, Winongo, Gadjah Wong Streams)

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    The quality of river water quality monitoring data sometimes can be inaccurate. Evaluation of the effectiveness of water pollution control programs needs good quality data to calculate the Water Quality Index (WQI) with the aim to meet the requirement to protect biodiversity and maintain various water functions. Thirty-five water quality variables from Code, Gadjah Wong, and Winongo rivers were taken as data, conducted by Environmental Agency of Yogyakarta in 2004 – 2015. There were only 19 out of 35 water quality variables having good data after improvement of monitoring data, transformation/standardization and analysis of the significant water quality variables with PCA (Principle Component Analysis) and Factor Analysis (FA). WQIs formula in the three rivers used the same 5 significant variables i.e. EC, DO, COD, NH3N, Total Coliform, and "weighted sum index” as the sub-index aggregation technique, with different sub-index coefficients. Winongo River had the best water quality and Gajah Wong River was the worst. According to the relationship of river water discharge and WQIs index, large discharge during rainy seasons does not always decrease the level of pollution, but it tends to increase the WQIs. More effective ways to improve the stream water quality during dry seasons should further be investigated

    Analisis Pengaruh Variasi Debit Air (QL) dan Debit Gas (QG) terhadap Koefisien Transfer Oksigen (KLa) pada Performa Microbubble Generator

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    The domestic wastewater treatment plant is usually installed using anaerobic system which has the disadvantage for low conversion process and large volume required. While the effectiveness of aerobic system can be increased by high consumption of energy to supply the oxygen. This study investigates the performance of Microbubble Generator (MBG) for wastewater treatment. The MBG utilizes the hydrodinamics of wastewater flow in the nozzle to provide energy-saving aeration. In this study, the clean water non-steady state test method was selected to find the overall oxygen transfer coefficient (KLa). The experiment was conducted by increasing the concentration of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) using MBG installed with submersible pump (water discharge, QL=80 l/min) and variations of gas discharge (QG) (0.15 l/min and 0.30 l/min). The KLa average results on QL 80 l/min at QG 0.15 l/min showed 0.01996/min and at QG 0.30 l/min showed 0.02564/min. These results indicate that the greater gas discharge (QG) can produce a greater KLa value. This happens because the more air is injected into the water and forms into micro-sized bubbles, the greater the rate of transfer oxygen to the liquid phase