7 research outputs found


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    Background: Lifestyle behavior modification is a strategy in the management of obesity. The use of financial incentives is part of the external motivation in weight control programme. This intervention pattern is used to encourage healthy lifestyle behavior by providing direct rewards that depend on individual involvement in healthy lifestyle behaviors. Objective: To examine the overall effect of a study using a 6-month financial incentive intervention on weight loss control. Methods: Data were analyzed from studies reporting the use of financial incentive interventions with the resulting weight changes in the PubMed database. Then a meta-analysis was performed to assess the overall effect. Results: The meta-analysis involved a total of 13 studies. The overall effect shows that the financial incentive intervention has a significant effect on weight loss. There was a significant difference in weight loss in the group that was given financial incentive intervention for 6 months compared to the control group (SMD: -0.49; 95% CI). Statistical heterogeneity was found (I2 = 95.20%, P = 0.00). The random effects model was used in the analysis. Conclusion: There was a significant effect between the financial incentive intervention for 6 months and weight loss although heterogeneity was found between studies. Keywords: Financial Incentives, Meta-analysis, Obesit


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    Obesitas adalah epidemi yang berkembang di banyak negara, termasuk di negara-negara berkembang.  Obesitas memiliki dampak kesehatan yang serius termasuk penyakit kardiovaskular, hipertensi pulmonal, gangguan muskuloskeletal, berbagai jenis kanker, bahkan kematian. Biaya sosial dan ekonomi dari obesitas dan komorbiditas terkaitnya sangat besar dan membebani sistem perawatan kesehatan. Proses fisiologis yang mengatur berat badan dan metabolisme menjadi penyebab perjalanan peyakit obesitas, termasuk sinyal lapar dan kenyang  yang berasal dari perifer dan respon gastrointestinal terintegrasi yang dipengaruhi oleh mikrobiota usus. Mikrobiota berperan dalam perjalanan penyakt obesitas dengan mememngaruhi perolehan nutrisi, regulasi energi, dan memiliki peran penting dalam mengatur berat badan. Komposisi mikrobiota usus terbentuk dalam tahun pertama kehidupan dan terus mengalamin perubahan ke mikrobiota tipe dewasa yang diakibatkan oleh faktor inang dan faktor eksternal, termasuk efek dari mikrobiota itu sendiri, perubahan perkembangan di lingkungan usus, dan transisi ke diet orang dewasa. Triliunan bakteri yang berada di dalam saluran pencernaan manusia meningkatkan kemungkinan bahwa mikrobiota usus memiliki peran penting dalam mengatur berat badan dan mungkin ikut bertanggung jawab atas perkembangan obesitas pada beberapa orang. Artikel ini membahas peran memodifikasi mikrobiota usus dalam perjalanan penyakit dan perkembangan obesitas

    Hubungan Kualitas Tidur Remaja Selama Pandemi Covid-19 dengan Aktivitas Fisik Serta Screen-Time

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    Public health is an aspect that has shown a decline since the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, both globally and in Indonesia. Seeing these conditions, the Indonesian government has implemen­ted restrictions on community mobility, including the learning pro­cess (lectures) which must be held online. This triggers an increase in screen time among teenagers, while at the same time there is a decrease in sleep quality and low physical activity. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between sleep quality during the COVID-19 pandemic with the level of physical activity and the degree of screen time for adolescents. The objection of this research is to analyze the relationship between adolescent sleep quality during the Covid-19 pandemic with levels of physical activity and screen-time. Methods: The study used an observational approach with a cross sectional design of 185 students. The research was conducted in November 2021 at the Faculty of Medicine, Sriwijaya University. Research data collection through online questionnaires and data analysis using Chi square test. Results: This study shows the results, as many as 77.82% of students have poor sleep quality, 48.64% have low levels of physical activity and 76.22% of students show high smartphone screen-time. The bivariate test showed that there was a significant relationship between the level of physical activity and sleep quality, namely p = 0.002. However, there was no significant relationship between sleep quality and the degree of screen-time (p = 0.253). Conclusion: The level of physical activity has a significant relationship with adolescent sleep quality. Physical activity is a factor that affects teenagers in getting good quality sleep during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Studi Meta-Analisis: Hubungan antara Defisiensi Vitamin D dan Penyakit Parkinson

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    Beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi kadar 25(OH)D pada pasien penyakit Parkinson. Namun, hasil penelitian ini tidak konsisten. Penelitian ini melakukan meta-analisis terhadap kadar 25(OH)D pada pasien dengan penyakit Parkinson. Database PubMed digunakan untuk melakukan pencarian literatur secara sistematis. Meta-analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan model efek acak untuk menghitung perkiraan efek gabungan. Tujuh belas artikel dimasukkan dalam penelitian ini. Meta-analisis mengungkapkan bahwa pasien dengan penyakit Parkinson memiliki kadar 25(OH)D yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Temuan dari artikel prospektif dan retrospektif sebagian besar konsisten. Besarnya respon nocebo dalam uji coba terkontrol acak yang dirancang paralel pada penyakit Parkinson sangat penting dan harus dipertimbangkan dalam interpretasi hasil keamanan dan dalam desain dan interpretasi uji klinis masa depan.


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    Obesitas telah menjadi penyebab utama meningkatnya penyakit tidak menular. Penggunaan insentif finansial (FI) sangat mendorong gaya hidup sehat. Pola intervensi ini digunakan untuk mendorong perilaku hidup sehat yang bertujuan untuk mencegah dan mengelola penyakit kronis. Kebaruan penelitian ini yaitu meneliti secara meta analisis tentang kemanjuran pemeliharaan penurunan berat badan jangka pendek dengan intervensi insentif keuangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkonfirmasi perbedaan hasil antara studi, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji efek keseluruhan dari studi menggunakan intervensi FI pada program penurunan berat badan. Metode yang digunakan adalah Database PubMed untuk mencari data. Data diambil dari studi yang melaporkan perubahan intervensi FI dengan hasil perubahan berat badan. Hasilnya menemukan bahwa 4 studi dengan obesitas dimasukkan. Hasil gabungan menunjukkan bahwa FI berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perubahan berat badan. Terdapat perbedaan peningkatan berat badan yang signifikan pada kelompok intervensi FI dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol (SMD: -3,37; CI 95%). Heterogenitas statistik ditemukan (I2 = 99,92%, P = 0,00). Kesimpulan hasil belum menunjukkan efek menguntungkan dari FI jangka pendek selama 3 bulan pada penurunan berat badan pada pasien obesitas. Namun, heterogenitas statistik ditemukan sehingga analisis subkelompok diperlukan.Kata kunci: penurunan berat badan; obesitas; insentif finansial. AbstractObesity has become a major etiology of the increase in non-communicable diseases. The use of financial incentives (FI) has greatly encouraged a healthy lifestyle. This intervention pattern is used to encourage healthy lifestyle behaviors aimed at preventing and managing chronic diseases. The novelty of this study is to examine the meta-analysis of the efficacy of maintaining short-term weight loss with financial incentive interventions. The aim of this study was to confirm differences in results between studies, this study was conducted to examine the overall effect of studies using FI interventions on weight loss programs. The method used is the PubMed Database to search for data. Data were drawn from studies reporting changes in the FI intervention with outcome changes in body weight. The results found that 4 studies with obesity were included. The combined results show that FI has a significant effect on changes in body weight. There was a significant difference in weight gain in the FI intervention group compared to the control group (SMD: -3.37; 95% CI). Statistical heterogeneity was found (I2 = 99.92%, P = 0.00). Conclusion the results have not shown a beneficial effect of short-term FI for 3 months on weight loss in obese patients. However, statistical heterogeneity was found so that a subgroup analysis was needed

    Effects of Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy in Mice Brain Neurogenesis (Mus musculus)

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    Background: Fluoride is a type of micromineral found in teeth and bones. This mineral is also found in nature, such as in soil, water, plants, rocks, and even air. Fluoride can cross the placental barrier and diffuse into the cord blood, with a range from 60% to 91% of maternal fluoride. Maternal fluoride exposure during pregnancy and lactation can affect learning ability, memory, and expression of glutamate receptors. This study aimed to determine the effect of fluoride exposure during pregnancy and lactation on brain neurogenesis in vivo. Methods: In vivo, experimental study using mice (Mus musculus) C57BL/6 as many as 60 brood mice (20 males and 40 females) and as many as 30 offspring mice. Mice broodstock were first mated to produce offspring. During pregnancy, the female mice were exposed to fluoride (NaF). Exposure of broodstock mice to NaF was divided into 0 mg/L, 50 mg/L, 100 mg/L, and 150 mg/L exposure groups. Expression of PSD-95 protein was carried out by immunohistochemical examination of mouse brain tissue. Data analysis was carried out with the help of SPSS using univariate and bivariate methods. Results: There was a decrease in the expression of PSD-95 with increasing exposure to NaF doses during pregnancy and lactation. Giving NaF at a dose of 50 mg/L did not decrease PSD-95 expression because the results were not different from the control. In contrast, the administration of NaF doses that can reduce the expression of PSD-95 are doses of 100 and 150 mg/L. Conclusion: Fluoride exposure during pregnancy contributed to a decrease in mice brain neurogenesis, as indicated by the expression of the PSD-95 protein in the hippocampus area

    The role of gut microbiota on cognitive development in rodents: a meta-analysis

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    Abstract Cognitive function includes learning, remembering and using acquired information. Emerging studies indicate the correlation between microbiota and cognitive function. Higher abundance of a specific gut microbiota, such as Bacteroidetes may improve cognitive abilities. However, another study reported different result. These results suggest that further systematic analysis is required to determine the effect of the gut microbiota abundance on cognitive development. The aim of this study is to summarize the abundance of the specific gut microbiota and cognitive development using meta-analysis. PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Clinical-Key were used as data bases to perform the literature search. Phylum Bacteroidetes, and family Lactobacillaceae were more abundant in cognitive-behavioral enhancement (CBE), whereas Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and family Ruminococcaceae were less abundant in CBE. Differences in gut microbiota abundance are influenced by differences in stage of cognitive dysfunction, intervention, and strain of gut microbiota