26 research outputs found

    A lean way of design and production for healthcare construction projects

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    As a consequence of the lack of solid conceptual foundation, the project management concepts and techniques usually applied within the construction sector are fragmented and have proved to be incapable of solving the complex problems of design management. As a result, healthcare providers have become frustrated with the outcomes such as cost and schedule overruns, accidents, less than expected quality and inadequate functionality. However, an investigation of successful healthcare projects reveals that new approaches have been developed to tackle such problems. This study uses recent data based on six construction projects. The idea is demonstrate how successful projects are dealing with the integration between design, production, and operations, through an appropriate approach to the management of production systems. The paper aims to assist the different parties of the AEC industry to better understand how practices applied into design phase could support the efficiency in the management of production systems

    Realising benefits in primary healthcare infrastructures

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    Purpose: This paper focuses upon the requirements to manage change, tangible and intangible benefits in a joint approach to deliver outputs on time, to quality and cost without failing to realise the benefits of the change. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate the need for benefits driven programme/project management as well as the importance of identifying the stakeholders’ level of involvement and contribution throughout the process, and manage their expectations. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology used is based on an action research approach, combining findings from a literature review and case studies within UK’s primary healthcare sector. Findings: Findings demonstrate development of a Benefits Realisation (BeReal) approach in healthcare through looking at case studies taking place within UK’s primary and acute healthcare sector Research limitations/implications: The framework development is based upon theoretical evidence and further research is needed to test and validate its robustness. Originality/value: The application of Benefits Realisation and Management in developing and delivering primary healthcare facilities. Keywords: Benefits management, Benefits realisation, healthcare infrastructures, process and LIF

    Lean Knowledge Management: The Problem of Value

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    Lean knowledge management is defined here as: getting the right information, in the right form, to the right people at the right time. This definition highlights series of practical problems for knowledge management in the built environment which, in turn, have implications for lean theory. In the terms of TFV theory, the problems that arise from getting information to the right people at the right time are essentially flow (F) issues, but those that are concerned with defining the right information and the form in which it is to be delivered are more concerned with value (V). Here, we focus primarily on the problem of defining right information. A distinction is made between sociological 'values' and economic 'value', showing how both relate to production theory. In the course of benefits capture and realisation, both values and value are negotiated between project participants and other stakeholders. It is argued that these processes are best conceived as conversations and that this is implied in the basic formulation of V theory. The notion of objectivity and its significance for these values/value negotiations is examined. The problem of benefits realisation is considered and a set of hypotheses are generated regarding the nature of an effective benefits realization management proces

    Overview of building information modelling in healthcare projects

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    In this paper, we explore how BIM functionalities together with novel management concepts and methods have been utilized in thirteen hospital projects in the United States and the United Kingdom. Secondary data collection and analysis were used as the method. Initial findings indicate that the utilization of BIM enables a holistic view of project delivery and helps to integrate project parties into a collaborative process. The initiative to implement BIM must come from the top down to enable early involvement of all key stakeholders. It seems that it is rather resistance from people to adapt to the new way of working and thinking than immaturity of technology that hinders the utilization of BIM

    A lean way of design and production for healthcare construction projects

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    As a consequence of the lack of solid conceptual foundation, the project management concepts and techniques usually applied within the construction sector are fragmented and have proved to be incapable of solving the complex problems of design management. As a result, healthcare providers have become frustrated with the outcomes such as cost and schedule overruns, accidents, less than expected quality and inadequate functionality. However, an investigation of successful healthcare projects reveals that new approaches have been developed to tackle such problems. This study uses recent data based on six construction projects. The idea is demonstrate how successful projects are dealing with the integration between design, production, and operations, through an appropriate approach to the management of production systems. The paper aims to assist the different parties of the AEC industry to better understand how practices applied into design phase could support the efficiency in the management of production systems

    Long-Term Economic Forecasting with Structured Analogies and Interaction Groups

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    In this study, we employ judgmental forecasting techniques, Structured Analogies and Interaction groups for long-term forecasting. The aim of the paper is not to evaluate forecasting accuracy per se but to highlight the potential of such techniques in this so complex and challenging task. The case study is about Saudi Arabia and its aim to adopt a diversification strategy to reduce its dependency on the oil sector, where oil revenue consists 90% of its budget currently. The study has four phases: Unaided Judgment, Structured Analogies, and Interaction Groups with Structured Analogies - all three using disguised data – before finally working on the undisguised case study under review over a significant amount of time. Adopting judgmental methods are attributed to three main reasons: in an attempt to derive long-term economic forecasts about Saudi Arabia’s ability to diversify its investments, to discover the impact of different factors on financial and economic outlooks, and to explore the main reasons for deviating the accuracy of financial and economic forecasts

    Managing benefits in the design of healthcare facilities in the UK

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    O sistema de saĂșde do Reino Unido tem passado por uma grande transformação, visando a melhoria e inovação do setor. Uma forte caracterĂ­stica desta mudança Ă© a descentralização das iniciativas e maior participação de agentes de saĂșde locais em decisĂ”es estratĂ©gicas e introdução do setor privado atravĂ©s de parcerias pĂșblico privadas que visam o desenvolvimento, construção e manutenção dos empreendimentos por longos perĂ­odos contratuais. Neste contexto, os empreendimentos de saĂșde sĂŁo desenvolvidos por uma complexa rede de agentes, com interesses distintos e muitas vezes conflitantes, alĂ©m de apresentarem pouca experiĂȘncia na realização deste processo. Estes fatores contribuem para uma mĂĄ gestĂŁo de requisitos e baixa qualidade de projeto. Com o intuito de contribuir para a melhoria da gestĂŁo desses empreendimentos, um modelo de gestĂŁo de benefĂ­cios vem sendo desenvolvido e implementado pela universidade de Salford. Este modelo visa auxiliar a gestĂŁo dos interesses das diversas partes envolvidas ao longo do ciclo de vida do empreendimento. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste artigo Ă© discutir como poderiam ser adotados os princĂ­pios da gestĂŁo de benefĂ­cios no processo de projeto destes empreendimentos. A presente pesquisa foi realizada atravĂ©s da participação dos autores no desenvolvimento do modelo, acompanhada de uma revisĂŁo de literatura sobre prĂĄticas adotadas no processo de projeto que consideram aspectos relacionados com a gestĂŁo de benefĂ­cios. Como resultado, sugere-se uma abordagem baseada em observaçÔes empĂ­ricas do processo de gestĂŁo de benefĂ­cios e no estudo das prĂĄticas existentes que consideram aspectos semelhantes aos da gestĂŁo de benefĂ­cios.Proposal: The healthcare system in the United kingdomis passing through transformation and change for improvement and innovation. Within this context, healthcare facilities are being developed in a complex multi-stakeholder environment, which usually have diverse and conflicting interests and no experience in design. This contributes for difficulties in managing their requirements, leading to low quality of design. Aiming to contribute for the management of these projects, a benefits management model is being developed and introduced in the sector by the University of Salford. This model intends to support the consideration of different stakeholders’ expectations in project development. In this sense, the aim of this paper was to bring discussions about how such approach could be adopted to support the design process within those projects. This research was developed through the participation on the model implementation, in addition to a literature review on benefits management and design approaches that are used in the UK and that could support benefits management in the design process. Main findings are related to a need for anticipating the participation of designers on project development and straightening the relationship between designers and decision makers. As a result, recommendations could be done to support benefits management throughout the design process. Key-words: Design process, project management, benefits realisatio

    Managing benefits in the design of healthcare facilities in the UK

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    Proposta: O sistema de saĂșde do Reino Unido tem passado por uma grande transformação, visando a melhoria e inovação do setor. Neste contexto, os empreendimentos de saĂșde sĂŁo desenvolvidos por uma complexa rede de agentes, pouco experientes no desenvolvimento desses empreendimentos. Tais agentes geralmente apresentam interesses distintos e muitas vezes conflitantes. Estes fatores contribuem para uma mĂĄ gestĂŁo de requisitos e baixa qualidade de projeto. Com o intuito de contribuir para a melhoria da gestĂŁo dos referidos empreendimentos, um modelo de gestĂŁo de benefĂ­cios vem sendo desenvolvido e implementado pela Universidade de Salford. Este modelo visa auxiliar a consideração dos interesses das diversas partes envolvidas no empreendimento. Neste sentido, o objetivo do presente artigo Ă© discutir como tal abordagem poderiaser adotada no processo de projeto em empreendimentos hospitalares. Metodologia de pesquisa/Abordagens: A presente pesquisa foi realizada atravĂ©s da participação dos autores no desenvolvimento do modelo, acompanhada de uma revisĂŁo de literatura sobre abordagens e ferramentas adotadas no processo de projeto no Reino Unido, com potencial contribuição para a consideração dos benefĂ­cios em tal processo. Resultados: Os principais resultados do artigo dizem respeito Ă  necessidade de antecipação da participação dos projetistas no desenvolvimento dos empreendimentos. Indica-se tambĂ©m a necessidade de uma relação mais estreita entre os projetistas e os agentes intervenientes que tomam as decisĂ”es chaves referentes ao empreendimento. ContribuiçÔes/ Originalidade: Dessa forma,recomendaçÔes foram formuladas para auxiliar a gestĂŁo de benefĂ­cios ao longo do processo de projeto.Proposal: The healthcare system in the United kingdomis passing through transformation and change for improvement and innovation. Within this context, healthcare facilities are beingdeveloped in a complex multi-stakeholder environment, which usually have diverse and conflicting interests and no experience in design. This contributes for difficulties in managing their requirements, leading to low quality of design. Aiming to contribute for the management of these projects, a benefits management model is being developed and introduced in the sector by the University of Salford. This model intends to support the consideration of different stakeholders’ expectations in project development. In this sense, the aim of this paper was to bring discussions about how such approach could be adopted to support the design process within those projects. This research was developed through the participation on the model implementation, in addition to a literature review on benefits management and design approaches that are used in the UK and that could support benefits management in the design process. Main findings are related to a need for anticipating the participation of designers on project development and straightening the relationship between designers and decision makers. As a result, recommendations could be done to support benefits management throughout the design process

    A case study on benefits realization and its contributions for achieving project outcomes

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    Value generation has been an increasing concern in the project management literature. It has been argued that the main challenge for generating value is no longer the design of a physical facility or asset, but the capability of understanding the project holistically and going beyond the physical facility to generate benefits that are aligned with strategic intent. Thus it has been suggested that projects should be understood as means of achieving agreed goals rather the simply delivery of outputs. Thus, this paper presents a case study that was carried out to analyse the contributions of the BeReal model on achieving agreed outcomes and goals. The BeReal model was developed by the University of Salford and was being implemented in a healthcare redevelopment programme in the UK. It was observed that the BeReal model was beneficial for the case study project in many ways: enabling a holistic understanding of value, enabling a dialogue about stakeholders’ expected outcomes; and providing means for accountability. Expected contributions of the model were not observed in its full extent. Two main reasons were identified, the adoption on a later stage of development and the team’s focus on complying with OGC procedures. While adopting the model from the earlier stages might be beneficial, the rigid structures commonly imposed to governmental projects might be a hinder to learning and continuous improvement

    Applications of lean thinking: a briefing document

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    This report has been put together by the Health and Care Infrastructure Research and Innovation Centre (HaCIRIC) at the University of Salford for the Department of Health. The need for the report grew out of two main simple questions, o Is Lean applicable in sectors other than manufacturing? o Can the service delivery sector learn from the success of lean in manufacturing and realise the benefits of its implementation?The aim of the report is to list together examples of lean thinking as it is evidenced in the public and private service sector. Following a review of various sources a catalogue of evidence is put together in an organised manner which demonstrates that Lean principles and techniques, when applied rigorously and throughout an entire organization/unit, they can have a positive impact on productivity, cost, quality, and timely delivery of services