38 research outputs found

    Computer Self-Efficacy, Cognitive Actions, and Metacognitive Strategies of High School Students While Engaged in Interactive Learning Modules

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate high school students’ computer self-efficacy, cognitive actions, and metacognitive strategies in a self-regulated learning (SRL) framework while utilizing an interactive learning module. The researcher hypothesized that computer self-efficacy is correlated positively with cognitive actions and metacognitive strategies while the students are engaged with interactive learning modules. This research used a mixed-methods approach to answer the research questions. Two research questions guided this research: (1) How is students’ computer self-efficacy related to cognitive actions and metacognitive strategies while using interactive learning modules?; and (2) How do students plan monitor their cognitive actions, and regulate their monitoring strategies during learning with interactive learning modules?This study utilized self-regulated learning framework that covered self-efficacy, cognitive, and metacognitive components. While self-efficacy was represented by computer self-efficacy, the metacognitive component was represented by planning, monitoring, and regulating strategies. Cognitive actions represent contextual activities while using interactive learning modules. One hundred and thirteen students from two high schools in Northern Utah, USA(i.e., InTech Collegiate High School and Logan High School) participated in this study. Each student worked on three modules: Boolean Logic, Minimum Spanning Tree, and Modeling Using Graphs. Due to the differences in class schedules between both schools, students at InTech Collegiate High School and Logan High School completed the activities within 2 and 4 days, respectively. Three different forms of data were gathered for analysis. These data included questionnaires, screen captured videos, and audio recordings of the interviews. The students completed three questionnaires: demographic, computer self-efficacy, and self-regulated computer-based learning questionnaires.The findings of the study revealed that while computer self-efficacy was not positively correlated with cognitive actions, it was positively correlated with metacognitive strategies. Specifically, the findings revealed a significant positive correlation between computer self-efficacy and planning strategies. Screen-captured video analyses showed that there were different profiles of cognitive actions and metacognitive strategies between high and low computer self-efficacy groups. The findings were confirmed by issues from interview analyses between the groups

    Evaluasi Aplikasi Media Pembelajaran Statistika Dasar Menggunakan Metode Usability Testing

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    Dalam mengembangkan suatu sistem, suatu prinsip utama yang dijadikan ukuran keberhasilan dari sistem tersebut ialah usability. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi Aplikasi Media Pembelajaran Statistika Dasar (AMPSD) serta memperoleh rekomendasi guna pengembangan selanjutnya. Evaluasi yang dilakukan, berfokus pada aspek usability yang terdiri dari efektivitas, efisiensi, dan kepuasan pengguna. Selanjutnya, rekomendasi yang diperoleh kemudian disusun menggunakan prinsip desain interaksi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode usability testing dengan target pengujian terdiri dari kelompok dosen dan mahasiswa sebanyak 30 responden. Selanjutnya, untuk mengukur tingkat kepuasan pengguna, digunakan kuesioner System Usability Scale (SUS). Hasil evaluasi yang dilakukan, menunjukkan bahwa AMPSD telah memenuhi tiga aspek usability, yaitu efektivitas, efisiensi, dan kepuasan pengguna. Hasil analisis terhadap tingkat efektivitas dan efisiensi penggunaan aplikasi menunjukkan bahwa baik pada kelompok dosen maupun mahasiswa, sukses (tidak mengalami kegagalan) dalam menyelesaikan tugas dengan lamanya waktu yang dibutuhkan dikategorikan sangat cepat. Selanjutnya, hasil analisis terhadap tingkat kepuasan pengguna menggunakan kuesioner SUS, menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi tersebut dapat diterima (acceptable). Rekomendasi yang diperoleh yaitu terkait dengan tampilan interface dan konten yang terdapat pada halaman beranda, game education, dan materi, dimana perlu dirancang kembali agar lebih memudahkan user dan tidak menimbulkan kejenuhan selama menggunakan aplikasi tersebut

    Designing Social Question-and-Answering Interaction Using Goal-Directed Design Method

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    A social question-and-answering (social Q&A) site is an online community where users can ask and answer questions to share their knowledge and all data are publicly accessible. The platform has caught its users’ attention and given them a new way in getting information from other users. However, the growth of social Q&A sites is still followed by some problems faced by its users. This study aims to develop an interaction design of social Q&A using goal-directed design (GDD) method. Compared to User-Centered Design method, the GDD has more specific process. The process accomplished in the development includes four phases: research, modeling, requirement definition, and framework definition. The research phase was done by conducting literature review and potential user interview. The modeling phase was carried out to explore behavior patterns, and combine them into user model. The requirement definition was conducted to determine product functionality and design. In this phase, user scenarios that describe how a persona uses the product were developed. The framework definition phase focused on an interaction framework which was conducted through six steps. The series of phases resulted in personas, scenarios, requirements, and wireframes of the product. Social Q&A product developed in the study is one that is specialized for asking and sharing information about studying abroad. The design was developed in the form of product wireframes and key path scenarios along with storyboards that describe interaction in the product. Key path scenarios were constructed based on tasks personas could perform in the product. Further works include developing visual design framework and conducting usability testing of the design to potential users

    Perancangan Dan Usability Evaluation Prototipe Informasi Akademik Menggunakan Metode Rapid Application Development

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    Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan dan mengevaluasi sebuah Sistem Informasi Akademik Berbasis Rapid Application Development (RAD) yang mempunyai database akademik yang real, sehingga memudahkan bagian akademik dalam mengelola nilai sesuai sistem yang ada serta dapat menghasilkan informasi yang akurat dan bermutu untuk menunjang proses penyelenggaraan pendidikan. Sistem Informasi Akademik dalam studi ini dikembangkan dengan metode RAD, yaitu metode pengembangan sistem informasi yang membutuhkan waktu yang relatif singkat. Dalam pengembangan sistem informasi yang normal biasanya memerlukan waktu minimal 60 hari, namun dengan menggunakan metode RAD, sistem dapat diselesaikan dalam waktu 30-60 hari. Tujuan utama menggunakan metode RAD adalah memberikan suatu sistem yang dapat memenuhi harapan dan kebutuhan dari user. Perancangan Dan Usability Evaluation Prototipe Sistem Informasi Akademik Menggunakan Metode RAD akan menggunakan konsep sistem database server yang mempunyai arsitektur Multitier yang terdiri dari Interface, Database Server dan Logic Server, sehingga sangat membantu dalam pengembangan sistem selanjutnya apabila terjadi perubahan regulasi atau aturan pada Akademi Ilmu Komputer (AIKOM) Ternate.Kata Kunci: Sistem Informasi Akademik, Rapid Application Development (RAD)Abstract: The objectives of this study are to develop and evaluate an Academic Information System Based on RAD that has a real academic database, thus facilitating the academic part in managing values according to the existing system and can produce accurate and quality information to support the process of implementing education. Academic Information System Using Rad (Rapid Application Development) developed with the RAD (Rapid Application Development) method, RAD is a method of developing information systems that require a relatively short time. In the development of a normal information system, it usually requires a minimum of 60 days, but by using the RAD method, the system can be completed within 30-60 days. The main purpose of using the RAD method is to provide a system that can meet the expectations and needs of the user. Design and Usability Evaluation of the Academic Information System Prototype Using the RAD Method will use a database server system concept that has a Multitier architecture consisting of Interface, Database Server and Logic Server, so it is very helpful in developing the next system if there is a change in regulation or rules at the Computer Science Academy (AIKOM) Ternate.Keywords: Academic Information System, Rapid Aplication Development (RAD

    Analisis Kesiapan Implementasi E-Learning Menggunakan E-Learning Readiness Model

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    The successful implementation of e-Learning in a college is influenced by many factors. One of these factors is the readiness of universities to use e-Learning in teaching and learning process. E-Learning Readiness (ELR) is an instrument developed by Aydin and Tasci to measure the level of readiness of e-Learning implementation in developing countries grouped into four factors: technology, innovation human, and self-development,. This study aims to determine the level of readiness of e-Learning implementation in teaching and learning process at Hasnur Polytechnic. The results showed that Hasnur Polytechnic is included in the ready category in applying e-learning but requires an improvement on several factors.Keberhasilan penerapan e-Learning pada suatu perguruan tinggi dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor.  Salah satu faktor tersebut adalah kesiapan perguruan tinggi untuk menggunakan e-Learning dalam proses belajar mengajar.  E-Learning Readiness (ELR) merupakan instrumen yang dikembangkan oleh Aydin dan Tasci untuk  mengukur tingkat kesiapan penerapan e-Learning di negara berkembang yang dikelompokkan dalam empat faktor yaitu teknologi, inovasi, manusia, dan pengembangan diri.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesiapan implementasi e-Learning dalam proses belajar mengajar di Politeknik Hasnur.  Hasil penelitian menujukkan Politeknik Hasnur termasuk dalam kategori siap dalam menerapkan e-learning tetapi membutuhkan peningkatan pada beberapa faktor

    Evaluating and Redesigning the Self-Monitoring Tool

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    In order to facilitate self-monitoring interventions designed by the Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia a web-based self-monitoring tool was created. This paper aims to evaluate the tool regarding its usability and user-experiences prior to its wide adoption. The System Usability Scale (SUS) and the User-Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) were used to evaluate the self-monitoring tool. The tool was implemented in a Human-Computer Interaction course during odd semesters, and the evaluations were taken by the participants of the course. The evaluation results were analysed to help determine whether the tool needs to be enhanced or improved. Based on the results, a new design of self-monitoring tool was developed using the interface design principles


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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of leadership style, motivation and compensation to employees performance of PT. Sumber Inti Pangan, Tangerang. Data taken in this research is 99 people taken by random sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire, and then the data obtained are analyzed. From the results of hypothesis testing and analysis using multiple linear regression analysis, it is evident that the leadership, motivation and compensation significant influence on employee performance. The variables that have the greatest influence on employee performance is leadership. With the results of this analysis, the company needs to further encourage and apply the appropriate leadership style because it proved instrumental in improving the performance of employees in addition to the need for the leadership of the company continue to pay attention to employee motivation as this will encourage a sense of pride and a sense of belonging and loyalty is high. The same was done to efforts to improve the provision of compensation, either directly or indirectly to improve employee performance

    Evaluating User Experience of a Mobile Health Application ‘Halodoc’ using User Experience Questionnaire and Usability Testing

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    This paper aims to evaluate the user experience of a mobile health application called Halodoc to keep the user using the application and keep from losing a potential source of revenue for Halodoc. Halodoc is one of the companies that use the internet to provide health services for its users. Halodoc has services such as features for consultation with doctors, online medicine purchases, and hospital appointments. Halodoc’s vision is to simplifying healthcare, but there are still many complaints and negative reviews about Halodoc on Google play store and Apple store about the usability. This paper uses a mixed-method approach using User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) and Usability Testing. The results of the analysis were used as a reference for making the improvement designs. The results of the UEQ evaluation showed accordingly to the UEQ benchmark already a good level of UX. However, the usability test uncovered some concrete areas for improvement


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    Sektor pariwisata sebagai kegiatan perekonomian telah menjadi andalan potensi dan prioritas pengembangan bagi sejumlah negara. Indonesia memiliki banyak destinasi wisata religi yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, bahkan Indonesia menempati peringkat ke-2 destinasi wisata halal dunia. Wisata halal memiliki cakupan yang lebih luas tidak hanya mendata tempat-tempat religi seperti Makam Walisongo yang selama ini telah dilakukan oleh para peziarah. Melainkan lebih mengedepankan aspek pelaku atau wisatawannya untuk memfasilitasi kebutuhan sesuai dengan adab Islam misalkan penginapan, makanan, dan transportasi umum. Penelitian ini berorientasi pada perancangan aplikasi wisata halal khususnya bidang religi berbasis android yang dapat memudahkan para wisatawan untuk mengakses informasi wisata halal. Penelitian ini diterapkan di kabupaten Jombang Jawa Timut dengan menggunakan Metode User Centered Design (UCD) yang merupakan paradigma baru dalam pengembangan sistem berbasis web. UCD juga sering disebut sebagai Human Centered Design (HCD). HCD adalah sebuah pendekatan pengembangan sistem interaktif yang secara khusus fokus untuk membuat sebuah sistem berguna. Teknologi pendataan informasi wisata halal menggunakan web service rest API with JSON sehingga bisa terintegrasi dengan sistem informasi pariwisata daerah milik Dinas Pariwisata. Dengan sistem yang terintegrasi diharapkan konsep Jombang Halal Smart City bisa terwujud sesuai dengan misi Kementrian Pariwisata Halal Tourism Indonesia