66 research outputs found

    Learning approaches of Indonesian EFL Gen Z students in a Flipped Learning context

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    The 21st-century learning has eventually transformed today’s classroom. With more digital natives in the class, both educators and students face a changing classroom that should accommodate different learning paces, styles and needs. This study aimed at helping students in becoming English as Foreign Language (EFL) competent in-service teachers. Using Flipped Learning, the study utilizes four FLIP pillars into EFL learning, namely Flexible environment, Learning culture, Intentional content, Professional educators. The study employed three instruments, namely survey, tests, and interview. The result of tests showed a promising students’ progress from low to high achievement. The survey showed that students tended to perform deep approaches to learning while findings from the interview provided more interesting phenomena underlying students’ motives in their learning approaches, involving dynamic power distance relationship between lecturer and students. Heavier task loads and learning model familiarity have been highlighted. Effective socialization of the model using technology and sustainability of use of the model are suggested

    E-Learning-mediated Instruction: Preparing Innovative and Work Ready English Materials for Nursing Assistant Students

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    This study aimed at developing e-learning-based English materials for Nursing Assistant students by employing Lee and Owen's R&D design model. The R&D model consists of need analysis, design, and development. The need analysis was conducted in a vocational school in North Bali, Indonesia, to gather suitable information from the stakeholders. The data were from observation, recording, interview, and expert judgment analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Results showed that Nursing assistant students needed specific English materials related to their future jobs. The designed materials comprised five units: General Assessment, Handling Patients, Patient's Hygiene, Checking Vital Signs, and Dimensions of Symptom. Using the criteria of good ESP material and good e-learning material, the developed materials are found to be in the excellent category. The study shows that Nursing assistant students need innovative and work-relevant materials. It is highly recommended to be utilized in the teaching and learning process

    EFL teachers’ challenges in promoting learner autonomy in the 21st-century learning

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    Teachers have a responsibility to help students become autonomous learners. However, in promoting learner autonomy, the teachers were faced with the challenges. This descriptive qualitative study aimed to describe the challenges in promoting learner autonomy in 21st-century learning faced by EFL teachers and their strategies. The data were collected through a semi-structured interview technique. Four qualified EFL junior high school teachers with at least five years of teaching experience in Singaraja Bali Indonesia were involved. The interview guideline was constructed based on the dimensions of policy constraints, institutional constraints, language teaching methodology, and learner's background. The interviews were transcribed and categorized into the table of identification based on the four dimensions. Finally, the data regarding the challenges and the strategies were interpreted, and the excerpts of the interview were provided.  The results show that the policy constraint identified in this study was due to the school zoning system. The institutional constraint was due to the unscheduled events. The language teaching methodology was due to the lack of knowledge of teaching strategy and different characteristics of students. Thus, in transforming the challenges into possibilities, some strategies were implemented, such as initiating activities, applying collaborative learning, and having good planning and time management.

    Exploring Students and Teachers’ Anxiety in Learning English During Emergency Remote Teaching in Vocational High School in Bangli

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    English is one of the languages that are used in universal and the important thing to all people learnt nowadays. As an EFL learner learning English is not easy especially in a pandemic situation. The students cannot study face to face and should change into emergency remote teaching. In doing the online learning the students find difficulties such as they have a limited time in learning. The aimed of this study is to explore the anxiety level of students and teachers in learning English during emergency remote teaching. Therefore, study through online learning is a new thing for them. The method of this study was quantitative to collect the data. The data was done by doing the survey and giving a questionnaire that was develop based on FLACS. The participants of this study are 183 students of 10th grade and 4 teachers of English language in vocational high school in Bangli. The result of this study showed that the students’ anxiety was mildly anxious or it can be indicated as a moderate level of anxiety and for the teachers was relaxed or it can be indicated as a low level of anxiety. It can be concluded that the students in learning English not enjoyed but not nervous it is in the middle. For the teacher, they really relaxed in teaching English during the emergency remote teaching

    TPS-Flipgrid: Transforming EFL speaking class in the 21st century

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    Innovative teaching model in the 21st century is of necessity because in this digital transformation era, lecturers deal with tech-savvy students. These students should be taught differently; it can be done by integrating teaching technique with newly-updated and technological-based media or platform. In English Education Study Program, the lecturer still made use of conventional technique and it was monotonous and uninteresting. The present qualitative research with case study design was mainly intended to fathom out the students’ perceptions and the benefits of implementing TPS-Flipgrid in EFL speaking class. The implementation of TPS-Flipgrid in the present qualitative research with case study design for the sake innovating EFL speaking class has brought the language learning into certain level. The research clearly figured out that the perception of the third semester students was positive. They thought that TPS-Flipgrid was an innovative and flexible teaching model; besides, this model could invite active involvement and equalize classroom and online face-to-face interaction. The teaching model has successfully improved the students’ speaking performances and their 21st century life skills such as collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking. Considering the significant results of applying TPS-Flipgrid, the implementation of this teaching model should be continuously carried out and improve

    North Bali Students’ Online Learning Self-Efficacy, Engagement, and Satisfaction

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    This study aimed to investigate the relationship among online learning self-efficacy, engagement, and students’ satisfaction in online learning. The design of this study was mixed-method research through surveys and open-ended interview with the purposive sampling technique. The quantitative data were analyzed using multiple regression. The respondents were 24 postgraduate students from North Bali, Indonesia. The quantitative data were analyzed using correlation and regression techniques, and an open-ended interview was conducted. The research results showed a positive correlation between online learning self-efficacy, engagement, and students’ satisfaction. The study concludes that students’ satisfaction can be enhanced by increasing students’ online learning self-efficacy and engagement either individually or simultaneously. The implication of this study revealed that strategies in self-efficacy and engagement during learning-related emotions could play a mediating role in academic satisfaction. Additionally, learning-related emotion impacts the metacognitive learning procedures, which thus intervene the impact of satisfaction in online learning


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    Facilitation strategies provided in asynchronous online discussion environment becomes essential aspects in learning. This present study was a case study aimed at exploring EFL students’ perception on facilitation strategies provided in asynchronous online discussion in terms of monitoring, feedback and scoring rubric implemented in the online discussion. Questionnaire was administered to one hundred students and interview was conducted to six voluntary students who were enrolled in courses with asynchronous online discussion. The result indicated that students’ perception on the facilitation strategies provided in asynchronous online discussion was neutral which indicated that facilitation provided by teachers did not become the main preference for the students in asynchronous online discussion. Students perceived teachers’ monitoring positively since the students need more guidances to understand the concept as well as to indicate that their participation is apprecited by the teachers. Meanwhile, students had neutral perception toward feedback and scoring rubric provided in asynchronous online discussion. They perceived that feedback and scoring rubric are not essential elements that influence their participation in asynchronous online discussion. Furthermore, it implied that the facilitation strategies provided in asynchronous online discussion has to enable teacher to check students progress and to motivate students to engage in asynchronous online discussion

    Screencast-O-Matic to Support EFL Teaching and Learning Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 situation causes a sudden and unexpected shift of face-to-face pedagogy to emergency remote teaching mode. In that transition, teachers often do not have enough space and time to explore various technology to support their teaching and learning practices that should be done flexibly in multiple places and times. In response, the primary purposes of this article are to introduce a technology tool called Screencast-O-Matic (SOM), its potentials, and possible practices of using SOM that EFL lecturers might adopt for their teaching and learning purposes, specifically in the current pandemic era. Some of the practices discussed in this paper are the use of SOM to: record a video lecturer on how to write a paper following an APA format, give video-based feedback to students’ work, make a digital video presentation, and be a digital mirror that helps students review their speaking performance before they do an actual video presentation. The discussions of the paper are supported by some of the authors’ actual experiences in using SOM in their classrooms, related research findings, and literature. Ideas for future research are presented


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    Within the 21st century learning framework, pupils are demanded to argue more reasonably over massive information that they receive. This study was conducted due to the imperative function of argumentative writing skill within this century by utilizing innovative argumentative writing approaches combined with screencasting and bookcreating projects. Involving 31 sophomores in English Language Education Study Program, a descriptive qualitative research design was utilized. Their progress in argumentative writing classroom and views were gauged to reach the conclusion. Threefold methods of collecting data were administered; observation, interview, and questionnaire. The collected data from, afterwards, were filtered, presented, analysed and verified. It was found that the use of process approach combined with Screencast-o-matic and Bookcreator had crucial contribution in argumentative writing development. The participants responded positively towards the implementation of process approach combined with Screencast-o-matic and Bookcreator
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