202 research outputs found

    Contribución al conocimiento de los Calliphoridae y Sarcophagidae sarcosaprófagos presentes en un agrosistema del sureste de la Península Ibérica

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    Se presenta un listado de 11 especies de Calliphoridae y Sarcophagidae capturados en la estación Biológica Torretes situada en el término municipal de Ibi y colindante con el Parque Natural del Carrascal de la Font Roja, al norte de la provincia de Alicante. Los ejemplares fueron obtenidos tras un muestreo de 72 horas mediante el empleo de diversas trampas cebadas con hígado de cerdo y carcasas de pollo evisceradas, en una zona de pinar y en una zona soleada de cultivo. También se indica la distribución actualizada de las especies capturadas en España y una síntesis sobre los aspectos más importantes sobre su bionomía.A list of 11 species of Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae captured at Torretes Biological Station located in the town of Ibi and adjacent to the Natural Park of Font Roja in the north of the province of Alicante is presented. The specimens were obtained over a 72 hours sampling by baited traps with pork liver and eviscerated chicken carcasses in a pine forest area and in a crop sunny area. The current distribution of the species captured in Spain, and a summary of the most important aspects of their bionomics is also detailed.Este trabajo ha sido apoyado por el Progama Alßan, (Programa de Becas de Alto Nivel para América Latina, No. E06D101359VE) y parcialmente financiado por los proyectos GV/2011/039 (Generalitat Valenciana) y GRE09-27 (Universidad de Alicante)

    Protophormia terraenovae (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830) (Diptera, Calliphoridae) A new forensic indicator to south-western Europe

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    Protophormia terraenovae larvae are found frequently on corpses in central and northern Europe but are scarce in the Mediterranean area. We present the first case in the Iberian Peninsula where P. terraenovae was captured during autopsies in Madrid (Spain). In the corpse other necrophagous flies were found, Lucilia sericata, Chrysomya albiceps and Sarcophaga argyrostoma. To calculate the posmortem interval, the life cycle of P. terraenovae was studied at constant temperature, room laboratory and natural fluctuating conditions. The total developmental time was 16.61±0.09 days, 16.75±4.99 days in the two first cases. In natural conditions, developmental time varied between 31.22±0.07 days (average temperature: 15.6oC), 15.58±0.08 days (average temperature: 21.5oC) and 14.9±0.10 days (average temperature: 23.5oC). Forensic importance and the implications of other necrophagous Diptera presence is also discussed.Las larvas de Protophormia terraenovae se encuentran con frecuencia asociadas a cadáveres en el centro y norte de Europa pero son raras en el área Mediterránea. Presentamos el primer caso en la Península Ibérica donde se han recolectado larvas de P. terraenovae en autopsias efectuadas en Madrid (Spain). Otras especies necrófagas fueron recolectadas del cadáver, Lucilia sericata, Chrysomya albiceps y Sarcophaga argyrostoma. Para estimar el intervalo postmortem, se estudió el ciclo biológico de P. terraenovae a temperatura constante, en condiciones de laboratorio y bajo condiciones naturales variables. El tiempo total de desarrollo fue 16.61±0.09 días, 16.75±4.99 días para los dos primeros casos. En condiciones naturales, el tiempo total de desarrollo varió entre 31.22±0.07 días (temperatura media: 15.6oC), 15.58±0.08 días (temperatura media: 21.5oC) y 14.9±0.10 días (temperatura media: 23.5oC). Se discuten tanto la importancia forense como las implicaciones de otros dípteros necrófagos presentes en el estudio.Partial financial support was partially provided by the European Commission [LIFE05 ENV/E/000302], University of Alicante [GRE09-27] and the Regional Ministry of the Generalitat Valenciana [GV/2011/039]

    Revision of the Afrotropical genus Fainia Zumpt, 1958, with notes on the morphology of Rhiniidae subfamilies (Diptera, Oestroidea)

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    The taxonomy and diversity of Fainia Zumpt, 1958, an exclusive Afrotropical genus, had not been reviewed recently. The genus included six nominal species, but the status of several of them was debated. Identification of most Fainia species depends on characters of the male terminalia; females are poorly known and, in several cases, are not adequately diagnosed. We conducted a taxonomic revision of the genus and generated identification tools. Based on the study of type material and specimens available in entomological collections in Africa and Europe, we recognise here three of the six species as valid (F. albitarsis (Macquart, 1846), F. elongata (Bezzi, 1908) and F. inexpectata Zumpt, 1973). We also provide an identification key to both sexes, redescriptions of the species, updated distribution records and high resolution photographs of males’ and females’ habitus and male terminalia. The description of Fainia kagerana Lehrer, 2007a nom. nud. is an invalid nomenclatural act in terms of ICZN Article 13.1.1. Based on examinations of their holotypes, F. sambura Lehrer, 2008 syn. nov. is proposed as a junior synonym of F. albitarsis; F. kirinyaga Lehrer, 2007b syn. nov. is proposed as a junior synonym of F. inexpectata; and Fainia giriama Lehrer, 2007b is moved from the genus Fainia to the genus Rhinia Robineau-Desvoidy, as Rhinia giriama (Lehrer, 2007b) comb. nov.. We propose two apomorphies that support the status of the subfamily Rhiniinae.This work was partially funded by the H2020 Research and Innovation Staff Exchange Programme of the European Commission (RISE), project 645636: ‘Insect-plant relationships: insights into biodiversity and new applications’ (FlyHigh); by the International PhD Title Grant of the University of Alicante; and the Bøje Benzons Foundation Grant from the Natural History Museum of Denmark

    Phenotypic variation of the housefly, Musca domestica: amounts and patterns of wing shape asymmetry in wild populations and laboratory colonies

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    Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae) is a vector of a range variety of pathogens infecting humans and animals. During a year, housefly experiences serial population bottlenecks resulted in reduction of genetic diversity. Population structure has also been subjected to different selection regimes created by insect control programs and pest management. Both environmental and genetic disturbances can affect developmental stability, which is often reflected in morphological traits as asymmetry. Since developmental stability is of great adaptive importance, the aim of this study was to examine fluctuating asymmetry (FA), as a measure of developmental instability, in both wild populations and laboratory colonies of M. domestica. The amount and pattern of wing shape FA was compared among samples within each of two groups (laboratory and wild) and between groups. Firstly, the amount of FA does not differ significantly among samples within the group and neither does it differ between groups. Regarding the mean shape of FA, contrary to non-significant difference within the wild population group and among some colonies, the significant difference between groups was found. These results suggest that the laboratory colonies and wild samples differ in buffering mechanisms to perturbations during development. Hence, inbreeding and stochastic processes, mechanisms dominating in the laboratory-bred samples contributed to significant changes in FA of wing shape. Secondly, general patterns of left–right displacements of landmarks across both studied sample groups are consistent. Observed consistent direction of FA implies high degrees of wing integration. Thus, our findings shed light on developmental buffering processes important for population persistence in the environmental change and genetic stress influence on M. domestica.This work was supported in part by the Ministry of Science of Serbia (Dynamics of gene pool, genetic and phenotypic variability of populations, determined by the environmental changes, no. 173012), and the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development (Molecular and phenotypic diversity of taxa of economical and epidemiological importance, and endangered and endemic species in Europe). This study was partially funded by project LIFE-ECODIPTERA (LIFE05-ENV/E/000302)

    Visions of primary school teachers on the creation and use of digital teaching materials in classrooms

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    Mª Belén San Nicolás Santos. Universidad de La Laguna - 0000-0002-8884-638XAnabel Bethencourt Aguilar. Universidad de La Laguna - 0000-0002-3823-0835Recepción: 10/10/2019 | Aceptado: 03/12/2019Correspondencia a través de ORCID: Mª Belén San Nicolás - 0000-0002-8884-638XCon el auge de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), surgen diferentes tipos de Materiales Didácticos Digitales (MDD) que se incorporan al abanico de recursos didácticos que el profesorado puede utilizar en las aulas. El objetivo de esta comunicación es analizar la valoración que hacen los docentes de estos materiales, por lo que se plantea el análisis de tres entrevistas grupales en las que se aborda su importancia, las preferencias del profesorado y del alumnado, la valoración que realizan del libro digital, cuáles son las características de los MDD que utilizan y cuáles son sus principales ventajas y dificultades. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio cualitativo sobre la visión del profesorado en el uso y creación de MDD. En estas entrevistas grupales participaron un total de diez docentes de Educación Primaria de la comunidad autónoma de Canarias. Algunas de las conclusiones más destacadas se centran en las dificultades técnicas como la conectividad o la obsolescencia de los equipos tecnológicos disponibles en el centro. A pesar de ello, el profesorado reconoce el potencial de los recursos digitales por el impacto en la motivación del alumnado, por su carácter novedoso y sus posibilidades interactivas.Abstract: With the rise of information and communication technologies (ICT), different types of digital teaching materials (MDD) emerge that are incorporated into the range of teaching resources that teachers can use in classrooms. The objective of this communication is to analyze the evaluation made by teachers of these materials, so the analysis of three group interviews in which their importance is discussed, the preferences of teachers and students, the evaluation they make of the digital-book, which they are the characteristics of the MDD they use and what are their main advantages and difficulties. To this end, a qualitative study was carried out on the teachers' vision in the use and creation of MDD. A total of ten primary school teachers from the autonomous community of the Canary Islands participated in these group interviews. Some of the most prominent conclusions focus on technical difficulties such as connectivity or obsolescence of the technological equipment available at the center. Despite this, teachers recognize the potential of digital resources for the impact on student motivation, for its innovative nature and interactive possibilities

    A facile Shape-Controlled Synthesis of highly photoactive Fluorine containing TiO2 nanosheets with high {001} facet exposure

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    Surface fluorinated TiO2 materials with high {001} facet exposure were prepared by a simple and high yield preparation procedure. Faceted/fluorinated samples showed a high photocatalytic performance not only in oxidation processes, tested inphenol and Methyl Orange degradation, but also in a reduction process as Cr(VI) photoreduction. Reaction rates for these materials greatly exceeded the ones obtained for materials prepared without Fluorine addition and for commercial TiO2 Degussa (Evonik) P25 used as reference photocatalyst. A broad characterisation of the samples allowed us to estimate the percentages of different facets and the amount and form in which the fluorine is found on the surfaces. Good photocatalytic behavior can be ascribed to both high {001} facet exposure and adsorbed fluorine on the photocatalysts surfacesMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad CTQ2015-64664-C2-2-

    Marketing multinivel vs. Estafa piramidal: ¿un negocio redondo?

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    Important precision of differences between multilevel business, corresponding to network marketing and financial pyramid; both boosted by the speed of social networks globally, to determine the existence of a criminal offense in each case. A review is proposed from the point of view of the user at a general level regarding the competencies of public bodies in which they could - or not - generate an impact; our second point of view is regarding the company itself and the need for responsibility, ethics and transparency; and finally our third point of view is from the Peruvian regulator.Importante precisión de diferencias entre negocio multinivel, correspondiente a marketing de redes y pirámide financiera; ambos potenciados por la velocidad de redes sociales a nivel global, para determinar la existencia de un ilícito penal en cada caso. Se propone una revisión desde el punto de vista del usuario a nivel general respecto de las competencias de los organismos públicos en los cuales podrían - o no - generar algún impacto; nuestro segundo punto de vista es respecto de la propia empresa y la necesidad de responsabilidad, ética y transparencia; y finalmente nuestro tercer punto de vista es desde el regulador peruano

    South African nose flies (Diptera, Calliphoridae, Rhiniinae): taxonomy, diversity, distribution and biology

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    Rhiniinae (Diptera, Calliphoridae) is a taxon of nearly 400 known species, many of them termitophilous. Approximatelly 160 valid species in 16 genera are Afrotropical, with over 60 of them occurring in South Africa. The taxonomy of this group is outdated, as most studies of the South African taxa were conducted 40 to 70 years ago (mostly by Salvador Peris and Fritz Zumpt). Published information on their biology and ecology is also scarce.An annotated checklist of 73 species of Rhiniinae for South Africa was developed, based on the holdings of sixteen entomological collections in Africa, Europe and North America. Over 3,700 specimens were examined, revealing nine new species records for South Africa (Cosmina undulata Malloch, 1926, Isomyia cuthbertsoni (Curran, 1938), Rhyncomya botswana Zumpt, 1974, R. tristis Séguy, 1933, Stomorhina apta Curran, 1931, S. malobana (Lehrer, 2007), Thoracites kirkspriggsi Kurahashi, 2001, Th. sarcophagoides Kurahashi, 2001 and Trichoberia lanata (Villeneuve, 1920)). We propose one new combination Eurhyncomyia metzi (Zumpt, 1981) comb. nov. (= Rhyncomya metzi Zumpt, 1981)). Additionally, evidence is presented to remove Rhyncomya viduella Villeneuve, 1927 stat. rev. from synonymy with Rhyncomya cassotis (Walker, 1849). Relevant novel biological and seasonality information, historical occurrence maps and high-definition photographs for each species are compiled

    Pig manure treatment with housefly (Musca domestica) rearing – an environmental life cycle assessment

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    The largest portion of a product’s environmental impacts and costs of manufacturing and use results from decisions taken in the conceptual design phase long before its market entry. To foster sustainable production patterns, applying life cycle assessment in the early product development stage is gaining importance. Following recent scientific studies on using dipteran fly species for waste management, this paper presents an assessment of two insect-based manure treatment systems. Considering the necessity of manure treatment in regions with concentrated animal operations, reducing excess manure volumes with the means of insects presents a potentially convenient method to combine waste reduction and nutrient recovery. An analytical comparison of rearing houseflies on fresh and pre-treated pig manure is reported with reference to agricultural land occupation, water and fossil depletion potential. Based on ex-ante modelled industrial scale rearing systems, the driving factors of performance and environmentally sensitive aspects of the rearing process have been assessed. Expressed per kg manure dry matter reduction, the estimated agricultural land occupation varied between 1.4 and 2.7 m2yr, fossil depletion potential ranged from 1.9 to 3.4 kgoil eq and the obtained water depletion potential was calculated from 36.4 to 65.6 m3. System improvement potential was identified for heating related energy usage and water consumption. The geographical context and the utility of the co-products, i.e. residue substrates and insect products, were determined as influential variables to the application potential of this novel manure treatment concept. The results of this study, applied at the earliest stages of the design of the process, assist evaluation of the feasibility of such a system and provide guidance for future research and development activities.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 312084 (PROteINSECT)
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